She didn't think the person she liked would be taken care of by these gods.

He...can only be hers.

Then let's start deciding on titles for these adventurers.

Freya said according to the procedure.

Zeus used to preside over this process, but now it's her.

Because the previously strongest Zeus Familia and Hera Familia had been completely wiped out, and the Lord God also left Orario.

Standing here is the glory of a god with the strongest family.


——The new book is about to set sail. Please give me flowers, reviews, and monthly tickets.——Knife.

Chapter 85

In the commercial street, Kanzaki Yang and others ended their day of shopping.

I have to say that Orario’s aesthetics are pretty good.

Although the real diversity is not comparable to the modern era where the Demon High School world is located, it still has a different kind of exotic style.

Ais, do you want to go to the banquet with me?

Kanzaki Yang stretched out his hand towards Ais.

Just now, Hill and Lyu had left, and Bell, who had accompanied him out, was also pulled away by Lilylu.

However, Liliruka misunderstood what Kanzaki Yang meant and felt that Kanzaki Yang wanted to be alone with Aiz, so she did this.

Kanzaki Yang just smiled and let things develop naturally.

You must not be anxious about making yourself a spiritual supporter for Ais.

You can only wait for things like feelings to ferment slowly. If you act too hastily, it will scare away girls.

Well, let's go together.

Ais nodded lightly and turned her gaze away from Kanzaki Yang.

She always felt that her heartbeat would speed up if she kept looking at it, and that feeling made her very insecure.

Since she became an adventurer, her heartbeat has only accelerated when she encountered danger.

At present, Aisi obviously does not have the ability to distinguish whether the heartbeat is accelerated due to nervousness or due to heartbeat.

Just like that, Aisi and Kanzaki Yang walked toward the place where the banquet was held like a pair of golden girls.

Although they were wearing formal clothes, since both of them were high-level adventurers, there was no problem of being tired from such a rush.

Yang...Have you ever read Hero Story? Ais suddenly asked as they walked.

A Tale of Heroes? Of course I've seen it. Most people who come to Orario have seen it, right?

Kanzaki Yang smiled. Hestia originally wanted to regard this book as his enlightenment reading.

Hero Story is a book in the dungeon world. It is basically a collection of heroic epics written by Yo Kanzaki in his previous life. No matter what the pantheon is, it is a romance of heroes.

Most people will choose to come to Orario, and they are more or less influenced by this book.

Just like Bell.

Belle is a child of Zeus's family, and was raised as an adopted grandson by Zeus since childhood.

At that time, both the Zeus Familia and the Hera Familia had failed in their campaign against the black dragon. Zeus adopted Belle when he was alone outside.

In a sense, Aisi's life experience is much deeper than Bell's.

Yang...what do you think a hero is like? Ais asked softly.

Ever since she became an adventurer, no...from earlier, she has been pursuing this answer.

She still remembered what the man said to her.

In the distant memory, a young man knelt down towards her so that his eyes were level with hers.

I can't be your hero because I already have your mother.

I hope one day you can meet your hero.

This is what the great hero Albert said.

Kanzaki Yang knew that the great hero Albert... was Ace's father and the most powerful hero a thousand years ago! The man who single-handedly turned a black dragon into a one-eyed dragon!

Hero, I think, means acquiring and protecting. Yang Kanzaki gave his own answer.

Get and protect?

Although it is a bit wrong to say this, in my eyes, the hero did not leave a very good impression. Kanzaki Yang said with a smile.

In his previous life, he had done some research on the spread of some myths and epics, and knew that the so-called heroes were glorified invaders and powerful people.

Although it is beautified by a series of romantic words such as divine power, destiny, goddess, girl, devil, artifact, etc., its essence... Kanzaki Yang has always felt that it is YY.

The hero that Ais understood was far from the real hero.

Don't have a good impression? Aisi tilted her head. Isn't a hero bad?

Hero, a person is only a hero when he is your hero.

When he becomes the hero of the world, he is no longer a hero. This is my opinion. Kanzaki Yang said with a smile.

He didn't look down on heroes or anything, because he always felt that he was not a noble being.

Just like when he beat Theodora to death, it wasn't because he didn't like Theodora's XP system, it was just because he was in the way.

is that so........

Aisi wanted to understand what Kanzaki Yang said, but after thinking for a while, she felt that she still couldn't understand it.

Ais, you don't have to force yourself to understand what I said, and you don't have to ask me anything. As long as you pursue your own answer, Kanzaki Yang added.


Ace nodded thoughtfully.

Kanzaki Yang knew that Aisi definitely put this matter in her heart.

He just planted a seed, a seed that would make Ais question what her father had said before.

In fact, anyone with a discerning eye could clearly understand what her father meant. He was talking about a lover or a partner, but Aisi always understood him as a hero.

It is true to say that a lover is someone's hero, but the heroes in hero stories are definitely not suitable as partners and lovers.

Aren't the so-called heroes going around killing some famous monsters, robbing pirates, rescuing beautiful women, and then finally discovering that they are actually cheating?

God's blessing, God's bloodline, God's weapons, etc. Without these, most heroes would have difficulty making achievements.

It is even more interesting to talk about the spouse in the hero's story. The profession of the hero's spouse is really too magical.

Generally speaking, they are robbed or rescued. In short, there is no normal way to fall in love. Basically, they are obtained through heroes saving beauties.

Moreover, heroes basically have more than one spouse, both horizontally and vertically in the timeline.

Aren't most heroes...just cheating men who like to be promiscuous?

Kanzaki Yang, who pursues the highest success rate in everything he does, has always looked down on such people.

Ais, you seem to have the blood of a fairy? I always feel that your temperament, Ais, is very much in line with that of a fairy?

Then you have to be careful, fairies and the like. In hero stories, they are often the species that are rescued by the hero from some place and then become the hero's wife~ Kanzaki Yang added with a smile.

Why...are you reduced to... Aisi doesn't quite understand what Kanzaki Yang means...

I'll leave it to you, Ais, to think about this~

Kanzaki Yang did not give an answer.

His own answer is: because he lost his original fairy characteristics and became an accessory of the hero.

Regarding this point, if we use the term God Killer World, it is not just fairies, but even goddesses who have lost their character in heroic stories.

Gradually changing Ais's cognition is what Kanzaki Yang wants to do.

He knew why Ais wanted to become stronger, so... he took the approach closest to the correct answer.

Let the feelings heat up in daily life, and finally increase explosively.

The premise of these is to let Ais realize her own feelings.

Ais is the child of Albert, the most powerful hero a thousand years ago, and Arya, the great fairy, when the gods did not descend to the lower world.

Thousands of years ago, the black dragon landed on the surface. Albert went to fight as a great hero. At the cost of his actions, he blinded one of the black dragon's eyes, lowered himself and drove out Orario,

Before the black dragon left, he swallowed Arya.

After this battle, Ais's whereabouts were unknown until she was brought to Orario by Riveria at the age of seven nine years ago and registered as an adventurer.

What drives Aisi to always want to become stronger is her belief in defeating the black dragon!

The belief in revenge has always made Ais determined on her own path, fighting and taking risks crazily. In the end...she became a famous swordswoman in Orario.

Kanzaki Yang knew that she was still far away.

The black dragon was the one who destroyed the Zeus Familia and the Hera Familia. There were L9 and Lv8 people in the Zeus Familia and the Hera Familia! And now Orario's strongest combat power is only Level 7!

According to Kanzaki Yang's judgment, the black dragon has the same power as Vritra in life. Even if it is weaker, it will not be much weaker. It is an absolute demon king level existence!


After talking about Chapter 2.2, the two people arrived at the venue where the banquet was held.

Hestia saw Kanzaki Yang and Ais from afar, and hurriedly rushed out on her little feet.

She absolutely cannot let her Yangjun be snatched away by others! !

Loki, who was arguing with her, also noticed this side and hurried over.

She absolutely cannot let her Ais be snatched away!

Of course...ahem, it would be great if Kanzaki Yang could be fooled.

There was a subtle change in Loki's thoughts.

Rather than worrying about Ais being snatched away, wouldn't it be more convenient to directly make Yang Kanzaki one of our own?


Hestia threw herself directly into Kanzaki Yang's arms from a long distance away.


Aisi was also surprised. Does this kind of operation still exist?

Yangjun Yangjun~ Let me tell you, your title has been decided~

Hestia said with great satisfaction after taking a while to replenish Kanzaki Yang's energy.

Really? What is it?

Kanzaki Yang smiled.

He really didn't know what his title was. He just made a little judgment and knew that it should be a title with a good meaning. .

Chapter 86

Holy Son, Mr. Yang, your title is [Holy Son].

Hestia said happily.

Holy Son, well, although Freya proposed this title, she also thought it was quite good! ~

Holy Son...

Aisi's eyes flickered for a moment.

In fact, she thinks Kanzaki Yo's title is Sword Master which is pretty good, and it goes well with her Sword Queen.

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