
And the loss was very ugly.

The dragon girl's eyes have been occupied by golden vertical pupils.

Reluctantly, she pressed her delicate cheek against the rough ground.

The body was even more weirdly twisted, lying on the ground like a doll.

The heavy pressure coming from all over her body made it difficult for her to breathe.

No matter how hard he struggled, he was as childish and weak as a child in front of this man.

It seems that all it takes is a look from the other party. can plunge her into a never-ending nightmare~!

"You lost this bet."

Chu Mu walked to Leola and knelt down.

Then he lifted her chin with his hand and looked at her.

"According to the agreement, from now on, you will become my servant"


The girl's eyes once again burst out with dazzling light like magma.

The dragon blood in her body did not allow her to be insulted like this.

But no matter how hard she struggled.

He could only barely open his mouth.

Revealing sharp fangs to Chu Mu

"Yes, I like minions with a temper."

Chu Mu gently patted Leola's cheek.

He was just about to end the sideshow before the performance.

However, he sensed a strange and powerful aura.


Chu Mu raised his eyebrows and did not interrupt the arrival of this power.

Under his gaze, the golden light in"Leola's" eyes gradually subsided.

However, the color of the vertical pupils symbolizing the"dragon" became more restrained and deeper.

She patted the dust on her body, looked at Chu Mu's"divine power" as if it were nothing, and stood up easily

"People like you should not bully juniors."

What came out of Leola's mouth was a sweet and helpless voice.

This was a soft voice that Princess Long didn't usually have.

"If this child offends you……"

"As a parent, I will be punished on her behalf."

"Who are you……"

Although somewhat unexpected.

But Chu Mu was not too anxious.

Instead, he looked at this mysterious man with great interest.

"I am the king of the Principality of Dragonia, the original dragon elf."

Using Leola's body, the visitor who was talking to Chu Mu lightly opened her lips.

"You can call me - Bahamut"

"Oh... I heard something."

Chu Mu nodded slightly. This name is not uncommon in various works.

Any race that has something to do with dragons.

There will be a few like Tiamat, Bahamut, Nidhogg, etc. Name.

It seems that in this world,"Bahamut" is the"king" of all dragon elves."

"I have no interest in punishing the king of a country."

Chu Mu thought for a while and said casually

"Since you personally came forward to intercede with her, then I will give you a face"

"Then thank you, Your Majesty the Demon King."

Bahamut breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that this being is much easier to talk to than expected.

"If it's okay, please come back."

Chu Mu pointed to the sky, where was the area covered by the barrier set by the Elf King.

"There are people up there watching."

"Are you talking about those crazy kings?"

Unexpectedly, after Bahamut thought for a moment, he said

"If they were from before, they might be able to detect my breath"

"But now, they can no longer even maintain their own sanity."

"No matter how many small movements you make, you probably won't notice it."

This made Chu Mu slightly stunned. This"Dragon King" seemed to know a lot of things.

At this moment, Restia's voice emerged in his mind

"That's natural"

"In the Elf War, this Dragon King is a follower of the Dark Elf King."

"Is there still this relationship? After the war, she should also be liquidated.……"

"She had indeed been punished."

Restia said with emotion.

"The Dragon King Bahamut was cursed by the Earth Elf King after the war because he helped Ren-Ashdal fight against the kings. He was never allowed to leave the Principality of Dragonia forever."

"That's it... No wonder she can only talk to me through this kind of possession."

Chu Mu nodded slightly, and roughly figured out the origin of the other party during the short exchange.

After thinking for a moment, he said to the Dragon King who still didn't leave.

"Since you are here, just witness it till the end."

"……What do you mean?"

Bahamut was startled when he heard this. He didn't quite understand what he said.

"You should know that all six existing Elf Kings have been contaminated by the Darkness of the Origin."

Since the other party is an understanding person, Chu Mu didn't hide it.

"That's why I'm here, to purify them"


Bahamut's eyes suddenly widened— or Leora's eyes widened.

Her expression suddenly became serious

"You...I don't doubt that you are powerful enough to kill the Elf King."

"But these kings are the first generation of elves born when the world was born."

"Once they die... no matter the elemental elf world or the human world, there will be a huge catastrophe!"

"Even the Dark Elf King has only been sealed. We cannot let the King disappear easily!"

"I know."

Chu Mu replied noncommittally.

"But what does this have to do with me?"

"I don't care whether this world survives or not"

"Because I am not originally from this world"


Bahamut's tone became anxious. (If you want to read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

It can be seen that as an elf, she dotes on human subjects very much.

"Your actions will lead to the death of thousands of people and plunge the world into an apocalyptic disaster!"

"Even if I don't touch these Elf Kings, they won't last long. Chu

Mu said lightly.

"Do you want to see this thing pollute the whole world?"

As he spoke, he stretched out his fingers and condensed a ray of"root darkness".

This was the product he recovered from Grayworth's body.

Chu Mu's actions made Bahamut's eyes narrow and his heart was shocked!

What surprised her was not the"Darkness of the Origin" but that Chu Mu could control this thing easily!

This was a high-risk power that even the Elf King could contaminate!

But in Chu Mu's hands, it was like a ball of plasticine It’s a toy, no matter how much you pull it, nothing will happen!

"Do you have complete control over Root Darkness?!"

"Yeah, I'm an expert on this."

Smiling, Chu Mu replied confidently.

"I am more professional than any of you in handling this matter."

With Xiao Shan, these negative energy aggregates are hard food to eat at best.

The only difference lies in whether they are delicious and how long they can be eaten.

According to Xiao Shan's description...she seems to like the taste of"Darkness of the Root".

It's like gummy candy, with a very chewy texture.

In short, Chu Mu doesn't quite understand what it feels like.

But there is no doubt that the"Darkness of the Origin" is regarded as a formidable enemy by the superiors in this world."

There is no threat in front of Chu Mu, and it can even be regarded as a great tonic.

Well, Xiaoshan's great tonic

"It seems...the end is coming soon."

Bahamut sighed softly.

"I wonder if you can agree to my unkind request"

"It depends."

Chu Mu pointed to the sky again

"I'm in a hurry, please keep your story short"

"……I would like to be your servant. I only ask that you treat my people of the Principality of Doragonia kindly."


Chu Mu glanced at Bahamut in surprise.

Given his identity, he was actually willing to give up all his reputation and only wanted to protect the people of his country.

Although Bahamut was not a human being, he was a dragon elf.

But more admirable than human kings

"Okay, I promise you. Chu

Mu said softly

"Give up all resistance and show me your sincerity."

In the Principality of Doragunia, in the mountains known as the"Forbidden Land".

A girl wearing a gauze with beautiful curved horns on both sides of her head gently closed her eyes.

Suddenly, something spread out from the void The jet-black chains entangled the girl's slender limbs like a doll.

The phosphorescent glass-colored long hair was constantly swaying because of it.

It contrasted with the fair skin of Shengxue.

Under the jet-black chains, she looked even more delicate and pitiful.

After spending what seemed like an instant and what seemed like an eternity in the dark"eternal cage", the dragon elf named"Bahamut" finally saw the light of day again.

She raised her head and seemed to be listening to the sound coming from the void. command.

After a moment, the Dragon King lowered his body and showed respect to somewhere in the distance.

"Yes, everything is as you wish"


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