Kanzaki Yang nodded.

That's why I called you out just now, so I didn't tell everyone what I wanted to say just now.

When I came back, I knew that the dark force of 2.2 would never give up. Sure enough, he was already buried beside us before I had time to wait.

You mean!

Just as Fulia was about to say something, Kanzaki Yang quickly blocked his mouth.


After all, he is not sure about himself now, and he is indeed safe around him, so it is good for him to know this.

Fulia nodded, and Kanzaki Yang continued.

If there's something going on, it's better not to tell him now, or just make up some other words at random to let him know about it..

Chapter 528

This is indeed correct.

Otherwise, just in case something happens, if something happens.

The revelation of the cloning project was an outcome they simply could not bear.

What's more, the methods of other countries are so vicious, let alone let them understand this plan.

As he spoke, he looked around and continued.

I just saw that one of the petri dishes in the laboratory has been successfully decomposed, but we still have to wait a week before we know whether this solution is really possible.

Don't let Tolinie know about this. Just say that you are looking for a way.

Kanzaki Yang said, after all, as long as this person knows, he will definitely find various ways to understand this matter.

When the time comes, we can’t even guard against it.


Fulia nodded, now she was the only one who knew the most about the cloning plan.

Kanzaki Yang said immediately.

Also, the location of the laboratory must not be revealed to them, do you understand?


Fulia responded.

The location of the laboratory is particularly important. It contains everything. Although there are many mechanisms in place, there is still no way to determine this matter.

My only concern now is this black magic. Since it can be applied to him, if it comes to you, then there is nothing we can do.

One thing I can be sure of is that black magic can be applied to you, but without your knowledge and consciousness, if I feel that there is anything wrong with your behavior, I will stop handing over the matter to you.

Kanzaki Yang said. She needs to think carefully about this matter.

After all, he has left it to this person to manage these things now. If the black magic comes into his hands, even though he can no longer remember the past, other follow-ups will still be handed over to him.

He is now the subject of key protection.

Then let me do this. We can hand over a secret code. When we hand over these tasks, you can ask me a question. If I can answer it, it means that I am still me.

Fulia proposed an idea, and Kanzaki Yang also approved it.

Then this would be better. You can only come up with this method now. Only the two of us can know this secret code. If black magic invades your body, it will be like Tolinie. , I forgot the previous thoughts in my brain.”

So as long as you can't answer, I will find another way to hand it over. Or if it's just him now, I don't need to do anything. But if you are also rendered by black magic, I guess I have to think of a way to get both of you out.

This may not necessarily be true. I think that judging from the situation, there is only one person who knows this magic. So if he gives up Tolinie and chooses me, Tolinie will at least be safe.

This is easy to understand, that is, this person can only control one person at a time.

Since the target has been changed, Tolinie should also be awake.

And his purpose is to get this cloning plan, so he will not act rashly and kill people in the palace.

Tolinie is safe at least now, and even in the future, as long as he doesn't get this cloning plan, these people will definitely be safe, so there is no need to worry.

On the contrary, if this person is in the palace, he will rarely be concerned about the battle on the front line.

At this time, everyone does not need to worry about the orc army over there.

This is a good thing for them.

Okay, I already understand all of this. Don't worry, I will definitely arrange it and make it perfect.

Then we can think about the slogan for our docking.

Fulia said, and the two began to think. Within a few seconds, Kanzaki Yang spoke directly to her.

Then why not just call it Happy Planet.

What is Happy Planet?

Yes, what is Happy Planet!

No 680 has ever heard of this. I guess these people don't know about it either.

Kanzaki Yang smiled, how can you hear these products of your own time?

I should have understood when you said this.

I'll tell you the next sentence, and I'll take you to study it together.

It would be nice to study the cloning plan together.

This sentence was appreciated by Fulia.

I didn't expect that the person in front of me has such a high level of grace. In this way, since he is fluent and smooth, he can also directly explain the research on the cloning project.

The needle won't poke.

Freya said to herself while raising her thumb.

“What is a happy planet, what is a happy planet.”

If you want to know, let's study together now!

Yes, yes, you have learned the essence. Okay, then this is our secret code. If you can't answer it, I will take measures against you.

Chapter 529

Kanzaki Yang said and continued to move forward.

After all, it is so simple and catchy, but if he still can't read it, then black magic must have controlled his brain and prevented him from remembering it.

After controlling such a C position, it would be strange not to sanction him.

Okay, I've written this sentence down now. I can answer it whenever you ask me.

Fulia in front of her smiled.

Then it's settled. If one day I can't answer this question, don't forget to save me.

That's for sure.

At this time, the two people also arrived at Xueer's room.

There seemed to be no breath inside.

He should still be in a coma at this time, and I don't know when he will wake up. There is no way to do this. We still need to take a look at the budget.

The door opened and two people entered the room.

Sure enough, he is still sleeping now. He has been lying like this for a long time.

It doesn't matter, I'll go over and take a look.

Kanzaki Yang said, sitting next to him and looking at him.

I see that his breath has stabilized a lot, and he is no longer as arrogant as before. If you help him up, I will enter his spiritual world and take a look.

After hearing Kanzaki Yang's words, Fulia walked over directly.

I'm here to protect you.

Kanzaki Yang nodded.

Then I'm going in now. Don't let others disturb me, otherwise I won't be able to get out of his spiritual world.

After all, this is an area that he is not familiar with. If it were someone else, he would be able to enter it freely, but this person actually has two tricks, and he has just sealed it for him. It would be bad if she got jealous and pulled herself into his spiritual world.

As he spoke, Kanzaki Yang's body stopped moving.

Fulia knew at this time that he had entered Xueer's spiritual world.

Now his spiritual world no longer had the bright red appearance before, but was all white. It seemed that the seal had taken effect.

However, this animalistic energy is simply too powerful, and it seems that some reluctance has not directly awakened his personality.

Fortunately, he came in. If he had let his natural tendency, he didn't know how long it would take.

Take a look here, what if you can find something?

In this void, Kanzaki Yang walked slowly. It's snowy here, but it's stopped snowing again.

The snow is slowly beginning to melt, but there is no sign of snow. Is it because human nature has not awakened?

He guessed that this was probably what it looked like.

At this time he saw a girl in white clothes.

He's lying there.

Just like Xue'er in a coma, not exactly the same, this is Xue'er in his human nature.

Kanzaki Yang quickly came to his side.


As long as two people are not particularly familiar with each other, he can always give himself a feeling of special closeness.

We've been together for a few days, right?

At this time, he couldn't wake up when he was called, and suddenly someone came behind him.

It was the man in red from before, but it looked like he was covered in thorns.

Why do you want to seal me off?

He doesn't have a human form now, and it seems that he can't see his face clearly, but he doesn't know what he looks like.

You shouldn't have come out, and you shouldn't have stopped him from waking up.

Kanzaki Yang said.

It's the same body. Why has he occupied this body for so long? Why am I still awake?

You mean these two bloodlines are not the same person?

She and I were originally identical Liang sisters, but for some reason we became the same person.

In other words, they were originally two people, but because of his mother, the two people could only become one.

.々He has used my body for so many years, why not use it for me?

And he is just an ordinary person. I am a beast, a beast that has inherited my mother's ability of 100,000 or even millions of years. I am much stronger than him.

I don't know what method you used to completely seal me here, but it's unfair for you to do this. Although he can't control me because we are two neighbors in the first place.

Kanzaki Yang never imagined that this would be the result?

In other words, these two sisters actually share the same body.

And they were actually two completely different styles, which he couldn't believe at all.

Look at me now. I have no appearance, nothing, no body. I am just a ball of nothingness.

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