If you can have more confidence, you will naturally not be stingy in any way.

This is really an unimaginable thing, but unfortunately there are not many ways to deal with it...

What she didn't know was that she had already heard of this matter (Wang's), but she was not as easy to deal with it as she is now.

She was even the instigator of this conspiracy. Without her intervention, perhaps there would not have been such a defeat.

It's a pity that he has the leverage in Yang Jun's hands... and he can only let it be at his mercy.

Fortunately, what we are doing now does not pose any crisis to the War King Realm, so we can easily accept it.

Don't worry~ As long as the orc troops persist, they will definitely be able to solve it easily.

And this is what we must do now, at least there won't be so many embarrassing shouts.

Rashuka could only offer some symbolic comfort~ Who asked her to do such a thing?

But that's all... She won't expose more things because of this matter, otherwise it will be meaningless. .

Chapter 470

To be honest, Tolinie was extremely unwilling.

It was not easy to have such an opportunity, but he just missed it, and he was even almost punished for treason.

She was loyal, but she didn't expect the magician to do such a trick to her, which really shocked her, and she didn't know what the other party's purpose was. Rashuka also revealed some inside information to her and knew the insidiousness of the magician's sculpture.

Tolinie is not sure about some of the reasons for this for the time being.

I know what you said is right... Rashuka~ but I still feel a little unwilling.

I even hate it very much. If it weren't for this reason, I'm afraid this matter wouldn't be so simple...

Since the magician's sculpture cannot be returned, then I can only go to Xuan Shen Island and seek justice from their people. Only in this way can the hatred in my heart be relieved, and I will not be harmed in front of His Majesty. Too serious a crime.

Tolinie looked mournful and didn't know what to do about this matter.

If we could be sure, it might have been carried out long ago, so why wait until now?

She is His Majesty's favorite major among the orc troops. Such a big mistake happened, and she was already grateful that she was not killed directly.

But if she is allowed to swallow this breath, I'm afraid it really won't be that simple.

Even his subordinates don't want to see him like this. It would be great if he could regain his position.

Rashuka is not very optimistic about this. If Xuan Shen Island was so easy to kill, the [Sanctuary Treaty] would not have been signed in the first place. This was established by the Forgotten War King.

If this powerful being had not sacrificed so much, the vampire demons would still not be taken seriously by them.

To a certain extent, they cannot even be treated equally, which is also something unimaginable~

And the Tolinie in front of her is too impulsive, right? Under this kind of influence, making such a choice is not something to be afraid of.

No matter what, she definitely didn't approve of Tolinie.

She knew the inside story very well, and she also knew that there must be no rush in this matter, otherwise it would be of no use at all.

They may even lose some things in vain because of this, which they cannot (bdcc) easily obtain.

Toligne~ To be honest, I don't recommend you to do this. It would make no sense...

You have to know the relationship between Xuanshen Island and the Forgotten War King. This will be a provocation to the War King realm. Do you think the royal family of the North Sea Empire would want to see such a situation happen? They would To pamper you?

So... I still need you to make a careful decision on this matter, but don't let one mistake lead to eternal regret~

She was a kind reminder, and how much she could listen to was beyond her ability to know now.

As long as you can be sure in the end, you can still save something.

If you really do this, you will definitely not give face to the Forgotten War King.

The consequences of this are very serious~ Rashuka knows very well how bad his temper is.

Perhaps this can be regarded as a side compensation, which is really unimaginable.

How much Tolinie can listen to is beyond her control.

When she heard Rashuka talking about the Forgotten War King, Tolinie couldn't help but frown. She still had a sense of awe in her heart for this first true ancestor.

Such a peerless strong man can make her respect her very much, knowing that the majesty of such a strong man cannot be violated.

Unfortunately, what can we do now? Is it possible that the foreign education department can only continue to negotiate with the magician workers...

This made her sigh, and she became even more unclear about the ins and outs of this matter.

If I had a choice, I wouldn’t even want to pay attention to the so-called emerging weapons of Mage Industrial Plastic, which are just selling defective products under the guise...

This time it can be said that she has learned a lesson and will not continue like this in the future.

I understand~ Thank you Rashuka~ This matter depends on the decision of the Foreign Education Department, I will leave it alone for now... Tolinie finally said.


At this time, at the border of the Kingdom of Aldykia, the Dragon Saint Elsa came to find Yang Kanzaki.

Due to the fake weapons provided by the magicians before, the two sides have now temporarily ceased fighting. The Beihai Empire has been relatively calm recently and has not caused trouble.

For Kanzaki Yang, it is naturally very good to have such a result now.

Elsa~ You did a good job in the world of Blood Devouring Attack this time. You still maintained your previous style and became more refined.

Just wait~ Things here will be resolved soon. By then, it will be more beneficial to us.

But I do want to go back to Xuan Shen Island. I don't know what will happen.

Yang Kanzaki said thoughtfully that these several actions related to the magician's work were all because Hestia provided some information behind the scenes.

Then Nangong would convey it in that month. Otherwise, the matter might not have gone so smoothly...

Now Ophis is wandering around various places in the world, and she can be summoned back at any time if necessary.

This made Elsa nod. After staying here for so long, she actually wanted to go back to Dazzling Island to take a look.

At present, until this fake weapons incident is resolved, they probably don't have anything else.

In any case, there is not much time left for the Beihai Empire. If the Foreign Education Department there does not successfully intervene, there will be no need to continue this war.

Although the combat effectiveness of the orc troops is very powerful, the reputation of the Dragon Saint is not just blown away.

Master~ Since we want to go back, we have to go back as soon as possible...

Although the temporary truce in the Beihai Empire has given us a chance to breathe, I think it won't be long. It depends on whether the foreign education department of the Beihai Empire can successfully negotiate. This is the most important thing.

For us, there are even fewer things we can do.

Basically, if there are no special circumstances, no other wars will break out at the border for the time being.

The people of the Beihai Empire are not that stupid, and they take the initiative to stir up trouble in this situation.

Of course, the majestic Dragon Saint Elsa is not afraid of trouble. As long as they dare to provoke, she will dare to fight.

The only difference is how courageous Tolinie is. .

Chapter 471

Looking at Elsa in front of him, Kanzaki Yang fell into deep thought.

In fact, what she said made sense, but it was just a war between the two countries, so he didn't take it seriously.

If it weren't for the Angel Modeling Ceremony, I'm afraid it would have been successful by now, so why wait until this point in time?

But for them, fortunately, Aye-chan is very powerful and has achieved certain results now, so it is not without any gains.

Hestia has not been seen for such a long time, but Kanzaki Yang still misses her very much.

If these things hadn't happened in the Kingdom of Aldikea during this period, perhaps he could have returned to Dazzling Island by handing over the molded angel ritual to Aye-chan.

I haven't been back for so long~ I think it's time to go and take a look. Maybe it will be a different kind of harvest.

Maybe for Nangong Nayue's sake, we can go to the private Caihai College to experience college life~ Or maybe it's a kind of enjoyment...

It just depends on whether the Beihai Empire will do anything outrageous this time, but there shouldn't be any taste that can save the magician's work.

Kanzaki Yang couldn't help but spread his hands. Who told them to be so rampant?

Since he couldn't get what he couldn't get, he was always obstructing it. At the critical moment, Ye Lai Xiansheng even pretended to be innocent and almost made Xia Yin spit out his overnight meal... …

If he hadn't saved those things that should be there, maybe Kensei Yeze would still have some opportunities.

But now that the best opportunity has been lost, he won't say anything.

All in all, this matter is continuing to develop in the direction they expected, and there will still be some gains.

Then the two of them went to Xuan Shen Island without attracting the attention of others. This also made them feel relieved that they would not encounter too many changes.

After secretly returning to the residence, Hestia has not returned yet.

Elsa also returned to her room very wisely, while Kanzaki Yang entered her room and quietly closed the door, then lay on the bed, ready to wait for Hestia to come home~

Not long after, he heard the sound of the door opening, which made his heart palpitate.

After waiting for so long, Hestia is finally back.

Thinking of this, he felt some self-blame in his heart. It seemed that he would have to come back more often in the future.

Otherwise, Hestia would have thought that she didn't value her~ This was not what she wanted to see.

Hey~ Yang Jun~ I miss you so much~ I am dreaming...

Are you really back? I thought it would take you a long time to come back here~

When she came to the room and saw Yang Kanzaki lying on the bed, Hestia paused and looked at him in disbelief.

He even rubbed his eyes, this is not an illusion~

But it really happened in front of her eyes, that is, her Yang Jun was back~

Unexpectedly, after wandering for so long, she finally came back, which fulfilled a small wish in her heart.

Kanzaki Yang laughed lightly, he could imagine Hestia's excited mood just now.

No matter who it is, they will probably have such an expression after seeing Siren who has not returned for a long time~

He held Hestia in his arms and stroked her twin ponytails quietly.

Today, Hestia is dressed very simply, looking like an ordinary student...

But now Hestia's identity is indeed a student of the private Saihai Academy, and she seems to be more and more integrated into such a group, which makes him very reassured.

Precisely because I didn’t want Hestia to be frightened, I did not tell everything about some things~

Hestia~ It seems you have suffered this time~ I see you have lost a lot of weight...

But I plan to return to Xuan Shen Island when I have time in the future, so that I won't let you continue to worry~

Seeing this situation, Kanzaki Yang actually felt very distressed~

But to a certain extent, there is nothing they can do about it. After all, this is not a result they can feel at the moment.

Basically, as long as you can be sure, it doesn't matter anything else~

And this is not a situation that they can face easily now. Even Elsa may be exposed. If Hestia is allowed to go, there is no telling what bad consequences it will cause~

· ···Asking for flowers·· ··

In fact, in Hestia's heart, just having Yang Jun's words makes her very satisfied...

It is precisely because it is clear that Yang Jun's strength cannot be inferred using common sense. To be honest, Hestia is not that worried...

What's more, what she is worried about is not whether Yang Jun will be discovered by people from the Beihai Empire, but about the omnipotent wishing machine...

Yang Jun told her about the horror of this thing~ which led to her being forced to reincarnate and go to another timeline.

Okay~Yang Jun~You are going to see Teacher Nangong~You are still in the academy! Maybe you can go and enjoy the life in the academy today. This is also a very interesting thing~

And Teacher Nangong is also very worried. Although she didn't say it directly, I can feel it.

...... 0

Hestia blinked and looked at Yang Jun in front of her.

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