Ah, of course.

Kanzaki Yang thought for a while and said with a smile.

This goddess's blessing...seems to have some meaning?

He had just determined the specific effect of the goddess's blessing. Although it took a few seconds, which was far longer than the usual determination time, he also got a shocking result.


Of course, in Kanzaki Yang's view, such a blessing is not necessary for him.

The most important thing at this stage is to hold the victory that you deserve first!

Today, Hestia Familia is on the defensive side. Logically speaking, they should go there in advance to prepare defensive fortifications, but Kanzaki Yang and others basically arrived at the right time.

This battle is something that almost all of Orario's family members are eagerly looking forward to.

Almost all female adventurers will pay attention to this war, which is destined to make almost all male adventurers also pay attention.

The reasons why female adventurers pay attention to her are also very realistic - handsome, good at licking, temperamental, capable, etc.

Kanzaki Yang had made a judgment at the beginning. If he really agreed to the conditions of the first Amazon female warrior girl, he could now lead thousands of people to start the battle to defend the city.

These are just people who are willing to take action. Most of them are actually not that bold and direct, but there is no doubt that they are willing to pay attention to the war.

Yang Sang... I'm back, do I need to change my family members?

When Kanzaki Yang and his party were rushing towards that side, a girl's voice came from the side.

Kanzaki Yang glanced over and saw the green-haired elf, Lyu, who looked a little hurried.

Are you back? In fact, there is no need to be so anxious.

Kanzaki Yang said with a helpless smile. He knew from the look on Lyu's face that Lyu must have rushed back immediately after finding the goddess Astraea, wanting to contribute before the war between the Familia.

No, since I am now a member of the Familia, I should do what I should do. Lyu said seriously.

You are not a member of our family yet!~

Hestia puffed out her chest, seeming to remind Lyu of a very important issue.

You people are all here for Yang Jun! Let’s first take a look at who the god of the dependent clan is! ? I will never give up Yang Jun to you!

Hestia's expression probably conveyed this meaning.

Hestia, please go back and reincarnate Lyu tonight.

Kanzaki Yang thought for a while and said.

I know...but...why...

As expected, Lyu still cared about why.

Because you have to do your own thing~ Bell and Lilluka are just watching the battle. Why don't you come over and watch the battle too?

Kanzaki Yang gave his own reason, an extremely simple reason.


——The new book is about to set sail. Please give me flowers, reviews, and monthly votes——.

Chapter 97

I want to watch the fight.

As if she was afraid that Kanzaki Yo would retract her words, Lyu said immediately.

Ok, no problem.

Kanzaki Yoya responded immediately.


Today is the day for the clan war.

Almost all adventurers choose to watch this game.

There are even many adventurers who have already started gambling.

Even Kanzaki Yang himself is the biggest bookmaker when it comes to betting on the outcome of the war between the clansmen.

There is no way, everyone will not take risks today, and Kanzaki Yang's income will be less than that from selling firearms and maps, and he will definitely have to make up for it elsewhere.

If he didn't do this, Kanzaki Yo would probably not be able to get back the money he lost today even if he sold the Apollo Familia. It was such a loss~

Yo~ You're here~

The absolutely neutral god Hermes greeted with a smile. He was looking forward to today's battle.

If Kanzaki Yang didn't win, his bet today would be a huge loss.

Unlike most rational adventurers who choose the Apollo Familia to win, he knows how terrifying Kanzaki Yang's wealth is.

With such wealth, you can buy dozens or hundreds of magic swords and use them casually. You can use your money to smash the Apollo family to death. How can you lose?

Therefore, he did not hesitate to place his bet on Yang Kanzaki.

Then, the war between the clans is ready to begin!

Hermes is the god responsible for the explanation this time. After getting permission from Uranus, he unfolded his divine power!

For a time, screens formed by the condensed power of Hermes appeared in Orario and even in many places in the world.

It has to be said that the gods do come to the lower world to have fun.

Normally, divine power is not allowed to be used, and it will only be unlocked when everyone needs to have fun or when there is a real crisis.

Under the watchful eyes of a large number of girls, the Hestia Familia disappeared into the magic circle.

Kanzaki Yang and his group left, but there was one person left behind - Hestia.

Then something happened that made Hestia's veins bulge.

Countless girls flocked to Hestia's side, staring at Hestia with seemingly glowing eyes.

Well, Lady Hestia, do you think I can join your family? A cat-eared girl said pitifully.

Me, me, me! Lady Hestia! Choose me! I'm awesome! A female swordsman also volunteered.

Well, Lady Hestia, I am different from these people. I just want to ask Lord [Holy Son] if he has any younger brothers or elder brothers. This is an unusual bow and arrow. Hand girl.


Hestia walking among them had black streaks all over her head, but she couldn't lose her temper casually, lest someone use it to attack the Hestia Familia or something.

Really! Yang Jun will not be with ordinary people like you!? This was Hestia's true thoughts, and she wanted to shout them out on the spot.

I can't make a decision on this~ Yang Jun is the leader of the clan. I have given him this important task. You should have heard of Yang Jun's standards, right? This is what she actually said Come out.

Hestia was still temporarily timid.

These people were really nothing in her eyes, and they were nothing to worry about compared to Hua Lun who came to their place every night to eat and drink and take up the intimate time between her and Yang Jun.

Kanzaki Yang's side.

He led everyone to a desolate and abandoned ancient city.

Although it looks desolate, it's not in tatters. It barely maintains its previous defense.

Yang Kanzaki is also relatively satisfied with this ancient city. It seems that this game at least maintains fairness and justice on the surface.

If you directly give him a piece of ruins, although it will have no impact on his victory, but... he will be angry.

Okay, we can start our layout~

Kanzaki Yang snapped his fingers, and then threw a formation disk directly from his hand.

[Pseudo·Forbidden Curse Heaven! 】

As if they heard waves of melancholy sounds, Lyu and his party then noticed the sudden change in the sky!

Golden light covered the city wall, turning the desolate ancient city into a golden city!

In various parts of the Golden City, there seemed to be countless magic circles running quietly, just like gears and parts.

Oh!!~ What is this!? The [Holy Son] of the Hestia Familia threw out a small object, and then the entire city underwent amazing changes. Is this the reason why they arrived so late?!

Hermes explained excitedly.

Yang Kanzaki took out the big one, and he was really happy~ This way, the probability of him winning is basically certain!

Although he also discovered some horrific facts when his divine power was turned on, he had no intention of telling these things.

For example... there was something about Kanzaki Yang's formation that he couldn't understand.

For example... there was something about Yang Kanzaki that he couldn't understand.

Of course, so what if you can’t understand? Anyway, it’s good to be interesting, right?

It seems that both the offensive and defensive sides are ready, then I announce-

The war between the Apollo Familia and the Hestia Familia has officially begun!

Hermes seemed to enjoy his job as host.

Oh oh oh oh oh!!~~

All kinds of cheers came from all over the world. It can be said to be a large-scale carnival.

At the beginning, Kanzaki Yang took out a big gift, how could it not make people excited?

Of course, if some people are happy, some people must be unhappy. Now Apollo's face has become extremely ugly.

He just hoped that the thing in front of him was just an appearance, otherwise... he might really be ready to go back to heaven.


At this time, the elites of the Apollo Familia were preparing for a siege.

Everyone, did you hear that? Just act according to the previously planned plan!

Under the watchful eyes of the Apollo Familia, Hyacintos had just completed his pre-war mobilization.

It can be said that the morale is high now, and they are just waiting to tear apart the enemies who appear in front of the Apollo Familia!


The Apollo family members all became excited.

The male adventurers are looking forward to ravaging the famous [Holy Son], while the female adventurers are looking forward to having some wonderful stories with the Holy Son.

· ···Asking for flowers·· ··

But this has a prerequisite - that is, being able to win the war among the clans!

Ravage and tear the enemy into pieces!

Seeing that the atmosphere had reached its peak, Jacintos set off with more than a hundred people.

That's right, more than a hundred people.


There are really only so many people in the Apollo Familia.

And it is this group of people who are going to challenge Kanzaki Yang's Forbidden Curse Heaven.

When they approached the city, several light pillars appeared on the other side, which was the light when they were teleported here.

Hahaha!!~ [Holy Son] Did that fool just admit defeat?

A little man couldn't help laughing when he saw Yang Kanzaki and others arriving just now.

It seems that the so-called [Holy Son] is just in name only, and their victory is close at hand! Hahaha~

It seems that all my previous worries were unnecessary.

Jacintos also showed a relieved smile.

Victory is at hand! At your fingertips!

........... ...


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