Do you mean to let Zhenhong get those dreams of the base of the power of faith...

Although this is a good idea, I think those gods should be on guard...

[Holy] I understand what Kanzaki Yang means, but don’t underestimate those divine systems too much.

Kanzaki Yang smiled lightly, this was just one of the purposes.

And this purpose is nothing in general, as long as it can achieve the effect he wants to see, it is enough.

Don't worry! Let's just wait for the news quietly now!

And Zhenhong has indeed come to the human world, where the extra power of faith appears.


After she obtained the dreams of those cardinal figures, she couldn't help but fall into deep contemplation.

Because these dreams are really difficult to understand, there are also a lot of doubts.

Every time she enters a dream, she appears to be very cautious.

So much so that none of the nearby pantheons, including the highest gods, noticed such changes.

And she also acted one by one in the places where they appeared after investigation in the heaven.

Strange~so strange!

Zhenhong whispered, with an incredible look in her eyes.

But my goal has been achieved, now it's time to watch the Holy Grail!

Zhen Hong can only comfort herself in this way. This is something Yang Jun needs to understand.

And she was only doing a small favor at best, regarding the small actions behind the gods.

This is not something Zhenhong can accomplish alone.


She returned to heaven and told what she had discovered.


Deathly silence!

Even if there were only three of them present, it was still extremely silent!

If you listen carefully, you might be able to hear the sound of a pin falling to the ground.

Are you sure you're not kidding me?

Kanzaki Yang's tone was a little surprised, but not that much in disbelief.

But when he really received the news, he felt in a different mood.

Look at what you said...

I traveled to all the places provided to me by the heaven~

Forget it if you don't get any benefits, you still don't want to believe me, I feel so wronged...

Zhenhong almost cried. Isn't this a good intention to do something bad...

[Sheng] next to her quickly comforted her. If she was left like this again, she would be in trouble~

Zhen Hong has indeed tried his best. In fact, even [Sheng] felt a little incredible after hearing the news.

Sister, is this the case everywhere?

[Saint] asked with a frown. Occasionally, there are several such situations, which are worth understanding.

But it’s a bit strange that all of them are like this.


I have already run all over to confirm that everything is correct, and then I return to the heaven...

Zhenhong recalled it again in her mind at this moment, and then said.

With her ability, she would not do such an unreliable thing, but Yang Kanzaki believed her.

Yang-chan, what do you think is the reason for this change...

[Holy] almost completely handed over his thinking to Kanzaki Yang, and gradually formed such a dependence.

Even Zhenhong blinked and looked at the Holy Grail in front of him.

If he didn't know it clearly, he wouldn't know what to say.

Such a change shouldn't have happened originally, but now it has actually happened. Let me think about it carefully...

Kanzaki Yang only felt a headache, and the light of the Holy Grail also dimmed.

[Sheng] and Zhenhong looked at each other, knowing that he was going to think about the problem, and the two left here.

Sister, will Yang Jun be okay?

After leaving the room, Zhenhong asked cautiously.

[Sheng] did not speak, but turned around and glanced at the room, with a believing smile on his face.

In [Sheng]’s heart, he already believes in Yang-chan very much now~

What do you think?

Kanzaki Yang slowly asked Ark Red Ball. Such things made him want to cry.

547 [The system doesn’t know why such a thing happens...]

The answer given by Ark Red Ball made him speechless.

I thought I could calculate it quickly, or at least get a rough idea.

He believes more and more that all of this may be related to this Power of Faith incident.

If you want to return to the future world, you must solve or even rebuild the belief system of this world.

This has fully demonstrated that there is still more room for improvement in this belief system~

[But this is not necessarily a bad thing for the host! 】

Really? Then you can tell me...

It’s not necessarily a bad thing, but it can’t be a good thing, right? Kanzaki Yang thought so in his heart.

He really couldn't figure out how this matter wasn't a bad thing for him...

[The balance of the power of faith has been destroyed. As long as we can seduce them out, we can return to the future world in advance...]

Originally, most of the power of faith had been obtained by the heavens. In addition to the Nordic pantheon last time, there were also many pantheons who were secretly dissatisfied with this.

Maybe we can give him a chance to hammer it out...

I think I probably understand. I wonder if there is any reward~

Kanzaki Yang suddenly laughed, feeling the red ball of the Ark.

If I could give myself more rewards before leaving, then this thing would be perfect...

Chapter 319

Yang Kanzaki is very much looking forward to this. Wouldn’t it be great if there were many rewards~

More importantly, Ark Red Ball’s calculation in this regard will not be wrong~

[Sorry...the system doesn't know what rewards there will be...]

Then Ark Red Ball's words left him speechless.

What the hell~

There is a price to pay for doing these things yourself...

Give him more rewards so that he can have more motivation~

Why can’t Ark Red Ball think clearly? It really made him feel a little frustrated!

Anyway, I hope I can have more rewards before I leave this world~

The world in this timeline is now almost demonized, and some things are different from before.

We have to get back on track and solve it at the exact coincident time.

[The system detected that the problem lies with three people, the Lord of Mount Sumeru, the Indian God Shiva, and the God of Trickery Loki, and the source of the scattered power of faith is near Kuoh Town. 】

When Kanzaki Yang heard this, his eyes narrowed slightly, Loki?

It seems that this god from the Nordic pantheon is not very honest~

He has not experienced the painful lesson last time, and he is doing such dirty deeds behind his back.

Isn't he afraid that Odin will take action on him if he finds out?

Fortunately, now that the problem has been detected, Heaven must solve the problem.

In this regard, interests must not be compromised, no matter how the extra 20% of faith power comes from.

But they all belong to this world, so it’s no wonder that such big changes have occurred.

Not long after, [Sheng] and Zhenhong returned here.

Yang Jiang told the general story, but some essential things were slightly concealed~

It's still not appropriate until things become clearer.

In order to prevent the heaven from causing too much fluctuation, he would not accept such a result!

Loki? Yang-chan~ Do you think Odin was involved behind this matter...¨¨...

As the main god of the Nordic pantheon, if he is behind the scenes, we will only have to deal with one Loki, I'm afraid...

[Saint] looked very worried and said, even if a mere Nordic god system can deal with it, what if it joins forces with the other two god systems.

The heaven has already gained so much power of faith, and it will not be easy to maintain balance now.

I don't think so~

Odin already swore an oath in front of the Eternal Spear last time. I believe this bad old man.

Kanzaki Yang smiled and said, Odin is not good at anything else, but he will not break his oath~

With this, it is basically certain that Loki’s status and presence in today’s Nordic pantheon are not very high~

As for how he got involved with the other two?

If it weren't for the guidance of those people, he wouldn't be willing to fall!

Yang Kanzaki thought in his heart that he must give the Nordic gods a warning.

What he didn't expect was that the source was near Juwang Town.

To a certain extent, it can be said to be the territory of the devil. What kind of trump cards do they have...

Yang-chan, what do you think we should do now? Kill Loki directly, or destroy the Nordic gods...

It is not difficult to do this by gathering the angelic power from heaven!

[Holy] looked at the Holy Grail in front of him, feeling a faint momentum, ready to go.

It seemed that as long as Yang Jiang in front of her opened her mouth, she would do these things at all costs.

You stinking Holy Grail has made my sister so violent~

Zhenhong held [Sheng]'s hand, which made her calm down a little.

I think we can use a move to knock down the mountain and shake the tiger~

Kanzaki Yang said slowly, and the two looked at each other after hearing it.

Some people don't understand, what's the meaning of this...

What I mean is that we deal with Loki first and see how the other two will react~

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