That's right, the mole has spoken!

Thanks to Yang Kanzaki's efforts, Lu Fei acted as his mole.

Hey! The man over there, can you let Luffy go, meow? Otherwise, I won't guarantee whether he will do anything to the Gremory princess, meow~

Kuroka said seemingly relaxed words, but in fact, her eyes could not help but reveal a dangerous aura.

Really, she hates men who attack little girls the most!

She doesn't know yet that her little girl has become a mole.

Don't call me the man over there, I still have the name Kanzaki Yo.

Kanzaki Yang said with a smile.


——The new book is about to set sail. Please give me flowers, reviews, and monthly votes——.

Chapter 24

not long ago.

Around Kuoh Academy, Kanzaki Yang and Koneko found Luffy who was setting up a magic circle near Kuoh Academy.

So, what do you think of my proposal, Luffy-chan?

Kanzaki Yang said with a smile.

In the short time they met, it seemed that they had developed a relationship where they could call each other brother and chan.

Well, it is indeed a good suggestion. Lu Fei thinks it is a very constructive plan!

Luffy gave Kanzaki Yang a thumbs up.

Although I just met this big brother, he is... a good person~

Magical girl Luffy made a card-issuing act in her heart.

So, do you want to come? Kanzaki Yang asked with a smile.

According to his judgment, Luffy has more than 95% probability of agreeing with this statement.

To determine the possibility of predicting something like this, you only need to give specific conditions, and make a dichotomy judgment just like when you judged a person's position before.

Of course! I think this is a very good suggestion! I agree!~

Luffy made a sound full of energy.

Then, let's complete the first step!

Kanzaki Yang smiled and took out the rope.

This is the method he thought of after seeing the treasure chest just now. If everyone kidnaps the person on the opposite side, they can also negotiate equally as kidnappers, right? (laugh)


A few minutes later, Lu Fei looked at the rope on his body with a slightly red cheek.

I always always feels a little strange?

Senior is worthy of being a senior~

The kitten also gave his own comments.

If you can take this situation calmly, then the kitten is probably not a kitten but an adult cat.

Um...Brother Yang, does the rope have to be tied like this?

Lu Fei's big blue eyes were sparkling with sparkle, making her look charming.

Ah, of course, don't worry, it's just the last few steps.

Kanzaki Yang nodded matter-of-factly. This was his first time doing anything like tortoise shell binding, so he had to let Luffy endure it for a while.

Anyway, I have been fooled until now, what will happen if I fool you again?

Well...may God (Kanzaki Yo) protect (fool) you~



With Kanzaki Yang's final exertion and Lu Fei's soft cry, Kanzaki Yang finally achieved the first achievement of turtle shell binding.

【Ding! 】

【Open the purple treasure chest! 】

[Congratulations to the host for receiving the reward - One-Sword Shura! 】

[Skills from the Hero Story of the Fallen Knight. It can only be used once a day to condense all the power you have into one minute, forcefully concentrate all the magic power, and strengthen the physical strength dozens of times.

Once used, the body will weaken rapidly. 】


It seems like it's a skill that works with my holy super mode?

Using the holy super mode, Kanzaki Yo's calculations will be greatly increased, his thinking time will be accelerated many times, and his judgment time will be greatly reduced. He can easily push his physique to the limit and perfectly mobilize every ounce of power.

And Yida Shura can specialize his own magic power and physical fitness, squeezing his body to the limit in a short period of time.

The combination of the two can definitely produce the effect of one plus one greater than two.

According to the information about my body that can be stored in my memory field, I can update my body's information once a day. It doesn't mean that I have lost my combat effectiveness by using this mode.

It's not that you lose combat effectiveness after using it once, to be precise, you use it twice.

With the help of the Ark's red ball, Kanzaki Yang was able to quickly reorganize his body. Even if he fell into the CD after using the holy super mode or the one-sword Shura, Kanzaki Yang could refresh it again.

This is one of his trump cards.

Naturally, he would not go to Heige's place without making any preparations.

But it's better now. It's too dangerous to use the Godhead of the Bible God. With the skill of One-Sword Shura, he can develop with more peace of mind.

“It seems it’s worth choosing to come here.”

The purple treasure chest just now was on Luffy's body.

Anyway, that's enough, right? Brother Yang? Let's decide quickly... I always feel like this is weird.

Lu Fei always felt weird when Kanzaki Yang looked at him directly after tying the rope.

There seemed to be waves of warmth flowing through his body.

Thank you Miss Lufei for your help.

The kitten bowed gently towards Luffy.

She wanted to verify what Kanzaki Yang said to her.

No, no, no, it's nothing. This is what I want to do.

Suppressing her shyness, Lu Fei said with a smile.


Then there was the weird scene that appeared at this time.

Don't call me the man over there, I still have the name Kanzaki Yo.

Faced with Kuroka's threat, Kanzaki Yang said with a smile.

If you do anything to them, I can't guarantee what I will do to this young lady~

Faced with Heige's threat, Kanzaki Yang chose to threaten him back.

You should also know that the number of hostages is meaningless. I will not accept you exchanging one person for one of my people.

Kanzaki Yang added, directly blocking what Kuroka planned to say.

Indeed, just like what he said, one hostage is enough.

what do you want?

Kuroka asked, narrowing her eyes.

She was also worried about what Yang Kanzaki would do to Lu Fei.

She could tell from the wonderful way this man tied up Lu Fei that this man was definitely a nymphomaniac!

Well, how about a hostage exchange? Fair enough, right?

Kanzaki Yang spread his hands.


Kuroka immediately agreed.

As long as nothing happens to Lu Fei, it's fine. Anyway, let him go and let him go, and then we can catch him again.

Her goal is just Bai Yin. Now that Bai Yin is right in front of her, she just needs to take Bai Yin away.

By the way, I have one more important thing to do before the exchange.

Kanzaki Yang changed the topic.


Kuroka's two tails kept turning, and she was subconsciously releasing her dissatisfaction.

Why is this man so troubled?

She had already thought about it. When Bai Yin got it, she could just run away with Bai Yin.


——The new book is about to set sail. Please give me flowers, reviews, and monthly votes——.

Chapter 25

What's important?

Although Kuroka was very unhappy, she still calmed down for Lu Fei's sake.

I have a few questions to ask you. These are not my own questions. They are also questions that the kitten wants to ask.

Kanzaki Yang's eyes were stern, completely different from the previous relaxed look during negotiations!

Baiyin's question?

Kuroka's tail calmed down a little.

Yes, it's a very important question. I hope my sister can answer it.

Koneko mustered up the courage to say to Kuroka.

This is the first time she expresses her strong self-will to Kuroka.

Ah! Baiyin can express his will to my sister so directly. My sister is really going to cry with joy, nya~

Kuroka chuckled and covered her mouth.

Then let me ask? Why did you kill your previous master in the first place?

Kanzaki Yoya asked with a smile.

It's very simple~ Of course it's because you don't like him? For such an evil cat demon, shouldn't he be killed if he doesn't like it?

Kuroka said in a completely nonchalant tone.

Heige, I must remind you one thing. It is useless to lie in front of me. I still have the ability to analyze whether a person is lying.

Kanzaki Yang immediately retorted.


Kuroka was slightly surprised for a moment.

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