After all, if there is a lot of garbage at home, no one will like it~

Along with this sound, several black feathers slowly fell from the sky.

This is!.........

Linali recognized the scent on these feathers. It was the scent of her fallen angel companions.

After the evil dragon's remnant soul went berserk, some of the fallen angels died, and some of the fallen angels survived.

And these are the feathers of the surviving fallen angels!

This time, I cleaned the house very cleanly.

Kanzaki Yang's figure appeared from the sky, just like Linali looked down at Hyoudou Issei, he was now looking down at Linali.

History is so similar.

Who are you?!

Amano Yuma didn't know Kanzaki Haru, and the only resident strong people in this town that she knew were Rias and Sona, two high-level demons.

Yang Kanzaki, an ordinary person.

Kanzaki Yang casually threw out a formation.

[Three Lives Soul Suppression Array! 】

Under the powerful suppressive power of the Sansheng Soul Suppressing Formation, Linali's body was firmly fixed in place.


Kanzaki Yang once again threw a formation casually.

[Six Paths of Extermination Formation! 】

The spiritual energy in the atmosphere is drained out almost instantly. This is the formation that consumes the least spiritual energy that Kanzaki Yang specializes in!

The ability is also to release the purest light cannon.

It's just that the Six Paths of Extermination Array uses the spiritual power in the atmosphere to emit spiritual light cannons, which basically does not need to consume its own energy.

Excalibur emits light cannons using its own holy power. Its attributes are the ultimate holy attributes and it requires its own energy.

Generally speaking, Kanzaki Yo chooses not to expend his power.

Under the pure spiritual power light cannon, Linali dissipated between heaven and earth like other fallen angels.

【【Ding! 】

【Open the purple treasure chest! 】

[Congratulations to the host for receiving the reward——Item: The Fallen Sacred Heart! 】

[The Fallen Sacred Heart: Made using part of the body of the God of the Bible after his death, it is a prop that possesses the power of the God of the Bible in this world. It seems that there are many areas that can be developed...]


The fallen Sacred Heart? It should be referring to the dead God of the Bible, right?

There seems to be a lot of room for development? Interesting...

He doesn't dislike development or research.

Perhaps this is where he connects with the God of the Bible in this world~

We can talk about this later. Let's settle Hyoudou Issei's matter first.

Kanzaki Yang narrowed his eyes and walked up to Hyoudou Issei.

Although he is already cold, he can still be saved if Rias is called over immediately to undergo demon reincarnation.

But......Yang Kanzaki wouldn't do that.

If he could do this, he wouldn't have used some means to prevent Hyoudou Issei from going to Kuoh Academy.

The Sekiryuutei's artifact is still with him. If the Sekiryuutei's dragon soul is transferred, there may be no way to save him.

While Kanzaki Yang was thinking this, a silver gem appeared on his body.

【World Dragon’s Jewel! 】

This is the gem of the world dragon that possesses the power to suppress and control all dragons!

Under the silver brilliance of the jade, the dragon soul of the Red Dragon Emperor was instantly inspired!


The power of Tianlong sweeps across the earth!

Unfortunately, just when he was bursting with momentum, Baoyu, the World Dragon, also showed his power.

With the flash of silver light, all the dragon's power disappeared in an instant!


Sekiryuutei Ddraig's power was perfectly sealed!

The Cage of the Sekiryuutei is a divine annihilator, while the World Dragon's gem is a super divine annihilator. It has an absolute advantage in the face of restrained attributes.

Even the final chant of the emerald sea of ​​Ingvir Leviathan can almost perfectly suppress Ddraig. How could the World Dragon's Baoyu, who is a super god's annihilation tool, not be able to do it?

What?! My power?

Ddraig was also aware of this fact.

He is Er Tianlong!

Even though he is now sealed as a dragon soul, he still has the strength of a transcendent level. Is he just sealed like this? !

Ddraig, lend me your power.

Kanzaki Yang stretched out his hand towards Ddraig.

Are you the one who wanted to get my power after the death of my previous host? But... this silver gem you have is...

You can think of it as a new type of god-killing tool that can absorb the power of dragons.

Following Kanzaki Yang's urging, a trace of black dragon soul kept wandering in it.

This is Vritra's remaining soul!

Ddraig recognized the soul in the jade.


——The new book is about to set sail. Please give me flowers, reviews, and monthly votes——.

Chapter 33

It means that no one has ever voted for flowers, so I forgot to write this (laughing and crying)

The following are the rules for calculating the number of words on the shelves:

Divide the number of flowers by 3

Evaluation votes multiplied by 1

Monthly ticket multiplied by 50

The reminder is multiplied by 40

Multiply the reward amount by 0.5 (it doesn’t matter if it’s more than 10,000 points, everyone’s subscribing is the greatest support for me~~ I can’t even write it down if I whisper too much~)

Number of comments multiplied by 10

Don’t worry about the author running away~~

Having a saved manuscript means you are confident. You can click on the picture to have a look~~

The daily update time is around one in the morning, around eight in the morning, around nine in the evening, and around eleven in the evening.

Complete the updated chapters within three days based on the original ones (because there is a limit on the number of words that can be updated every day)


——The new book is about to set sail. Please give me flowers, reviews, and monthly votes——.

Chapter 34

That's right, I collected them a few days ago.

If we collect them all, we might be able to reproduce Vritra's complete dragon soul.

Mosquito meat is meat, and after all, it is a dragon soul at the Dragon King level. Collecting it all is still useful.

Does this type of God-killing device actually exist? How many God-killing devices did the God of the Bible create in the first place?

Ddraig was also struck by the creativity of the God of the Bible.

What should I say? Is he worthy of being the most powerful person under the Infinite Dragon God?

None of this is important. What's important is, are you willing to go with me? If you go with me, you don't have to follow the mechanism of the artifact for transfer.

Kanzaki Yang invited.

If you want to use the world dragon's gem, you need to get the consent of the dragon soul within it, otherwise it will just be equivalent to a sealing prop against the dragon clan.

Of course, if enough dragon souls can be used at the same time, the power that can be exerted is unimaginable. Only then can this god-killing tool truly exert its power.

Want to go with you? Indeed, according to human standards, you are strong enough.

Ddraig's words, I don't know if he is admiring or looking down upon.

Ddraig, you have no choice.

Yang Kanzaki shook his head. He was just informing Ddraig. Why did Ddraig feel that he had the initiative?

I do not have any choice?

Ddraig looked straight at Kanzaki Yang with his emerald eyes. Are all humans so crazy now?

If you don't agree, I will seal you in this artifact forever, so... you will never be able to fight Arubiang again.

To remind you, Arubiang's current host is a hybrid of the descendant of the true demon king and a human.

So, are you willing to be beaten violently by Arubiang?

In fact, it was Kanzaki Yo who took the lead.

He can open the treasure chest just like he conquered Ddraig. Now he is persuading Ddraig just because he wants the dragon's gem in his world to become more than just a sealing item.

Isn't the more trump cards the better?

Arubiang has such bad luck!?

Upon hearing the White Dragon Emperor's name, Ddraig's entire dragon became excited.

So, let me choose - be suppressed forever, or help me?

Kanzaki Yang asked calmly.


Ddraig was silent for a while.

He knew the importance of this choice.

He didn't know the operating mechanism of Kanzaki Yang's artifact. What if this person died and he was directly passed on to the next human being along with the artifact?

Or maybe, in addition to the power to suppress dragon souls, this artifact can actually seal dragon souls?

Ddraig fell silent.

Ten seconds later, fiery dragon breath came out of his mouth.

Those who use dragons must have the courage to use dragons!

My power! Let me lend it to you!

Ddraig had high expectations for this human being whom he met for the first time.

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