After a while, a white-haired figure flashed at the door.

A white little loli walked up to him unhurriedly, Senior Yang, I was entrusted by everyone in the first grade to come and ask Senior Yang about the matter of Senior Yang letting Vice President Cang Na get pregnant out of wedlock. of.

With a calm look on his face, the kitten said something terrible in every sense of the word.

Why? Why can you be so calm?

Sona covered her face.

Although she knew it was a rumor, she felt that she still had no face to see anyone.

She was wondering, what did Shinra Chunji say? Will it eventually ferment into such a theme?

Sona felt that if she didn't care, it might happen in a few days that she and Kanzaki Yang had divorced and were going to go to college as a divorced young woman.

At this time, facing the kitten's doubts, Kanzaki Yang just smiled.

This is a misunderstanding~ Please help me explain it, Mao Mao.

Could it be that these Kuou Academy students thought that he and Sona were doing that kind of thing in the sacred student council room all day long? Is that why you got pregnant out of wedlock?

A moral issue, this is definitely a moral issue.

Kanzaki Yang decided to start rectifying the moral issues from today!

After listening to Kanzaki Yang's words, Kitty nodded lightly, Senior Yang, I will explain to them.

She also believed that Kanzaki Yang would not do such an outrageous thing, and she only came to Kanzaki Yang because she was asked to do so by too many people.

Then I'll ask the kitten.

Kanzaki Yang subconsciously stretched out his hand, while Koneko subconsciously avoided it.

She still had a certain shadow of Kanzaki Yang's warm hands. If she showed that comfortable expression in front of so many people, she felt that she would definitely collapse.


School time.

Go home, go home~

Kanzaki Yang looked at the purple treasure box that had been painted and slipped out of the classroom.

He is different today than usual.

Usually, Kanzaki Yang would stay in the student council room for a while before going home. But today, looking at the purple treasure box that was drawn out for the first time, he directly arranged the things that needed to be done today through his mobile phone and left. School.

This treasure it moving, that is to say, is it a person?

Yang Kanzaki narrowed his eyes, found a corner, and used the space transfer formation.

Dark Magician Girl, please lend me your power~

In Kanzaki Yang's hand, a card with the image of a blond girl printed on it turned into golden light spots, and then gradually integrated into his body.

This is an application effect of monster cards, which can use part of the power of monster cards.

In terms of Kanzaki Yang's own control ability and utilization efficiency, of course he chose to integrate it into himself.

Even if he only has the magic power of an intermediate demon level after the fusion, he is still much more powerful than the Black Magician Girl who is at the peak of the intermediate demon level.


——The new book is about to set sail. Please give me flowers, reviews, and monthly votes——.

Chapter 14

This is also the reason why the Dark Magician Girl is dissatisfied.

【Master is real! Can't we just let people come out and fight on their own? 】

The dark magical girl in the card was holding her chest in dissatisfaction. She hoped that she could help her master instead of him relying on a little bit of her power.

Of course, that's what they say, but the power provided by the Dark Magician Girl will not be reduced at all.

All self-aware life forms issued by the system are 100% loyal to Kanzaki Yang.

Had it not been for the power mechanism provided by the card itself, Dark Magician Girl would have even wanted to let Kanzaki Yoo use all of her power.



Came to a small house.

Kanzaki Yang seemed to notice some strange aura and glanced into the distance.

After a few seconds, Kanzaki Yang withdrew his gaze.

From the beginning, it stopped in the hut in front, which means...the treasure box figure is in the hut.

Kanzaki Yang frowned and walked slowly towards the hut.

He smelled a hint of blood.

It allowed him to smell the smell of blood from such a long distance. In other words, the smell of blood inside was so strong that he didn't know how strong it was!


The door to the room was not closed, so Kanzaki Yang opened it easily.

As soon as I opened it, a bloody smell hit my face.

This scene was similar to his usual scenes of dealing with lost demons, but in a way it was much crueler.

A young priest stuck out his tongue and looked towards the door that made the noise.

It turns out it's you~

Kanzaki Yang sighed, and a clean magic circle rose up under his feet.

As the purification formation penetrated the entire room, the blood, organs, and human limbs that had just been scattered on the ground were all dissipated between heaven and earth.

He said who could trigger the purple treasure chest turned out to be a plot character.

The lost priest Fried is an artificial warrior created by the church using the genetic factors of the legendary hero Siegfried, but he has now defected from the church.


The young priest Freed saw that the blood feast he had finally created was purified? Still, he was purified directly without his permission, and his complexion became distorted in an instant.

Hey!! You bastard who came out of nowhere, don't destroy other people's work!

The fruits of your labor?

Kanzaki Yang raised his eyebrows.

Regardless of whether the condition of the purple treasure chest is to kill Freed or not, he will choose to kill him.

I'm sorry, but you have also destroyed the fruits of my labor~ My Juwang Town is not something you can pollute and do whatever you want.

Kanzaki Yang narrowed his eyes and said.

He has always had a deep affection for this town.

Although it is just an ordinary town, a town with no other characteristics except for the beautiful sunset, it is his hometown in another world.

Of course, when he didn't have the ability in the past, he could only endure it. Later, after developing the formation, Kanzaki Yang also chose to go out to clean up the trash from time to time - Lost the Devil.

And this priest Freed should be the one who recently entered the fallen angel forces in Kuou Town.

Those who betray the church are very welcome by the fallen angels.

Hahahaha!~Your Kuoh Town? Your Kuoh Town?!

Let me use your body to perform a ritual of worshiping the gods again!

Freed's hand appeared in the priest's standard equipment, a light gun that can emit light bullets, and a lightsaber.

A ritual to worship the gods?

Kanzaki Yang's eyes were a little subtle, but he casually condensed a holy sword in his hand.

Seeing the holy sword in Yang Kanzaki's hand, Freed became even more sure that the man in front of him was from the church!


With an instant force under his feet, Freed's figure disappeared!


Feng Shui arrays were quietly surrounding Kanzaki Yang's limbs.

This is a Feng Shui formation he uses to increase his physical fitness.


Just as Freed watched excitedly as his lightsaber was about to hit this man's body, Kanzaki Yang's figure disappeared in front of him in an instant.

[Four-pole sky-reaching formation! 】

Sorry, I have no intention of wasting time with you.

Hearing the voice coming from behind him, Freed slashed behind him without even looking, adding a luminous bomb at the same time.

Sorry, this doesn't work for me.

Kanzaki Yang did not take any action this time, but directly withstood the lightsaber and light bombs with his own body.

He had made a judgment before the battle that neither the light power of angels nor fallen angels could harm him, let alone the inferior light of the priest.


Freed looked at what happened in front of him. The lightsaber and light bullets seemed to have returned to his own home, quietly integrating into Yang Kanzaki's body.


Kanzaki Yang smiled and shook his head, stretching out his hand in the direction of Freed.

[Sealing Formation—Eight Protective Sealing Formation! 】

With the force of restraint coming from eight directions, Freed was fixed in mid-air, without any remaining strength to resist!

Then the next moment, a burst of blazing light came from below.

[Attack Formation—Six Paths of Extermination Formation! 】


Freed looked horrified and was about to say something.

However, before he could speak, his body instantly disappeared between heaven and earth!

【Ding! 】

【Open the purple treasure chest! 】

[Congratulations to the host for receiving the reward - algorithm - flash memory calculation! 】

[Using brain evolution technology, magic is imprinted in the memory field as image memory, not from nature or hands, but activated through the memory field.

The magic formula is directly memorized in the form of an image, and even the time of constructing the magic formula is omitted, thereby achieving high-speed magic execution. 】

Oh? This thing is good.

Yang Kanzaki raised his eyebrows, although using this thing would occupy his calculations and consume a lot of magic power in an instant.

However, the improvement of one's own combat power is undoubtedly extremely terrifying!


——The new book is about to set sail. Please give me flowers, reviews, and monthly votes——.

Chapter 15

When he needs to explode, he no longer has to directly throw the formation disk that he spent a lot of money to make before, which not only saves materials, but also greatly improves concealment.

Perhaps, in a sense, you can be considered purified by the god you once believed in~

Looking at Freed's purified soul, Kanzaki Yang sighed and left this place.

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