Located in the ancient kingdom of gods in the distant star realm.

The huge god holding a spear and a shield and wearing broken armor collapsed.

The originally shiny golden armor was now covered with ferocious pits, indicating the horrific attacks the god suffered during his lifetime.

"Ares, God of War,~Hunting Completed

"Well... after having the weapon at hand, the efficiency has indeed improved a lot."

Chu Mu calmly stared at the corpse of the God of War lying in a pool of blood, and thought silently.

Three shots.

Ares, who has medium divine power like Apollo.

In front of Chu Mu's newly acquired legendary cursed equipment, he could only hold on. Two bullets were fired.

The third bullet loaded with"Spell Card: Destiny-Final Magic Bullet" directly killed the frightened God of War on the spot.

Until death, this man who had just suffered a defeat in Orario The God of War did not even realize who had killed him.

The superimposed power of legendary cursed equipment and legendary weapons could only be described as"terrifying"!

Ares, who was still staring at death with eyes wide open, looked unwillingly. In the direction of Chu Mu.

The violence, bloodthirsty and other negative energy emanating from him continued to flow into the revolver in Chu Mu's hand.

【After absorbing enough negative energy,"Eternal Night" was upgraded to Level 20!】

"Yes, the upgrade progress is quite fast."

Glancing at the prompt, Chu Mu nodded with satisfaction.

Although the weapon shape was changed by the curse, the"Eternal Night" effect was fully inherited by"Myriad Tribulations".

This naturally included the absorption of negative energy. The"Power of Eclipse" special effects that improve the level of props.

When level 30, based on the legendary characteristics of"Eternal Night", the first special effect improvement will be available!

However, as a powerful legendary weapon,"Eternal Night""The increase in level also means that the required attributes are getting higher and higher.

The level 20"Eternal Night" already requires 200 points of strength and will attributes to use.

Although it can be modified to the same value through the special effects of"Millions of Tribulations" Mystery and intelligence attributes.

But as the level increases, Chu Mu's attributes have become somewhat stretched...

After all, his highest attribute is only"mystery".

It is roughly estimated that by the time"Eternal Night" reaches level 40, he will Score some attribute points to add to the second attribute.

Or... just rely on the feedback from"Great Industry" to improve attributes!

"Speaking of which, it's time to go to Hestia to renew her gifts."

Picking up the fallen trophies from the God of War, Chu Mu was already thinking about his plan after leaving the star realm.

"Godhead, priesthood, as expected... huh?"

Browsing his head and looking through the things in his hand, Chu Mu couldn't help but let out a sigh.

Theoretically, as a god with the same strength as Apollo,

Ares should also lose two items of sublimated quality to show his face.

But it must be removed. Apart from the dropped godhead, there is only one trophy left...

However, the value of this trophy is far more than the two sublimation props!

Because this is also a"stellar wonder"!

This astral wonder is The appearance of the object is a scroll, with a thick texture similar to parchment.

After slowly unfolding it, the content inside seems to look like a map.

However, the moment it is fully unfolded, the scroll directly turns into a" sand table"!


【Astral Curiosities: Conqueror's Ambition】

【Quality: Special】

【Effect: Consume a certain amount of ether crystals to reveal all exploration points within the star distance of the radius (ether crystals), or reveal the astral coordinates of the specified unit.】

【Description: The original"Conqueror" was obsessed with the endless journey, and his desire gave birth to the tools of war.】


After observing carefully for several minutes, Chu Mu's breathing gradually calmed down.

Although his eyes still couldn't hide the excitement!

For reincarnation players, the star realm is like a vast ocean filled with black mist.

The"Conqueror's Ambition" can directly dispel these fogs and give Chu Mu the clearest"vision"!

What's more important is that when this astral wonder was obtained, many coordinates were already recorded!

According to the annotations of these coordinates, Chu Mu recognized that these were all the coordinates of the Kingdom of Orario gods!

"As expected of the God of War... I'm afraid he has long wanted to start a war between gods."

Chu Mu immediately thought of the originator of these coordinates and couldn't help but twitch his lips.

Ares was not very honest when he was in the heaven.

But this is also a normal thing.

Don't look at the gods in Oralidu. Be harmonious and enjoy life like ordinary people.

This is based on the restriction that all gods cannot use their divine power.

If you let go of this rule... I am afraid that the entire world will be destroyed by the disputes between gods. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

After all, some gods are not fun to play, and there are also"good gods" and"evil gods".

Although Ares does not belong to the camp of evil gods, he is The priesthood of Palm is related to concepts of"war, killing, blood, and destruction."

To put it simply, he is a killer like Esdeath.

Although he looks like a comedian in Orario, the war he started has also been It caused countless mortal casualties.

Of course... Ares is already dead, and there is no point thinking about it anymore.

Putting away the"Conqueror's Ambition" again, the sand table suddenly folded into a scroll again

"Quite convenient."

Chu Mu was naturally very happy. With this rare item, he could drive the"Sun Chariot" at any time and sweep the coordinates of the Kingdom of God recorded on the sand table!

What Ares wants to do but hasn't been done... it's up to him. Chu Mu will do it!

After confirming again that there was no missing loot, Chu Mu left the God of War’s Kingdom directly.

Esdeath did not participate in this God-killing battle.

Because she has been there these days Busy killing the monsters emerging from the underground labyrinth.

Not for the safety of the city, but because if she doesn't kill the monsters quickly... I'm afraid she won't be able to complete her promotion mission.

There was only a lot of time left for the mission, which was originally quite ample. Until the deadline of one week.

Even Chu Mu would be troubled after seeing this situation.

Fortunately, because of the"disappearance" of Ouranos, the seal of the underground labyrinth was lifted.

Now there are endless monsters waiting for adventurers in the city every day Let's deal with it.

In less than a few days, Esdeath's remaining killing targets will be successfully achieved.

Chu Mu naturally does not have the pressure of promotion tasks, and has been enjoying the happiness of being fat and thin these days.

"Although it was expected, the increase in abilities after the update is really exaggerated.……"

In the small room of the family headquarters, the Loli goddess who was riding on Chu Mu lightly tapped Chu Mu’s back.

"Okay, the gift update is over, you can get up now"

"Thank you for your hard work, Goddess."

Chu Mu responded casually and browsed the feedback given by the"great achievements" during this period.


【Based on feedback from"Albert", your attributes have changed as follows:】

【Physique 212245】

【Power 263280】

【Agile 262279】

【Will 350360】


Great harvest of attributes!

Among all Chu Mu's attributes, the lowest is actually charm.

However, the rewards of great achievements in the copy of"Di Er" can only improve strength, physique, agility and will.

So only these attributes have been increased...but judging from the results, the number of improvements is already terrifying!

The lowest physical attribute has increased by 33 points, and the other three attributes add up to 44 points!

The attribute value has increased by 77 points in total, which is almost the total attribute gain of Chu Mu in the past entire dungeon!

"That’s great. If you have the chance, you must use your human incarnation to accumulate more great achievements."

"These are all attribute points of whoring for free... If you don’t go whoring, you won’t go whoring!"

Just when Chu Mu was thinking that all the attributes were as perfect as"mysterious",

Lily's voice suddenly came from far away, followed by the sound of hurried footsteps.

"Lord Chu Mu, someone is visiting from outside... It seems to be Sword Princess!".

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