Otherwise... maybe I can only go back to the prison barrier...

Although Na Yue-chan and I disagree on some things, she and I are good friends after all. I don't want her to be in a dilemma because of this matter...

Xiandumu Aye said slowly, she still retained that friendship in her heart.

She knew that Nangong became the guardian of the prison barrier that month. Although it was a kind of guard on the surface, in a deeper sense, it was a kind of protection...

So I knew very well how much pressure Nangong was feeling mentally that month.

Even if the two parties have some differences in opinions, this cannot change their friendship.

This made Kanzaki Yang nodded. It seemed that the relationship between the two people was not affected by the prison barrier.

The two sides have different positions, and the choices they make will naturally be different.

This was understandable, but he knew he couldn't wait too long.

Kanzaki Yang will not allow this to last too long, otherwise it will have no meaning. When Ophis returns, it may be officially launched.

He did not expect that the Beihai Empire would intervene in this matter, which indeed surprised him.

Now that he has decided to step into this muddy water, he must teach the Beihai Empire a profound and unforgettable lesson.

Even if it is the orc troops that the North Sea Empire is proud of, this time he must hit the opponent's foundation.

Kanzaki Yang left here immediately, and Fulia was already waiting for him.

Yang Jun~ Everything is ready. Fulia said earnestly.

The palace in front of you is where the king of the Kingdom of Aldykia usually goes to court, where Fulia's father goes to court...

Today, he used it to meet Kanzaki Yang alone. This was what he had told Fulia in advance, and it was also to deal with the Beihai Empire.

He nodded and then stepped into the hall alone.

Sitting above him was a tall, middle-aged man with a crown on his head...

This man looks very rough, but that innate temperament, that kingly temperament, exudes from the inside out.

And this is Fulia's father, the current king of the Kingdom of Aldykia, Lucas Lihavine.

This man who had gathered the power of the entire kingdom was just looking at Kanzaki Yang quietly below him.

Are you the Yang Jun that Fulia mentioned? Kanzaki Yang? This name is really interesting...

Tell me~ You came to me alone and didn't want to reveal your identity. What do you want to do? But you'd better not do anything detrimental to the Kingdom of Aldykia, otherwise I won't let you go. of.

Lucas frowned and said, he really didn't know much about Yang Kanzaki below.

But for this name, it seems to be a kind of disobedience...

I always felt like something was wrong, but I couldn't put my finger on why.

At the same time, when I thought that this was introduced by Fulia, I felt a sense of hostility in my heart... an indescribable sense of hostility.

Especially after seeing the true image of Kanzaki Yang, I feel that this person is full of hidden brilliance.

Such a sense of brilliance makes people feel very comfortable. Under such circumstances, he seems to be more hostile to Kanzaki Yang in front of him.

Kanzaki Yang smiled softly. He had already done some research on Lucas before this, and this was also the conclusion given by Ark Red Ball.

Even if you look at Lucas above, he looks very majestic, and he seems to be the kind of person who tells the truth.

But he knew very well in his heart that in private, Lucas was a very henpecked person... a person who was very afraid of his wife. Although he was very powerful and could wield a huge battle ax, he was indeed afraid of Fulia's mother. people~

At the same time, he was very fond of Fulia. He had many suitors over the years, but they were all hostile to Lucas above...

And looking at the change in the other person's expression, could it be that he thought he was Fulia's suitor?

This is really an interesting thing~ After all...even he himself has never thought of this...

.々The great King Lucas is indeed more famous than meeting him. You can also call me Yang Jun like Fulia~

As for my purpose of coming this time, it is actually for the sake of the Kingdom of Aldykia~ His Majesty the King does not need to be hostile to me like this.

And even I didn't think that I would be Fulia's suitor~ You don't have to worry too much~

Kanzaki Yang was so polite that even though Lucas in front of him didn't believe it, he did not do anything.

He would not willingly bear such a sudden blame...

So what he said was also very direct, which made Lucas frown.

In Lucas' mind, what word is better to describe this young man? That means you can't see through it.

He asked himself about countless people, but when he actually saw it, he couldn't see clearly at all. This was also a place that made him extremely (Wang Dezhao) depressed.

And this person’s psychology is too strong, right? I just feel a subconscious sense of hostility.

Just let him know that he thought he was Fulia's suitor? Lucas indeed loves his daughter very much...

Everyone in the Kingdom of Aldykia knows this ~ it’s no longer a secret.

He could only use this reason to comfort himself. It was definitely Yang Kanzaki who thought too much.

Okay~ Yang Jun... Although I usually don't call people like this, this is also a way of showing respect for you...

However, you said this time it was for the sake of the Kingdom of Aldykia? It seems that you know the current situation of our kingdom very well.

Lucas narrowed his eyes slightly and looked quietly at Yang Jun below.

I want to see through it with my eyes, but I find that it is all useless and cannot be seen through at all...

Chapter 435

The way Lucas looked at Yang Jun below... was very deep, but also as if he was in an ancient well.

I can't see any details at all, and I don't know how to describe it...

All in all, I just don’t know what purpose Yang Jun has here? But he couldn't tell himself by asking Fulia to convey it...

King Lucas~ There is no need to be so anxious to be wary of me~ Although I have no other intentions towards Fulia.

But you should have noticed that Fulia also has no defense against me, which shows that she trusts me very much. You can rest assured that I have absolutely no wrong thoughts about the Kingdom of Aldykia. .”

This time, I'm actually here to discuss things about the Beihai Empire with you.

Kanzaki Yang said slowly, his tone seemed very calm.

It's as if he really has no interest in this matter ~ I don't know how to describe it with such words.

This made Lucas stunned for a moment, and then he fell into deep thought.

He could no longer see through Kanzaki Yang in front of him. Although he always tried to see through him, it really had no effect.

It's just that when Kanzaki Yoichi talked about Fulia, he looked at him angrily. Why did he always use his daughter as an excuse for everything? This is not a simple matter, and I don’t want the other party to always use his daughter as a shield...

But when I think about it carefully, I feel that what Kanzaki Yang said is quite right.

When Fulia came to find her, she said that someone wanted to see her.

At that time, he didn't want to pay too much attention to it, but he didn't expect that his unsatisfactory daughter would almost blow this Yang Jun to the sky...

This was something he had never expected. Now that he saw it, there weren't many subtle differences.

Lucas had to admit that this Yang Jun had such a light on his body.

It is a very respectable light that makes people feel very comfortable when they feel it.

It almost gave him a pious heart and wanted him to worship in front of the other person.

If this kind of pressure from a superior person is not usually able to get rid of myself in time, I am afraid that I have already fallen into trouble now, right?

He couldn't help but shudder when he thought of this. Isn't it too scary? To be more precise, it's an exaggeration.

It seems that Yang Jun in front of him is very familiar with the current situation of the Aldykia Kingdom and the Beihai Empire...

Although he didn't know what caused this, it did make him very anxious.

During this time, Lucas felt like his head was going bald...

Under such high-intensity pressure, he didn't know who he could trust anymore.

All I know is that the Beihai Empire will never suddenly come to their border to cause such a small friction this time, and has already assembled the orc troops.

This had never happened before, making Lucas feel very confused.

I don't even know what to do specifically, and the ministers below have some complaints.

But the most fatal thing is that even he himself doesn't know why this situation happened, so how could he think of properly solving it...

It seems like you know a lot about this matter... Why don't you tell me the reason?

Yang Jun~ You can't say that it's you who caused the Beihai Empire to be like this, right?

If this is really the case, then I can't stand it!

Thinking of this, Lucas frowned and said.

He already had such a premonition in his heart, he always felt that this matter was like Yang Jun operating behind the scenes...

Even though I don't have any evidence on hand now, my intuition doesn't seem to be wrong.

But what Yang Jun did next made him dumbfounded...

I saw Yang Kanzaki nodded slowly, and to a certain extent, he did have a certain connection with himself.

After all, if it weren't for the magician's craftsmanship, how could he go to the King of War's realm?

And it is precisely because of the people in the War King's Domain (bdcc) who were created by the magicians that they went to the Beihai Empire to provoke such a war.

Although this is a thankless situation for both parties, the Beihai Empire seems to be happy to see this happen.

No matter what, things have reached this situation. He will not take action personally, but he will try his best to alleviate such a crisis.

After all, such things must not affect his own angel-making ceremony, and orc troops like the Beihai Empire will eventually perish.

Even though the Beihai Empire did not make any mistakes in this matter, it was just used by the people in the War King's domain, and it would not be so easy if it was offended by him.

This is also the purpose of my coming here. Great King Lucas, you should choose to believe in me.

At least I can guarantee that this situation will not happen again, and the orc troops of the North Sea Empire will perish this time.

Kanzaki Yang said slowly, as if this matter was an understatement in his eyes.

There was a hint of uncertainty in Lucas's eyes, and he was doubting the authenticity of Yang Jun's words.

The orc troops of the North Sea Empire still have a certain degree of combat effectiveness. Otherwise, how could they become a serious problem for the Kingdom of Aldykia?

All in all, he could no longer accept the occurrence of such a war.

Once war breaks out, only those behind the scenes will reap the benefits.

It is obviously impossible for Lucas to let such a thing happen in the Kingdom of Aldykia. He must try his best to prevent it, otherwise it will be meaningless.

As for Yang Jun in front of me? It seemed like there was a solution, and he was willing to listen to what the other party thought.

Then Lucas coughed twice and said: Yang Jun~ Since you have a way, you might as well tell me.

Although he acted unconcerned, he was very worried in his heart.

This is also the truest thought in his heart at present, and he wants to solve this problem urgently.

Yang Kanzaki smiled faintly. It seemed that Lucas still took the war between the two countries very seriously, otherwise he wouldn't be so anxious.

Everything is under his control, so there is no need to worry too much.

He only needs Lucas's attitude, and he won't pay much attention to other things...

And this is definitely the most true thought in his heart. Yang Jun will not deceive Lucas in front of him in this regard.

The most important thing is to help yourself keep it secret. The imitation of the angel ritual is now the safest in the Kingdom of Aldykia.

Apart from that, he couldn't think of any other good places...

Chapter 436

The molded angel ritual is a theory put forward by the magician Kosho Kensei Hayase, which can create a molded angel that is most infinitely close to God.

If Kensheng Yeze succeeds, those true ancestors of vampires will face great pressure in the future.

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