But for him, there is not much worth paying attention to such things, otherwise it will cause too much trouble.

Rashuka finally nodded and said these words again.

The last time I said this, there were indeed no other problems.

Yang Jun always looked like he was sure of winning, which was enough to make him feel very surprised.

Basically, as long as you can be sure, you can easily solve these things when faced with them.

From your own heart, you will choose to believe Yang Jun's words.

It doesn't matter whether it's right or wrong, the temperament exuding from Yang Jun is worthy of Rashuka's belief. .

Chapter 478

Kanzaki Yang is very satisfied with Rashuka’s reaction~

Who told him to have such charm~ It does make him a little narcissistic~

Rasuka~ This matter is troublesome for you~ In fact, you can also consider signing a contract with me~ These few contacts should be able to explain this problem~

I know you have deep feelings for the War King Realm~ But people have to go to higher places!

Rasuka~ You can really think about it.

He looked at Rashuka in front of him. He also had some interest in this woman. He also had a deep relationship with her hidden in the King of War realm.

If it can be done better, it won't be a big problem.

It’s unclear what will happen this time between the magician Gongsu and the people from the North Sea Empire. Although there is a high probability that the talks will collapse, there is no big problem.

After hearing this, Rashuka couldn't help but frowned. This was blatant poaching. 13. This corner was herself... She really didn't necessarily have any concerns. The premise was that the Forgotten War King would not touch her. situation, apart from that, there is nothing more.

Yang Jun~ Is it really appropriate for you to do this... No matter what, I'm afraid this matter may not be possible anymore.

You must have never imagined how powerful the Forgotten War King is, right? If I sign a contract with you, maybe she will know about it in an instant...

So let's basically give up this idea. I admit that you are good at deceiving, but I will not accept your deception...

Rashuka spread his hands and said, You can say whatever you want, but I won't listen.

This made Yang Kanzaki stunned for a moment, and then he smiled bitterly. Is he really that good at deceiving...

But this is the person's own choice, and he won't be forced too much.

So now we have to worry about the situation between the North Sea Empire and the Magician Gongsu, and absolutely nothing else can happen.

Let Rashuka hinder those things from happening first, and then do more things.

As for the forgotten war king? There won't be too many problems, as long as you can be sure, it can still be done.

Even if he signed the contract, he still had the confidence not to be discovered by the Forgotten War King.

This was the case for Nangong Nayue back then, and the people behind him did not notice the abnormality.

This is enough to show that what Kanzaki Yang said is not false, and nothing more will happen.

Okay~ Rashuka~ Believe it or not, the Forgotten War King probably won't discover the story~

And this is not the first time I have done this, so there is no need to worry. If you don't want to now, I can wait for you~

The matter regarding the Beihai Empire should come to an end in these two days. No matter how strong the orc troops are, there will not be other problems. They will definitely withdraw their troops.

Yang Kanzaki gave Rashuka a lot of respect. As long as he can do it right, there won't be too many problems.

This naturally allows them to get more things.

When Rashuka returned to the border of the North Sea Empire, he could already see that something was not quite right about the atmosphere at this moment...

Because Tolinie acted very hastily, it was not something they could accept easily today.

Toligne~ How's it going? It seems that the matter with the magician Gongsu has come to an end? Has the negotiation collapsed?

I didn't expect the people from the Mage Works to be so arrogant. What are you going to do?

At this time, Rashuka also said it like a guess. No matter what the outcome was, more plans were needed.

Otherwise, this matter may not go as they wish, which will also cause greater trouble. Fortunately, Yang Jun said there is basically no big difference, which can also give her such a buffer period.

Tolinie couldn't help but sigh after hearing this. She really didn't know what the outcome of this matter would be.

This was the news she had just learned from the royal family. She thought there would be no 647 holiday, so she was very anxious about it.

She is even more unclear about how to deal with it. If the Beihai Empire can solve it, she will not be burdened with more.

I don't know what to do about this matter. Rashuka, do you have any other ideas?

If it comes out in the end, there will still be more trouble for us.

It makes me very anxious and I don't know what to do.

Tolinie was crying, her heart was already in a state of anxiety, and she didn't even know what to do about it.

There is actually something strange in Rashuka's heart. After all, he still has some responsibility for this situation. If it cannot be completely solved, there is still no need to proceed.

It's a pity that there are still some problems with the positions of both parties, and Rashuka will naturally not do more.

No matter what, these are some of their methods. It’s really hard to do without knowing the specific details~.

Chapter 479

At this time, when they faced this matter, they didn't have many other thoughts.

But for Tolinie, there is still a hint of cruelty in it.

If you can finally come up with an idea, everything won't be a big problem.

If I had the means, I would have said it already~ Tolinie, what are your plans next?

If the Beihai Empire accuses you, I think it will be a very cruel blow to you, right? You probably don't want to face it so easily.

It's a pity that I don't know what to do about this matter.

Rashuka couldn't help but say, Yang Jun told her that there would be a final result in the next two days, but she didn't expect it to come out so quickly. The speed was too fast, and she didn't know exactly what it should be. what to do.

However, as long as there are results in the end, there won't be too many problems.

More importantly, they all have to find all the solutions.

Tolinie couldn't help but shook her head. She had very deep feelings for the North Sea Empire and the orc troops, and she would never do such a rebellious thing.

It's just that the current situation is not good for her. All she needs to think about is what kind of method should be used to turn things around.

If it can be solved in the end, there won't be too many problems.

It's a pity that she couldn't have imagined that the magician could harm her this time.

For the time being, she can only return to the North Sea Empire and wait for her fate. Perhaps His Majesty will forgive her because of her past friendship, but her status in the orc army will not be that high in the future, which does not matter to her.

Raxiuka~ I may have to trouble you to stay here in the next few days. I'm afraid I have to go back to the palace. There should be some things that need to be discussed~ There is a high probability that the Beihai Empire will eventually withdraw its troops. This time There is no need to continue the war, but it will cause a lot of unnecessary trouble¨¨.

If we can do better, there won't be too many problems.

But next time the person who comes to take charge of the withdrawal of the orc troops may not be me. You have to be mentally prepared for this~

Tolinie suddenly said with seriousness that since the intervention was fruitless, the North Sea Empire indeed needed to discuss more things.

In addition, this is far from what they can face easily today.

Rashuka glanced at her in surprise, and finally nodded.

As long as there are results, it won't be a big problem.

He didn't expect that Tolinie had already made such a determination to die, which really made him a little unimaginable.

But there is nothing that can be done. After all, this matter is by no means as simple as imagined. Basically, as long as we can be sure in the end, there won't be too many problems.

In short, you can go with peace of mind~ Since I exist in this matter, I will definitely guard this place for you...

As for other more things, it may not be so simple for me to figure out~

Now that these things exist, it will still cause some damage to your reputation. I think the reputation of the magician's sculptures may drop to a new level in the future. This can be regarded as a recovery for the Beihai Empire. A certain loss~

Rashuka said slowly, although it can't be of much help, humanitarian care is still necessary.

Basically, as long as it can be solved in the end, it won't be a big problem.

The fact now is that preparations are underway for the North Sea Empire to withdraw its troops.

Although the formal order has not yet been issued, it will happen sooner or later. Even if the magician has some other information in his hands, there is not much doubt.

There is still a lot of time left for them, it depends on whether they can solve it in the end.

And the final thing is not that simple. For them, there are still some more needs.

When Tolinie went back for only three days, they finally sued and intervened with the magicians to no avail.

The Beihai Empire's final decision was to withdraw its troops and stay at the border. The Orc Empire suffered another defeat. This was absolutely unnecessary.

And judging from their current situation, withdrawing their troops in the shortest possible time is probably the wisest choice.

All in all, (Wang Mo Zhao) doesn't have much time left for them.

This is also the most realistic idea at present. In addition, Rashuka still doesn't know what kind of fate Tolinie will eventually suffer.

This is what worries him the most. Putting aside this war, his relationship with Tolinie is actually pretty good in private.

It's a pity that with Kanzaki Yang's existence, it is impossible to continue the prosecution after all.

If something finally works out, then this won't be a big problem.

Rashuka was also a little surprised, Yang Jun was right again...

This person's intelligence ability is so terrifying. It is already very good to be able to achieve this. .

Chapter 480

The orc troops of the North Sea Empire on the border had all withdrawn within half a day, and there was no longer much need to stay here.

And this is far from a consumption they can accept today. The orc troops are the ace of the North Sea Empire and they absolutely cannot be consumed in such a short period of time. Otherwise, it would be really difficult to explain.

At this moment, they must have more ways to solve this problem. If it doesn't work, they can only continue to fight.

When the people of the Kingdom of Aldykia saw the North Sea Empire withdrawing its troops, they all shouted joyfully in victory.

Facing this kind of thing is really unimaginable for them.

No matter what the final situation was, this war was ultimately won by their perseverance.

And it gave the orc troops a heavy blow, which may give them too much confidence. When they face this situation again in the future, they will not need to have any other ideas, and they will have more confidence. As for the North Sea Empire? If you continue to fight after 650, you may have to weigh the opponent's strength. If you proceed rashly, you won't gain much.

When the news reached Yang Kanzaki, it was already that night.

Elsa and Fulia both came to him, and in the end they still didn't know what to do about such a thing.

Basically, as long as it can be solved, there will be more things that need to be completed.

Yang Jun~ I didn't expect that this time would end with the complete victory of the Kingdom of Aldykia, and Elsa... Why didn't I realize that you have such a powerful ability to lead an army before? This is really disappointing. I’m very impressed.”

But the most important thing is that you must not have any other ideas now, otherwise this matter will not have much meaning.

What are you going to do next? (bdcc) The North Sea Empire has suffered such a loss, which means that the War King Realm cannot continue to investigate and imitate the angel ritual. This is a very threatening thing to them.

Fulia asked curiously, naturally she was extremely concerned about such a point.

If there is some result in the end, there won't be too big of a problem, which is hard for them to imagine.

She was indeed very concerned about Kanzaki Yang's next actions.

I don’t know if I will continue to focus on modeling the angel ceremony after solving the matter here, or will I have a new direction? If this is not clear, it will not make much sense.

And this is what they can expect at present. In addition, they will not have other ideas to proceed.

As long as something can be gained in the end, there won't be too many problems.

I didn't expect that the final result would be like this~ My next step should be to go to the War King Realm. I haven't really come into contact with the three true ancestors~ I am also very curious about this. As long as If it can be solved in the end, it won’t be a big problem.”

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