But an old fox like him will not easily cause trouble before he is sure.

So, is this why you called me to come to Kuoh Town?

Shiva suddenly laughed and looked at him across from him and smiled.

Both of them looked like their conspiracy had succeeded, and their smiles looked particularly cold, unusually sinister, and inexplicably vicious...

In heaven, several days have passed.

[Saint] I'm very curious, why doesn't anyone come to heaven to rescue Loki?

Yang-chan~ Could it be that there was a mistake in our direction before? There is no connection between them at all...

If they are really colluding, it is absolutely impossible not to show up at this critical time...

That means Loki really doesn't have much to do with them...

If this is the case, then we can only let him go back to the Nordic God System.

Otherwise, this will only be considered by people from other pantheons as heaven trying to embarrass Northern Europe...

At that time, even the heavens will find it very difficult to unite to resist them.

Yeah, the Stinky Holy Grail~

Could it be that you made a mistake...

Zhenhong looked at the Holy Grail in front of her curiously, having the same idea as [Holy].

I don't think it's possible...

Kanzaki Yang said nonchalantly, in fact, he also had doubts in his heart.

Especially Emperor Shitian, who has both strength and scheming, why is it that this time...

I have to say that even he was stunned by this mysterious operation~

It’s just that he ultimately believes that benefits are often reserved for those who are patient.

Since the other party can keep their composure, wouldn't it look like they are afraid of them if they don't accompany them?

Goddess! Gabriel's voice sounded outside the door, his tone sounded particularly urgent...

Is it Gabriel? Come in quickly~

[Saint] I have some doubts, isn’t she in the office 2.2? Why does it sound so anxious?

When Gabriel came in, he saluted them one by one.

Over there at Juwang Town... Gabriel told them what they had observed.

What? There is such a thing...

[Saint]'s face clearly looked shocked.

The same is true for Zhen Hong, but this feeling is not as strong as hers.

The two looked at each other, then looked at the Holy Grail.

They wanted to hear what Yang-chan in front of them was going to do next~ This was something they were curious about.


Kanzaki Yang just said lightly. If you could see his face clearly, it would definitely be extremely cold.

It seems that the two of them were really tired of living, and they actually attacked Kuou Town, Kuou Academy...

Chapter 323

In Heaven, when Kanzaki Yang learned the news, he gradually showed a meaningful smile.

It’s just that this smile was not seen by [Saint], True Red, Gabriel in front of him...

Do you have any images of Kuou Town? I want to see what the situation is like now.

He asked Gabriel, there should be no problem with this.

Gabriel nodded and then played a video.

I saw the existence of various lost demons outside Kuoh Town, destroying buildings wantonly.

Now the entire Juwang Town is in a state of emergency closure, and no one can enter.


The people inside don’t think they will come out...

This was the first time they had encountered such danger. Who would make fun of their own lives?

They clearly saw that these lost demons seemed to be under some kind of manipulation behind the scenes.

The wanton destruction is going on here, so much so that it looks like smoke billowing...

What's more important is that there are even the highest-level lost demons among them, and one has even reached the level of Demon King 13...

There is a shallow layer of black mist floating around these lost demons. This black mist is like some kind of life, appearing extremely manic.

They can feel it even from a distance.

If things continue like this, these lost demons will soon enter the town...

At that time, it was a tragic scene...

The premise is of course that there is no help, which will lead to such an ending.

It’s just that Kuoh Town is the territory of demons, and there are also strong people in Kuoh Academy.

Presumably the devil will send help faster.

Gabriel put the image away and prepared to wait for the next step.

As an angel, I saw so many lost demons appearing in Kuoh Town.

Of course she, the Seraph, had to report the situation to the goddess.

Although she knew very well in her heart that it would be the Holy Son who would make the decision, this did not prevent her from letting [the Holy Son] know first.

My Lady Goddess, as well as the Holy Son, Lord Red Dragon God Emperor, how should we choose now?

Gabriel asked curiously, because at this moment, he had entered a kind of silence.

The two people in front of him and the Holy Son in the Holy Grail did not speak.

Yang-chan, should we send angels down to the lower world immediately to deal with these lost demons...

[Saint] came back to his senses and looked at the Holy Grail in front of him, with some urgency in his tone.

Now you don't have to think about it, you already know who is behind it.

These people are really hateful~

In terms of insidiousness, few people can compare with God Shitian.

This person is indeed hateful, and he was able to come up with such a vicious method.

This really opened their eyes and gained them knowledge.

Mr. Yang, how about I go to Juwang Town myself and get rid of these lost demons!

Zhenhong frowned. No wonder the lost demons suddenly disappeared the last time he was in Kuoh Town...

It turns out it was for today's scene...

She secretly thought that she was careless. If she could figure it out at that time, she wouldn't be in the current situation...

What is going on behind Mount Sumeru and the Indian pantheon?

Even if they think that this can drive the tiger away from the mountain, it would be too naive...

【Ding! 】

[The system detects that the time to return to the future world is getting closer and closer, and the host needs to solve this crisis in Kuoh Town as soon as possible! 】

At this moment, the system sound of Ark Red Ball came from Kanzaki Yang's mind.

This surprised him. He didn't expect it to come so quickly...

He hasn't prepared anything yet, just give it to him!

I know, I hope it can be solved as soon as possible!

[The system will calculate the specific time point, and the host must be prepared! 】

After that, the Ark Red Ball fell into silence.

He knew that this was a systematic calculation, and if he wanted to deal with these two people, he couldn't do it too quickly.

Otherwise, once the time points cannot overlap, we will have to follow the originally planned route.

That would intensify the collapse of this world...

It is said that there is no chance of rebuilding the belief system, and he is not willing to accept such an ending!

Well~ Zhenhong, Gabriel, just take the angel to Juwang Town, but...

Don't kill these lost demons all at once, we have to take our time~

After hearing this, Zhenhong and Gabriel glanced at [Saint] next to them.

It seems that there are still things that need to be discussed, but why do we need to take it slow?

The two of them were somewhat curious about this, but out of trust in Yang Jun, they finally took Angel and prepared to go to Juwang Town.

You must have something to say to me, my Yang-chan. Is this the prelude to your return to the future world you mentioned...

[Saint] Suddenly understood something, his tone contained some reluctance, a trace of loss, and a touch of sadness~

Yang Jiang had talked about this matter with her before, but why did he suddenly slow down?

Could it be that Yang Jiang also has some reluctance to let this world treat her...

[Sheng] was longing for this in her heart, hoping to get an answer that would make her happy and satisfied...


Only when the time points completely overlap can I return to the future world.

So we have to slow down the pace and not just deal with them directly.

It's just that I didn't expect that they would attack Juwang Town instead of coming to Heaven. It's beyond my expectation~

Kanzaki Yang sighed and said it immediately.

[Sheng] actually felt a little disappointed in his heart.

But at this moment, Kanzaki Yang suddenly said: This is only a secondary reason. The most important thing is that I hope that at some time and place in the future, we can meet again in that future!

Hehe~ I knew that Yang-chan still has me in her heart...

[Sheng] burst into laughter upon hearing this, and his whole body was filled with dazzling light due to excitement~

Yang Jiang has her in his heart, and [Sheng] is happy enough.

Naturally, he will not pursue more things because of this, so now he can deal with the situation in Juwang Town safely.

Yang-chan, aren't we going there now? [Sheng] asked curiously.

Hehe~ Don't worry, the people behind these lost demons haven't come out yet. If we are too anxious, we will lose our composure~

Kanzaki Yang smiled and said, if you are too anxious now, you will reveal a lot of weaknesses.

If exposed to the eyes of Shakti and Shiva, it will bring them a lot of trouble.

When the time comes to fall into passivity, this is not something he can easily accept~

What's more, with Zhenhong's strength, wandering and dealing will definitely not be a problem. .

Chapter 324

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