Suddenly, she heard a familiar voice.

That man, no...should be said to be the boy's voice.

how come? How could she hear it?

Logically speaking, with the distance between him and her just now, it is almost impossible to arrive in such a short time!

I heard that a revolving door of scenes flashes through people's minds before they die. Did you also think of anything?

It was such a voice again.

So familiar, with the same taste as sunshine. She...can never get it wrong!

But there is no time to think about anything. You can talk to me later~

After saying this, Kanzaki Yang gently raised the silver sword in his hand.

He suddenly thought of something. Maybe his treasure box could be opened.

At this time... Balor also noticed Yang Kanzaki who suddenly appeared next to Lyu, his eyes widened. When did he get there? !

Answer: transfer magic.

Balor didn't understand what transfer magic was. He only knew that he seemed to be unable to stop the car!

It is absolutely impossible to stop this distance!

Jie Ang!!~

He simply broke the pot and threw it away. Since he couldn't achieve his previous goal, he made a desperate move! Attack those people with all his strength!

Unfortunately, he no longer has this opportunity.

Terrifying spiritual power surges in Kanzaki Yang's body!

He looked directly at Balor, and he was analyzing what would happen to Balor after his sword strike.

He didn't have to worry about this kind of thing before, but now after he changed his mind, he needed to make some adjustments.

Kanzaki Yang draws his sword!

The sword that seemed to cut through time and space crossed a considerable distance before Balor arrived and struck directly at Balor!

【One sword Shura! 】

[Pseudo·Secret Sword of the End·Chasing Shadows! 】

Countless sword shadows instantly erupted on Balor's body!

The Secret Sword of the End·Chasing the Shadow, this is born from the sword. Believe in your own sword, and achieve it after surpassing the limit - a strike with such speed that even light and shadow cannot catch up.

This is a charged slash using the hand as the scabbard and deliberately letting the sword get stuck in the hand. It can be regarded as a conceptual slash with the help of a certain secret of drawing the sword to slash.

To truly unleash the power of this sword, you have to activate the one-sword Rakshasa mode. Kanzaki Yang really doesn't have much interest in the mode that wilts with just one sword, so he developed his own version.

In an instant, endless sword light enveloped Balor's body!


With a gentle sound, as the silver light of the magic sword in Kanzaki Yang's hand dissipated, Balor's body turned into a pile of debris and fell to the ground.

Real power does not mean burning mountains and boiling seas as soon as a skill is released, but concentrating all the power where it should be concentrated!

Kanzaki Yang did not choose to kill him instantly because he had a greater meaning.

Although Balor only has one head left now, he will not die for the time being due to his strong vitality.

Ignoring Balor, who was on the ground trying to roar but failed, Kanzaki Yang walked towards Lyu and threw a healing circle.

Lyu felt her body become clear, as if there were countless streams of clear water flowing through her body. Gradually, she regained her ability to move.

Thank you...thank you.

Lyu's eyes were a little complicated, but he still said after heaving a sigh of relief.

Did she really not expect that Yang Kanzaki could appear in front of her in an instant, and even kill Balor with one move? !

Miss Liu, use this sword to kill Balor, and then join my family~

Kanzaki Yang smiled and handed over his sword, saying the words that Lyu would remember for the rest of his life.

Eh? Liu didn't react for a moment, he... What did he say?

Miss Lyu, I invite you to join the Hestia Familia. As far as I know, you don't have a family now.

Why me? Lyu asked very strangely.

Why did he invite her alone when he had already rejected so many people before?

Is it possible that she is actually a very important person in the heart of [Holy Son] Kanzaki Yang, a very special existence?

Why? 380 Because I think Miss Liu is very suitable. Is this reason okay? Kanzaki Yang said with a smile.

Well, it is indeed very suitable.

Lyu has basically reached the peak of Level 4. If he has such a great achievement as killing Balor, he is more than 90% sure that he can reach Level 5. She is definitely the most suitable person among the people he knows to win over in a short time. One of the Level 4 members of the Stiya Family.

In fact, Kanzaki Yo originally had plans to invite Lyu, but the time was slightly different from now. The original time was after the war with the Apollo Familia.

But now, the timing is so good anyway, Balor has such good upgrade materials here, it would be a pity not to use them to upgrade.

Am I suitable? Lyu pondered.

Sorry, can I think about it again?

Miss Liu, I still know that she is actually a Level 4 adventurer. Liu and Kanzaki Yang said at the same time.

Really... Lyu felt a little relieved, but there was still a trace of doubt.

Furthermore, I have the ability to predict the future and understand the past. I know what Miss Liu has gone through. Someone who values ​​her partners like Miss Liu, I think she is the best candidate to be a companion of the Familia. Yang Kanzaki added.

Do you... know? Liu hesitated, did Kanzaki Yang really have this ability? Or did he learn about her past from an insider?

Yes, I know that you are a member of the Astraea Familia, and you annihilated the entire enemy Familia for revenge, but in fact, you haven't found all the people you are looking for yet.

What do you mean you haven't found them all!? Do you know who it is? Liu's expression changed. Isn't it enough that she has already achieved that level?

I know that it is the Dark Lord Sect, an organization that specializes in doing evil. They did not directly kill the Astraea family, but it was just a very small thing among the things they did.

Chapter 95

Why...why? Lyu clenched her fists gently. At this time, her soul as an avenger was rekindled.

Most elves value love and justice, and Lyu is a representative among them.

Perhaps it's because the people in the Astraea Familia are all good, and if you do good things, you will offend bad people. Kanzaki Yo said with a sigh.

I'm going to investigate now...


Kanzaki Yang took her hand.

With all due respect, Lyu, you don't have the strength to directly face them, so... I left Balor to you, so that you should have the strength of Level 5.

Do you want me to achieve greatness?

She frowned, as if the chance of success was indeed quite high.

So, what I need to pay is to join the Hestia Familia?

Lyu sighed, feeling happy but a little complicated.

She actually thought that Yang Kanzaki was interested in her, but she didn't expect that he was interested in her strength.

A Familia needs to develop. She knows that the [Holy Son] is indeed very powerful, but a powerful Familia cannot only have one strong person. It must have countless strong people fighting for this Familia.

I am willing to join the Hestia Familia.

Lyu gave the final answer.

If Kanzaki Yang had just said that he wanted her help, she might have hesitated for a long time, but now, she still had her own reasons.

Then, kill Balor first. I will help you locate the goddess Astraea. If you want to break away from the original family, you still need the approval of the previous gods. Kanzaki Yang handed over his sword.

A very ordinary sword.

But it was such a sword that just killed the powerful class leader in an instant with an absolutely commanding attitude!

Although there is no powerful magic attached to it, with Liu's strength and Balor's current extremely weak state, he can still easily kill Balor.


Without any hesitation, Lyu took action directly.

Balor's life is over!

He probably never imagined that he would be almost instantly killed by someone else, and then give it to someone else at the cost of his head.

Yang Sang, you just mentioned the coordinates of the goddess Astraea, is it possible to do something like this? Lyu said calmly even though there was a trace of Balor's blood remaining on his face.

Of course, I am a prophet. Otherwise, why would there be so many predictions about various monsters in the dungeon in the guild recently? Kanzaki Yang said with a smile.

So that was your handiwork?!

Liu heard that today's commission has been increased to 35%, but there is still an endless stream of Familia who want to go to the guild to get a map of a floor!

Because having a map is really helpful for improving efficiency!

She knows very well how much profit the people who sell the maps can make every day, because those who participate in the sharing are the profits of the entire family!

If all the dependents are really popularized in the later period, what terrible profits will be made every day! ?

Is this all because of the man in front of me? ? I have to say it’s really terrifying!

But... he is willing to tell me this because he trusts me, right? Lyu suddenly thought of another question.

Kanzaki Yang told her such important news so easily. Does this in turn also explain her extraordinary status in Kanzaki Yang's heart?

Lyu, welcome to the Hestia Familia. Kanzaki Yang stretched out his hand towards her.

He had just determined that as long as he leveled up with Goddess Astraea, Lyu would be a guaranteed Lv5 adventurer.


Lyu hesitated for a moment, then stretched out his hand.

Generally speaking, elves will not have any physical contact with other races.

The two held hands together.

Kanzaki Yang once again experienced a slightly strange touch of a girl's hand.

And Lyu felt a feeling that she had never felt before, as if she was being purified by bathing in the sun, and her whole body was filled with joy.


What comes next is simple. Kanzaki Yang gave the location of the goddess Astraea in a few days, so Lyu should have enough time to prepare.

Lyu is also going to take some time off. She knows that she has made a decision that may be extremely important to her life, but... she has no regrets.

Did something good happen to you, Yang Jun? I always feel that you are a little happier today than yesterday? Hestia asked strangely.

At this time, Kanzaki Yang has returned to his family and finished training with Aisi. It is now the rest time for the day, so Hestia did not hesitate to occupy Kanzaki Yang's rest time and stick with him. Together.

Do I look happy? Is my expression management so inappropriate?

Kanzaki Yang smiled, not that he was overly happy, but he was indeed happier than yesterday, because he had been bored by too many people's confessions yesterday.

Yangjun, you still need to make progress~

Hestia stretched out her hand, trying to pull his face into various shapes like Kanzaki Yang, Loki, Hephaestus and others usually pulled her face, but Kanzaki Yang easily dodged it.

It is Hestia's characteristic to have her face twisted into various shapes. How could he rob Hestia of her attributes?

Well, Mr. Yang, I actually have the ability to mimic various races. Do you need me to go to their camp to eavesdrop on their plans?

While Hestia and Kanzaki Yang were playing around, a girl's voice came from the side.

It was Lilluka's voice.

She thought about it for a long time before making such a move.

Hestia Familia is now her home, a place where she truly feels the warmth of home.

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