The crimson"sky" began to crack, and large pieces of gravel and black mist continued to fall.

After the last trace of the King of Filth's existence was wiped out by the thunder, the thousands of lightnings that lost their target finally died down and gradually stopped.

But the misfortune connected with the power of the King of Filth has inevitably begun to destroy.

Unlike the hanging city that hangs high in the sky, the disintegration of Huye starts from the top and is destroyed layer by layer.

As for Chu Mu and others who were in the deepest"Abyss", they could see this doomsday scene full of sad beauty when they raised their heads.

"Fuye's mission is over."

As the creation of this space, Qingming looked at the disintegrating space and was quite emotional.

She has now returned to her true body and can clearly detect the state of Wuye.

As a cage that imprisons the King of Filth, Wuye It finally completed its duty.

And she herself... finally escaped from the long watch.

The person who brought such great changes to the world was standing next to her"Three Seven Zero"

"Want to leave? I can take you out directly."

Hearing Qingming's suggestion, Chu Mu came to his senses from the long list of reward messages.

"Don't worry, I'm going to check the place where the King of Filth is buried to avoid any further trouble."

"You and Hongxu stay here for now, I'll be back soon."

Looking at Chu Mu's retreating figure, a slight smile appeared on Qingming's lips.

Although this guy claimed that his interests came first... he was still quite kind-hearted.

Who knew that Chu Mu had already confirmed the filthiness through the reminder of the reincarnation space? The death of the king.

In fact, he went to see if this legendary powerful enemy had any missed drops.

Of course... the most abundant loot had already been collected by him.


【You have killed the"King of Filth""!】

【You have completed the hidden side quest"Elegy to the World""!】

【You got"Legendary Loot Select Box" x1】

【You got the destiny card"Lord of Filth (Legendary)""】



Legendary Treasure Chest! Legendary Destiny Card!

Two consecutive rewards with the prefix"Legendary" made Chu Mu almost unable to control the smile on his face.

After leaving the sight of the two women, he couldn't help but stretched out his hand and clenched his fist and said cheers of excitement

"After the disaster is completely destroyed, my mission as a villain can be completed."

"Counting the legendary cursed blueprints, this dungeon has yielded a total of 3 legendary rewards... What a profit!"

Legendary props, professions and even bloodlines are not cabbage on the roadside.

At least among the mid-level players Chu Mu has met, the quality of the mainstream props is still around the gold level. Senior mid-level players like"Parsel" A strong man, a reincarnation player with half a foot in the ranks of high-level players.

The most valuable possession on his body is just an extraordinary"Great Thousand Transformation Gu Vessel".

It is estimated that only the most mysterious and top-notch high-level players in the reincarnation space can Only players can try their best to get one or two legendary items.

When they came to the place where the King of Filth struggled for the last time, all he could see were various potholes exploded by lightning.

Chu Mu scanned for a week and found nothing special. items

"It's quite environmentally friendly... not even a bit of residue is left."

Just when he thought there was no extra gain, the"Disaster Raven" he released suddenly let out a high-pitched cry in the sky.

"Um? that position……"

Chu Mu raised his brows, looked down at the earth through the disaster raven's vision, and found a mass of gray mist in the scorched earth.

After getting closer, the gray mist stood quietly on the spot without any reaction.

"What the hell is this? The smell is a bit familiar.……"

After thinking for a moment, Chu Mu reached out and tentatively grabbed into the gray mist.

As soon as he touched the surface of the mist, a biting coldness spread along his nerves.

【You have obtained the"Soul of the King of Filth (Legendary)"]

Chu Mu watched dumbfounded as the gray mist penetrated into the Ring of Endless Greed, and it took him a long time to react.

The King of Filth whom he killed... had a legendary soul!

Although it is material, it is also legendary material after all!

"I didn't get any of the souls of Basara, but I got lucky with the biggest boss."

While lamenting the impermanence of fate, Chu Mu checked the properties of the material.

Like other souls, the soul of the King of Filth only has a simple one-line description.

If it hadn't been for the dark gold color unique to the legendary level, I'm afraid it would only be compared with the other souls. Regular soul-body confusion

"If this thing were made into a soul spell card, its power would probably not start as a forbidden spell.……"

Shaking his head, Chu Mu returned to his previous position with some surprise.

Legendary materials cannot be directly converted into combat power.

They need to be processed by sub-professionals to achieve their due effects. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

How to deal with this unexpected gain... Chu Mu has no idea yet.

"I've checked, and the King of Filth is already dead."

Chu Mu said in a relaxed tone, and touched Hongxu's little head.

"After I get home, I'll make your favorite Hagi mochi"


Hongxu narrowed her eyes with enjoyment, feeling Chu Mu's gentle caress.

She had already put on the eyepatch for reversing the spell, and changed from the posture of the"filthy princess" to the human form.

"Since you said so, I'm relieved."

Qingming nodded in relief, and then she took one last look at this black-red land.

The land of the abyss, where she had been trapped for thousands of years. , now he was about to leave completely.

The next moment, a portal to the real world opened directly.

Qingming walked directly into the door without any nostalgia.


Two months later.

Tuyumen Island, Taiyue Tower

"This is the combat command room. The fluctuations in Fuye's spell power have completely disappeared. We hereby report."

Even Tai Shang, who is usually gentle and gentle, his tone at this time is full of excitement and trembling.

"According to the information provided by Shuangxing and Seimei, this means……"

"There will never be filth again in this world!"

"Yeah, that's really something to celebrate."

Tsuchimikado Arima's lazily voice came from the communication talisman.

"However, I have some bad news for you."

Hearing the commander-in-chief's answer, Tai Chang looked stern and suddenly became nervous.

Could it be that... there is a new enemy in Yin Yang Company?

"Lord Arima, may I ask... what is the bad news?"


The commander-in-chief of Yin Yang Company sighed heavily and said with a heavy expression.

"Just yesterday, Shuangxing disappeared from the mansion after leaving a letter."

"Judging from the content of the letter, it seems that they are going to travel to a far away place."

After a pause, Tsuchimikado Arima concluded with great regret.

"It seems they won't be able to attend the celebration party."

"……Lord Arima, is this the bad news you mentioned?"

"if not?"

"0.3 With a"pop" sound, Taishang gritted his teeth and tore the communication talisman into pieces.

Then, the conscientious general breathed a sigh of relief, with a relaxed smile on his face.

"Finally, it's all over"


In the pure white space, Chu Mu opened his eyes. After staying in the dark environment of Fuye for a long time, Chu Mu felt a very warm and familiar feeling when he saw this bright space again.

"Finally came back."

Chu Mu walked to the screen with ease and said casually.


In an instant, rows of reward items appeared quickly and kept scrolling.

The ratings next to them also rose all the way, changing rapidly like a rocket.

In the end, Chu Mu's rating surpassed S... and reached a brand new rank.

【Your evaluation in this copy is: SS!】

【You have obtained"SS-level copy evaluation treasure box" x1!】


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