But...the contract must be completed, and taking action is not impossible. There is always a way to bypass the contract.

For Kanzaki Yang, even if he uses some means, he will never hesitate!

He... will never give up like this!


Suddenly, he noticed a subtle difference.

It was clear that he had walked through the door back to the God Realm just now, but why didn't he return to the God Realm?

Are you wondering why you didn't return to God Realm?

After this idea came to his mind, he heard an extremely familiar voice!

The voice of the [Holy Son]!

The voice of the Holy Son reached his ears!

Before he even figured out why the [Holy Son] was here, he looked towards the place where the sound came from with extremely excited eyes.

Why the [Holy Son] is here is not important to him at all. What matters is the fact that the [Holy Son] is here!

Apollo, you are really a unique god~ Are all gods like you?

Kanzaki Yang narrowed his eyes and asked.

He felt that he would not become a tax evader like Apollo in the future, right? After all, if you live a long time, you can do anything for fun.

Ark red ball, execute the order, 001!

But that's all for later. Kanzaki Yang now... just wants to simply kill Apollo!


[Execute command——001! 】

In Kanzaki Yang's body, the silent red ball of the Ark burst out with red-gold light!

At the same time, Kanzaki Yang's eyes turned golden, and there seemed to be endless golden stars floating in his eyes.

[Holy Super Mode - Loading Successfully...]

Kanzaki Yang's body is filled with divinity and divine radiance. This level of divine power even crushes Apollo's divine power in terms of quality!

Who are you!

After realizing Kanzaki Yang's essential attributes, Apollo was also stunned for a moment.

This is the power of God!


There is something very subtle about it, and it should not be the power of a god.

But.........It is definitely a power similar to that of a god! It is definitely not weak compared to the power of gods, it even exceeds it!

God, or something similar to the Son of God?

Apollo suddenly had a lot of thoughts about the title [Holy Son]. He remembered that this title was proposed by Freya, so did Freya know something to propose this title?

Just an ordinary person.

Kanzaki Yang's eyes glowed with golden light, as if this was the posture he was supposed to have.

This was the first time he tried to use the power of the godhead after his reincarnation. It was indeed very different from before. He felt that his body fit this model very well, almost to the point of perfect matching.

This is one of the terrifying effects of the Ark Red Ball. Although the god in the dungeon world and the god of Kanzaki Yang are definitely not the same god, through the effect of the Ark Red Ball, the power of the god in the dungeon world can be transformed into the most compatible one. Type of own power.

Ordinary people!? Hahaha~ [Holy Son], you say you are an ordinary person? This is probably the biggest joke I have ever heard.

Apollo laughed. Are all humans this funny nowadays? Can you still use the power of gods and say that you are an ordinary person?

However, in reality, Yang Kanzaki is really just an ordinary person.

He is an ordinary person and a universal individual among the newly born new human race.

Because...he is the only one in this clan for the time being...

· ···Asking for flowers·· ··

Whether I am or not, Apollo, there has to be closure between us today.

Kanzaki Yang narrowed his eyes. He had made almost complete preparations this time. Even if Apollo died here, no one would know!

I see. I mean, I didn't feel right when I entered the gate of the transnational God Realm just now. Did I step into the formation you arranged?~

Apollo admired Kanzaki Yang, and he appreciated it even more now.

Humans who dare to take action against gods have the qualifications to be admired by him!

It's so wonderful! How could there be such a wonderful and interesting person! ? Apollo felt like he was about to climax.

He was so confident, so casual.

Because he thought he could see through Kanzaki Yang's strength at a glance.

Indeed, with his current strength, he might even be able to deal with the black dragon in the dungeon.

But.........I am absolutely not qualified to take action against gods!

In Apollo's eyes, the [Holy Son] had grown inflated. He thought he had such great talent that he dared to challenge the gods, but he didn't know that he was just a frog in the well.

... .. . . . . . . . . . . . .

I have to say that you are very clever in disguising the door to the God Realm as your own transfer formation, but not just anyone can provoke the gods!

Apollo decided that he had to make the [Holy Son] understand the gap between himself and the gods, so that he would be obedient in the future and become his toy and collection.

In an instant, a terrifying temperature burst out from Apollo's body!

Like a blazing sun spitting out tongues of fire, Apollo became serious!

He has always looked at it all with a game mentality, and it's almost the same now, but now he can play the game a little more seriously!

As Apollo used his true power, he finally noticed something was wrong.

It seems that he can only use his own power here! All spiritual powers and elements in the outside world are out of control!

What did you do? Apollo's eyes became more and more fiery, and he became more and more interested in Kanzaki Yang.

ah! What a wise human being, what a courageous human being, what a courageous human being! Doesn't this still deserve his praise?

Ah~ this is the tomb of the gods, how can it be less grand?

Kanzaki Yang said with a smile.

Forbidden curse heaven.

Here is the true complete version of the Forbidden Curse Heaven!

Previously, Kanzaki Yang had deduced the composition of the Gate of God Realm and successfully simulated a replica of the Gate of God Realm, just to allow Apollo to step into his Forbidden Heaven.

Forbidden Curse Heaven is the final product of a branch skill of the God of the Bible that has been continuously improved by Kanzaki Yang.

Of course, it is said to be a final product, but it is actually a semi-finished product, because Kanzaki Yang is constantly making progress, so the Forbidden Kingdom should theoretically be upgraded every time.

In the Forbidden Curse Heaven, Kanzaki Yang can exert his magical talent to the limit, and at the same time he can suppress his opponents to the limit. For example, now Apollo cannot use any power from the outside world and can only rely on himself. This is the Forbidden Curse Heaven. It’s just a manifestation of suppression.


——The new book is about to set sail. Please give me flowers, reviews, and monthly tickets.——Knife.

Chapter 102

The cemetery of gods? Can humans say this? Hahaha~~

Apollo's body turned directly into the flaming sun, and then began to expand violently!

No matter what kind of barrier this is, just use absolute power to break through it!

With the power of gods, isn't that an extremely simple thing?

However, it wasn't until he touched the outer wall of the Forbidden Kingdom that he realized something was wrong!

His power is being absorbed and dissipated rapidly!

No matter which magic circle there is, there is terrifying chaos energy, which easily suppresses him!


Apollo was so cruel that he exploded the sun!

it's useless.

Kanzaki Yang smiled and shook his head. The power to maintain the Forbidden Kingdom was now provided by Ophis. How could Apollo break through?

That's right, Orpheus!

How could Kanzaki Yang leave such a powerful weapon unused? Even after he made up his mind to kill Apollo, he contacted Ophis, who was eating and drinking in the world of blood-devouring attacks, and asked her to come over and take action.

He did not choose to let Orpheus kill Apollo when he returned to God Realm, because that was too obvious.

With the 387 gods being killed in a grand manner after entering the lower realm, it is possible that the current situation in Orario will be directly changed, and the agreement made by the gods not to use divine power may also be broken.

Only by letting him disappear silently can the ultimate good be achieved.

At this time, the role of the Forbidden Curse Heaven comes into play. The Forbidden Curse Heaven isolates everything, and even the gods cannot divine anything.

As long as the Forbidden Curse of Heaven is not broken, no one will know why Apollo died, and they may even wonder if Apollo was plotting something secretly, because he violated the contract and was in the God Realm. No one found him either.

Now, the Godhead of the Bible is in the midst of intense operations, and almost all of his computing power is used to isolate cause and effect, block space, and suppress Apollo.

It is impossible for Kanzaki Yang to maintain the Forbidden Kingdom for a long time with his strength, so if he calls Ophis to come and stand up, Ophis will provide the power and there will be no such problem.

And he...will kill Apollo when he is sealed in the Forbidden Kingdom of Heaven!

[I swear here. 】

【I do not allow anything to exist that I cannot cut...】

[This sword is a blade that can cut and slice through anything on the ground! 】

[It is an invincible blade! 】

With the activation of God's power, a golden holy sword appeared in Kanzaki Yang's hand.

The golden and silver radiance complement each other, making the entire Forbidden Curse Heaven dyed in gold and silver.

The holy sword that slays the Demon King! Unsheath!

Kanzaki Yang thought about it for so long, but still chose to use this holy sword.

If he made a contract with Esther but didn't use her, Esther would be sad.

At most, you don't need to use the power to break the curse. When you need to use it, you can use a mass-produced holy sword. After all, the holy sword that kills the devil is a very high-quality holy sword. It doesn't need to be practical. It's such a waste of natural resources.

Putting aside the subtle idea of ​​whether it was Esther's head or Esther's little feet that he was holding in his mind, Kanzaki Yang exploded with all his power!

Since the computing power of the God of the Bible cannot be used now, then...just become a warrior!

With Kanzaki Yang's current computing power, it is almost impossible to defeat Apollo through magic, so just be a warrior!

Of course he could choose to let Ophis use part of his energy to help him.

But asking others to help him with things he can accomplish is not something he likes to do.

He has great self-esteem.

Of course, he is also self-aware. If he really cannot solve Apollo, he will choose to let Orpheus take action without hesitation.

Now killing a god in front of Orpheus can be regarded as a reward for Orpheus's early investment.

After all, Ophis will inject energy into the red ball of the Ark again after this battle. It is necessary to let Ophis know that his efforts are actually worth it.

Apollo, it's useless. I won't do something like this to block my retreat when I'm not sure.

Holding the magic sword in his hand, Kanzaki Yang said calmly.


Apollo said through gritted teeth.

Just now he looked completely indifferent, but after he realized that he couldn't break through this place even with all his strength, he finally became serious!

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