This kind of thing seems very surprising...

The new bodyguard captain couldn't help but say that his new identity was that of acting for his predecessor. As long as that person could come back, he would still step down.

In Ye Lai Xiansheng's mind, he could never be his confidant.

He tried his best to climb to this height, but in the end he found that it had no effect at all. The other party still didn't believe him, so what was the point?

Ye Xiansheng was very agitated at the moment and didn't know what to say about such a thing.

If he could be sure, he would obviously have to get more things.

Perhaps this matter will be a new turning point for us... This young man with blond hair and black eyes comes to us, which means that he will gradually show his face in the future. We will immediately investigate this person's true identity and see what he is like. What’s the origin?”

As for the Beihai Empire, let them do it.

If the other party really wants to be aggressive, we must not weaken the prestige of the magician's work. If word spreads, it will not have a good impact on us.

Ye Lai Xiansheng rubbed his acupuncture points. He was still very concerned about this new turn of events. .

Chapter 474

Ye Lai Xiansheng already knew that there was such a young man with blond hair and black eyes. For them, at least they had identified the mastermind behind the scenes...

No matter what challenges we will face in the future, there will not be any goals to pursue.

No matter what, this matter is not as simple as imagined.

He has identified Yang Kanzaki and will not induce him so easily, otherwise it will be meaningless.

This is not a situation that they can predict now. For the magician's work, it is actually very good to have such results. They have not made more mistakes. As for Beihai The empire can let them continue to do it.

As long as he doesn't violate the principles, he basically won't violate anything, otherwise it doesn't make any sense.

What's more important is that the matter is not that simple. He has never seen this young man with blond hair and black eyes before.

Now that he has taken the initiative to stand in front of him, it is enough to show that the other party has a certain amount of capital and is not afraid~ But in his opinion, this is completely a provocation...

A kind of provocation to the magician's work, Kensheng Yeze would not accept it so easily!

Boss~ I already know everything you said.

Now it seems that we only need to conduct a good investigation to get the final result. This is something we can practice now.

It's just that this person is really so well-informed about the news on Xuanshen Island just now? We can't make decisions on such things easily.

The newly appointed bodyguard captain couldn't help but ask curiously. This was also the most doubtful point in his mind.

If you can't find a better way to solve it, it won't make any sense.

But Nangong Nayue from the private Caihai Academy didn't seem to have anything special. She didn't show any abnormalities during this period...

This point made him very curious. If it could not be solved, the matter would be meaningless.

They must pull out the eyes hidden in the God-dazzling Island, otherwise, I am afraid that no matter what they do, they will have to do it under the eyes of the other party.

This is definitely not a situation that the current magician craftsmen can accept, and it will also secretly cause a lot of losses. At that time, it will not be that simple.

This couldn't help but make Yose Kensheng fall into deep thought. What he said still made sense.

If you can't really figure it out, it won't make any sense.

This is not what today's magicians want to see. It seems that they must come up with more ways to prevent the other party from getting ahead of them.


When Kanzaki Yang returned home, Hestia had already returned, but today Nangong Nayue also came here.

This was the first time that Yue-chan came to Kanzaki Yang's home, and it was not as luxurious as she had imagined.

That Yue General~ If I remember correctly, this should be your first time here~ Welcome, welcome¨¨!

But I just went to Ye Lai Xiansheng's home to see him and gave him a warning.

It looks like his face is very exciting. I think this is not something we can predict today. As long as we can be sure, this matter may not be that simple.

Kanzaki Yang smiled thoughtfully, it was already very good to have such a situation.

He will not ask for anything more, after all, it is unnecessary.

It is very good to be able to hit the opponent and make them fearful, as if there is a pair of eyes behind them constantly staring at them.

This made Nangong Nayue and Hestia nod. As long as Yang Jun had confidence in his heart, that would be enough.

At least this proves that they have reached a new level and there will be no other changes.

This is also one of the extremely important reasons why he came to Xuan Shen Island. It would be meaningless if the people from the Mage Worker were to intervene in everything.

It may even cause some unnecessary trouble, so just let it go if you can.

He won't force it, and as for other aspects, it won't be a big problem.

That Yue Jiang looked at Yang Jun in front of him with some surprise~ In fact, wasn't this the first time he came to his home~

There is nothing too surprising to be surprised about. It would be great if you can be sure of it.

Otherwise, this matter will have no meaning, and it will not be a situation they want to see.

Yang Jun~ What are you going to do next? There are so many changes in this matter, I'm afraid it won't be something we can face easily today.

Let Kensheng Yeze see your true identity, I think it won't take long to find out what's fishy in it.

.々If even Elsa figures it out through some powerful means, sooner or later it will be found on me.

Nangong Nayue couldn't help but sigh, this was what he needed to worry about in the end.

If you don't understand it, it won't make any sense.

Kanzaki Yang couldn't help but spread his hands after hearing this. This was all he could do, and there wasn't much other meaning besides that.

Don't worry, Nazuki-chan~ I have already prepared for this matter, and I definitely don't need to worry too much now.

And there is Ophis traveling around the world... She can still be brought back at the critical moment. This is just a warning to Kensei Yeze to stop being so arrogant~ It has no other meaning.

If they are not convinced, I am willing to accompany them at any time.

This is what he must do now, otherwise it will be meaningless.

Kanzaki Yang still has a lot of confidence in this matter. Basically, as long as he can figure it out, there won't be too many problems.

Nangong Nayue nodded thoughtfully. Now that Yang Jun has finished the matter, she can't have any objections.

Just good support is enough, and he must know that.

But he was very curious about when Yang Jun left Xuan Shen Island.

After all, for something like this, now that he has come here, Kensheng Ye will definitely send someone to keep an eye on him. There is a risk of not being exposed, but this does not mean that there will be no trace of this matter.

Basically, as long as they can be sure, there are not too many doubts. This is also something they must pay attention to now.

In fact, Kanzaki Yang has already made all the plans in his heart. If this is the case, then there is no need to have too many questions about this matter. .

Chapter 475

Kanzaki Yang can leave Xuan Shen Island at any time. As for those people molded by the magician? Presumably there should be no trace of him...

Although it is not as high as the universal wishing machine, Kanzaki Yang is still very confident in his own strength.

If he can't even do this without being discovered by the opponent, Ark Red Ball really has no chance of taking a fancy to him.

If you have time in the future, you can still go back to Xuan Shen Island to take a look, and you can even ask Hestia to go to the Kingdom of Aldykia~

That place is filled with more mystery and a lot of fun.

Presumably Hestia would not reject this so easily, otherwise this matter would not have much meaning.

And this is not a situation they want to see now. As long as they can be sure, there is still no big problem.

It's just that he needs to pay more, which is nothing to him.

Okay~ I think I will go back to the Kingdom of Aldykia next.

We still don't know what the next move of the Beihai Empire will be~ There are still more opportunities for us. As long as we can seize them well, leading the other party's nose should not be a big problem, and it may even be possible. Nothing can be done to us.”

643 Aye-chan is also preparing to model the Heavenly Trial Ceremony, which will have unexpected effects for us.

He said suddenly, and both of them nodded in unison.

Since Lian Yangjun said so, the two of them naturally wanted to express their support.

It's just that you must maintain a high degree of vigilance in this matter ~ you must not let the other party take advantage of it.

Once a magician is forced into a hurry, he will do anything outrageous and outrageous, and it is a common occurrence.

If you can't do this normally, it won't make any sense.

As long as this matter can be grasped, it will still have unexpected effects.

Now that Kensheng Yeze has been given a warning here, it is time to return to the Kingdom of Aldykia.

With his strength, it would be easy to deal with them.

Yang Jun~ Are you going back to the Kingdom of Aldykia so soon...

I thought you would stay a little longer~ I didn't expect to leave Xuanshen Island so soon...

To be honest, Hestia still has some sense of loss in her heart.

This is a point that must be solved at present, otherwise it will be meaningless.

This will not bring them much benefit, and may even cause some unavoidable problems.

Nangong Nayue didn't say what she was thinking. Since this was Yang Jun's decision, he might as well support him with all his strength.

If you can do it right, this won't be a big problem.

In short, this matter must not be so careless, as it will not have much meaning.

Now they can be said to be standing on the edge of crisis.

Perhaps those true ancestors have also noticed the angel molding ritual from the magician's sculpture, and there may even be some adverse effects~

If it attracts the full force of the Empire of Night to join forces, this matter will be a bit bad.

This is not what they want to see now. In any case, there will be more changes.

Kanzaki Yang is not afraid of these true ancestors joining forces, but what he is more afraid of is the omnipotent wishing machine...

In case you find this place for these reasons...

This time he couldn't leave, which was also an extremely embarrassing thing.

I have already made all the plans, so don't worry, there won't be too many problems~ The only enemy I'm worried about doesn't exist in the world of Blood Devouring Attack yet, which means that we can have More opportunities.”

As for the true ancestors of this world...I won't take action unless absolutely necessary.

But this does not mean that we can be sure of (bdcc). The only thing we need to pay attention to may be some threats from them~

Once the almighty red ball finds the blood-devouring world and attacks the world, Kanzaki Yang's situation will be very dangerous~

All these hidden dangers must be resolved before this, so that he will have more possibilities for success. There is no other way.

This is not a situation they want to see today ~ there is still more plasticity.

Even if there is no better outcome in the end, these crises will not occur.

What's more, there aren't that many things that exist, and there is still considerable certainty.


No matter how reluctant Hestia was to give up, Kanzaki Haru still returned to the Kingdom of Aldykia.

After things here come to an end, we still need to go to the dungeon world.

After all, there are still some things that need to be solved there. If we can be more sure, there won't be too many problems.

Otherwise, there really may not be those perfect results, and this is not what they can predict at the moment.

Otherwise, it will cause more trouble and even some unpredictable consequences.

The Ark red ball was suspended next to Kanzaki Yang, and he did not go to find anyone else immediately.

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