He hasn't experienced this feeling for a long time!

I have to say, I really miss the feeling of being a god again.

Gentlemen, it's just like what I just said. Apollo continued to say what he wanted to say.

My Apollo Familia is an example of insufficient strength!

The strength of my Familia is average, and the strength of most Familia is also average, but...just like the [Holy Son] now has three Familia members, the Familia can be transferred and merged !”

With a strong family, you have the capital to rob!

What is an adventurer?! What is the meaning of an adventurer's existence!? Isn't it to get what you want?

Apollo spoke passionately, and his purpose was just like what he once said, as a stingy god - what you can't get will be destroyed!

Since the previous agreement was to repatriate to the heaven, and the agreement to repatriate to the heaven cannot be violated, then the only choice is to make a fuss elsewhere!

Just unleash your divine power and make things more interesting!

Although it may not make everyone act impulsive, words containing divine power can influence a considerable number of people.

This is why he used his divine power!

The god came to the world because he was bored. At this time, he was forced to leave the human world due to the agreement, but he was still pursuing interesting things!

Let me see if you can withstand such pressure~ Just like your title [Holy Son], if you can really withstand such pressure, you may be the real Holy Son, right?

When the time comes...even if I break the promise, I will definitely hold you in my hand!

Apollo made this decision in his mind.

But I don't know if it was his imagination, but he seemed to see a look of regret from Hestia?


Are you feeling sorry for him being sent back to the God Realm?

Haha~ There is really no need for this, because he still wants to take away the [Holy Son] from Hestia.


The curtain finally came to an end on Kanzaki Yang's side.

Jacintos watched excitedly as he rushed up to his family members, and then watched them fall into various kinds of magic one by one.

In the end, he finally recognized the desperate fact, that is... they were really no match for the [Holy Son].

Although he was in a state of constant excitement due to the pollen, he gradually calmed down after seeing the hard facts.

It seems... there is really no room for redemption.

“It’s really a bit boring¨¨~”

Kanzaki Yang walked over and walked slowly towards Jacintos.

He was really bored.

But this is an extremely necessary battle. First of all, the outside world cannot let the outside world think that the Hestia Familia is a weak family.

Secondly, after this time, the reputation of the family clan has been greatly expanded, so that it can better recruit members from outside.

As for the recruitment standards...ahem...that's not his decision.

Kanzaki Yang waved his hand casually, and then a gust of wind dragged Jacintos' body into the sky.

Following a scream of free fall, Kanzaki Yang's side also heard the voice coming from Hermes.

The leader of the Apollo Familia, Jacintos, was defeated. There is no doubt that the side that wins this war is the Hestia Familia!

Hermes is a person who doesn't mind when things get too big. He will be happy anyway.

As a Familia with the first genius of Orario [the Holy Son], the Hestia Familia easily defeated the enemy and won this Familia war!

Everyone! I...see the future in him!

From the moment his [title] was decided, he was destined to be remembered in Orario's history!

[The Holy Son], from my point of view, is a person with the qualifications of a hero! Not another hero, he is the hero who slayed the black dragon!

Hermes acted as if he was infected by Apollo, and also showed extraordinary enthusiasm.

After hearing Hermes' words, Aiz's pupils suddenly contracted.


She remembered this profound but absolutely indelible existence in her memory!

That was something she had to defeat, but she was still far from being able to defeat it.

Oh oh oh oh oh!~~

Unlike Ais who fell silent, most of the people were extremely excited by Hermes' words.

These are what the gods said when they activated their divine power, and they carry considerable weight!

I really don't mind the big deal~hahaha~

Hephaestus also laughed happily. She was now more and more hopeful about Kanzaki Yang.

Sure enough, this human being is very interesting. If he can really fulfill his contract with her, then it is not impossible to make an exception for that man.

Let's talk to Hestia about something first.

Hephaestus thought so.

However, when she walked near Hestia, she noticed the terrifying number of gods around Hestia.

Hestia! Do you want to exchange Familia with me? Or trade Familia? As long as I have it, I can take it out! A goddess asked eagerly.

Me too! Me too!

[Holy Son] is an extremely strange human being. Hestia, don't you think it's too selfish for you to keep him tied to you?

Hestia, I've already asked someone to do a divination. Are you still a virgin? Isn't it a bad idea to occupy the latrine and not poop?

A group of gods surrounded Hestia like adults and aunts grabbing food at the market, and Hephaestus was about to run away.

Anyway, she just came here to congratulate her. She doesn’t have any rigid needs like these gods. When she needs to escape, she should escape first~

That's right, Hestia, it's really not good for you to be like this~ That child must have had a hard time enduring it~ Just leave him to me~ Another goddess said.

Don't that child want to experience what it's like to be a goddess? Hestia, please don't let go~

The trend seems to be led more and more to the wrong side by a goddess, but Hestia really has no way to refute.

Although she gave birth to Yang Jun, she still seems to be a virgin? After all, the way a child of heaven is born is always different.

You, how can you be so shameless? Hestia was speechless for a moment. Although she was very capable, she couldn't defeat so many gods~

“You tablet goddesses who are not as big as me, get out of here!!~”

Hestia seemed to finally understand where she could crush these goddesses, and shouted loudly.

These words immediately made Freya, who was listening, raise her eyebrows.

She... Although she thinks she is actually a goddess of beauty, she is really not as good as Hestia in this regard.

.々Well, my god-sama and I still have something to do. Can you please give in a little bit~

A young man's voice came from outside.

Upon hearing this sound, all the gods were stunned for a few seconds, and then burst into even greater enthusiasm towards the place where the sound came from.

Compared to Hestia's consent, the consent of the [Holy Son] himself is much more important! !

However, when they wanted to rush toward the [Holy Son], they found that they could not move.

The wind held their bodies up, forcing them to stay in place.

I'm sorry, dear gods, Lady Hestia and I have something to do, so we'll leave here first.

Although I can't join your family members, if there are people in your gods' families who are interested in me or want to join the Hestia family members, you are welcome to come to me for an interview. You can pass the interview. Join the Hestia Familia~

Kanzaki Yang said with a smile.

When these gods wanted to dig into Hestia's corner, he also directly dug into the families of each god.

(Good Money Zhao)

These gods were a little dumbfounded. Did they not expect that people like themselves were poached?

You're getting a little faster~

Didn’t you reject so many people in public before, and now you want to accept them in such a public way? Can you give us some mental preparation?

Fortunately, the people who came this time were all core members of each family, and most of them were very loyal to the family.

If all the members of the family were brought, I don’t know what the scene would look like.

That's it. I'm sorry for using a little trick to trap all the gods. The recruitment of the Hestia Familia will be carried out the day after tomorrow. We strongly welcome adventurers who are willing and able to join.

After saying these words, Kanzaki Yang flew away with Hestia Yufeng in his arms.

Hurry up, run away, there are more important things now!

Hey~~ don't leave! Why don't you spend one night with me? a goddess said loudly.

Is Hestia going to end her status as a virgin goddess tonight? She needs to go back to find a fortune teller to have a good divination.

A goddess is thinking about this problem very seriously.

She was wondering...if this was the case, could she intercept a Hu Yu.

She didn't care about the threesome. .

Chapter 100

As for Kanzaki Yang's side.

Since none of the gods could use their divine power, the only gods qualified to keep him were Ouranos and Hermes.

Ouranos is absolutely impartial and will not do anything he shouldn't do.

And Hermes, not to mention, he is an absolutely neutral god~

How could Hermes say anything to Kanzaki Yang as one of his own? He was expecting things to develop in an interesting direction~


Except for Hestia, everyone else has returned to the Familia first.

When Kanzaki Yang returned with Hestia, the villa where Hestia's family members lived was already surrounded.

Countless girls are waiting outside, wanting to enter this place to find out.

Of course, the most important thing is to take a look at the young man who lives here. It would be better if we could have a relationship or a story with him~

Kanzaki Yang didn't expect that the Hestia Familia's station would already be surrounded by such a large group of people before the news he just said spread.

With no other choice, Kanzaki Yang chose to hide himself and Hestia, and found a place with few people to sneak over.

Hestia, let's prepare the ritual for the family transfer first for Lyu~

Kanzaki Yang slowly placed Hestia on the floor.

Okay!~ But Yangjun, I have to ask you a question first.

Hestia readily agreed.

Of course it doesn't matter if she transfers the family members, but she also has very important questions to ask Kanzaki Yang.

Okay, you ask~

Kanzaki Yang was stunned for a moment, then smiled helplessly.

He felt that Hestia would only tell him two things at this time387.

Yangjun, you can never only accept female dependents in the future! Do you understand?! Yangjun, you can never be such a child! Are you confused?

Hestia put her hands on her waist and said with great force.

What she was talking about was that Kanzaki Yang asked her to take in three dependents, but it turned out that all three dependents were girls.

Although these three girls are indeed good children, and they all complement the position of the family members.

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