No one knows what serious consequences there will be if the magician's sculpture falls into madness.

The origin of Yang Jun is very mysterious, which attracts the attention of those vampires, but it is not that good.

· ···Asking for flowers·· ··

Then the two set off, left the prison barrier, and secretly headed towards the Kingdom of Aldykia.

For Xiandumu Aye, after staying in the damn prison barrier for so long, he is finally free again.

And all this is thanks to Yang Jun's help, otherwise when would it have ended!

At this moment, Nangong Nayue glanced at Ophis next to him, as well as Xia Yin and others who were still recovering.

Ophis~ I'm going back to Dazzling Island, so be careful here.

Although I felt that such an instruction didn't make much sense, and Ophis's strength was extremely mysterious, Yue-chan still said it more.

And Ophis can receive news from Yang Jun at any time, so there won't be much of a problem at this point.

... 0 ...

After all these people recovered and there were no major problems, she would take them to the Kingdom of Aldykia.

When Nangong returned to the private Caihai Academy that month, Magician Gongsu received the news immediately.

At this moment, Kensheng Yeze was pacing back and forth in the room, thinking about the necessity of this matter.

In his opinion, when such a problem occurs, there are many objects of suspicion.

But the most suspicious thing among them is that Nangong Nayue can use space magic to control the prison barrier.

With such strength and ability, it really has to attract attention.

Every time I returned to the academy at such a moment, although there was no trace of Xia Yin and Fulia.

This would inevitably make Ye Lai Xiansheng doubt this. He frowned and quickly told the people below that they must pay close attention to Nangong's movements that month.

Hestia noticed all their little actions and quickly informed Kanzaki Yang about the matter.

At this moment, a meaningful smile appeared on the corner of Yang Kanzaki's mouth. Could it be that the magician Koso, or rather Kensei Hayase, could finally bear it?

This is a very interesting thing~ I don’t know how I will look at it next.

No matter from which aspect, Nangong Nayue finally attracted these eyes.

There is no need to worry too much about the prison barrier, as they do not have the strength to enter the barrier. knife.

Chapter 412

After a few days of observation, Kanzaki Yang discovered that the people at Mage Works didn't seem too concerned about Nazuki-chan?

This actually made him feel confused, and he didn't see any other actions by Ye Lai Xiansheng.

Hestia~ communicate more with Nazuki-chan in the academy.

Next... I have to go to the Kingdom of Aldykia. Ophis has already taken Xia Yin and the others there.

Don't worry~ I know you miss me very much and I will be back in time.

No matter what, now the angel modeling ceremony is finally about to begin.

The thing that Kanzaki Yang was most worried about was Hestia. It was actually quite difficult to follow him to the world of blood-devouring attacks...

But the more this happens, the less anxious he can be.

Everything must be done with caution so as not to attract unnecessary attention.

Yang Jun~ Promise me, 603, to protect myself...

Although I know that you are very powerful, I still worry about you after hearing you talk about that reincarnation.

I hope this won't happen again~

Hestia nodded sensibly, and she had always been very obedient to Kanzaki Yang's words.

To a certain extent, I will spare no effort to support you and just do what you should do.

Then Kanzaki Yang secretly came to the private Caihai Academy and Nangong Nazuki's office.

Not long after, Nayue-chan walked in with a book.

After seeing Yang Jun sitting there, she glanced at him angrily. She had already felt the magician Gongsu's attention to her.

This is indeed confusing, and more of it comes from the grievances in the heart...

She is a woman with a strong sense of justice, how can she bear such surveillance!

If it weren't for the fact that the contract conditions Yang Jun agreed to were so tempting, I'm afraid he would have given up by now.

Hehe~ Na Yue-chan~ your face doesn't look very good!

I know this is not fair to you~ It's just that there is no better way now...

Feeling Nazuki-chan's sharp gaze, Kanzaki Yang said sarcastically.

In fact, he didn't want to be like this. Who told the magician Gongsu to have an aggressive tone? If this incident didn't teach them a lesson, they would really think that they were the owners of Xuanshen Island...

After hearing his words, Nangong Nayue sighed.

Things had come to this, and she didn't know what to say.

But she knew very well in her heart that the fact was exactly as Yang Jun said, and she needed to get through this period of time.

Only in this way will they have better gains in the future~

When are you going to the Kingdom of Aldykia? According to my senses, Ophis and the others should have left the prison barrier.

Then Nangong Nayue asked slowly. It seemed that Xia Yin and the others were recovering well.

Otherwise, we would not have been so quick on this matter. For Yang Jun in front of him, he should have made the next plan...

She doesn't know so many things, and it's difficult to speculate on this matter.

And there is Sendumu Aye in the Kingdom of Aldikea, and Fulia protects each other together.

There won't be any mistakes, it just depends on what Yang Jun in front of you will think about.

But I still have to thank you for releasing Aye-chan. This will be of great help in modeling the angel ceremony.

Then Yue-chan, Hestia and Erza will be left to you.

I think I'll be back soon.

At this moment, Kanzaki Yang said with a smile, it seemed that this matter could only succeed.

This is also an order he gave himself...

With so much help, if he still can't succeed, he doesn't need to continue hanging around~

I hope no one else will know about her departure...

Yang Jun~ I also hope that your angel modeling ceremony can be successful, but there is the First True Ancestor sitting there, which is the oldest True Ancestor. You have to be careful in everything~

Nangong Nayue sighed and warned.

Even if you become a gap witch, you will still feel very frightened by people at the level of True Ancestors.

Yang Jun doesn't have much power in his hands, and he can't act better...

Once you encounter real danger, it may be irreversible.

Kanzaki Yang smiled faintly. It was time to use some of the power that had been accumulated in this world before.

He still remembers the Fourth True Ancestor and his daughter~

This is currently a trump card. In terms of the power possessed by the Fourth True Ancestor, it can even be regarded as a trump card~

But now it is indeed time to go to the Kingdom of Aldykia, and he only came to the private Saihai Academy secretly, and was not discovered by the magicians...

A few days later, the royal family of the Kingdom of Aldykia, Kanzaki Yang, came here secretly.

He was not discovered by anyone else, not even the guards responsible for guarding the palace found any trace of him.

Yang Jun~ You are finally here~

I've been waiting for you for several days, and I thought you wouldn't come...

At this moment, Fulia felt relieved. Even if she and Xiandumu Aye returned, they did not disturb too many people.

This is really not necessary. Only your father and mother know about it.

Even some of the ministers, ministers trusted by her father, Fulia did not tell.

Kanzaki Yang glanced at them one by one, and then nodded with satisfaction.

Especially after seeing Xiandumu Aye's eyes, he smiled faintly.

How do you feel? he asked curiously.

After being detained in the prison boundary for such a long time, it should be a very interesting thing to come out and breathe fresh air~

If it were anyone else, being imprisoned in the prison barrier, it would not take long for them to fall into madness...

Obviously, with strong faith and his own beliefs, people like Xiandumu Aye will become more powerful...

Even he had to admire him for this, as he rarely saw such people in these worlds.

This shows that the 2.2 determination in Xiandumu Aye's heart is very strong, otherwise it would never be like this.

It's okay, but I won't help you too much this time~

Aye-chan smiled mysteriously and said in a tone that was close to ridicule.

This made Kanzaki Yoo stunned for a moment, and then he shook his head. He really didn't realize that Aye-chan was such a naughty person...

Xia Yin~ It seems that you are all recovering well.

Then he looked at Xia Yin and others, his face was rosy at the moment, and there was no serious problem at all.

It was completely different from what I had seen before. It was a senseless fight after losing consciousness.

And looking at it like this, I haven’t recovered that terrible memory~

This was acceptable to him, and it was also thanks to Xiandumu Aye in front of him.

Then he fell into deep thought, preparing to think about what to do next. .

Chapter 413

Haze Xia Yin looked at Kanzaki Yang in front of him in confusion~

Mysterious yet familiar, Xia Yin does still retain some memories of Yang Jun...

He nodded blankly. He had just recovered and didn't know what to say.

Kanzaki Yang smiled bitterly at this, this matter is really not that simple.

It's just that some memory fragments were deleted, but it seems that there are still some sequelae.

This made him a little helpless. Looking at the other people's faces, they seemed to have the same expression as Xia Yin~

You are Yang Jun...I seem to remember you.

But~ I can't seem to remember what happened between you and me. Can you tell me?

Then Xia Yin spoke slowly, eager to find out what was going on.

This made Kanzaki Yang nodded. He had already made an agreement before that to let him discover the true face of Kensei Hayase.

However, the price paid is a bit high. In fact, Haze Xia Yin is actually the victim.

As the adopted daughter of Ye Lai Xiansheng, the other party was able to do such a thing, and it was impossible to guess the purpose of the other party's doing so.

Maybe this is what is called cold-blooded...

Without any hesitation or any other effect.

Don't think about it if you can't think clearly now~ I will tell you slowly when the time comes.

Kanzaki Yang comforted Hayase Xia Yin. It seemed that he still had to find a suitable time to explain this matter clearly.

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