Brand asked, crossing his chest.

investigation? Is there any news for the Killer Organization to investigate? Brand is not a silly person like Hill.

He used to be silly and sweet, and he was also a soldier who obeyed orders.

But now, he is just fighting for the beliefs and ideals in his heart.

About the disappearance of the Holy Church's Perik some time ago.

Nadjeta explained the reason why she had been prepared early in the morning. knife.

Chapter 206


She actually didn't want to deceive her team members, but this was indeed an order from the top of the revolutionary army.

Obviously, after the orders from the top were exposed, the Night Raid members might have some differences of opinion. Some agreed, some didn't care, and some were definitely opposed. Such differences were something she absolutely didn't want to see.


Chitong tilted her head. She had never heard of this Bolik. Was he an important figure?

Well, Berlick was a top-level administrator responsible for managing the Holy Church under the previous leader of the Holy Church. His hands were stained with countless sins.

Nadjeta said, holding her iron fist.

She could confidently say that Bolick was a villain.

So there are still people like this in the Holy Religion?

Hill covered Xiaosiwusan's mouth, shouldn't the Holy Religion be a place that everyone yearns for? If sin breeds there, then is there any pure land in this world?

Yes, Berlick took advantage of the believers' trust in him to engage in human trafficking, brainwashing believers and transforming them into soldiers, among other crimes.

We will never forgive those who take advantage of other people's faith and trust to commit evil acts!

Nadjeta only felt that it was extremely difficult for her to be able to speak out the beliefs and slogans of Night Raid without any psychological pressure.

After all...the target this time is the Holy Cult~

Not using a Bollick as a shield to investigate would shake the team's belief in the night attack.

No... No, it's not that the belief in night raids has been shaken.

They are people with strong beliefs and will definitely do their best to achieve their goals.

This wavering - to be precise... is a wavering of identity with the revolutionary army.

But... isn't that Bolick dead?

Hill asked very strangely.

Yes, he is dead, but he must have a strong interest network and relationship group behind him. It is said that he seems to be in contact with the ministers of the imperial capital.

So, it would be best if we could get some information about the minister or remove the connections behind him.

Nadjeta said very lofty words.

Oh~ I see~

Hill nodded, it turned out there was something else to say~ Sure enough, the boss was the boss, and he could easily see the important points that they couldn't see.

So Chitong, Mayin, and Hill, this mission will be left to you.

Nadjeta touched her chin and said.

Yeah, no problem.

Chitong nodded, she also wanted to go there and have a look.

Leave it to us~ Ma Yin heard that there seemed to be a lot of beautiful clothes there. She had already decided to go and have a look when she had the chance. She didn't expect that the opportunity would come to her door so quickly.

Of course, ahem...the mission still needs to be completed, and the clothes still need to be bought.

By the way, what is our mission?

Ma Yin asked very strangely.

First of all, investigate the cause of death of Bolik. Because Bolik disappeared silently, it is really too strange. It is not surprising that a person like him would fight back before his death.

Then, take a look at the development of the Holy Religion. If you encounter people from the empire or assassins, try to deal with them as much as possible.

Boss, did you get any news?

After hearing Nadjeta's words, Chitong asked strangely.

From what she said, it seemed very certain that they would meet the empire's killer there?

Well, that's right. Don't you think the Holy Cult's momentum is too great? It's like a ferocious beast that tries its best to hide itself but still reveals its sharp teeth.

Nadjeta commented.

Although the Holy Cult may not have any intention of rebellion, such a huge momentum must have attracted the empire's attention.

As far as I know, the empire does have the intention of taking action from the Pilgrim Religion. If the scope of the Holy Religion's beliefs continues to expand, I'm afraid the empire will take action.

Nadjeta frowned fiercely.

It is a crime to have a jade.

Regardless of whether the Holy Religion intends to rebel, as long as it is within the empire, the empire must contain it within the manageable range.

In fact, if it weren't for the fact that there were too many refugees in the empire that it couldn't handle on its own, and it had to rely on the help of the Holy Religion to barely handle it, the empire would have already taken action against the Holy Religion.

So that's it. Chitong nodded. She already knew the empire's temperament. This was a normal thing for the empire.

The last thing is, try to find out if there is anything interesting, such as the story of the boy with a cross that appeared recently.

Nadjeta narrowed her eyes and said...

Ah~~boss, are you talking about the young man who you will meet and only meet once in the night in Jerusalem, and who will give you a cross when we finally separate?

Hill became excited as soon as he heard this.


Nadjeta was stunned.

But, Hill, how did you know about this? Nadjeta asked strangely.

Obviously Hill basically never leaves the base except to perform tasks, right?

It's through this~

Hill raised the Bible in his hand.

This thing! Does it have such a function?!

Nadjeta's tone became excited.

Being thousands of miles away, but being able to know the news thousands of miles away, as a former general, she knew very well how terrifying this effect was.

Well...not really~ It's just that I can feel what most people who are reading the Bible are thinking.

You can only feel a general sense, right?

Hill stuck out her tongue. She really didn't know what was going on.

In other words, Hill, you have felt the thoughts of those who use the Bible, but they are still so far away...

Nadjeta thought carefully about what this function meant.

Is it possible for everyone who uses the Bible to do this, or is it just Hill?


In fact, only Hill can do this kind of thing in 2.2.

In the core city of the Holy Religion—Jerusalem.

The teenager lost his spiritual connection with the Bible.

It seems like some guests from far away are coming to visit us~

Guest from afar?

Asia, who was next to Kanzaki Yang, asked in confusion.

Has the Lord seen the future again?

Yes, they are guests from the Imperial Capital.

As he spoke, Kanzaki Yang looked in the direction of the Imperial Capital.

The dragon of luck in the imperial capital has basically dissipated, and it is barely relying on the emperor's strongest imperial weapon to condense its appearance.

The Empire... has come to an end.

In times like this, it is too easy to win over people's hearts.

He doesn't care about money or rights, he just wants... the world. .

Chapter 207

Hill's ability to connect his spirit to the Bible was something Yo Kanzaki discovered by accident.

At that time, Kanzaki Yang was fine-tuning the belief system of the Bible, and suddenly he felt an extremely pure soul.

That soul wandered aimlessly in the belief system, but Kanzaki Yang could indeed feel her joyful mood while wandering.

To be precise, Kanzaki Yang can sense them all, but only Hill is unique enough to allow him to accurately locate and analyze the source in a short time.

It's so unique that Kanzaki Yang paid some attention to it.

Therefore, it was natural for him to hear the night attack meeting.

He had a hunch before that the members of Night Raid would also read the Bible, but he did not expect that there would be people who could feel the beliefs of other believers through the belief system.

Do you need us to entertain the guests from the imperial capital?

Elsa asked very strangely.

After all, he is a guest from afar, and he seems to be someone Kanzaki Yang knows. So whether he comes from the imperial capital of their theoretical enemy, there is still a need to entertain him~

At this time, Aisha has undergone a subtle change. If it were the previous Aisha, maybe she still hasn't understood their theoretical enemy empire, right?

She thinks that she simply thinks that as long as we can sit down and talk properly, we can still become good friends.

Now Elsa's idea has become - if Miss Elsa and Miss Cang Yue can reason with them first, everyone can still become good friends.

This.........maybe this is what is called growth~

Entertainment? No need for the moment~

Kanzaki Yang smiled. It seemed that not only the empire, but also the revolutionary army was aware of the danger and potential capabilities of the Holy Religion.

Also, with the current size of the Holy Religion, although it is only a sect, it is already qualified to start a war of national annihilation level.

The empire's first thought must be to hold the Holy Religion in its hands. This would not only appease the people, but also deceive the believers into charging into battle with their faith.

After getting the money, the hearts of the people, and the fighting power, it was a deal that would not be a loss no matter what.

The idea of ​​a revolutionary drama is similar.

Compared to the Empire who obtained the Holy Religion first, those who obtained the Holy Religion first would undoubtedly have greater subjective initiative.

However, the Revolutionary Lord also knew that he was weak in front of the empire, and it was basically impossible to compete with the empire, so he ordered a night attack to kill the leader of the Holy Cult if he could not be subdued.

The forces of the empire and the revolutionary army are heading towards a new city called Jerusalem!

This city used to have another name, but now... almost everyone has forgotten the name of the previous city, and even the empire has defaulted to it as the holy city of Jerusalem. Teach yourself the names you choose without permission.

This is the invisible influence of the Holy Religion.

However, neither the empire nor the revolutionary army thought that the Holy Religion, a piece of fat in their eyes... was actually a ferocious beast ready to devour anyone anytime and anywhere.

In fact, it is natural for the Empire and the Revolutionary Army to mistake the people of the Holy Religion for a piece of fat, because the Holy Religion behaves so harmlessly to humans and animals.

There is no radical doctrine, it advocates people helping each other, believing in the same existence, and has been prospering the city under the leadership of the leader, and helping people in need.

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