The so-called"witch".

It is the title of a female magician who has signed a contract with the devil.

Through the"Guardian" who is a descendant of the devil.

Witches can use the same powers as demons.

Therefore, with a human body, he can control magic that rivals or even surpasses high-level demons!

However, there is a price to pay for signing a contract with the devil.

As the"Gap Witch", the price Nangong Nayue had to pay... was to guard this prison for the rest of his life until death.

"Nangong Nazuki" appeared on Genkami Island.

It's just an illusion that the witch created for herself in her sleep.

It can be clearly seen through Chu Mu's perspective.

As the country's magician, Nangong Nayue.

In fact, it is a body shaped with pure magic power.

In fact, her true form has been at the center of this prison from beginning to end.

So - what is the"price" of Senduki Yuma?

"Make the order to destroy the prison barrier absolute and execute it at all costs."

Facing the short-haired girl standing there with her head lowered,

Chu Mu made an inference in a positive tone.

"Is this the price you pay for becoming a witch?"


"Yuma, or Blue Witch" took a deep breath.

A sad smile appeared on her pretty face that was originally full of energy.

"So what."

She replied tremblingly, as if she might burst into tears at any time.

"I understand better than you that my mission and the meaning of my existence are only this command"

"But I can't go against my innate destiny - this is the price for signing a contract with the devil!"

After taking off the superficial disguise,

Yuma yelled in grief, venting

"This is my fate, no one can change it, my existence has no meaning, anyone can replace me!"

"As long as he can rescue his mother from prison, anyone can!"

"No, that's not the case."

Chu Mu said softly.

He knew far more things than Yuma herself.

For example, the"mother" she called, Xiandumu Aye, was not actually a relative in the biological sense.

It was Yuma's"mother""Ben".

That's right... Xiandumu Yuma is actually a clone.

Just as she said.

She is just a tool created by Xiandumu Aye in order to escape from the prison barrier.

It can be said that , Youma’s destiny is to become A Ye’s tool to destroy the prison.

Unfortunately... no one understands"fate" better than Chu Mu"!

"Be it fate or contract."

Chu Mu spread his arms, and behind his indifferent expression, he seemed to reveal a refreshing and warm holy light.

"Just cut it off"

——Destiny decides!

At this moment, Yuma's eyes suddenly widened. (bcbb)

She looked down at her palm in disbelief.

At that moment, the shackles and will that enveloped her body suddenly disappeared.

Although the devil's power cannot be borrowed... but he has completely escaped the fate of being supervised by the devil and fulfilling his mission!

"H-how did you do it?!"

Youma looked at Chu Mu with surprise, her eyes filled with crystal clear eyes.

But this time she was crying with joy.

"Just think of it as a small trick from the Fourth True Ancestor."

Chu Mu naturally won't waste time explaining his abilities.

"It's still early. It seems that I can go back before the festival starts today."

"But before that……"

He turned around and looked at the person who hadn't woken up since.

The loli witch who has been sleeping peacefully for what seems like eternity

"Little Nayue, it’s time to get up"

【……I told you not to use such affectionate names]

The sleeping witch's body did not respond.

But in Chu Mu's mind, there was a helpless sigh.

【You should know that I haven't woken up yet】

【This prison barrier houses countless villains】

【Once they are released, it will be a serious disaster for the entire mysterious world.】

"I know."

Chu Mu nodded noncommittally.

Although Nangong couldn't see the moon either.

"So, I came here just to solve this problem once and for all."

【……what you up to?】

"Of course, I will take over your mission and become the new warden."

【Are you kidding me? I've never heard of a man being a witch.】

"There's no point in deliberately messing around. I'm not negotiating with you, little Nayue."(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Chu Mu knelt down and gently patted the witch's face with her eyes closed.

"But it's already being done"

【What?! 】

The next moment, the witch who was trapped in a dream suddenly opened her eyes, like an exquisite doll that had gained life.

But in the contract she signed, she shouldn't have woken up like this.

Once he wakes up, it means... the"barrier" surrounding the prison will also collapse!

Just listen to a series of"crash" messy sounds coming from all directions.

Senduki Yuma looked around in shock and found that the dark sky was cracked like glass!

From the falling space debris, figures exuding a turbid magical aura continue to emerge!

They are all villains from the mysterious world who were imprisoned by Nangong Nayue, and each of them is notorious.

Just pick one out, and it’s so full of evil that it’s hard to write about it!

The most eye-catching one among them is a red-eyed woman with black hair and gorgeous clothes.

"It is true that things in the world are unpredictable, the gap witch and the unknown true ancestor."

She stepped forward gracefully, exuding a strange and evil aura.

Even among all the demon criminals, she was a unique and ominous existence.[]

"I originally thought that this stupid girl fell into the hands of this man because of her lust."

"Unexpectedly, he took the initiative to wake you up from the dream of eternal tribulation...hehehe."

As she said that, the red-eyed woman looked at Chu Mu with gentle, watery eyes.

"Little guy, you did a good job. It seems that Yuma has a pretty good eye for choosing men."


Senduki Yuma trembled all over as he revealed the true identity of the red-eyed woman.

She is Yuma's"mother", Sendumu Aye - the chief secretary of the demon criminal organization"Library"

"Mother? Well... from your perspective, that's true."

Xiandumu Aye looked at Yuma. Their appearance was indeed very similar.

Except for the color of their eyes and the length of their hair, they could be said to be exactly the same.

"But as far as I'm concerned, you're just a clone made from my cells."

"'s time to return the power I lent you to me."

As he said that, Xiandumu Aye pointed his finger and saw a headless knight wearing rusty armor appearing from the air.

This was originally the guardian of"Blue Witch" Yuma, but was forced by her Take it away.

However, Xiandumu Aye is a little confused

"Um? You actually didn't suffer the backlash from the contract."

In her expectation, Yuma, who was forcibly deprived of her"guardian", should at least be severely injured.

"It seems that your perception of the outside world is not omniscient."

Chu Mu finally said

"Ms. Aye, if you've had enough trouble, it's time to go to the next stop with me."

"oh? Where do you want to take me?"

Xiandumu Aye showed a charming smile.

Her face was similar to Yuma's, but she looked particularly charming at this time.

"Is it a love hotel? Fighting for a man with my daughter, but let me have oneexcited"

"Sadly, it's another prison."

Chu Mu shook his head regretfully.

Although he was very moved, he could not ignore the murderous look cast by the Loli Witch next to him.

In order to be responsible for Nangong Nayue... for"breaking the prison barrier" He must be responsible for this.

He must deal with these criminals.

"Gee, it seems that today’s young people have forgotten my name."

Xiandumu Aye took out an ancient book in a lazy tone.

"I am the chief secretary of the library, the secretary witch who controls time and space magic - you want to bind me again?"

The moment he saw this book, Chu Mu's expression suddenly changed!

Half surprised, half excited!

If his guess is correct... this ancient book is the"Magic Guide" numbered"No. 014""Book"!

Its power is similar to the innate ability of the"Fourth True Ancestor".

But it is not"devouring".

It is"manipulating" the inherent accumulation time!


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