Versatile Mage: Imperial Dragon Emperor

Chapter 226 Bullying the dragon too much!


Not afraid of being beaten yet?

The three dragons had long sensed that it was the unknown creature approaching them.

A large area has fallen on the ground. How dare you provoke them?

Ye Renqi saw the impatience with her in Sanlong's eyes and the air became heavy, so he quickly used gestures to express that he had no hostility.

But her behavior misunderstood Apu and Xi Bing, because in the comics they read in their spare time, there were also examples of using gestures to release attacks.

Yu Bing: It's ninjutsu!

Xi Bing's eyes seemed to be shining, and she was eagerly waiting for Ye Renqi to attack.

Apu: Idiot! It must be witchcraft!

Chi Hui: Huh?

Apu angrily flicked Na Bing's head with his tail. Red electricity jumped between his paws. This time he was going to numb Ye Renqi directly.


Red thunder and lightning surrounded Ye Renqi with fangs and claws, and the sudden sound made Apu's claws stop.

Even the thunder and lightning turned into question marks vividly.

I saw a woman wearing human female clothes. The long leaves on her ears were wrapped around her slender neck like a silk scarf, and the long leaves on her wrists were close to the long green sleeves.

It seems as if the whole spring is evolving on it. Different from Ye Renqi, the edges of her long leaves are faintly bright and golden, making it look more noble, and the overall body is closer to human beings.

Her hot figure makes her look like an elf in the moonlight, so beautiful and proud.

Strong men of the Dragon Clan, please show mercy.

Ye Renliu stopped in front of Ye Renqi, knelt down on one knee to show respect, and pulled Ye Renqi to kneel down with him.

A powerful dragon?

Talk about us?

The three dragons looked at each other for a few times. No one usually treated them with such respect. This sudden treatment made them a little confused.

Ye Renliu lowered his head, waiting for the orders from the three powerful dragon men in front of him. The sweat on his forehead slowly flowed across his delicate face.

She once left the Forest of Ye Yuan and traveled to the outside world, so she knew the temper of the Dragon Clan very well.

Those Yalongs regarded other creatures as inferior species, not to mention the three powerful dragons in front of them.

The sense of oppression it brought was far more astonishing than any other dragon she had ever seen, and it was obvious that its bloodline was very high.

Ye Renliu did not think of going to the true dragon level. The dragons at that level were all powerful people on the planet, but they were not existences she could see.

Xi Bing and Chi Hui: Are you coming?

Apu: Let me do it.

I won't embarrass you, but you have to explain your origins.

A very fluent human voice came from Apu's mouth. This was because it was also speaking human language when it heard Ye Renliu coming, so it used this to communicate.

It is not surprising that Ye Renliu would choose to speak human language to communicate with them. After all, Lin Yi was lying not far away, and he could think with his toes that they could understand human language.

Communication between demons and monsters of each group is very troublesome. After all, they cannot understand what the other party is saying.

It couldn't understand the language Ye Renqi spoke in the previous battle.

There are as many demon words as there are demons. This is profound!

Chi Hui: When did you learn to speak human language?

There was great doubt in Chi Hui's little eyes?

Apu: (O) You can’t? Grandma will do it.

Chi Hui looked at Xi Bing in disbelief.

Yu Bing: Don't look at it, you don't know how.

Xi Bing told Chi Hui this cruel fact in fluent human language.

Chi Hui: Huh?

Everyone is a dragon! Why are you trying to get me involved? Woohoo (┯_┯), we agreed to lie down together!

Chi Hui flew aside in despair and drew circles on the ground with his claws, which was visibly depressed to the naked eye.

Xi Bing pointed there helplessly.

Apu: Don’t worry about it. Just tell it to eat and sleep every day, and eat when it sleeps. Lin Yi has spoiled it!

Which one.

Ye Renliu looked at the dramatic changes in front of him and didn't know whether to answer.

Oh, it's okay, just keep talking.


The Ye Ren clan came to the Ye Yuan Forest five hundred years ago and settled here. Since the environment here was very suitable for the growth of their clan, they no longer changed their residence.

The most important feature of their clan is the leaf-like organs that grow on the ears, wrists and ankles.

They call it leaf.

The longer the leaf is, the stronger the strength is and the higher the status in the clan. The number after the race also symbolizes their ranking of strength in the clan.

The strongest one is their clan leader Ye Renyi. According to human levels, the clan leader's strength is only at the level of the leader in the advancement stage.

Once surpassed by others, the number behind the name will also change. The most special thing is that the Ye Ren clan only has females and no males.

But their family has a very special inheritance method, so they don't worry about the continuation of the race.

As for the commander level in the advancement stage, you can choose it casually, and there is not much danger.

Are there any other races living in this forest?

There is also the Abyssal Snake clan, but their number is very small and they usually live on the edge of the forest.

It turns out that those snakes that taste pretty good are called abyssal snakes. Let’s catch some before leaving.

Ye Renliu glanced at Lin Yi who was leaning against the tree, and then took the initiative to speak.

Our clan has healing medicines that can help the three strong men heal their human companions, in order to make up for our clan's disrespect for you.

Ye Renliu's suggestion reached Sanlong's heart. When they were at the northern corner of Zhuoyuan, the drug inventory had long been exhausted in order to heal Lin Yi's previous injuries.

Because of his own condition, Lin Yi refused to go to places with people, which caused their medical supplies to be seriously insufficient.

When Chi Hui was injured, he licked his own saliva to speed up healing.

Lin Yi had just been beaten by them again. His body was injured by lightning strikes, frostbite caused by ice and snow, and physical injuries caused by Chi Hui. His skin was purple.

Although Lin Yi's self-healing ability is also very strong, don't let him heal on his own, as this will make them particularly irresponsible.

Okay, lead the way.

After Apu thought for a while, he agreed to Ye Renliu.

Seven, you take all those fainted leaf blades back, and I will take the respected guests to the clan.


Ye Renliu made a move to lead the way. After seeing this, Apu asked Xi Bing to carry Lin Yi on his back. As the leader, he was ready to scare the opponent more.

Yu Bing: Trouble!

Ni Bing definitely didn't want to be a coolie, so he flew next to Chi Hui who was still doubting himself.

Yu Bing: Back, Lin Yi.

Facing the words of Xi Bing, Chi Hui did not react at all. Xi Bing felt that he could see a dark patch on Chi Hui's head.

The ice cubes condensed on the tail and turned into a meteor hammer that hit Chi Hui's head, making a buzzing sound.

Chi Hui: What are you doing!

Xi Bing: Carry him.

Xi Bing pointed at Lin Yi.

Chi Hui: Isn’t it too much!

Na Bing: You usually eat the most, so go ahead.

Amount (︶︿︶) = convex

Unable to refute

The miserable Chi Hui dragged Lin Yi to fly up, but it didn't get bigger, and the force was completely uneven. If he didn't pay attention, Lin Yi fell down and buried his face in the soil.

Yu Bing: I told him everything after I woke up.

Chi Hui: (д`)

It's late. I have to defend myself recently and am getting busy again. Alas.

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