Ais looked at the surroundings thoughtfully, with a faint aura shining in her dull eyes.

The last request is not actually a request. Maybe you will stay with me for a long time while you are studying.

I won't ask you to become a member of the Familia, but occasionally teach and help Bell when I'm not around.

This is Kanzaki Yang's request.

He said he wanted Aisi to help and take care of him.

In fact, the underlying meaning is to let Loki's family take care of it.

After all, important members of his family have to help others, and the Loki family will not let them go.

The dependent clan definitely needs to develop, but the development of the dependent clan also takes time and cannot be achieved overnight.

Kanzaki Yang has not always been in this world, so it is better to have some back-ups.

Help Bell?..........No problem.

Ais agreed simply.

The goddess Loki behind her narrowed her eyes, but still didn't say anything13.

To this extent, within her acceptance range, she acquiesced to the action that Ais directly agreed to.

Although it seemed to Ais that it was her own action, Loki knew that if a core member of the family took action, even if it was later said to be a personal action, it would not be accepted by the outside world as a completely personal action.

Unless.........she just left the family clan directly.

But that is absolutely impossible.

That's all I have to ask for. If you are free today, we can start training today. I am usually very free.

Kanzaki Yang said with a smile.

Very free indeed.

Basically, he will choose to use up the time of [Absolute Dualism] before the 24-hour refresh time comes. The rest of the time will be spent on research and training by himself.

Of course you can go to the dungeon to fight monsters, but it's not necessary.

Why should we stand up and work when we can make money while lying down? Rather than simply making money, Kanzaki Yang still feels that it is better to spend more energy thinking about how to become stronger.

Generally speaking, he only has one purpose for going to the dungeon - to upgrade.


Then, Ais, shall we leave first? After you finish today, remember not to go anywhere else and meet the Familia directly~

Soon after, Tiona warned Ace.

Can you just ask Kanzaki-kun to send it over soon?

Thione smiled meaningfully while wagging her finger.

Although the Amazon female warrior race is very unrestrained and will abduct some men from other races for reproductive purposes because there are no men in their own race, Tiona and Tione are special beings among them.

They all have persistence in their hearts.

Therefore, her meaning was profound, and she really didn't want to drag Kanzaki Yang in and eat him when Kanzaki Yang gave Aisi away.

More importantly, I want to let Kanzaki Yang and Ais develop.

Ahem... After all, if the development is successful, wouldn't it be one of our own? Hehe~~

Shall I send it over? Of course, no problem.

Kanzaki Yang smiled. He was actually worried that Aisi would be deceived by others on the road.

Although the possibility of this is extremely small, it is not non-existent in his judgment.

Send me back...

Aisi repeated this sentence.

She didn't quite understand the meaning of this sentence, but she felt that this behavior made her heart beat for a moment.

By the way, Ace, I want to tell you something one last time before I leave.

Tiona whispered into Ace's ear.

As Tiona's expression gradually became more exciting, Ais's earlobes became more and more rosy.

She didn't know why she was like this, but she just felt that the combination of taking off her pants and the words naked and the person Kanzaki Yang made her face feel a little hot.

Ais felt her head was a little dizzy, but she just remembered Diona's words in her heart and didn't think much about it.

Ais-chan, you must remember my words~

Before Tiona left, she repeatedly warned Ais.


Ais lowered her head slightly. Although she didn't know what Tiona meant, she would definitely listen to Tiona's words.


The corners of Kanzaki Yang's eyes twitched. He didn't expect that the other side was so defensive.

Tiona spoke very quietly, but he heard her clearly.

Ais-chan, if a man takes off his pants or gets naked in front of you, or touches you, you must give that man a good beating!

If you have a sword next to you, take it out immediately!

These are Tiona's exact words.

Let's go, Aisi, let's finalize our moves today.

Looking at the Loki Familia leaving and Tiona who smiled and said Goodbye~ to him, Kanzaki Yang smiled and said.


Ace's voice was slightly louder.

Let's go, Hestia.

Kanzaki Yang conveniently took away Hestia, who was currently facing off against Loki.

If Hestia is allowed to taunt Loki one more time, Hestia will probably turn into a real bastard after a while - pinched by Loki's hands.

Of course, Loki will definitely not have an easy time.

She will definitely fall into a state of doubting life because of Hestia's cheeky mockery.

............ the residence of the Hestia Familia?

Aisi looked at the large villa in front of her with a surprised expression.

She remembered, wasn't the Hestia Familia just registered yesterday?

Why do you live in such a big villa?

Aisi didn't know that the Loki family had a share of credit for Kanzaki Yo being able to live in a very large villa.

Of course, you can't let your goddess live in a shabby place~ She is a god after all, right? Kanzaki Yang said with a smile.

Of course, of course, my Yang Jun may have done it~

Hestia puffed up her chest confidently, revealing the blue ribbon that attracted Kanzaki Yang's attention.

Yes, Kanzaki Yang has always been concerned about Hestia's blue ribbon. He was thinking - if the blue ribbon is tied like this all the time, won't it deform or hurt?

Is it because he is a god that he won’t feel pain due to this level of pressure?

Kanzaki Yang has also made judgments on such boring things, and the results obtained will not cause any discomfort.

But sure enough... I care about him every time I see him.

This is the place for training, Bell, you can join us.

Arriving at a large training ground, Kanzaki Yang said to Bell and Ace.


Bell was stunned for a moment, then smiled in surprise.

Can it!? Can I do it too?

Of course, aren't we members of the same clan? It seems that Bell, you have never regarded me as one of your own~

Kanzaki Yang sighed and cast a melancholy look into the sky.

No! Yang Sang, I'm not, that's not what I meant, I just think... Bell explained hurriedly.

And what happened before, Bell, you didn't tell me anything when you went to the dungeon. It's really sad~ Kanzaki Yang continued.

No! Yang Sang, I just...

Beier's eyes were about to turn into circles. How should she explain? She felt that she had indeed caused a lot of trouble to Yang Sang.

She even regretted it a little.

If he hadn't gone out, wouldn't he have met Miss Ais? In this way, Yang Sang will not have any contact with the Loki Familia? Will Miss Ais not join their family?

Because of Kanzaki Yang's words, Bell suddenly fell into a subtle state.

Okay, okay, I was just joking with you, Bell. I know you did this because you wanted to help.

Seeing Bell's panic, Kanzaki Yang nodded with satisfaction.

Sure enough, he is a bad person in every sense~

Yes Yes........

Bell was stunned again, and after realizing that Kanzaki Yang was just joking, he said with a smile.

She did not discuss it with Yang Sang, and she was in danger because of this matter. Although this was an accident, it was also a fact.

Bell made up his mind not to hide anything from Yang Sang anymore. If he wanted to take any action, he must discuss it with Yang Sang first.

Okay, let's get ready for today's training.

Kanzaki Yang took out a ruler.

this is?

Ace tilted her head.


Forget it, the ruler doesn't seem to have anything to do with what Tiona said? Doesn't it seem that there is no need to be vigilant?

Ais has been staring at Kanzaki Yang, wondering whether Kanzaki Yang would do the same thing as Tiona said, and also thinking about what she should do then.

Should we do what Tiona said, or should we observe what he will do first, and then ask everyone what to do after returning to the Familia?

She didn't know that if she chose the second one, Yang Kanzaki would be the kind of man Diona said, and he would have been eaten dry by the time she returned.


——The new book is about to set sail. Please give me flowers, reviews, and monthly votes——.

Chapter 70


With a gentle sound, Kanzaki Yang's ruler slapped Aisi's thigh.

It can be seen that you exercise regularly, but as far as I'm concerned, you usually exercise and take too many risks.

If you keep this tight and used state all the time, it will be difficult to make progress. So, what you should do is relax your body instead of tightening it. Do you understand?

After leaving a light red mark on Aizi's thigh, Kanzaki Yang said calmly.


Ais frowned at first because of the pain, but immediately adjusted her body.

Kanzaki Yang is not talking nonsense out of his own sexual interest, he is talking about things that are conducive to Ais' progress.

It's just that his relationship with Ais is not that close. Otherwise, it would be most appropriate for him to help Ais adjust her posture.

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