Ye Renliu pretended to be leading the way normally, but her body was still trembling slightly.

She was clearly on her way home, so she should feel relaxed, but every step she took felt like there were iron chains wrapped around her feet, dragging an iron ball stained with blood, which was extremely heavy.

what to do! what to do!

It's almost there! Still can't help it!

She had tried her best to take detours on the road, but time did not give her a chance. She was still less than one kilometer away from the village of the Ye Ren clan.

Countless ways flashed through her mind, but when she thought about the opponent's strength, everything she did was useless.

Ye Renliu's abnormality was naturally noticed by Lin Yi, but he was confused as to why the other party was so afraid of him.

After shaking hands with him, Ye Renliu felt a deep fear of him deep in his eyes.

He was clearly in a coma just now, but he didn't do anything, and he didn't look that scary.

Apu: Maybe I think you are the strongest one.

Apu lay on Lin Yi's right shoulder and complained about nothing.

It makes sense. A human being with three peak leader-level true dragons is indeed terrifying.

The question is, can Ye Renliu see the identity of Apu and the others as real dragons?

The real dragons in this world are all legendary existences, and you will never see such existences in your life until you reach a certain level.

At this moment, Chi Hui, A Pu and Xi Bing were all lying on Lin Yi, Chi Hui was lying on his head, A Pu was on the right, and Xi Bing was on the left shoulder.

After he recovered a little, these three guys all leaned on him and refused to get down and leave on their own.

With the support of the three dragons, his recovery ability is not weak, but it is not to the extent that he can heal the wound. He still needs the assistance of external drugs to do so.

In this way, Lin Yi and Sanlong followed Ye Renliu for about three minutes and then stopped.

In front of Lin Yi is a sea of ​​flowers, a vast and boundless sea of ​​flowers.

But the strange thing is that this sea of ​​flowers that appears among the giant trees has only one color.

Light green flowers form the waves of the forest, a pure sea of ​​flowers.

The wind blows the flowers, but there is no scent of flowers.

Ye Renliu looked at the sea of ​​flowers in front of him and hesitated for a moment, then walked towards one of the flowers and squatted down in front of it.

She slowly stretched out her right hand, and the leaf that was close to her skin stretched out and fell on the flower.

Three slender filaments rise from the stamens and penetrate into the leaves of the leaf blade six.

The vague and profound vein lines on the colloidal leaves gradually light up, lighting up the entire colloidal leaf.

The glow dimly lit up on Ye Renliu's arm, bringing with it a hint of holiness.

Lin Yi and Sanlong watched Ye Renliu's movements very attentively, thinking about what the other party was going to do next.

He suddenly noticed that the sea of ​​flowers in front of him was rapidly growing in size, and soon turned into flowers reaching into the sky.

The sunlight penetrates through the gaps between the flowers, carving out a path of light and shadow on the new soil, spreading under the sea of ​​flowers.

One flower, one world, the world begins when the flower dies, and the world disappears when the flower dies.

Lin Yi looked at the fairy tale-like scene in shock.

The early morning dew dripped from the lace, bouncing off the delicate leaves, and then dripped into the cracks in the soil, accumulating a clear river.

The rising mist shines like a veil over Sleeping Beauty's face in the sunlight.

The reality is intangible.

The long leaves hanging down are like the solid walls of a fortress, surrounding a city under the flowers among the flower columns.

This is the village of the Ye Ren clan, Luohua Village.

Are their bodies getting smaller?

Lin Yi looked around. Both the trees and flowers had grown countless times in size, but he was still stepping on the normal soil.

Apu: It’s not that we have become smaller. That flower is connected to another space. We are in a secret realm.

Apu, who possesses extraordinary knowledge, quickly sensed the strangeness of space.

Na Bing looked up curiously. Compared to Apu and Chi Hui, it was born later and has never seen many things.

Everything in this world is very new to it.

Chi Hui didn't react at all and slept on his stomach, smiling happily from time to time.

It seems like I am having a food dream.

Ahead is the village where our family lives.

Ye Renliu kept a respectful smile and continued to walk forward with Lin Yi Sanlong, walking in the sea of ​​flowers with light and shadow.

Just when the group of people reached the bank of the Dew River, a leaf slowly fell down and rested on both banks, and a natural leaf bridge appeared in front of everyone.

Stepping onto Yeqiao, what you feel under your feet is not a soft feeling, but a feeling of stepping on granite.

It's really a strange experience. The flowers and leaves can become so hard. Is it because of the secret realm or the special nature of these flowers?

At this time, a leaf in the wall of leaves that formed the barrier rolled up, revealing the world behind the leaf.

The long light green hair is dyed with some white highlights, and the hunting outfit made of snake skin clings tightly to the skin, outlining the small but powerful muscle lines.

The white snake bones were carved into some kind of ritual pattern and buckled at the joints of the hunting attire.

The light golden leaves on both sides form a crown to be worn on the head of the leader. The aura of the king is harmoniously integrated with nature.

Those weathered eyes were like tranquil water, unable to stir up any water under any circumstances.

The person who came was none other than Ye Renyi, the leader of the Ye Ren clan.

Following him was a team of ten Ye Ren escorts, and the aura coming from them all reached the level of a commander.


Are all the Ye Ren clan so strong?

The Ye Ren he has seen so far are all at the leader level, and the aura of the Ye Ren in front of him, who seems to be the strongest, has reached the advanced stage leader level.

The strength of the demon clan does not grow very fast. Compared with its long lifespan, it often takes a longer time to reach the next level.

Of course, monsters with weaker bloodline grow faster than monsters with stronger bloodline, but those in the same realm are also weaker.

Human lifespan is really a drop in the ocean compared to monsters, but the speed at which humans become stronger cannot be matched by monsters.

This is why there are still human kingdoms in the world established on this planet where demons are everywhere.

Generations of strong men are protecting the pure land of mankind and fighting against demons for the future. Hope has always been passed on among mankind.

The Leaf Blade clan has very obvious human facial features. Although the Inhumans also have such characteristics, they do not have human blood.

But the feeling brought to him by the Ye Ren clan was very different, and he could vaguely feel the breath of human beings.

Apu, who was lying on Lin Yi's shoulder, was also looking at Ye Renyi at this moment.

Especially the crown-like leaf, there is a smell of dragon on it.

There’s another chapter today, I’m going to show it off by the way, I’ll update it later after a break

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