Then, I have to say... The effect is not bad, even embryos like Tiamat are polished very well.

Of course, there hasn't been much change in her personality. At most, she's just a little gentler on the surface. But... the maid's skills and qualities can basically be rated above 8 points in 2.2.

Um! You deserve a crash course in the Maid of Gurefia.


Yang Kanzaki has no idea of ​​keeping Freya by his side to educate her for the time being, because he wants to go to the world of Zhan Chitong first.

The promise of becoming a god in one month would definitely be too late if it really took one month. Fortunately, Kanzaki Yang could adjust the flow of time, otherwise it would really be too late.

Becoming a god in one month is a probability event with a probability of less than 1%, but if it takes dozens of months...that remains to be determined.

Counting the time he spent with Hestia from time to time, Kanzaki Yang should have more than fifty months left.

The world that Kanzaki Yang wants to go to first is the world of Zhan Chitong. Go there first... Complete the final version of Esther, and by the way, try to open as many golden treasure chests as possible. .

Chapter 203

If you want to kill the red-eyed world, you definitely can't take Freya with you.

No matter what identity Kanzaki Yang comes to, it is not appropriate to bring Freya with him.

Wouldn't it be strange for a god himself, or a representative of a god, to bring along a goddess-level maid who always goes into lust with you from time to time during his training?

By the way, remember to bring this thing with you.

Before setting off, Kanzaki Yang handed over a clone of the Holy Cross.

this is...........

Cang Yue looked at the Holy Cross, and the first thing she thought about was whether Kanzaki Yang wanted to turn her into a maid and pet similar to Freya.

After all... She had seen chains extending from this cross before.

This is my token. After you arrive, you will be the Ice Saint. You can't live without something that represents your identity.

Kanzaki Yang said with a smile.

The Saint of Ice?

Cang Yue indeed had no intention of refusing.

Even if there is a contract with pets and maids, she will choose to refuse. Although she has no choice but to force Kanzaki Yang to ask her, she will still make an attitude of absolute refusal.

By the way, remember not to treat me like a god~

Kanzaki Yang reminded.


Cang Yue brought the cross up.

She didn't change her attitude much just because Kanzaki Yang was a so-called god.

The biggest relationship between Yang Kanzaki and the gods is whether she has the power to save the dead.

As for the attitude that should be adopted - she has always treated it with the attitude of a contractor.


Kill the red-eyed world.

The base camp of the Holy Religion—the cathedral.

Although the leader himself did not want this, the believers still wanted to build a magnificent church for the god they believed in.

Of course, the leader eventually reported the matter to Kanzaki Yang and asked for his opinion.

Kanzaki Yang thought for a while, then threw a church over, and then the purity of faith on that side improved a lot.

After all... agents like the leader and saint who are the agents of the gods' will are certainly not as useful as the gods themselves performing miracles in attracting believers.

Holy Lady, is the god really coming?

The leader could not hide his excitement.

Because Joan of Arc and Elsa just said God is coming and then rushed straight to the church.

Due to the difference in strength, it took him a lot of effort to catch up.

Well, Lord God is coming. He finally has the energy to set his sights on this world. Joan of Arc nodded.

She was also very excited.

God saves the world and all lives in the world believe in the Lord. This is a scene she has never seen in the Bible, and she did not expect that it would be achieved today.

Really? Is the Lord... finally coming?

The leader was filled with emotions.

Although relying on themselves, they should be able to spread the glory of the Lord to all parts of the world and let everyone believe in the Lord.

However, both he and the believers hope to feel the brilliance of the Lord personally.


With a burst of holy light rising above the church, they all understood a fact.

The Lord - has arrived!

The young man with black hair and golden eyes was followed by an ice-blue girl who also exuded holy light.

Mercy, redemption, remembrance, when this light came, countless emotions filled the leader's heart.

Originally, he just used his own power to gather the believers together and wanted to give everyone the help they could, and by the way, he used the power of the masses to teach them to protect themselves.

In fact, he himself is relatively weak and powerless, and most things must be handled by his assistant Perik.

He is really not good at all kinds of intrigues and power exchanges, which is why in the original plot line, he was gradually sidelined by Berlick and the leader's full strength ended up existing as a good-looking mascot.

He didn't know the evil deeds Perlick committed, but he only knew that he did handle many things well.

It wasn't until he met the Lord and the coming saint that he realized what kind of sinful person his assistant was.

Berlick is the kind of person who will use his power as the leader of the church to brainwash believers and use male believers as cheap labor and fighting force.

Violations are also committed against female believers in the name of baptism.

There is no doubt that Bolick is a scum mixed in the peaceful road.

Therefore, after changing the name to the Holy Cult, the first thing Kanzaki Yang asked Aisha and Joan of Arc to deal with was the Berlick matter.

After all...Bolic doesn't have the so-called heart of faith. He is a profit creature who can pack up the leader and sell all the followers to the empire.

Unfortunately, in the Holy Religion, Bolik is not the only evil party, there are many evil parties that the leader has not identified.

If it weren't for the Lord's revelation, the leader was worried that Berlick and people like him would bring the Holy Religion to a point of no return.


Everyone lowered their heads slightly under Kanzaki Yang's brilliance, and Kanzaki Yang shook his head helplessly.

In fact, he has an indifferent attitude towards whether he is a master or not. This is just a means to become stronger.

The godhead of the God of the Bible is used by him more like a system than something that can be deified.

.々You have done a great job. The decay of the empire has become an inevitable trend. We need to build a new Garden of Eden for the people.

Kanzaki Yang said softly.

He had not asked the Holy Church to expand rapidly before.

In addition to the fact that the empire had not completely decayed at that time, there was a more practical reason.

Sense of gap and comparison.

The Holy Religion only needs to protect its own one-third of an acre. The important thing is to refine the purity of believers rather than expand the number of believers.

The most appropriate time is only when the decay of the empire and the glory of the Holy Religion are both deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Before the fall of the empire, the so-called sense of gap and comparison will continue to refine the purity of believers.

Specifically... (Li's)...

When the people of the empire see how happy the followers of the Holy Religion are, they will tend to become followers of the Holy Religion.

And those who have become believers will become more pious and firm in their faith after seeing the tragedy of the people of the empire.

Playing slowly and steadily, constantly letting the decay of the empire purify the purity of faith is much more powerful than overthrowing the empire in one fell swoop and then spreading the faith.

People's empathy for prosperity is far less important than their empathy for tragedy.

In other words, no matter how happy life is in the re-established Theocracy and how prosperous the country is, there is no way to compare with the purity created by this sense of gap before.

Under Kanzaki Yang's judgment, at least now more than 70% of the people in the Holy Religion have reached the standards of the Heart of the World.

It sounds very high.............

But... it's not quite enough.

Kanzaki Yang came here to facilitate this. .

Chapter 204

Of course, before this can be achieved, there is a very real problem.

Rhode, this is Cang Yue. Of course, you can also call her the Ice Saint. Kanzaki Yang introduced.

Since he is a dangerous species, the leader has no name. Rhodes is the name given to him by Kanzaki Yo, and Lord (leader) is also consistent with his identity.

Ice...the Ice Saint?

When the word ice was mentioned, the leader's expression was not very natural.

Mainly because he was deeply impressed by the attribute of ice.

I heard that General Esdeath of the Empire uses ice, and he also has long ice-blue hair.

The Ice Saint in front of him seemed to be like this too.

He has the Teigu to control ice, has long ice-blue hair, and is a very powerful type in terms of personality, eyes, and aura.

Rhodes was very suspicious. Did his god go to kidnap Esdeath to become a saint?

He felt that his conjecture was not unreasonable, and he also knew some things about the saints.

For example, the Dragon Saint said that she was resurrected by the Lord, so she said that she would live as the Lord's messenger. After the protection, Saint Joan of Arc said that she had always been a devout believer, and a long period of time passed after her death. Called out by the Lord.

Except for the strange fact that Saint Elsa said that she was picked up by the gods after healing 450, everything else seems to be events that can be recorded in the Bible.

Just call me Cang Yue.

Cang Yue said calmly.

Ice Saint......This name always brings her back to the time when she was a princess.

First there was nostalgia, then sadness came naturally.

She was indeed a princess before, but... the ancient country had been destroyed, otherwise she would not have awakened her seventh sense later.

Okay, Master Cang Yue, I am Rhodes.

Rhodes showed a soft smile.

Of course, he was still a little scared.

He felt that the saints who were easiest to get along with were undoubtedly the gentle Elsa, then the very serious and responsible Joan of Arc, and finally the fighting-mad Elsa.

Now suddenly a queen-style person comes, and he feels a little bit overwhelmed. He hopes... that he is someone easy to get along with~

This is actually Rhodes' misunderstanding.

Although Esdeath and Cang Yue are both queen-type sisters who use ice abilities, Cang Yue is more girlish and Esdeath is more royal.

In addition, the two people also have different beliefs (bdcc).

Esdeath emphasizes the law of the jungle, and Cang Yue is the type who will help the weak.

Esdeath is a chaotic neutral camp, and Cang Yue is a chaotic good camp.

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