Arena battle, these are the rules of the game agreed upon by Hestia and Apollo.

In a sense, this is the type of confrontation that both sides are satisfied with.

For the Hestia Familia who are"weak" and have only one Familia member, this one-on-one battle can avoid the numerical disadvantage.

For the Apollo Familia, the arena battle can be said to be The rule with the highest winning rate.

Because they could rely on their numerical advantage to slowly wear down Chu Mu's physical strength, and then decide the outcome with one blow!

In their eyes, Chu Mu is just a new adventurer who has just reached Level 3, and the leader of the Apollo Familia, Jacintos, who has the title of"Beloved of the Sun's Light", is also a Level 3 adventurer. By.

Two opponents of equal strength, if one of them has consumed a lot of energy.

Then victory obviously belongs to the side in good condition.

This is the plan of the Apollo Familia

"The winner...the miraculous hero of the Hestia Familia!"

"The next showdown will begin in 5 minutes!"

With the sound of drums announcing the end of the battle, lively cheers resounded in the arena.

This was already the 19th enemy Chu Mu had defeated.

And the last contestant from the Apollo Familia was Jacintos.

"Your luck ends here, kid."

The elegant young man with fair skin and black hair pulled out his weapon and slowly pointed it at Chu Mu. An undisguised look of jealousy and contempt appeared on his face. 200

Probably thought that Chu Mu's appearance had snatched away Apollo. Attention to him.

That’s why I looked at the young man in front of me with such eyes.

"Let me tell you... there are differences between adventurers of the same level"


Chu Mu didn't even bother to look at him. He lowered his eyes and thought about what would happen after winning the war game.

Apollo is the third god he is about to challenge

"The Sun God... I don’t know what his true form is like."

Facing Chu Mu's disregard, Jacintos, who thought the victory or defeat was decided, couldn't help but turn pale.

He snorted coldly, preparing to make the next battle not end so quickly.

Victory is inevitable, so he wants this Arrogant guy makes a fool of himself in front of the entire arena crowd

"The last duel of this war game——"

The host of the Ganesha Family raised his arms high and shouted excitedly with a mask on his face.

"The Beloved of the Sun versus the Miracle Hero, the battle begins!"

At the moment when the announcement of the start of the battle ended,

Jacintos stepped out, and the wave-shaped sword in his hand was like a red poisonous snake, stabbing the boy in front of him.

He was sure that Chu Mu had consumed too much energy in the previous battle and could not fight at all. Withstand such a swift and violent attack

"——It's so slow."

However, when he heard this slow comment, the sword he held out had been brushed aside by Chu Mu.

Chu Mu jumped forward and intertwined with Jacintos' body.

Tightly. Then, two scorching sword lights cut out arc-shaped trajectories from the left and right sides, lashing the latter violently.

A large amount of blood instantly sprayed all over the ground, and the two long and narrow cuts were like open water bags. Blood continued to spurt out.

The rapid blood loss made Jacintos' consciousness go into a trance and his vision became blurred.

At the moment before he fell into coma, he could only hear some panicked announcements coming from the high platform.

"The battle, the battle is over! Doctor, come and treat me quickly!"

"The winner of this war game is the Hestia Familia!"



"This is the kingdom of the Sun God... Tsk tsk."

Looking at the splendid golden palace in front of him, which revealed the temperament of the nouveau riche, Chu Mu couldn't help but sigh.

"As expected, he is as cool as that Apollo."

After winning the war game, Chu Mu naturally obtained another star coordinate of the Kingdom of God.

The difference from the previous two times was... this time he represented the Hestia Familia instead of his own"Fool" Familia.

Therefore, he did not receive the corresponding Familia event reward.

However, a mere few hundred reincarnation gold coins and the loss of a few attribute points were not as important to Chu Mu as the trophies of a divine kingdom or a god.

"It's been more than a week since I last challenged the gods, and I'm feeling a little itchy."

Esdeath, who also followed Chu Mu to the Kingdom of God this time, was also full of fighting spirit.

Chu Mu glanced around and finally stopped at a huge golden door.

"Let's go and meet the owner of this place."

Apollo's Kingdom of God is somewhat similar to Freya. It is also a majestic palace complex. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Moreover, the palace is full of handsome men and beautiful women, which is very pleasing to the eye.

But one Thinking that these"servants of the gods" were obtained by Apollo using various means (aefh), the scenery of this divine kingdom seems to have become less beautiful.

Under the cover of the"hermit", Chu Mu and Ace Des successfully reached the deepest part of the palace.

Pushing open the last golden door, a blond male god sitting on a golden throne and wearing a tree crown came into view.

Apollo's true body was actually the one who was with him in the mortal world. The avatars are exactly the same!

Before Chu Mu could continue to observe, the figure on the golden throne suddenly opened his eyes. In an instant, a dazzling golden light flashed in the hall, giving the two people who sneaked into it a premonition that their figure had been discovered.

"There are actually uninvited guests and such handsome men and women.……"

Apollo looked at the uninvited guest who appeared in front of him with great interest, and suddenly said

"Do you two admire me and come here specifically to court me?"

As soon as these words came out, not only Chu Mu's eyelids twitched, but his expression was strange.

Even Esdeath, who had always been as cold as ice, had a look of astonishment on his pretty face.

Being able to be as narcissistic as Apollo... Talent, no, genius.

After a moment, Chu Mu's face returned to calmness and he said calmly

"I just came to inform you that your Kingdom of God still has divinity. I want it."

"……Oh, it turned out to be a thief who wanted to steal divine power."

Apollo snorted coldly, but was filled with surprise and doubt in his heart. It was unheard of that these two people could sneak into his divine kingdom from the star realm silently!

Therefore, at the moment when he fell out, he Decided to use all his strength to directly kill the enemy in front of him!

The bright sun rose rapidly from behind the throne, and the temperature in the hall suddenly became scorching and anxious. The rising temperature seemed to dry out everything in the world, vicious Incomparable!

Esdeath frowned, trying to form a wall of ice to resist the oncoming heat wave.

However, as soon as the blue ice crystals were born, they melted and evaporated into light water vapor!

"……Stand back, Esdeath."

Chu Mu looked solemnly at the gods melting into the blazing sun, and gave Esdeath a retreat order for the first time.

"His power is very strong, and it is not something you can deal with now."

In his perception, Apollo's divine strength is one level higher than Soma and Freya!

If the latter two are"weaker divine powers""……Then Apollo is at least a"medium divine power" level existence!

After hearing Chu Mu's words, Esdeath's expression also changed, and she heard something unusual in it.

She glanced at the dazzling"sun" unwillingly, then obeyed Chu Mu's instructions and retreated out of the hall.

Although she was eager to fight with strong men, since Chu Mu said this... it meant that Apollo was indeed not a strong enemy that she could deal with!

"Are you prepared to die alone?"

In the sun, Apollo's frivolous and exaggerated voice came out

"That woman is nice. I like her very much. Once I kill you... I will take her as my dependent."

"Don't worry, you have no chance."

Facing the gods' lies, Chu Mu breathed a sigh of relief and said calmly

"Before that, I will make you disappear——"

At this moment, he no longer needs to restrain his strength and is not subject to any restrictions. He can use all his power!

In other words, Chu Mu was at the peak of his strength at this time!

"But you...are you ready to face me?".

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