At least if I'm next to him, he won't do anything too extreme. Everything will have to wait until the Lord of God wakes up697.

Fulia prepared like this.

After all, she didn't have any better advice.

While saying this, the two of them were preparing to go back. Their current location was not far from Rashuka's location, and Fulia was preparing to walk towards his location.

As he spoke, he spoke directly to this person.

Well, you should keep an eye on Xue'er now, especially Tolinie. If I don't keep an eye on her, don't let this person see Xue'er. If there is nothing wrong, he probably won't come to talk to him. , and I think it was intentional to cause turmoil after this incident was over.”

Then his next target should be Xue'er.

But if his target is Xue'er, what good will it do to him? Isn't it necessary?

Xia Yin said.

I know you are wrong. For the country, the more chaotic he is, the better. And the only place we can attack now is Xue'er.

Okay, then I'll keep an eye on her now. I should be by his side for nothing. She's just in a coma. She should wake up when the anesthetic wears off.

With me by his side, I guess that person can't do much.

Xia Yin said this and was ready to leave.

Fulia nodded without saying anything and walked directly towards Tolinie's position.

Soon, he had found Rashuka.

How is it? Have you finished handling the matter over there?

You already know this, Fulia said.

How could I not know about this matter? It has already caused quite a fuss, but I thought you would have handled everything over there and didn't go there. After all, there is still something to deal with here.

It doesn't help that there are too many people there.

Don't mention it, I suspect someone is playing tricks on us.

Is there any need to think about this? Someone must have leaked it, and we should all have the same idea now.

Rashuka smiled at the person in front of him.

Hmm, that's pretty much it. Now we should think of a way to control him. For the country (bdcc) doing such bad things, we really can't handle it.

He may have thought we were all fools. Now he is over there. If anything happens, let's go find him.

Let's go, I think we should stay close to him these two days.

Have you asked Yang Jun?

Not yet. He just finished the operation, so he is still a little tired now. I think he will be fine after taking a rest.

Rashuka nodded.

That's all they knew. At this time, they actually saw Tolinie.

What a coincidence, you are here too.

Yeah, what are you going to do?

Seeing him greeting her, Rashuka nodded directly in response.

I was just about to collect some materials and take a look at the situation in the army.

Go see the army? Probably collecting items was not his real idea.

The drunkard is not interested in drinking, he probably wants to know the true strength of our army.

How could this possibly be known to him?

No need, I've pretty much taken care of the things here, there's no need to collect them at all.

But I see that the ingredients for the army haven't been processed yet. Why don't we give them a good reward this time?

I have already handed it over to others.

Rashuka said.

Tolinie paused, moved, and moved her eyes, as if she was thinking of a solution and said to her.

It's okay. I'm just staying here anyway. I can also exchange feelings with them and see what they have to eat.

As he said that, he was about to walk in that direction.

We have more important things to deal with.

Seeing that this man couldn't hold him back, Rashuka had no choice but to say one more thing.

whats the matter?

Tolinie had some hesitation and asked this person directly.

At this time, Rashuka was a little frustrated.

Because this was something he made up in the first place, and he didn't know what to do now. .

Chapter 556

Just when he couldn't say anything, Fulia came to the rescue.

That's right, I just received a notice saying that we have to celebrate and everyone needs to go at this time.

I'm just here to inform you that there are still some important things to discuss, so his side has been completely handed over to others.

Oh, that's how it is.

Tolinie nodded.

What important things do we need to discuss?

Don't worry about this, because I don't know what exactly we need to discuss. Let's go back together and talk about it.

This seemed more mysterious. In fact, he didn't know what exactly he wanted to discuss.

However, if it was to discuss national affairs, this was more important than understanding their army, so he concluded that this person would definitely follow him.

Sure enough, the man in front of him thought for a moment, then nodded and said to them.

Well, if that's the case, let's go quickly.

Things here have been handed over to others, but actually not everything has been explained.

But actually there is no rush here.

The quality of life in the military now is actually very good.

It's just that it will be better after a certain degree of improvement.

What's more, there has been no war recently.

Their leaders are here to take advantage of them and they have not taken the initiative to attack here.

Okay, let's go now, come back later, and then allocate the work we need to prepare for this time. Everyone has a dedicated project.

Okay, it's all up to you.

Said these three people walked towards the direction of the palace.

But at this time, there are often only three of them, and I don’t know how to round off the lie just now.

Everything will be resolved by then.

They didn't need to think about this at all. While thinking this, they also walked over thinking about the location.

Soon they had arrived at the conference hall.

What they didn't expect was that Kanzaki Yang was already waiting for them here.

Do you notice anything wrong now?

Kanzaki Yang saw it, and they spoke straight to the point, as if they already knew they would come here.

Aren't you sleeping? Why are you here?

I won't sleep anymore. I'm almost rested, and it seems that everything should come to an end.

The meaning of this sentence seems to be that everyone has heard his intention.

After all, this news has been passed on to everyone, so this person must not be able to stay in his own country anymore. He has already done bad things to the country.

Kanzaki Yang paused, and there was something sharp between his eyebrows.

At this time, he looked at Tolinie in front of him.

He was about to say something, but after thinking for a moment, he paused and said to everyone.

The matter has almost been dealt with. Otherwise, let's go and fight against the surrounding enemy forces.

Yangjun, what do you mean?

Yes, since we have enough manpower and material resources.

Now we are fully capable of launching this attack, and I think our winning rate is very high.

Even in the current situation, there is no country that we can't defeat. If they insist on fighting, let them see our true strength.

· ···Asking for flowers·· ··

In fact, he doesn't want to focus on the cloning project at all now, but since the person in front of him has come to his own country, their country must be slacking off.

If we hit them at this time, it should be easier.

At this time, it depends on what the person in front of you will do. If he is in the mood to eat his own country, then let him have a taste of his own power.

Kanzaki Yang asked everyone.

I think our national strength has increased a lot now, especially after this auction. I think our soldiers have been recharging their strength these days. Giving them such a good life is so that they can Show your true strength on the battlefield.”

... ... ... ... ... ... ...

By the way, I can also take a look and see if my method is effective. l

After Rashuka finished speaking, he looked at everyone. It was as if he was asking for their opinion.

At this time, Xia Yin spoke directly to her.

I think Rashuka is right.

After all, everyone already knows that the national treasury now has enough military pay, so there is no need to have any scruples at all, and there is no problem in launching a war directly.

If you don't take the initiative and remain in a passive situation, your power over them will most likely weaken.

I also think he is right, but now that there are so many countries that we are against, which country should we attack first?

Xia Yin also raised questions directly.

By this time everyone had already stood up.

Everyone should understand this situation very well now. I think our first target now is the person who pressed us at the beginning. Dao.

Chapter 557

You mean the Black Riders.

Kanzaki Yang asked.

Yes, everyone knows that he has caused a lot of damage to our country. Now that we have restored most of our strength, we must let them take a good look.

That's what you said. If Xue'er and Kanzaki Yang hadn't gone there, I'm afraid we wouldn't have had any chance of winning. Fortunately, in the end, they were all wiped out.

It's a pity that I remembered that one of them ran away.

Yes, that one was simply too cunning. He used all the soldiers to escape from here.

But even so, he still suffered a lot of serious injuries. This can be regarded as a reward for him. No one will be lenient to those who invade our land.

Then what to do now? A direct attack?

Yes, if I don't make any sense now, we are going to launch an attack on their country tomorrow. Anyway, there is nothing wrong now.

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