This was Kanzaki Yang's decision.


Hestia subconsciously wanted to refuse.

Because she clearly understood what this meant.

This means that Kanzaki will experience the Shura Field in another month that is the same as before or even far better than before.

Believe me, Hestia, I will not do anything I am not sure about.

Kanzaki Yang directly sealed Hestia's mouth, not giving her a chance to ask questions.

Can you trust me?

After a long time, Kanzaki Yang looked into Hestia's eyes again and asked.

Yang Jun, you are really a bad guy~

Hestia said such words, which meant that she agreed...

Chapter 200

I'm such a badass.

But it could also be because the person who gave birth to me was also a troublemaker who liked to cause trouble, wasn't it?

Kanzaki Yang gave a rebuttal to Hestia.

I am a bad person, can you be any better?


Hestia didn't speak, just closed her eyes slightly, and signaled Kanzaki Yang to continue quickly. Don't tell me that there are many things like this. Doesn't she know who the bad guy is?

Who threw her and Warren on the same bed?


In this way, the matter on Hestia's side was temporarily resolved.


Some time after Kanzaki Yang finished comforting Hestia, he suddenly felt a little bit of his power being taken away.

Cang Yue seems to be borrowing his power?

After thinking for a moment, Kanzaki Yang began to make judgments about Cang Yue's side of things.

Yang Jun, is something wrong?

Hestia, who was having afternoon tea, noticed Kanzaki Yang's seriousness. It seemed like something had happened?

Well, there is indeed something more important.

Kanzaki Yang nodded.

With Cang Yue's character, generally speaking, even if the power of nature and others recovers, they will not choose to borrow power from him.


In other words, Cang Yue must have encountered something that she couldn't solve with all her strength, so she borrowed strength from him.

And in this could Kanzaki Yang think that there is only one kind of creature that can push Cang Yue to this level - gods!

The general strength of the gods in this world is transcendence, and the most powerful ones are basically at the level of the Beast King.

Gods are gods after all. The general strength of gods in the dungeon world is still much higher than that in the demon high school world. After all, they have lived for so many years.

And Cang Yue......

Although she is indeed very strong, she has definitely not reached the transcendent level now. At most, she has already touched this realm.

After making some judgments based on this, Kanzaki Yang basically understood the situation.

That was really something that he needed to go out and deal with in person.

If it is a very important matter, then Yang Jun, you should deal with it first~ Pay attention to your own safety~

Hestia reminded her like a mother telling her children before going to school.

Well, I'll be right back.

Kanzaki Yang sighed.

Fortunately, this incident did not happen in the afternoon, otherwise Hestia might not have the same expression now.

After all, if you are full, you won’t want to eat meat for a while.


With a flash of golden light, Kanzaki Yang's figure disappeared from the Hestia Familia.


High in the sky.

The charming beauty looked at the ice blue girl in front of her with a happy expression.

Ah la ah la~~ Girl from another world, it seems that you have good power~

Freya's eyes were filled with water, and it seemed that she was indeed extremely happy because of this girl from another world.


Cang Yue did not choose to respond, but instead used the connection between herself and Kanzaki Yang.

Sure enough, are gods gods?

Kanzaki Yang had told her before not to make the matter a big deal.

But now it is obvious that gods have come to visit. If a large-scale battle breaks out, more gods will definitely come to come.

Even if she is asked to fight a god, she is not willing to do anything that will trouble Kanzaki Yang. This is probably one of her stubborn parts~

After all, Kanzaki Yang's contract has been completed, and now it is time for her to complete the contract, but she still has to cause trouble. This is really unacceptable to her.

Finally..........she adopted a compromise.

Use the contract to borrow Kanzaki Yo's power.

Well... In this way Kanzaki Yang will notice the abnormality on her side, and the most important point is - she did not ask for help from Kanzaki Yang. This matter was discovered by Kanzaki Yang himself... .....cough cough........

This is also her last stubbornness~

It’s impossible to completely let go of your strength and fight the gods in front of you, right? She knew that would only bring more trouble to God (bdcc) Sakiyo.


Therefore, even if Freya said that she was from another world, she had no intention of responding at all.

Well, she is from another world, what's wrong?

My Lady Goddess.

Soon, not long after Cang Yue used her power, she first felt a familiar wave, and then heard Kanzaki Yang's voice.

Freya also noticed the arrival of Kanzaki Yang, and showed an expression of joy as if seeing her first love.

The man she couldn't get no matter how much she wanted, was here.

She used her own methods to shape it into glory and destruction, just to wait for the day when it would finally blossom and bear fruit.

It doesn't matter whether it's her side or Hill's side, as long as they can get the body and mind of the [Holy Son]...

Say she is Hill, Hill is her and there is no problem.

In the Freya Familia, there is a family named Helen. According to the chapter of Freya's family myth, Helen's previous name was Hill. She gave this name to Freya, and since then she changed her name to Helen and joined the family. Freya Familia.

After Freya got the name Hill, she began to transform into Hill and walk around Orario as an ordinary person, just like she had disguised herself and visited privately in private.

In other words... Hill is the goddess Freya, and the one sitting on the Tower of Babel is Helen.

She has Freya's appearance, but without the divine power.

They exchanged fates and shared facial features (not bodies).

Helen has never been in contact with Bell. She only knows Bell through the emotions from Freya. Freya can convey orders to Helen in the Tower of Babel in the tavern. This is why the wolf dog has been protecting Hill.

Freya didn't let Ciel and Hestia meet because the two were too familiar and the goddess would see it. Hermes knew this, so he was afraid of Ciel in the second season.

Knowing too much is indeed a kind of original sin.

Everything was going smoothly...

But suddenly, that man disappeared from everyone's reality one day.

This was something she hadn't expected.

During this time, she frantically searched for Yang Kanzaki.

Although the information received from various sources said that the [Holy Son] was only recuperating in the Familia, she could see the soul in the Hestia Familia.

[Holy Son]......Definitely not in the Hestia Familia!

Occasionally, she heard about Kanzaki Yang. That was when Kanzaki Yang visited the Loki Familia, but by the time she arrived, Kanzaki Yang had already left.

She couldn't get what she wanted, so she was almost crazy about it, which was probably her current state.

It was okay when Kanzaki Yang didn't leave before, but since Kanzaki Yang disappeared from public view, she can be said to have lost all her desires.

In other words - all desires are directed towards Yang Kanzaki.

Greed, lust, possessiveness, and even the desire to be full......

Goddess, long time no see. Kanzaki Yang said with a smile.

At this time......... She saw that glorious young man coming back, and it seemed that his soul had become more delicious and brighter. .

Chapter 201

No, it seems to be more than just delicious, it seems to be a fiery and dazzling soul!

There are changes in appearance, but Freya doesn't care too much about appearance.

What she cares about is Kanzaki Yang's soul.

Kanzaki Yang, is this your real name?

Freya asked softly.

Although the two are already very familiar with each other, it has to be said that this is indeed the first official meeting between Kanzaki Yang and Freya, so it seems normal to have such a disagreement.


Kanzaki Yang smiled and said.

When he came over, he had already covered this place with a formation, so he was in the mood to argue with Freya.

He knew what Freya was asking him.

In a sense, his name is disrespectful to the gods.

Kanzaki Yang - the same god (qi) Yang.

God (qí) is one of the religious concepts. It is the highest among supernatural beings. It is generally believed that it does not have a material body, but it has its physical image.

It is not restricted by the laws of nature, but is higher than the laws of nature. It dominates the material world and can directly or indirectly influence the material world.

This concept exists to some extent in almost all human societies, but due to different cultures, people's understanding of God varies.

If a mortal uses this kind of name, according to the theory of fate, if he does not have a strong enough fate, he will definitely die young.

However, I don’t know if Kanzaki Yang himself uses Kanzaki instead of a god, or if his destiny is strong enough and he has always had a smooth life.

But......Kanzaki is not a rare surname, it may be his imagination~

He has the ability to judge this, but he does not have the will to judge... This has always given him an illusion, and maybe it is also a good spur~

Aisha has mentioned this before, but this is the first time Kanzaki Yang has been pointed out by a god.

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