Versatile Mage: Imperial Dragon Emperor

Chapter 109 Fire and Thunder

Is this a historical imprint of Star Island?

Judging from the style of those people's clothes, they should be from the totem period, or the period before it.

Lin Yi only saw these people paddling toward the island using sticks as oars.

Lin Yi could only stay in the air now, unable to move.

I have no choice but to be a spectator at high altitude, and I don’t know how long this historical record will last, or whether it can be fast forwarded.

I wonder if he felt what Lin Yi was thinking.

The flow of time in the entire space begins to accelerate, and day and night alternate rapidly.

All things are constantly experiencing birth and death at an incredible speed.

A village soon appeared on the island, and the people on the ships also took root here.

The number of people in the village also increased rapidly from fifteen people at the beginning to more than one hundred people.

The flow of time allowed this space to quickly span nearly two hundred years.

During this period, Lin Yi noticed that these people had never used magic at all, whether they were old people or children.

Fire was obtained by drilling wood. Later, flint was found on the island and flint was used to raise the flame.

Water is obtained from the central lake on the island for living.

There is no trace of magic anywhere in life.

But the monsters still exist. From this perspective, Lin Yi can see that some people left the village too far and were eaten by some monkey-like monsters on the island, and some people walked to the beach and were killed by the monsters in the sea.

Suddenly time returned to normal and darkness enveloped the world.

Lin Yi knew that a critical point in history had arrived.

In Lin Yi's sight, a huge sea monster crawled out of the sea.

The whole body of this sea monster is a kind of blue-black, and its upper body is covered with spiked scales. There is a lot of green mucus falling down from the gaps between the scales.

The limbs are like thick insect-like joints standing on the ground, supporting the entire body, and the lower body is composed of countless tentacles.

The blue-black tentacles are more than ten meters long, each tentacle is covered with sharp curved thorns, and the top of the tentacles has sharp bone spurs.

The total length of this one-eyed monster is estimated to be fifty meters. Lin Yi can guarantee that it will be an absolute monarch-level demon. This look is a bit like Crusu.

Lin Yi watched the unknown one-eyed sea demon move towards the village, leaving disgusting slime in its path.

The slime corrodes everything along the way, leaving a black and green scorched path.

People in the village quickly noticed the giant beast.

A white-haired old man led the villagers out of the village on crutches.

Lin Yi could see that many people were scared, their legs were shaking, and their eyes showed despair.

Mothers hugged their children tightly, while the children cried in their mothers' arms.

The men in the village were holding long sticks and looking up at the giant beast with determination on their faces.

The one-eyed sea demon stopped in front of these people and looked down at the tiny humans.

Lin Yi saw through the dragon's eyes that the white-haired old man's lips were opening and closing, as if he was having a conversation with the one-eyed sea demon.

In this historical mark, Lin Yi could not hear any sound, only images, a silent film.

Lin Yi couldn't read what the white-haired old man was saying through lip reading.

The languages ​​of the times were different, and lip reading didn’t work.

There are many recorded data on demons that can communicate with humans.

There is also a special type of monster like Medusa, which can directly communicate with humans through human language.

This one-eyed sea devil should have conveyed his thoughts to the white-haired old man and others.

The white-haired old man became more and more excited as he spoke, and his right hand grasped the crutch harder and harder. His fingers sank into the wooden crutch, and traces of blood flowed from it.

Mothers also hugged their children tightly and protected them behind them.

There was a pleading look in his eyes.

Lin Yi roughly guessed the content of the exchange between the two parties.

In an era before humans possessed magic, humans were extremely weak existences in the world.

They can only become the food of demons. If there were not some totem beasts that protected many humans, it is estimated that humans would have become extinct.

Of course, Lin Yi also learned some information from the original work. In this real world, Lin Yi didn't know what happened.

What happened next was as Lin Yi expected.

The one-eyed sea devil opened its mouth full of sharp teeth on its abdomen, and two red tentacles protruded from it.

Rolled up a little boy and a little girl.

The boys and girls caught in the tentacles cried loudly in the air.

The parents of boys and girls also desperately stretched out their hands to catch their children.

The next moment, the tentacles suddenly retracted and brought the two children back to the mouth of the one-eyed sea devil.

The one-eyed sea devil's terrifying giant mouth closed, and the mother of the two children fainted on the ground when they saw this scene, while the two fathers rushed towards the one-eyed sea devil with wooden sticks, their eyes filled with red.

But being pulled by other villagers, although Lin Yi couldn't hear what they were saying, he could feel the anger and despair of the two fathers.

He was also very angry and wanted to rush forward and repel the one-eyed sea devil, but he was just a spectator and had no power to change the history that had already happened.

After the one-eyed sea devil ate the child, he left a bone spur outside the village, then turned and returned to the sea.

Suddenly time accelerated again, and night and day continued to switch.

The historical process continues to advance.

Lin Yi calculated the time in his mind. Every five years, the one-eyed sea demon would come to the island, devour a boy and a girl, and then leave.

And the bone spur it left behind exuded a monarch-level aura, making the surrounding demons afraid to approach the village and the villagers who were contaminated by this aura.

The village exchanged the child's life for shelter, but this kind of shelter was fragile. Lin Yi could see that the one-eyed sea monster just treated the villagers on the island as snacks. When the one-eyed sea monster was not interested in playing anymore, the village also will disappear.

A sect that worships the one-eyed sea devil appeared in the village, worshiping the bone spurs outside the village, and even built an altar next to it.

Whenever the One-Eyed Sea Demon comes, these crazy villagers will take the initiative to tell the children they snatched, tie them up and put them in front of the One-Eyed Sea Demon.

The fanaticism on the faces of these people made Lin Yi feel sick. Sure enough, no matter what era, there will be such worms among humans.

About seventy years have passed since the one-eyed sea devil first appeared, and the flow of time has returned to normal again.

Most of the people in the village have been brainwashed and joined the sect that worships the one-eyed sea devil, but the size of the village has shrunk a lot, and the population has shrunk from more than a hundred to about seventy people.

The second key point is that Lin Yi probably knows the reason why the time flow rate returned to normal this time.

In Lin Yi's field of vision, a pair of brothers secretly left the village under the cover of night and came to a forest far away from the village.

The two stopped and looked at each other, probably talking about something.

The next moment, Lin Yi looked at the brothers in disbelief.

Because, among the brothers, purple threads appeared on the body of the younger brother, beating on his body.

And the brother's hand was lit with flames.

This is!

magic! ! !

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