I want to do something, but no matter how strong I make myself, it won't help at all. I can't protect these orcs and the army.

Rashuka has always blamed himself for this matter. .

Chapter 519

Xia Yin frowned slightly when she saw Rashuka like this.

He didn't want to see her like this, he knew that his strength was already outstanding.

However, he treats all these troops as his own children. The desolate situation now is not what he wants to see at all, but what can they do?

Now the enemy troops are on the front line, constantly fighting against themselves.

If they don't fight, I'm afraid it's impossible for even these own people, let alone these orc armies, to survive like this.

Get stronger, we just have to get stronger to beat this fight.

Xia Yin said, she seemed to have never been so determined.

The look on his face now was something he had never seen before.

It was as if that thought had penetrated her thoughts.


Rashuka's expression seemed a little enlightened.

The country's strength is already very strong. He should do something to make his country's hope of victory greater, instead of being sad here.

Just like Kanzaki Yang.

Didn't she also go to the Beihai Empire so that she could bring back an important empire to participate in this war?

And I heard that the Forgotten War King has also become a member of his country.

Although he is not usually stationed here, you can still seek his help if you need it.

And by bringing back a Xueer, their cloning plan can be carried out immediately.

As long as this cloning plan is carried out, he has full confidence that he can win this battle.

While thinking this, he clenched his fists fiercely.

You are right. We should no longer sit still and wait for death. Kanzaki Yang is constantly fighting for this country, and we need to continue to think of other ways to work hard.

Rashuka said.

So I don't know what I can do now. Maybe I can strengthen the training of the orc army tomorrow.

I don't think this method is feasible. They are already on the front line and very tired. If they need to continue training when they come back, they will probably lose all their strength when they get to the front line.

They need enough rest.

Yes, even if a plowing cow is asked to work continuously and intensely, he will lose strength.

What's more, what about these orcs?

If they come back and are rested and energetic, they will have more energy to fight. But if they come back to train, although their abilities have increased, they will also perform worse because they do not have enough energy on the battlefield. good.

Now, the food and accommodation of the orc army must be strengthened!

Rashuka said.

Everyone's meals must be cooked strictly according to the supplies. Don't allow other corrupt officials to embezzle. If they don't have the strength, how can they fight on the front line.

When we go back later, we can calculate the energy required by their body for them. The energy they need to eat must be strictly met, and they must also get enough rest during sleep.

Although they don't get a certain degree of comfort in their sleep in the wild, Rashuka will do his best.

As long as it makes them feel more comfortable, they will recover a little.

Xia Yin nodded.

I think I can do all of this, but the state's funds may be slightly insufficient.

Check out the corrupt officials. I don't believe how rich our country used to be. At least how much money these people have embezzled from the country now. As long as one person takes some of it all, these soldiers can live a better life.

As long as they are comfortable, then this battle will also increase the winning rate a lot.

Xia Yin nodded, but then sighed and said to him.

.々Their rights are very great. If we go to investigate rashly, we know that we will definitely find something, but if they make trouble, it will be another difficulty for the country.

In times of crisis, everyone should do their part, and we can launch a voluntary movement.

Especially point out those corrupt officials first, and tell them clearly that this is the case. If you find someone at random and don't pay back all the tax evasion and tax evasion over the years, then I will no longer be able to serve as an official.

Rashuka looked at the place behind.

It is a desolate scene, but the place where the officials live is full of lights (Wang, Zhao, Zhao) and greenery.

But that’s not all.

There are always a few that I don't know about, but they have the blood of the empire.

However, he actually has the blood of the empire, so he cannot do anything extraordinary and has to think of a better way.

I think you can discuss this with Kanzaki Yang at the dinner later.

Rashuka nodded.

Okay, then it's better to go back now. Everything here has been pretty much taken care of. I'll come back tomorrow. Anyway, now this place is in my hands alone. I will definitely handle all the things here. alright.

Xia Yin nodded, feeling relieved about Rashuka. .

Chapter 520

Okay, I just happened to come here to ask you to have a dinner. Where is Tolinie?

Xia Yin asked, at this time Rashuka looked around.

We clearly came together just now, but why have we suddenly disappeared now?

No, she was next to me a few minutes ago.

Are you too absorbed in watching? She was gone when I came over.

Rashuka looked outside the city again, but she was nowhere to be seen.

Go and find it quickly.

Rashuka felt something was wrong.

After all, it was not safe here to begin with, and he disappeared from his sight alone. He should have told himself.

If you didn't tell yourself this, then you might be in danger.

Rashuka was a little worried. After all, he followed him out, but he didn't think much of him.

Probably not. According to his ability, no one should be able to take it away, not to mention you are still here.

Even in times of war, it is simply impossible for them to take our people away in this city.

If this is really the case, they may want to start this war.

I'm afraid he left on his own.

You should know about the black formation they are talking about.

Although they don't understand the black formation very well, this is what Yang Kanzaki told everyone when he came back.

Otherwise, their orc army would not have suffered such heavy casualties.

At first I was still curious and didn’t know much about it.

However, this situation should not happen. After all, they all know the strength of their country's orc army.

It is simply impossible to be defeated by the army of a small country. At best, it can only be equal (bdcc).

It is also their ability that is maximized.

But in the last battle, not only were they indistinguishable from each other, but they even overpowered one of their own orc troops.

They felt very sad. After all, the orc army they had always been able to brag about was defeated.

So even after watching this battle.

Rashuka still feels that she is very incompetent. Maybe this is what makes her feel like this now.

This was such a huge blow to him that she probably wouldn't be able to recover in a short time.

The losses of these orc armies were reflected in her heart every time.

I have also seen the strength of this black formation. He has defeated so many of my orc armies. Don't let me find this person. If I let him see him, I will definitely not make him feel better.

Isn't it a little early to say this? Are you sure you can defeat him?

I will work hard slowly.

As he spoke, he swore secretly directly to the battlefield in front of him.

If this person who uses black magic is allowed to find him, he will definitely not be spared lightly.

Okay, now it's better to quickly find the whereabouts of Tolinie.

Xia Yin said and took him directly to the city.

We will definitely not find it if we search blindly.

Then there's no other way.

He never comes here normally. He still looks for the army. After all, there is strength in numbers. Let them go and search for it.

Rashuka said.

They have been searching in this city for too long, and it will definitely not work if they continue searching like this.

His path was nowhere to be seen, and no one even saw him.

This made them a little scared, after all, they lost a big living person.

Okay, I'm going to tell you to continue walking around here now.

Rashuka only had the right to make the decision here, so he went to order the troops, while Xia Yin continued to search here.

At this time, Xia Yin thought for a while, where did she think it would appear?

He was assigned here to get familiar with it. It should be normal here, but it was impossible not to tell Rashuka.

Could it be that Rashuka is immersed in his own world? Didn't you hear that?

But that was true, after all, this battle had dealt a huge blow to him, and he was in a trance when he looked at this man.

He is even a little afraid of what will happen to Rashuka now.

There is no time to think about this, so now I can only look for it first. If I really can't find it, I can only go back to the empire to find Kanzaki Yang.

But there should be nothing wrong. After all, in just a few hours, he still firmly believed that no one would dare to come here and take their people away. His country was still very strong.

Unless they really have the strength to defeat us, they will definitely not act rashly.

While thinking this, it was a way to cheer himself up. He couldn't understand this matter.

There's a stone in my heart that I can't let go of.

I hope so, I hope it is what I think. At this critical juncture, if another mistake occurs, then they may have too many things on their hands.

At this time, Xia Yin was running anxiously and suddenly found a wisp of black smoke on the ground. .

Chapter 521

What's this?

Xia Yin looked at the black smoke in front of him in surprise.

This scared her.

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