Mu Ningxue did not expect to hear this word from Lin Yi. Only a few people in the Mu family knew about it.

But how did Lin Yi know that she had a bow? !

Lin Yi could see the fluctuations in Mu Ningxue's heart through her eyes.

Why did you mention the bow?

Mu Ningxue asked in a cold voice.

You're looking for me, don't you just want to know why the Mu family kept you?

Mu Ningxue nodded slightly.

Regarding the Bo City disaster, Mu Ningxue only learned through reports that it was caused by the Black Vatican, but she didn't know anything else about it.

Even though she asked her father and Xinxia, ​​she didn't get any useful information.

The Mu family has been entrenched in the imperial capital for hundreds of years. For the Mu family, genius is just a tool to strengthen the family and is dispensable.

Although her talent was outstanding, when she got involved with the Black Church, there was only one end left for her.

But the Mu family saved her and continued to provide resources until now.

Why would the Mu family keep her? Even she would feel afraid when facing the unknown. What was the Mu family's purpose of keeping her?

Until today, she saw Lin Yi in the team of Pearl Academy.

Although she was curious about why Lin Yi appeared in the Pearl Academy team, she didn't know why, but she felt that she could get the answer from Lin Yi.

It's very simple. Apart from me, the only people who know Mu Yuanqing's identity are the people from the trial.

What's the meaning?

I was the one who killed Mu Yuanqing. In fact, there was another person at the scene, but he was bombed and not even his ashes were left, but he was probably also a member of the Mu family.

Mu Ningxue's pupils shrank.

Besides Mu Yuanqing, there is another member of the Mu family!

There are actually two members of the Black Vatican in the Mu family of Bo City. No!

Lin Yi noticed a change in the expression on Mu Ningxue's face.

Yes, just as you thought, there are people from the Black Church in Mu's family in Bo City.

who is it.

Lin Yi waved his hand.

I don't know either, but that's why there are still people from the Tribunal staring at you.

Hearing what Lin Yi said, Mu Ningxue immediately looked around, but she didn't find anything strange.

If you find him, then this judge can retire.

When he first arrived on the rooftop, Lin Yi's dragon sense noticed that there was a judge in the air. Although he didn't know what method the other party used to hide his figure, the breath of life still couldn't escape Lin Yi's dragon sense. .

One of the reasons why the Mu family took action to protect you was that very few people knew about it, so they came forward. The second reason was because of the fragments of the Brake Bow in your body.

Mu Ningxue subconsciously put her hand on her chest.

You are not the only one who possesses the fragments of the brake bow.

Lin Yi's words were like a boulder falling into a calm lake, causing huge waves.

Mu Ningxue looked at Lin Yi in disbelief. The owner of the brake bow fragment was actually owned by someone else besides her!

Mu Ningxue instantly recalled the scene when the Mu family gave her the fragments. Every time, she watched her integrate the fragments into her body before leaving.

Gow raisers, that's what we should call you, the owners of the broken bow fragments. The Mu family will never give fragments to direct disciples, but you, those from the collateral line, are just tools for them to raise the broken bow.

Mu Ningxue bit her upper and lower lips together slightly. The facts Lin Yi told her were hard for her to accept for a while.

I can sense that your cultivation level is much stronger than when you were in Bo City. Although the bow fragments can improve your cultivation level, the price paid is too high. You should understand what I am talking about now.

Mu Ningxue knew that Lin Yi was right. The increase brought by the brake bow fragments to her was indeed very large. By absorbing ice element crystals to fill the brake bow fragments, she could boost her cultivation.

But the price was an invasion like a cold hell, and the broken bow fragments were like ice demons, spurring her to continuously improve her cultivation.

When her cultivation cannot withstand the cold hell, her soul will be sealed in the abyss forever.

Lin Yi looked at Mu Ningxue's silver hair. He knew that Mu Ningxue's original hair color was not this color, but the side effects of the bow fragments were too strong.

Strong power must pay a huge price, no matter who it is.

Then the other holders of the bow fragments are also the same as me?

Lin Yi shook his head and said.

They are the real tools used to raise the brake bow fragments. When the brake bow fragments are needed, the brake bow fragments will be taken out of their bodies.

What will happen after the brake bow fragments are taken out?

It can range from total loss of cultivation to death. Because of your strength, you have not completely lost your use value. When the balance tilts to the other side, you will become one of them.

Mu Ningxue clutched the clothes on her chest tightly, her nails digging into her palms, and the bright red blood dyed the white windbreaker a sad red.

Why are you willing to tell me so much.

Mu Ningxue asked in confusion.

It can be regarded as compensation for your future.

Future compensation?

Oh! It's already this hour. I'll go back to bed first. It's windy at night, so you should go back early.

Lin Yi yawned, then turned and walked out of the secret sound barrier.

What are they talking about! Why can't I hear any sound!

Mo Fan was very anxious now. Seeing Xuexue and Lin Yi on the rooftop at night made him think involuntarily.

But he could only see the two of them talking, but couldn't hear a sound. Xue Xue's worried movements and expressions behind him made him as anxious as an ant on a hot pot.

Suddenly Mo Fan saw Lin Yi turning around and walking towards him.

In desperation, Mo Fan activated his magic energy, and the jet-black stars quickly connected into a star track, and the power of shadow flowed in the star track.

Gradually, Mo Fan's figure disappeared into the shadows.

At this time, Lin Yi pushed open the iron door. There was no one behind the door, but Lin Yi glanced at the shadow next to him and went downstairs.

Mu Ningxue looked at the direction Lin Yi left, and did not return to her senses for a long time. She did not leave the rooftop until the moonlight disappeared.

Mo Fan watched Xue Xue leave in front of him with a restless mind.

Although he wanted to come out of the shadows and comfort Mu Ningxue, he suppressed this idea.

This night is destined to be a sleepless night for Mu Ningxue and Mo Fan.

But Lin Yi didn't feel anything. After washing up in a happy mood, he made a video call with Lingling. Under Lingling's disgusted voice, he fell asleep contentedly.

Early the next morning.

Gu Han asked everyone to gather in the lobby of Dihu Tower.

Lin Yi was holding soy milk in one hand and a bag containing xiaolongbao in the other hand, eating breakfast very leisurely.

Why are you looking at me like this? It's like I stole your wife.

Mo Fan gritted his teeth and looked at Lin Yi with a pair of dark circles under his eyes.

It’s too difficult, too difficult, I have no inspiration and no time, wangtodie, woo woo (┯_┯)

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