
a few minutes ago.

Kanzaki Yang finally ended his serious preaching.

Do you just know? Ophis, if you encounter the Dragon Eater, remember to come to me.

Finally, Kanzaki Yang said.

Dragon Eater......

Ophis first thought about what this Dragon Eater was.

After more than ten seconds, she finally remembered that it seemed to be that very annoying thing.

I see.

She nodded lightly.

I will come over if necessary. As long as you wear the things I bought you, I should be able to contact you.

Kanzaki Yang warned again and again.

He didn't want Ophis to be tricked by Hades and then turn into Ophis and Lilith, diluting Ophis' power.

Therefore, he arranged simple formations among the things he just bought.

The power of the dragon is powerless in front of the Dragon Eater. If Ophis is like this, the Red Dragon God Emperor will not be too easy.

But will powers other than dragons be available soon?

But I have to say that the God of the Bible is really a genius, and he was able to create such a buggy monster.


Listening to Kanzaki Yang's words, Ophis just kept nodding.

The feeling of being taken care of like this made her feel very fresh.

There is a warm feeling in the body, and Ophis likes this feeling very much.

There is a feeling of returning to a home between dimensions... Knife.

Chapter 73

Kill the red-eyed world.

Elsa was praying as usual.

Lord...please guide us on our way.

After she read the Bible over and over again and prayed over and over again, a trace of extremely pure power of faith was poured into the Bible from the void.

This Bible is an artifact given to her by the Lord, and its purpose is to allow her to preach in other worlds.

Now, she is fulfilling the Lord’s will step by step.

Although they have only been in this world for less than a year, she and Joan of Arc have already accumulated a terrifying number of followers.

Elsa, who has the ability to heal, coupled with the Bible that can multiply itself infinitely and give grace to believers, is invincible in this world.

As long as you are pious enough, you can obtain the favor of the Lord.

Cure diseases, treat wounds, make you energetic throughout the day, become lucky, etc. These are the superior effects obtained by using most of the faith on believers.

Kanzaki Yang did not skimp on faith, because if the power of faith crosses the world and comes to his godhead, it is no longer known to what extent it will be diluted and consumed.

However, if it is taken from the people and used by the people, the powerful effect will allow the faith to spread widely in the world.

Together with the two saints Elsa and Joan of Arc, Elsa who heals and Joan of Arc who protects, Kanzaki Haru's holy religion has taken root in this world and thrived.

After Elsa13 finished praying, Joan of Arc beside her also stood up. They had always prayed together.

Aisha, we are going to meet with the leader of An Ning Dao today, let's prepare first.

Jeanne's armor grinned as she led Aisha towards the agreed upon location.

An Ning Tao is the sect of this world.

Joan knew that their leader had the same healing power as Elsa.

However, Aisha's was given by the Lord, and the leader of An Ning Dao...According to the Lord's revelation, Joan knew that he had the bloodline of a dangerous species in this world. Able to heal others.

Obviously, that side is just a sect that gathers people's hearts.

On their side, they have a mature belief system and a god of faith, who can judge superiority in every sense.

The gods have always been protecting them, which is their greatest asset.

It is their capital that they will not be afraid of the gods and will not fail!

Today is the day for them to negotiate with An Ning Road.

The leader of Anning Dao has arrived. In order to show the sincerity of Anning Dao, he deliberately chose the place for negotiation to be relatively close to the Holy Cult.

Today we are here to negotiate, not to fight, so we must show enough sincerity.

When both the Holy Cult and the Tao of Peace absorb the soil of troubled times and grow together, there will naturally be conflicts in faith.

It was not obvious at first, but as the two sects grew, the problem became apparent.

The number of believers is there. If they all come to believe in your sect, who will come to believe in my sect?

Moreover, it is impossible for those who believe in the One Holy Religion to recognize other pantheons.

This is a fundamental problem, a fundamental contradiction, and an irreconcilable contradiction.

If Aisha and Joan of Arc were the kind of irrational fanatics, they might have started a war with An Ning Dao by now.

Fortunately, they are kind and gentle by nature, and have Kanzaki Yang's absolutely correct instructions, so large-scale fights will not break out.

After arriving at the agreed upon location, Elsa and Jeanne saw the leader.

It was a blond man with only one guard, who looked full of kindness.

Although there is only Joan of Arc as a guard on this side, Joan of Arc's protective power has become famous far and wide. Almost everyone who knows about it knows that the Holy Cult has such a powerful guardian saint.

Under such circumstances, the other party only brought one guard, which showed the sincerity of the other party.

Mr. Leader, I am Aisha.

Elsa said with a smile.

In this world, she has indeed learned a lot and knows a lot of things.

Under the protection of Joan of Arc, she has always maintained her inner kindness and innocence, but... she has indeed undergone some subtle changes.

Lady Saint, nice to see you.

The Taoist leader of An Ning also showed a smile that was as refreshing as a spring breeze.

He did not regard Aisha as a witch or something like that because of her different beliefs. He still used the name of the outside world - Saint Lady.

An Ning Dao and Holy Cult, because of their similarities, have both achieved rapid development.

Elsa has a powerful healing ability, and so does the leader. Although it is certainly not as powerful as Elsa, this miraculous ability will become the focus of attention whenever it appears.

The Holy Cult has Kanzaki Yo's absolutely correct revelation, and the Tao of Peace also has the prophetic ability of its leader.

These abilities, which can be called God's favor or God's miracle, can quickly win over people's hearts and establish influence in such troubled times.

Of course, there are also differences.

There are specific gods on the side of the Holy Religion. Aisha's power comes from the gods' artifacts, and the path forward is determined based on the gods' revelations.

For An Ning Dao, it's all because of the leader.

The person I want to talk to next is not you, the saint, right?

After the leader exchanged pleasantries for a while, he got down to business.

Yes, I mainly want to talk to you, the leader.

Elsa held the cross in her hand and made a praying posture.

Lord, does your Lord really exist?

The leader's tone changed and became a little more urgent.

He has the ability to predict, but he cannot predict at will. This time he only knew that the person talking to him was the so-called god of the other party.

However, he has no information at all about what kind of existence this god is and what power it has.

Of course the Lord exists. It is the Lord who has always given us grace and even given me the power to heal everyone.

Elsa answered very seriously.

Artifacts are blessings given to mankind by the God of the Bible. The God of the Bible believes in the possibilities contained in short-lived living beings such as humans.

If it were just for war or something like that, the original God of the Bible could be set to have only angels with the power to use artifacts.

However, God chose to give it to extremely weak humans.

The artifact on Elsa's body - the Virgin's smile, is an artifact given by God.

Of course.........not the god Kanzaki Yang.

With Kanzaki Yang's current power, it is not impossible to give him a divine weapon, but unfortunately he can only use the world dragon's gem as the core to give him a dragon-type divine weapon with the souls of Ddraig and Vritra.


After some preparations, Kanzaki Yang descended into the Bible.

The Bible, in addition to allowing people to read the Bible anytime and anywhere, store and use the power of faith, also has the ability to bring Kanzaki Yoshin to descend.

Kanzaki Yang's eyes turned golden.

Looking at the world is like looking at countless information flows.

No matter what comes to mind, the ability to increase to the extreme will get the correct judgment result in an instant.

Of course, the most important thing is not this.

The most important thing now is the orthodoxy of items named godhead to prove the existence and significance of gods.


With the light of the Bible in Aisha's hand, the leader found himself appearing in a golden space!

Warmth, holiness, wanting to believe, wanting to rely on, and a series of other emotions appeared in the leader's heart.

After a long time, he came back to his senses.

He saw a young man who was close to all the light.

The young man was wearing perfect clothes woven with white and gold threads, with patterns like flowing clouds sliding down the robe.

He wore the sacred and brilliant 363 crown, and his jade-like face revealed a redemptive smile.

A boy full of divinity.

No.........I should say - Young God!

Excuse me..........

The leader was speechless for a moment.

I already know what you want to ask, just as you thought.

The young man raised his hand, and the leader didn't know why he stopped his actions.

Then, Lord God, why don't you save this world yourself?

The leader initially believed that this was a god.

Didn't I already send my own envoy?

Kanzaki Yang said with a smile.

But that kind of power is not enough for that world!

The leader said with a little excitement.

He was elected as the leader just because of his special power. In fact, he didn't care about power or belief, as long as the people could live a good life.

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