Hestia asked immediately.

Become a god.

Kanzaki Yang's voice was very calm.


Hestia hesitated to speak, and finally let out a sigh.

She knew that her Yang Lord was very powerful, but becoming a god or something... was really a bit useless.

With Yangjun's ability to kill gods now, when he becomes a god, he will probably surpass all the gods now and become the supreme god who sets the rules.

At that time, will it still be useful to eliminate the mark of Apollo?

Yang Jun should have had the strength to face the gods before this, but I have to say that it is indeed a bit useless~

It seems that I have to change my policy a little in the future~

Kanzaki Yoya shook his head and said.


at this time.

Kill the red-eyed world.

Elsa felt the return of the artifact.

The connection of Sekiryuutei's power returned to the gem in her hand.

It really made me watch a good show~

Elsa sighed.

Just now, her mind also came to Kanzaki Yang's side and witnessed Kanzaki Yang's battle.

Miss Elsa, things on the Lord's side seem to be settled~

On the other side, a blond man said with a smile.

He is the leader of An Ning Dao, and now the leader of the Holy Religion. He is a person who exists to spread the glory of the Lord and to enable more people to be saved.

And the Elsa in front of him is one of the powerful transformative forces given to this world by the Lord.

The Dragon Saint - Erza, possesses the power of the red dragon, and has the powerful ability to easily deal with multiple Teigu users and defeat them with ease.


In his eyes, Elsa was like this.

However in reality.

Elsa is just a soul revived by Kanzaki Yang.

When purifying the resentment of the Sekiryu Emperors of the past generations, Kanzaki Yo once allowed those people to make free choices.

If they choose to continue fighting, he can help them shape their bodies and get them back into the fight.

And Erza is the strongest female Sekiryuutei in history.

After Kanzaki Yang's judgment, Erza was the one who could best exert the power of the Sekiryuutei, so he chose to resurrect Erza.

Originally, there was the most powerful male Sekiryuutei in history who could be a candidate.

But his age is too long ago, and he has always been in a semi-conscious state of sleep, so Kanzaki Yang will not include him in the consideration list.

· ···Asking for flowers·· ··

After winning the competition between Elsa and other souls, Kanzaki Yang used the power of the Ark's red ball to reshape a body for her.

Kanzaki Yang has known for a long time that Ark Red Ball has the ability to remember his body, which can ensure that he will not die even if he is killed by a sneak attack.

But this function can actually be used to shape other people's bodies, but the mechanism that automatically updates and protects Yang Kanzaki's body will temporarily fail when shaping other people's bodies.

Exhausting a certain amount of stored energy, Elsa was given a new lease of life.

Of course...there are prerequisites. She can only act with Kanzaki Yang as the center.

However, Elsa also chose to be resurrected after knowing this condition. She also wanted to witness how many interesting things would be monitored around Kanzaki Yang.

Then, sure enough...not long after she was resurrected, she had a very interesting experience - traveling to another world!

She came to the world of Zanchitong as the Dragon Saint, and together with the guardian Saint Joan of Arc, as the two-pillar saint representing the sword and shield, they shouldered the responsibilities of the Saint Saint.

Ah~ It's not a big deal. It's just that the Lord killed a god.

... ......... 0

Because it's a little more convenient to use Ddraig's power, I was asked to pass Ddraig's power back first, and now it's back.

Elsa waved her hand nonchalantly.

At least she felt that this was nothing to the gods.

Another god? May I ask what god it is? The leader seemed to be very interested in this matter.


Elsa didn't hide anything, she just pointed at the sun and said.


Even though the leader had been mentally prepared, he was still shocked by this answer.

Will even the brilliance of the sun surrender to the power of the Lord? !

Leader, the next village will be left to you. If you need me to do anything, just call me. I will continue to practice.

Elsa smiled and then prepared to practice.

In fact, it wasn't long before she got this body.

Ark Red Ball first used most of its calculation power on Kanzaki Yang's reincarnation, and finally used it on Elsa's reincarnation.

The current Elsa has only been resurrected for less than three months, including the time spent deducing her body, and all her body functions are still recovering.

When she recovers, she will be at least a master at the peak of Demon King level.

The Cage Hand of the Sekiryuutei, for the most outstanding human host like Erza, is estimated to have the power of the highest demon peak or Demon King level when using the Cage Hand.

If you use Tyrannosaurus, you can basically reach the peak of Demon King level.

As for the transcendent level, it really depends on fate.

Although most of the hosts are excellent, it is difficult to exert Ddraig's full power simply by relying on human bodies.

Even using [Balong] only releases the power of the dragon soul itself, but does not maximize the power of the dragon soul itself.

In the later period, Hyoudou Issei and Wall-E, Hyoudou Issei obtained transcendent level strength with the help of Ophis and the Red Dragon God Emperor, while Wall-E obtained the [Demon King Transformation] with the help of Ophis. ] state, which is also a transcendent level strength.

It is precisely because of this that they are called the most special Red Dragon Emperor and White Dragon Emperor.

As for Elsa, she is really far away from that state... The knife...

Chapter 106

How can we not pursue a higher realm when we have the opportunity to be reborn?

Elsa looked at her arms, then at her body.

Although these... Although the body posture and appearance are the same as before, the inside is completely different.

Because Kanzaki Yo's Ark Red Ball has recorded the data of Kanzaki Yo's reincarnation, these data were also used when shaping Elsa's body.

At this time, Elsa may no longer be called a human being. In a sense, she is equivalent to Eve created by Kanzaki Yang, the first female new generation human being.

Of course, there is still a certain gap between Kanzaki Yang's physique.

After all, Kanzaki Yang was reincarnated directly in the body of the god, while Erza was reincarnated through the retained data. The conditions for reincarnation were really very different.

But just because he's not as good as Kanzaki Yang doesn't mean he's not as good as his previous self.

Now Erza can truly claim to be the most potential Sekiryuutei. If she continues to grow like this, she will definitely be able to exert her strength at the level of a transcendent!

There should be strong enough people in this world, right?

Elsa has also heard in the past few days that there are extremely powerful varieties of dangerous species in this world. According to her prediction, there are even varieties that are not weaker than Ddraig in life.

It's just that these dangerous species basically don't appear in human sight.

Whenever you complete the mission of that adult, let's go challenge those dangerous species~

Elsa made up her mind.

Sure enough, she still likes to fight.

She had spent so long in the artifact that she no longer felt like fighting.

Unexpectedly, her mood changed subtly in the Resurrection Center. Sure enough...she still likes to fight~

I always feel like that woman is a little dangerous~

After Elsa left, Joan of Arc, who had been looking at her silently, spoke.

Maybe it's because dragons are a symbol of evil in her eyes, or maybe it's because she's a little jealous that Elsa is an individual resurrected by a god?

In short, her impression of Elsa was not very good.

Of course, she would never admit that the latter point was related to jealousy.

Lord Joan of Arc, the power of protection is necessary, the power of change is also necessary, and Lady Aisha who is behind you, supporting you, and healing everything is also necessary.

The leader said with a smile.

In his opinion, these three saints are undoubtedly the embodiment of the Lord's will.

I know this.

Joan of Arc calmed down her mood a little and decided to pray to the Lord for a while.

Her prayers now are different from before. If they pray seriously now, they can contact Kanzaki Yang through the Bible.

She woke up and listened carefully to the Lord’s teachings.


Kanzaki Yang's side.

I really don’t have time to listen to her teachings yet.

Because he is busy with business now.

Interviewer No. 596-600, please come in.

Sitting at the desk, Kanzaki Yang said slowly.

Yes, Master Yang. After Lililuka served Kanzaki Yang a cup of tea, she immediately went outside to call someone.

It is now recruitment time for the Hestia Familia, and a large number of Familia come forward to take the exam.

Kanzaki Yang can just use the recruitment matter to consume some time, so that he can reasonably refuse the opportunity to meet other gods.

It always feels like I'm back to the days when I was the student council president~

Sitting in front of the table, Kanzaki Yang smiled and shook his head.

There is no doubt that office work is going on now, but it has just changed from the modern student union recruitment to the other world version of adventure recruitment.

Master Yang, interviewees No. 596-600 are here.

Lilluka led a group of girls in.

Well.........all girls.

It's not that there are no men, it's just that the number of men is too rare and diluted by the huge number of girls.

Hello, may I ask why you want to join the Hestia Familia?

Kanzaki Yang asked with a smile.

Of course, this is just a superficial phenomenon. In fact, he had already determined the qualifications of these people when they came in.

Unless they have special skills or support personnel, the largest number of main combatants must have at least L4 level potential.

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