Versatile Mage: Imperial Dragon Emperor

Chapter 221 The Emblem of Broken Fate

Lin Yi dispersed the blood brake and maintained the ultimate dragon transformation, which had already consumed almost all of his summoning magic energy.

There are no other soul fluctuations. It seems that that guy is gone. Two such weak people can actually make him lose once.

Sure enough, I still want it.


Lin Yi's thoughts were interrupted by a dragon roar, and he looked at Apu and Xi Bing who were still trapped in the Dragon Locking Well.

I almost forgot, this guy has two dragons outside.

Sealed magic tools generally have extra magic energy to continue working, but some also lose their effect after the death of the bound person.

Obviously Suolongjing belongs to the former, as Jason continued to work after his death.

Lin Yi walked to the Dragon Locking Well, and both Apu and Xi Bing looked at him warily.

Don't be so nervous. In a sense, I am also Lin Yi.

Roar! Roar!

These words did not make Apu and Xi Bing let down their guard. Even if the two dragons were now isolated from each other and could not communicate directly with Lin Yi, they could still feel that the Lin Yi in front of them was different from the Lin Yi they usually get along with. personal.

It's so sad that I planned to rescue you.

Lin Yi put his hands on the dragon-locking well where Apu and Xi Bing were trapped.

Strange patterns appeared on the palms of the hands, and then an irregular abyss hole appeared on each side.

The Dragon Well that was still rotating rapidly began to slow down, and the energy contained in it was being rapidly extracted.

After the last trace of energy was extracted, the rotating locking dragon well disintegrated and fell to the ground.

At this moment, Apu and Xi Bing took action at the same time, preparing to subdue Lin Yi in front of them first, and then find a way to restore it to its original state.

But Lin Yi had already expected this step. With a wave of his hand, a huge space door appeared from the side and swallowed Apu and Na Bing into the contract space before the attack could be resisted.

The contract of the summoning system is a very overbearing contract. It is said to be equal, but the status of the mage is actually higher.

The three dragons are very hostile to him now, and they can't borrow their power for the time being.

Although he suffered a bit of a loss, now his natural talent is in a complete state and his strength has risen instead of falling.

Lin Yi! Are you okay?

An anxious voice came from behind Lin Yi, followed by the sound of quick steps on the deserted sand.

Don't go to Lingling!

Another more mature and calm voice sounded, pulling the anxious Lingling back.

It's been so long, senior sister Leng Qing, why are you so cold to me?

Lin Yi turned around and faced everyone leisurely.

Lingling and others, who had been sent away by Lin Yi before, came here with Senior Sister Leng Qing and another man who looked very strong.

You are not Lin Yi, who are you!

Leng Qing protected Lingling behind him and looked at Lin Yi warily.

Although the appearance is the same, she has encountered similar situations after being in the trial for so many years.

The body is occupied or controlled by other people's souls. Those who can do this are generally psychic mages and necromancers with extremely high cultivation levels.

After hearing her sister's inquiry, Lingling, who was originally panicked, finally calmed down.

Only then did she see something was wrong with Lin Yi.

The original Lin Yi made her feel very warm and safe even after the battle, but this Lin Yi in front of her made her feel very strange, and his eyes made her feel a disregard for life.

I am Lin Yi, but I am not the Lin Yi you are familiar with.

Lin Yi stated his identity very directly.

But this frankness made Leng Qing and the burly middle-aged man feel an inexplicable pressure.

The other party didn't take them seriously at all.

Isn't that Lin Yi? Why are everyone so vigilant?

Zhao Manyan looked at the scene and asked in confusion.

His question brought out the questions in Mo Fan and Zhang Xiaohou's minds.

Xu Xiaoyu looked at Lin Yi with a worried look. She had been in contact with Brother Lin Yi since she was very young, and her familiarity with him could be said to be the most familiar among the people present.

But now Lin Yi brother gave her a very wrong feeling, but she couldn't tell what was wrong specifically.

Jiang Feng, the Flame Fairy Witch, protects Chen Ying behind her. She has a strong sense of perception and can sensitively sense the malice coming from Lin Yi.

Whatever conditions you have, we can try our best to satisfy you, provided that you return this body.

Regarding Lin Yi's explanation, Leng Qing interpreted it as the other party's quibble. In her career, everyone who invaded other people's bodies basically gave the same explanation.

It seems that he didn't understand what I said. Forget it, I didn't intend to explain it at first, but are you just his burden?

As soon as Lin Yi finished speaking, Leng Qing felt the danger approaching.

Silver-black light passed in front of his eyes, and Leng Qing barely caught a few threads that were too thin to be seen.

no! That's too late!

Old cow!

The sturdy middle-aged man shouted, and a giant beast with green eyes like a wild bull suddenly appeared in front of everyone, blocking all attacks with its huge body.

Moo! ! !

The green-eyed beast let out a painful cry, and dozens of flesh-and-blood cuts appeared on its huge body.

And these wounds still emitted traces of black smoke, making the wounds make a sizzling sound.

Sure enough, it's not as powerful as the Blood Brake.

Lin Yi looked at the wounds on the green-eyed beast. If it were replaced by a blood brake, the blow just now would be enough to cut it into several pieces.

Thanks to you just now, Du Xiao.

It's okay, but take the others away from here first, they are very strong!

Du Xiao stared at Lin Yi cautiously.

As a super mage, he is the only one in the team who can fight against Lin Yi.

Having been a hunter for so long, it is rare to see a mage put such great pressure on him, not inferior to a monarch-level demon at all.

Is it because the other party is also a human being?

not good!

Everyone move back! Quick!

Du Xiao seemed to sense something and shouted hurriedly towards the back, but it was too late.

The dark dead line suddenly sprang out from the deserted sand. Under the scorching sun, the dead line was even more difficult to find.

Except for Du Xiao, everyone's necks were wrapped around the sudden death thread.

Everyone felt death coming in an instant. As long as Lin Yi moved his fingers slightly, their heads would be dismembered.

Seeing this, Du Xiao did not dare to move lightly.

If we get rid of you, he will recognize the fact and understand that I am the real person!

Just when Lin Yi was about to bend his fingers, he saw Lingling, who was entangled in a dead thread and her face became very painful.

Lingling felt a sense of suffocation at the moment, but what was painful was her heart.

Why, Lin Yi.

The pain of the soul is turned into words, and the grief-stricken emotions are accompanied by tears.

And when the tears fell on the sand, the tightly wound thread suddenly let go of everyone.

Is this your most important concern?

Lin Yi looked at the trembling fingers and thought together, and the dead line disappeared completely.

Forget it, let them go this time and give you some face.

Lin Yi turned around and was about to leave, but his steps suddenly stopped.

This made everyone who had just escaped from the edge of death tense up.

I'll give this back to you.

Lin Yi threw something like a coin, and then a black light flashed, and it was split into two, falling silently into the sand.

After doing all this, Lin Yi's body was wrapped in silver light and disappeared from everyone's sight in an instant.


Lingling ignored Leng Qing's obstruction and staggered to the place where Lin Yi disappeared.

She knelt on the ground tremblingly, holding a handful of sand in her hands, and waited for it to drift away in the wind, revealing the hunter's badge that had been cut in half.

After coding, this volume ends here. After the transition, it will be the real climax volume.

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