This time we suffered such a huge defeat, I'm afraid it's not a situation we can face easily.

The bodyguard captain who was closest to him saw the angry-looking Kensheng Yeze and couldn't help but persuade him.

Sometimes, as such a person, you really need some psychological comfort.

The bodyguard captain is someone who stands up at critical moments and will never cause too much trouble or impact.

After hearing what he said, Ye Xiansheng couldn't help but sigh.

If conditions permit, why would he want to see such a situation happen? This is obviously an impossible thing.

No matter what the final situation is, we still need to be more certain.

What can you do? Now we can't enter the territory of the Kingdom of Aldykia.

Originally we wanted to go to the War King's Domain, but now the Beihai Empire has started a war with the Kingdom of Aldykia. All we have to do is wait for the outcome of the final battle.

There is no better way to practice it now. I think this will still have very serious consequences for us, and it may even lead to ruin. I think, if it were you, you wouldn't want to see this. happened?

He sighed. As their boss, how could he not understand the situation?

But what kind of solution is there? It's nothing more than spending more time.

No matter what, the matter is not that simple, and this is not a situation they want to encounter now.

Now that they have returned to Xuan Shen Island, they instantly feel insulted.

There is nothing I can do about such an insult, and I don't know how to deal with it.

I just know that if I want to instigate them again, I'm afraid it won't be that easy anymore.

He had heard some of the unimportance of this matter, and was definitely not that vague.

Now the battle between the North Sea Empire and the Kingdom of Aldykia has completely started. This is all due to the last small-scale battle, which caused the morale of the orc troops to suffer.

Otherwise, it might not have such a good effect. Thinking of this, he breathed a sigh of relief.

I feel more balanced in my heart, at least I won't face unnecessary things.

Boss~ Although we have returned to Xuanshen Island now, we can still provide help to the people of the Beihai Empire...

As such a powerful giant company and a technology giant in the new era, I want to provide some appropriate help to the army of the North Sea Empire. There should be no problem...

Although it will increase our expenses for magician craftsmanship, to a certain extent it will also give us a sigh of relief!

The bodyguard captain was good at tempting, making Mr. Ye Lai's eyes light up instantly.

yes! How come he hasn't encountered such a situation? It was indeed a bit unexpected for him.

What is happening now is undoubtedly for their ultimate goal. Although the expenditure on technology has increased, as long as they can see the other party being defeated, the Boss in front of them will feel much better.

Mr. Ye Lai underestimated his bodyguard captain, who could still play a vital role at critical moments.

With this as a guarantee, other things will no longer matter.

And this is the best they can do at present, and there will be no big mistakes or mistakes.

It seems that I have to go to the company to apply. This time I want to see how they will deal with it. Mr. Ye Lai sneered.

It's as if the Kingdom of Aldykia has been conquered, and no matter what the final result of the other party is this time, it doesn't matter.

Thinking of this, he felt even more comfortable.

· ···Asking for flowers·· ··

Little did they know that although their movements were very clever and seemed to be hidden from everyone's sight, they were still caught.

That was Hestia. When they went to apply, she had already discovered the fishiness in it.

And he immediately made a decision in his mind about this matter and returned to the private Caihai Academy.

As the world's top high-tech company, Mage Industrial Plastics has a very important say in this aspect.

And this is something that we have to face, at least we won't make too big a mistake.

Hestia~ Do you mean they want to secretly support the North Sea Empire?

If a large number of high-tech products are used... this will indeed be a disaster for the Kingdom of Aldykia.

... ... ...

The high-tech attacks of the magician's industrial sculptures still have a good reputation, and they have been developing well over the years. It seems that this matter must be told to Yang Jun as soon as possible, so that he can prepare in advance, so as not to cause too much trouble. Huge casualties.”

Nangong Nayue couldn't help but frown. No wonder he wasn't monitored so closely in the past few days. It turned out that these things happened.

This was a bit unexpected for him, and he didn't know exactly how to do it.

If you can be sure of it, other things will no longer matter, and too many changes will not happen.

Hestia nodded. She didn't understand that well, but she also knew what Yang Jun was doing now.

It would be best for them to be at the rear and be able to share the worries of Yang Jun.

Teacher Nangong~ I'm sorry to bother you about this matter. Fortunately, the people from the Mage Worker's Plastic Industry are not monitoring you so closely during this period. Hestia has already told Nangong the important news. moon.

I believe that she doesn’t need to worry about the next thing ~ it will be more beneficial to her.

Now even Elsa has gone to the Kingdom of Aldykia to lead troops on the front line, and she can only do these things from the rear.

Nangong Nayue, as the messenger among them, can relay it in time.

They have mastered the magician craftsmanship so well that no matter what they think, they can detect it. knife.

Chapter 462

After Hestia left here, Nangong fell into deep thought that month...

As expected, this magician sculpture is still unwilling to give up. He actually wants to provoke such disputes many times, which is enough to make her feel quite disgusted...

No matter how you look at it, this matter is not that simple.

This is not something they can face easily now. It seems that Hestia has been paying attention to the situation of the magician's sculptures during this period~

As for Nangong Nayue, her own pressure has been reduced a lot. Things like this are not that simple.

Magician Industrial Plastics? It's really a giant enterprise that never gives up~ Nangong Nayue murmured softly.

But then a strange smile appeared on her face. Faced with such a thing, there was naturally not much she could do.

Even though the magician Liu San San Gongsu did not put a lot of energy into himself, he would still have some troubles...

If it disappears every time, it will still make the other party desperate...


At this time, in a huge production workshop of Mage Industrial Plastics, a batch of newly produced weapons have been released.

This represents the highest craftsmanship that Magic Plastics can produce, and is also a representative of their reputation.

How is the situation here? Are all the weapons I need here? Looking at the dazzling array of boxes in front of him, Ye Lai Xiansheng nodded with satisfaction.

Let’s not talk about whether things like this are that simple. In any case, this matter cannot be solved so easily.

With this batch of emerging weapons, they can be secretly transported to the North Sea Empire and provide them with great convenience. This will lead to the final defeat of the Aldykia Kingdom in this war. With this If there is a first-level relationship, it will save a lot of trouble.

The person in charge next to him nodded. According to Yose Kensheng's request, basically everything already exists here.

As for other more things, they are not qualified to contact them at their current level.

Boss~ Everything you need is here~

And I have already found replacements of the same level for several of them, and their power cannot be underestimated. This is still of great benefit to us and will not cause too much trouble.

As for transportation, we have already planned the transportation route, and have contacted people from the North Sea Empire in advance and found a contact person. As long as the Kingdom of Aldykia does not interfere, there will be no big problem.

The person in charge patiently explained that Kensei Hayase now controls almost all the daily power of the magician.

It also has direct power of appointment and dismissal. Without the participation of the board of directors of Mage Industrial Plastics, Kensei Yeze can be said to be the one-handed existence...

Even if the board of directors knows some of the specific details, it will still support him.

Being able to put forward the theory of modeling angel rituals is enough to make them feel very solemn.

Even if they want to fire Kensei Hayase, they need to make a careful decision to prevent the consequences of this matter from being unacceptable to them.

Yes, my people will be here later. Just tell him all the things that need to be connected and the related matters that need to be paid attention to.

As for other things, you don't need to worry about it. If you do this well, I won't treat you badly.

The board of directors also hopes that you can strictly control your tone, which also plays a vital role for us.

Mr. Ye Lai nodded with satisfaction, and his bodyguard captain was already on his way here.

After you get out of here, you have to leave Xuanshen Island and transport it to the Beihai Empire by sea. Although the distance spanned is very far, as long as the final goal can be achieved, no matter how high the price is, Ye Lai Xiansheng may not be able to do it. reject.

It's a pity that Hestia saw their actions and quickly told Nangong Nayue.

Based on Hestia's current performance at the private Saikai Academy, it is not appropriate to contact Kanzaki Yang directly.

Otherwise, we don’t know what kind of misunderstanding it will cause. Once an in-depth investigation is conducted, Yang Kanzaki will be exposed. Hestia doesn’t want to see her Yang Jun suffer so much trouble for no reason, but she will feel distressed. of ~

It was already the second day when Kanzaki Yang knew about this matter, and it seemed that Ark's red ball calculation was still very accurate.

Magician Engineering is his coping principle. As long as he controls all the actions of this giant enterprise, there will basically be no big problems. This is also a thing worth doing for them, so there will be no Encountered too many difficulties...

Looks like I have to show up again~ But I want to ruin the reputation of the magician body shaping... Kanzaki Yang murmured.

No matter what the other party's purpose is, this can only make him make a careful decision.

Basically, as long as you have a better grasp, other things don't matter.

Soon he contacted Rashuka through some previous means, and the two met secretly on the border between the two countries~

The surrounding area has basically been surveyed by him, and there is no possibility of being discovered. There is still a chance of winning in everything.

Yang Jun? Why did you come to me so quickly~ Although we do have some agreements, you should not use this thing to constantly threaten me... If I am threatened, even if I am ruined, I will not I will cooperate with you...

You should know how important I am to the Forgotten War King. As long as I take the initiative to explain, you won't punish me too much.

Now Rashuka still has a trace of resentment in her heart. Who would always want to encounter such a thing~

This was obviously unimaginable to her, and she didn't know how to operate it.

Although 2.2 the temperament exuded by Yang Jun made me feel very comfortable, this matter could not be solved overnight.

If it is always like this, not only will it not have any effect, but it will cause some unexpected troubles.

Basically, as long as it has some importance, other things don't matter.

Even if she has promised Yang Jun in front of her, she will provide some important help at a certain time and provide more favorable news.

But this was not a reason to be coerced by Yang Jun. With Rashuka's previous status, this really made her feel very embarrassed.

But when she saw Yang Jun in front of her, she had a smile on her face.

This made her even more angry. Even now, how could she still be like this? It really made her at a loss...

Chapter 463

Calm down~ Rashuka, I heard that Tolinie is very unconvinced now because of the defeat of the orc troops. Now they are like a group of hungry wolves waiting to be fed, and they can burst out with more powerful combat power at any time.

But I also heard some news. The Magician Engineers are led by Kensei Hayase, and they will be given a batch of new weapons when the time comes~

You have to know that once this batch of weapons is invested in the North Sea Empire, it will be an extremely huge disaster for the Kingdom of Aldykia~

Kanzaki Yang spread his hands. In fact, he didn't want to come here so soon, but what could he do...

Now being able to ask Rashuka to come forward for him, or do something for him, is naturally the best~

With this existence, it is equivalent to a lot of convenience.

Before coming, he had already made the Ark Red Ball do the calculations, and created infinite possibilities through [Absolute Dualism].

There is no need to worry. Of course, the premise of this existence is that the La 13 Shuka in front of him can cooperate with him. Otherwise, no matter what he says, it may not work. This is not something they can face easily now. Case.

After thinking of this, he wanted to come to Rashuka even more.

This made Rashuka look at him in surprise, why is there so much going on...

I originally thought that he would not come to me again in a short time, but now it seems that I still underestimated the Yang Jun in front of me...

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