"It turns out that everyone at the tavern asked you to come and visit me?……"

In the restaurant located deep inside the church, Xier's face showed a look of sudden realization.

"I'm really sorry for making you worry."

Chu Mu glanced around. Although there were some mottled marks on the walls and pillars, the floors and furniture were very clean, giving a strong sense of life.

Near the dining table, there were about ten or twenty children, who were full of interest. Looking at Chu Mu and Xi'er

"So... here it is?"

"As you can see, Mr. Chu Mu."

The middle-aged woman next to Xier, who called herself"Maria" smiled.

"This is an orphanage."

According to Ms. Maria's explanation, she has been living in the church with these wandering children for a long time.

Although it is called an"orphanage," she does not actually run it.

On Daedalus Road - or rather There are many places like this in the slums of"Orario".

Most of these orphans are the heirs left by adventurers.

The child may not necessarily be the result of love between two people, but may also be an accident of a night of indulgence...

After all , this world has not invented all kinds of contraceptives.

In short, female adventurers, or prostitutes on the night streets, will abandon children who hinder their lives in the dark and deep alleys of slums.

"It was out of sympathy at first, but I really couldn't let go of these abandoned children.……"

A gentle look appeared on Maria's somewhat thin and kind face.

"So I borrowed this church without permission and opened this orphanage in name only."

Hearing this, Chu Mu pondered for a moment and then asked

"Are there enough funds? if you can……"

"I still have enough food and clothing, but I don't need any help from my husband. Maria answered Chu Mu’s question with a smile.

"Because from time to time, kind-hearted gods will bring condolences and money, and in addition……"

As she spoke, she looked at the gray-haired girl next to her with kind eyes.

"Miss Xier often comes over to play with the children, and is kind enough to help take care of them, which really helps me a lot."

"oh? So this is ah……"

Seeing the look of surprise on Chu Mu's face,

Xi'er joked in a naughty tone from the side.

"Did you get the truth you wanted, Mr. Detective? Chu

Mu also followed her role-playing and said with a smile.

"Well...the suspect's motive for committing the crime is already very clear."

"Hey, we need to arrest him and bring him to justice."

"It all depends on your consciousness - Ms. Mia said that you have taken too many leave during this period, and she wants you to look good when you return."

"Ah, it does seem a bit excessive. I hope Mia’s mother won’t be too angry."

Looking at the young men and women singing together as if they were acting in a drama, Ms. Maria also showed a kind smile.

The children around her also widened their eyes, feeling that Sister Xier seemed a little different today.

There is always something wrong. He looked more lively and cute than usual.

At this moment, a loud bell sounded from the top of the building, announcing that it was officially entering the night time.

"Ah, it's time for dinner."

Hearing the sound of the bell, Xi'er took out a rattan basket from the shelf next to her, and then happily took out various dishes and placed them on the table.

Chu Mu glanced at it. Judging from the nutritional combination, it seemed that there was nothing Impeccable.

However... the moment these dishes were placed, the children around them fell silent for an instant.

"Sister Xier’s cooking……"

The little blond girl who brought Chu Mu into the church had a very vivid bitter expression on her face.

"Ugh... Although it is bad to waste food……"

"And this is also Sister Xier’s kindness.……"


The children struggled internally for a moment as they faced the various dishes in front of them.

As if making sacrifices for some lofty ideal, finally started

"Is it so exaggerated?"

Chu Mu was about to reach out for a piece of chicken sandwich, but a pair of slender white arms suddenly stretched out and took the entire plate away.

"Mr. Chu Mu can’t eat it"




The gray-haired girl who usually looks like the girl next door now has a courage that cannot be refuted.

"These are made for children, so Mr. Chu Mu cannot eat them."

Xie'er, holding the food in both hands and her cheeks stained red, left an explanation and ran out of the restaurant.

"Sister Xier's expression just now was completely that of a woman.……"

"He must not want the Miracle Hero to discover his terrible cooking skills……"

After Xier left, the children immediately started whispering

"It turns out that it’s this big brother’s fault that Sister Xi’er started making lunch boxes!"

"What we brought to us before was obviously the delicious food in the store.……"

"Damn it, we are sister Xier’s experimenters……"

Facing the painful looks of the children, which were full of grief and anger, Chu Mu silently turned his head in the direction of Ms. Maria.

It's just that... the dean, who was originally very kind, also whispered

"Although I am very grateful to Miss Xier, I just... hope her skills can improve."

So the dinner time was spent in a very delicate atmosphere.

"Mr. Chu Mu, Miss Xi'er, leave the rest to me. You two should have their own affairs, right?"

Ms. Maria took over the job of playing with the children very considerately. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Do you want to take a walk around the area?"

Xie'er took the initiative to send an invitation to Chu Mu, and the latter naturally had no reason to refuse. The church courtyard is very wide, and the land is divided into areas in an orderly manner.

The small vegetable garden can ensure that the orphanage can barely maintain Operation.

Under dim light, young men and women walk in an ambiguous atmosphere

"Mr. Chu Mu, do you know?……"


"I also grew up in the ghetto and never met my parents."

Xie'er walked up a few steps briskly, her soft voice blowing in the evening breeze.

"Therefore, Lady Freya chose me to be her carrier."

Chu Mu paused, and then followed.

As the person involved, Xi'er naturally knew what happened to her from the beginning.

However, the next words... were somewhat beyond Chu Mu's expectations.

"Although after that war game, that adult no longer occupied my five senses and emotions, but... I still have some senses left."

The girl turned around, her slender figure looking a little thin under the night.

"You are the god who liberated me from Freya-sama... Fool-sama, right?"

The clear and ethereal light gray eyes intertwined with Chu Mu's gaze.

After a moment, Chu Mu said softly

"What if I answer yes?"

"Of course it won't happen, it's just——"

The next moment, the girl standing high up jumped up, like a moth flying into a flame.

Chu Mu, who was regarded as a"flame", had quick eyes and quick hands, and pulled the girl in mid-air towards him to prevent her from falling on the cold and hard ground.

In the somewhat cold evening breeze, the girl's delicate body exuded a scorching body temperature, which was transmitted from her soft body.

"It just gives me one more reason to like you, that's all."

After saying this rather blunt statement, Xi'er slowly opened Chu Mu's chest with her hands and got out of his arms.

".Well, well, I will work hard to practice my cooking skills. Please just pretend that nothing happened today."

"What's up?"

Seeing the girl showing such a shy and cute look, Chu Mu couldn't help teasing her.

"Is it the words just now, or the expressions on the children’s faces that are unable to express themselves?"

"Of course it's the one at the back...ah?! Are these guys acting that obvious?!"

"To be honest, you should bring food from the tavern to visit them in the future, otherwise I will have many more enemies inexplicably."

"Ugh...Mr. Fool, you are bullying people!"

Perhaps because of being"possessed" by Freya,

Xi'er didn't seem to have much respect for"gods".

After confirming Chu Mu's true identity, she was still able to get along with him as usual... or rather, she was more... They became intimate.

Maybe it was because there were more"secrets" between the two that only they knew.

After making an agreement with Xi'er not to skip work the next day and to work in the tavern honestly,

Chu Mu just planned to leave. Church, when I was leaving, I was stopped by two children from the orphanage.

"What's wrong?"

Chu Mu looked at the children in front of him curiously.

One of them was the blond half-elf girl who opened the door for him, and the other was an orc boy with bear-like oval ears.

"Uh... Actually, we have a commission to ask for your help."

As he said that, the bear boy took out a few well-maintained gold coins from his body and handed them to Chu Mu.

"This is the reward... Sorry, that's all we have. (Okay?)"

Chu Mu glanced at these gold coins, and there were only three pitiful ones, which were Fali.

Even for a Level 1 adventurer, it was a very rude commission.

However, Chu Mu still wanted to hear this. The children's request... can't be a chore like finding a cat, right?

"What kind of commission? Can you first tell me about the content of the commission?"

Hearing Chu Mu's question, the half-elf little girl immediately raised her hand and said

"From a certain area near the church, no matter whether it is day or night, weird roars will be heard from time to time... If you get closer, you can still hear rustling sounds."

"We are worried that it will threaten the church, so can you ask Brother Miracle Brave to investigate?……"

"That's it, no problem, just leave it to me."

Chu Mu nodded and agreed.

He originally thought it was a wandering beast or a phenomenon caused by other factors.

However, the triggered event prompt made his expression change slightly.

"Brother Miracle Hero, what's wrong...is there any scary monster inside?"

Seeing his expression, the two young"clients" asked half worriedly and half excitedly.

They probably thought that they could see the wonderful scene of the adventurer fighting the monster.

However, Chu Mu did not let them Follow your own plan to investigate this matter.

Because judging from the prompt information...the problem behind this commission is a bit serious.

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