After sensing that Rashuka had arrived in the territory of the Kingdom of Aldykia, he quickly came here. Elsa has not received the news yet.

Actually, Rashuka, it won't do you any good if you know these things.

But I can give you a clear answer on this matter. Don't believe what Mr. Ye Lai said~ Otherwise, you will be miserably deceived by this man.

I didn't expect that you would risk your life this time and come to the Kingdom of Aldykia alone.

Then Kanzaki Yang spread his hands, saying that it was not possible to talk to him.

He had already prepared such a strong attitude, just to make Rashuka compromise.

If you can't do this, everything seems to have little meaning.

Now we have to think more carefully, and we can even poach people from the other true ancestors.

The Rashuka in front of him was obviously a very satisfactory choice in his opinion.

Really? I don't know.

It's just Yangjun~ Don't you think this is too much? You can't even speak properly~ I'm a little sad about this...

Rashuka deliberately pretended to be pitiful to arouse his sympathy.

However, no matter how the situation changes today, my strong attitude will never change!

He wanted to force Rashuka to compromise and not expose his identity.

Kanzaki Yang doesn't want to face too much trouble~ Being able to have a little more mystery can be regarded as gaining some benefits for himself.

Rasuka~ You can't trick me on purpose~

But I do have one thing that I need you to do for me. You can never talk about it when you see me today.

Go out, do I have the charm to make you agree?

Suddenly, Kanzaki Yang said with a smile.

Although his body was filled with divine radiance, Rashuka felt as if he had fallen into an ice cellar in his heart.

This is something I have never experienced before. Isn’t this Yang Jun too abnormal?

But what the other party said is very accurate. If you just discuss charm, it can really confuse you.

But now that the two sides have different positions, Rashuka will naturally not ask you to betray the Forgotten War King.

The problems he faced were negligible. He was afraid that the Forgotten King of War would cause trouble for him. In the end, he picked up the sesame seeds and lost the watermelon...

Rashuka never did anything without guarantee, and now he could only nod his head.

I can promise you, but just knowing this doesn't mean you didn't say anything? Rashuka said with a wry smile, feeling quite helpless. .

Chapter 456

Kanzaki Yang looked at Rashuka in front of him with some surprise. He knew that the other party was very interested in his identity~

At the same time, the ritual of modeling angels was also mentioned. I am afraid this is one of the reasons.

Ye Lai Xiansheng is really determined this time. Even if he doesn't get it, he will destroy it...

It's a pity that Kensei Yeze made a mistake in this matter, otherwise this situation would never have happened.

He has already prepared the clone mode, and now he has left it all to Aye-chan to take care of it.

Rasuka~ You just need to promise me this. Regarding other things, if there is a chance in the future, I will tell you!

But the premise is that you may have to leave the War King's domain...

But one thing I can guarantee~ I will never let you suffer. It will even be more than what you got in the King of War Domain.

Kanzaki Yang said with a very easy-going smile. He would not let Rashuka go so easily due to any psychological reasons.

Maybe it's because the other person doesn't know his situation yet and thinks that something like this will have some effect.

But it didn’t happen, because Rashuka didn’t tell her the real purpose of coming here~

This made Rashuka's face darken. Did he really have to fall here today?

Rashuka finds it difficult to accept this fact, and it seems that he can only be at the mercy of others for the time being...

No matter how much you don't want to, there is nothing you can do about it.

Leave the realm of the King of War? Mr. Yang~ I can clearly tell you to give up on this point~ This way you can still retain your dignity.

Shi Ke can't be killed. The Forgotten War King is very kind to me. There's no way I'm going to betray him!

Everyone just keeps going like this to see who can persist to the end.

Want her to betray the Forgotten War King? Unless there is a next life, it is absolutely impossible!

And she was almost stunned by the Yang Jun in front of her. Why did she always look like she was convinced?

Such doubts were completely unimaginable for her...

All in all, I just felt a little weird~a feeling that I couldn’t explain.

Okay~ Since you don't want to~ then I can only spend my time here, so you can continue to stay here!

By the way~ If you can't convey the news, I wonder if the Beihai Empire will be anxious? This is really an interesting thing!

After Kanzaki Yang finished speaking, he didn't give Rashuka any chance and left here directly.

It is quite difficult to leave such a confusing situation with Rashuka's ability.

After he left directly, Rashuka stamped his feet in anger!

I have never seen anything here before, and I don’t know how to leave such a ghost place...

It would be great if I had agreed to Yang Jun just now...

Now there is a trace of loss in my heart, and I don't know what the reason is.

At this moment, Kanzaki Yang did not go directly to see Elsa, but returned to the palace.

You mean the first servant beside the Forgotten War King is the Rashuka in red?

Yang Jun~ Is this really okay for us to do?

If the Forgotten War King finds out, this matter will become interesting.

At this moment, Aye-chan frowned unconsciously after listening to what Yang Jun in front of her shared.

From Aye-chan's point of view, this was a source of deep concern.

Although she is pretentious and has a very high vision, and looks down on everyone on the surface, she still has a kind of awe in her heart when facing such an ancient vampire. This is a big mountain from the heart, and she cannot cross it if she is not careful. …

She knew that since Yang Jun chose this method, there would definitely not be too many things to worry about.

But sometimes I have to think like this, and I am silently thinking about Yang Jun...

Apart from this explanation, Aye-chan couldn't even find any other better explanation.

You have to know that the reason Rashuka came to the border of the Kingdom of Aldykia is to investigate my identity~ If this is not possible, the follow-up will become more and more difficult.

This is also the reason why I left her there. Apart from some subsequent reasons, there is nothing else for the time being.

I think the orc troops will want to investigate urgently after that small-scale battle. And I also think this woman definitely has some ideas in her heart.

Kanzaki Yang said with a smile, now that he is in the Kingdom of Aldykia, he is not afraid of those threats.

It's nothing more than paying a little more when the time comes, which in their opinion is not too necessary.

· ···Asking for flowers·· ··

And if Rashuka sees Aye-chan and those magic criminals in the Kingdom of Aldykia, this matter will become more interesting.

Maybe Nayue-chan will also encounter some trouble by then, which is not what he wants to see now.

He must find a way to seal Rashuka's mouth~

At least something must not be exposed, otherwise it won't have much meaning.

It seems that Rashuka must be given a kick in the ass so that she can remember~

It won't be so embarrassing, and it will appear more careful.

Will Rashuka accept it? The answer is of course no~ As the first servant beside the Forgotten War King, I am afraid that he will not be able to sway his mind so easily.

... ... 0

This also adds a lot of difficulty, but everything is not without a chance.

He has the existence of the Ark Red Ball, and he can use this to perform some calculations.

As long as you can be sure, other things don't matter.

It looks like you have to go back there. You don't have to worry here. I'm controlling the whole process, so there won't be any big surprises.

But if Rashuka disappears for too long, the Beihai Empire will definitely not bear such responsibility and will tell the news to the King of War Domain. That will be a real trouble for us...

Aye Jiang couldn't help but frown and said, this matter cannot be delayed.

If it doesn't have much impact, it will become very troublesome.

Kanzaki Yang pondered for a moment, and then left here.

Once again, he came to Rashuka, looked at her and couldn't help but laugh slowly, and said some words.

Haha~ Yang Jun~ I won't accept such a show of force!

If you don't let me go now, you will face more trouble in the future~

Rashuka was not in a hurry, and looked at Yang Jun in front of him with a smile. No matter how angry he was, he had to endure it. No matter how powerful the person in front of him was, he couldn't go against the entire vampire, right?

Once Tolinie gets no news about herself, she will immediately tell the Forgotten War King about the matter. knife.

Chapter 457

Kanzaki Yang just looked at Rashuka in front of him quietly, not knowing what kind of thought this was.

But he knew very well in his heart that the other party must also be very anxious.

Now we are just fighting a psychological war with him. How could such a shrewd person as Yang Kanzaki be deceived by the other party?

Rasuka~ Now that you know my identity, with my strength, there shouldn't be any big problem if I want to completely obliterate you, right?

Think about it carefully~ If I want to deal with you, there is no need to trap you here.

But if you can't figure it out, you can't blame me for destroying the flowers...I really don't want to...

Kanzaki Yang spread his hands and sounded helpless.

This is the most undesirable ending. It depends on what Rashuka thinks.


When he said these words, he did not mean that he wanted to end Rashuka~

Just seeing Rashuka mocking himself all the time now, it still makes him have some small thoughts~

But he also knows that this matter cannot be rushed, otherwise Rashuka may not really cooperate with him~

Looking at the innocent-looking Rashuka in front of him, Kanzaki Yang laughed unnaturally.

Anyway, the words have been put here. As for whether she will agree or not, it depends on what she thinks.

Kanzaki Yang's guess was correct. Now Rashuka fell into deep thought after hearing what he just said...

Only then did he figure out the most crucial point. Yang Jun had the strength to trap himself here. As an enemy, couldn't he kill her completely? There seems to be a conspiracy behind all this...

Rashuka thought about it for a long time, and now he suddenly had an idea.

But what is the point of the other party doing this? Is it just to prevent her from telling this secret?

Although the imitation angel ritual is just a theory of Kensei Hayase, once it succeeds, it will cause great trouble for the true ancestor of the vampire.

That is the angel closest to God, and is only controlled by the final person, that is, the Yang Lord in front of him.

In fact, Rashuka has always been unclear about one thing, that is, he has always had doubts about Yang Jun's strength.

She didn't know what kind of state Yang Jun was in now. She knew that the Forgotten War King couldn't do this and trapped herself here, but Yang Jun in front of her seemed to be able to do it easily, which was beyond her imagination.

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