Okay, without further ado, let's go over and collect DNA and genes. If you come later, I can continue to tell you about these things.

Regarding his abilities, even I can't grasp it familiarly, but it should have something to do with his parents.

About his orcish side.

Although I have never taken advantage of this. He even didn't have this ability at all before. The time he discovered that he had this ability was when the entire army was wiped out.

The entire city collapsed, and when he woke up after falling into a coma, he could already sense where the nearby location was? At the same time, he can also create a different space.

The two of them didn't continue to talk about anything. The most important thing right now was to collect genes.

As he spoke, he continued walking forward.

At first, I could still meet some people one after another, but the further I walked, the quieter it became. It seemed that I had reached the very center and deepest part of the palace.

You can even feel an extraordinary silence here, which has never happened to me before.

But he didn't feel any fear. .

Chapter 551

As the two people walked along, the scene in front of them seemed to have suddenly changed.

From the huge and magnificent palace, I walked into a quiet place.

The lush branches and leaves here feel like a deep mountain forest, making it impossible to imagine that this is a place behind an empire.

It seems a bit like a rainforest, so it’s better to be a little more careful when you come here for the first time.

He did not feel afraid, and walked resolutely with the person in front of him. He was already full of trust in this place, and secondly,

Because Xue'er was thinking about whether he could truly create a body that could accommodate another set of blood in his body.

The two people came here and almost reached their destination.

It's just ahead.

The two people arrived and quickly passed the first mechanism and the second mechanism in the laboratory.

Even Xue'er was praising his very thorough thinking. Even in his own country, such an agency would not be able to think of it. If he came here, even if he had this kind of sensing ability, he would not have it here at all. -Way to survive.

These organs are even completely fatal, that is to say, there is no chance of survival at all.

While thinking about the two people, he slowly walked forward, and soon he saw those glass dishes.

Are these all experiments?

This made him a little scared.

It's not that these are not living people, but some strong soldiers were selected from the battlefield on the front line and came here to do some specimen collection and genetic testing.

In this way, his psychological defense would be much better. After all, if this is a living person, what if he becomes a specimen?

In other words, they are all dead people.

You are right to think so. The people here just use a special method to solidify their bodies and keep them fresh, so the elites in their bodies can still be used.

“But it should be better to do this without splitting the genes of living people.

You're right, so that's it. If we can complete these things and apply them in real life, the success rate will be greatly improved.

Come in with me, and you can take a look at the petri dish of our success.

The two people saw the last mezzanine, and Kanzaki Yang was also waiting for them here.

You guys are here just in time and I've almost finished cleaning up.

I first want to take her to see our successful experimental product.

Fulia said.

After Kanzaki Yang heard this.

Of course it's no problem. Just follow me in. I've stored it well. He should have no problems now, and I'm quite confident about this experiment.

It can even be seen that he should be quite confident.

Kanzaki Yang came here and asked them all to change into a set of clothes.

There cannot be any bacteria here now, as it will delay his growth and development. According to his current growth system, it is estimated that he will be able to return to normal division in five days.

Cell division will be accelerated here to a certain extent, and even one day here is equivalent to several years outside.

When Xueer saw this scene, his face was full of surprise. He had never seen such a scene before. It was not even something in this world at all. How could he have seen it before?

· ···Asking for flowers·· ··

But when I heard them talking about the cloning plan, I thought it was another formation, but I didn't expect it to be like this.

In other words, the genes extracted from me will be put here and slowly allowed to grow until they are the same age as me and then taken out?

It stands to reason that the cells extracted from your body should split into exactly the same cells as you. Not to mention exactly the same, they should be roughly the same.


Anyway, I think he can carry all the blood in your body.

Kanzaki Yang said.

In just a few minutes, there seemed to be some growth in this glass vessel.

I didn't expect this to develop so quickly.

Then how do I extract the genes from my body?

You come with me.

Kanzaki Yang said, taking her directly to the back and speaking to Fulia.

This experiment is very complicated. The survival rate may not be successful, and there cannot be any bacterial infection. So you can leave this room first and help me take care of things outside.

As for Xue'er, she should be able to come out after a while.

With that said, Fulia nodded and left directly.

Xue'er looked at his figure, sighed, and said to Kanzaki Yang. Then let's start now.

Okay, for a little privacy, you need to take off your clothes, but trust me, I won't do anything.

Kanzaki Yang said, although Xueer was concerned, she still obeyed and came to the operating table to wait. knife.

Chapter 552

Xue'er has already arrived on the operating table. At this time, Kanzaki Yang has also prepared all the instruments.

Xueer turned her head shyly.

After all, this is still unspeakable for her status as a princess.

But since this was the only way to save her sister, there was no other way.

Besides, the clone must have no clothes.

So these things don't matter to him.

Okay, relax and we'll start the surgery this time, but you may be given anesthesia now.

You may not be conscious of this, but don't worry, I will take good care of your body and other functions.

Just taking a little gene, is there such a high risk?

Xue'er was also very curious at this time.

For other replicas, it is not necessary. After all, they only need one to be strong and strong. But yours is completely different. He is a person of flesh and blood.

Other chips already have consciousness and can control various functions, but she is completely different.

Therefore, it must be constructed strictly according to human organs, so each organ must be made separately. Judging from this alone, it is not an easy task for them this time.

Okay, I leave everything to you.

Xue'er didn't say anything. He believed in the person in front of him unconditionally.

In that case, close your eyes.

Xue'er, after hearing his words, closed her eyes, and then an electric current passed through her head. He lost consciousness and fell into a coma.

It would also be a good thing for her and would save him a lot of pain.

So now, what he has to do now is to put all his energy into physical examination. First, his heart, skin and bone marrow must be slowly collected.

After an hour, Kanzaki Yang slowly walked out of the room. He was more tired now, because an hour of high-intensity work made him very tired.

It could be seen that there was sweat on his forehead.

After I came out, I breathed a sigh of relief and my heart dropped.

Fulia saw him coming out and quickly stepped forward to ask.

It's been a long time since he went in. Is he okay? Is the sampling going well?

Kanzaki Yang nodded.

The sampling has been successful, now it's just a matter of putting it all in a petri dish.

Leave this to me.

Kanzaki Yang nodded. He no longer had any energy to do anything else. He just wanted to take a rest. His eyes could no longer be opened.

Put it in the petri dish and send Xueer directly to the room.

He won't be needed for about three days.

Okay, you should rest early. You have just completed the auction and have undergone such a major operation. You also need to rest.

Kanzaki Yang nodded. There was no way he could sleep here, so he prepared to return to his bedroom.

After simply cleaning up, the two of them came out of the laboratory directly.

Xue'er is on Fulia's back. There was nothing wrong with his body, but it was just because he was in a coma.

This is not a problem for him as an orc.

The two people soon parted ways.

Fulia returned to Xueer's bedroom.

At this time, he found that Xue'er was almost the same as when he went in before, but there seemed to be some bandages in the body, like pinholes, which might have been used for sampling.

Now it's useless to think that it's better to take good care of him.

Xia Yin also came here at this time.

Fulia, how are you doing here?

Everything is going smoothly. We have completed the work in the laboratory. It's almost done. It's time for your auction.

There seems to be a little hiccup here.

What's wrong? Is it because I don't have enough?

Xia Yin shook his head.

Although all our funds have been received.

After all, it is money for national affairs, so these officials did not dare to be short of money, and they quickly collected the money they needed.

The funds have been received. There shouldn't be any other problems. How could there be other episodes?

Do you remember that we distributed other charms to him? The news may have been leaked. I don't know who told these officials. Especially those who bought them at high prices are very dissatisfied.

There are some other officials who stood behind them because they didn't get it and said this is something our country has done very unfairly.

They have the nerve to say that the money shouldn't belong to them in the first place, so how come they have the nerve to come and ask for it?

Fulia said.

He also had nothing to say to these people.

After all, the money is not a small amount to them, so not only these people, they also encouraged some people who did not get these charms to come and revolt.

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