After the meeting of the gods regarding the Kingdom of Lakia ended,

Orario's various forces began to take action non-stop.

The large-scale family members with a large number of members have the responsibility to lead the way and begin to mobilize the fighting forces within the family members to go to the front line to resist the invading army.

Families known for their support and logistics, such as the Hephaestus Familia and the Mi-He Familia, began to work overtime to produce supplies that might be used in the war - these supplies would not necessarily be used on their own people. , and more were resold to the army of the Kingdom of Lakia.

Yes, every time the God of War launched a war in the past, it was a good opportunity for Orario to make a lot of money.

After all, it was Ares who initiated the dispute and caused so much trouble for everyone. It was only natural to take the opportunity to make some war fortune and squeeze the financial resources of the Kingdom of Lajia.

After Chu Mu returned to the clan headquarters, he immediately contacted the members of the"Fool" clan through the Destiny Beacon.

"Stop exploring in dungeons?"

Esdeath crossed her arms on the sofa and crossed her slender legs, quite confused.

"I only need over 1,000 level kills to complete the promotion.……"

"What's the reason? Could it be that I haven't seen you for a long time and you miss me?"

This sentence successfully caused very subtle fluctuations in the expressions of the girls of the Black Cat Knights.

"According to my guess, Orario will become a new battlefield next."

Chu Mu shrugged. He called all the dependents back. Naturally, he had his own reasons.

"In this war, there will be a lot of enemies waiting for you to kill them"


Hearing Chu Mu's words, a look of interest appeared on the pretty face of the blue-haired beauty.

"Does this mean that I can finally let go and kill?"

"It should be, I will tell you when the time is right."

After communicating with Esdeath, Chu Mu turned his attention to Black Cat and others.

"In short, in the next period of time, places outside the dungeon will also fall into chaos"

"Do you have any plans?"

Although they have joined the"Fool" Familia, the Black Cat Knights are an independent strategy group after all. For the time being, I still want to ask the girls about their plans and opinions.

Hayasaka Ai, Umimu, and Mai looked at each other, and then looked at their own Team leader.

Feeling the gaze of the team members, Black Cat sighed helplessly.

I don’t know since when, these guys in the team have been too lazy to think about action plans.

If you have to care about it...probably since then. After arriving at Chu Mu.

Anyway, as long as you cooperate with this guy in the dungeon and act according to the intelligence and resources he provides, then this dungeon will definitely make a profit. Not only will the safety be greatly improved, but the income will also be extraordinary.

Over time, Even Hayasaka Ai, who has always been thoughtful, seems to have"lain down".

Maybe this is the impact of the so-called"security"...

So Black Cat simply spread his hands and threw the problem back.

"Our next actions depend on the information you provide"

"If the situation doesn't change much, just maintain cooperation."

"I see."

Such an answer was expected by Chu Mu.

He nodded, and then took out a bottle of potion as he was prepared.

The transparent potion bottle contained emerald green liquid, emitting a glistening light.

"Anyway, let’s drink some water of life first."

"water of life?"

Black Cat blinked and reached for a bottle of potion.

The emerald green fluorescence contrasted with the fair skin, revealing a vitality.

After casually glancing at the properties of the bottle of potion, the expression on Black Cat's face suddenly solidified..The beautiful eyes with tear stains opened wide instantly, and the small mouth opened slightly, showing an extremely shocked look.

"Each time you drink it, the total life limit will be increased by 10%, up to 100.%……"

Hayasaka Ai also took a bottle of water of life and slowly read out the description of the item.

Although she was shocked inside, her good self-control allowed her to remain calm.

"There are 10 units in one bottle, so everyone can get a bottle."

Smiling, Chu Mu also casually threw a bottle to Esdeath.

The latter also reached out to take it without ceremony and drank it on the spot.

"In terms of taste, it doesn't feel as good as...the last sinful brew."

Licking the corner of her mouth with unfinished content, Esdeath gave her evaluation.

"But the effect is okay."

The 100% increase in the upper limit of life is only the most obvious effect of"Water of Life".

The props collected by the goddess like treasures must be more than that.

From Chu Mu's perspective, after drinking"Water of Life".

Esdeath's overall momentum is a bit thicker, and his vitality is more active.

Not only is the numerical value improved, but even the skin is smoother and more supple.

This is what the increase in"vitality" brings. Benefits.

There must be some hidden gains, but they are not very obvious, so they are not noticed for the time being.

Seeing the changes in Esdeath after drinking the water of life,

Black Cat and others were also greatly moved.

But Esdeath Des can accept Chu Mu's gifts without any scruples because she is Chu Mu's teammate and has a close relationship.

The girls of the Black Cat Knights are still a little reserved.

They have grown to level 5 reincarnation players and are no longer Ignorant girls.

They know very well how valuable a bottle of"water of life" is!

It is no exaggeration to say that every bottle on the table can be exchanged for a piece of extraordinary equipment at a guaranteed price!

"The value of this gift is too high……"(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Although he was very greedy, the black cat still resisted the urge to keep the water of life.

He put the bottle back again and said with a complicated expression.

"You probably have other people to send to than us."

She was naturally referring to Chu Mu's followers who appeared in the last war game.

" can rest assured."

Chu Mu was stunned for a moment and replied in a dumbfounded way.

"Although the value of the water of life is very high, I still have a lot of it in my hand"

"After all, everyone's improvement is limited... If you want it, I can give it to you as bathwater."

With such a BUG-level rare item as the"Star Boundary Source", let alone the"water of life" in Chu Mu's hand, let alone using it for bathing, even if it is used as tap water, it will never be used up!

No matter how much it is wasted, It's not worth the amount that doubles every day.

The amount he takes out to pack the bottle can be called a"drop in the ocean" in the true sense."!

"The bath water is too exaggerated……"

Black Cat didn't know what she thought of, and her pretty fair face blushed slightly, but she did not continue to refuse Chu Mu's kindness.

Instead, he took the initiative to pick up the water of life and distributed it to the girls in the strategy group.

"Eh? Do I have a share?"

Mai Sakurajima looked at the emerald green bottle in her hand in surprise.

"Since it was given by him, you can accept it with peace of mind."

Black Cat and Hai Meng looked at each other, as if they had agreed, and followed the advice.

"You probably won’t be able to escape in the end anyway.……"

"Team leader, what did you say? I don't quite understand something……"

"nothing! I mean, we are all sisters, just listen to me."

"That’s right, Black Cat-chan won’t lie to you"

"How many times have I told you... call me team leader!"

Hayasaka Ai looked helplessly at the two people who were trying to push Mai into the"fire pit" and shook her head.

Then she drank her share of"water of life" and felt the warm power seeping into her body. She couldn't help but She let out a faint moan.

Under the terrifying improvement of"Water of Life", as an"assassin" type profession, her health value at this time is higher than that of human shield players of the same level!

A strong sense of security It emerged in my heart, and it also made Hayasaka Ai feel a little emotional.

"Obviously this kind of thing is your duty as a maid."

"If it were him……"

Hayasaka Ai has a secret, a secret that not even Black Cat knows about.

That is, when she entered the reincarnation space, she already had a"sub-career"!

However, the nature of this sub-profession is rather special, so it has not been disclosed to the public.

In addition to some shameful reasons, it was also for the safety of the strategy team.

After all, if this sub-profession is exposed, I am afraid it will be coveted by many people.

Originally, she wanted to keep this secret in her heart, but... after spending some time with Chu Mu, she gradually changed her mind.

So after the meeting, Hayasaka Ai, who was determined, found Chu Mu who was about to go to the star realm to"check the post"


Seeing the girl who suddenly appeared from the shadows,

Chu Mu was also slightly startled, and closed the astral channel that had been opened.

"Well, what's the matter?"

"……Is such that."

Taking a deep breath, the girl with a cold face mustered up the courage to say

"I want... to make you my serving master."

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