Yes, if you want to find out information, it’s definitely better to start with people who are close to Kanzaki Yang~

This, anyway...

Rebelle explained in a panic.

It seems like it has been spread~

Kanzaki Yang sighed, he could only regain his sense of presence now.

After all, the time agreed with the goddess Hephaestus is coming soon, and he must first fulfill his promise.

I don't care, please take action first~

Sairaorg shook his head. Of course he didn't care about all these things.

Anyway, he just needs to do his best!

Okay~ I don't know what will be summoned, so be careful~

Kanzaki Yang said with a smile.

Anyway, according to his judgment, the probability that the summoned life form can defeat Sairaorg is 50%.

It should wouldn't be Esdeath who was summoned, right?

This subtle idea came to Kanzaki Yang's mind.

His hand was not slow and he used the summoning card directly.

You are beneath me, and I entrust my fate to your sword.

Follow my call, if you follow this will and the laws of heaven.

You will answer immediately!

I swear here... Your severe cold is a chain, tied to my body...

I am the master of these chains.............

The word spirit that surrounds your contract comes from the throne of another world, the guardian of the blue!~~

As Kanzaki Yang sang, the blue glow spattered wantonly, as if it had edges and corners, constantly penetrating everyone's bodies, penetrating objects that could normally pass through and objects that could not. .

In the icy blue glow, a girl with the same hair color walked out.'s not Esdeath...

But it's pretty good~

Kanzaki Yang touched his chin. He had also made relevant judgments, and the possibility of it being Esdeath was extremely slim.

A girl with pale blue hair walked out of the magic circle.

Just like the green lotus blooming in the mortal world, it is elegant and refined.

Her long pale blue hair hangs down casually, with a few scattered strands of hair in front of her forehead, gently caressed by the wind...

She was wearing a semi-open kimono that shone with ice blue light, and her tall, slender legs in white stockings were fully displayed.

There are no ornaments, but it has a powerful force and charm that is clean and pure to the extreme.

This is the appearance of the blue-haired girl who appeared in front of everyone.

At first glance, it looks like a quaint place with the misty rain and misty moonlight and the misty bridges and flowing water at night.

But if you take a closer look, you can feel the terrifying courage in the girl. It is a sharp feeling that makes people dare not look at her, and just looking at her makes them want to look away.

If I have to use one word to describe bravery.

That is...the Ice Queen.

Of course Kanzaki Yang also knew her name - Cang Yue.

Are you the one who summons the lonely one?

Cang Yue noticed the young man in front of her.

She followed the contract and traveled into this world, and could feel the connection between the young man in front of her and her.

Kanzaki Yang, please give me some advice.

In the slightly dissatisfied eyes of Rias, Sona, and a bunch of girls, Kanzaki Yang smiled and stretched out his hand.

My name... Cang Yue.

Cang Yue stared at the man in front of her, and after a few seconds, 443 stretched out her hand.

According to the contract, this is the last rite.


The two people's hands touched, and a little golden fluorescence lit up.

Cang Yue could feel the connection between herself and the person in front of her. As a price for helping her, a mark that could command her was engraved on his hand.

Of course, this is not the most critical point.

The most important thing is... She sensed the true nature of Kanzaki Yang!

Who are you!

The Ice Queen showed a surprised look for the first time in a long time.

It turns out that this kind of existence does exist in other worlds?

If there are gods, then there should also be Lucifers and fallen angels?

Cang Yue knew that the Lucifer and fallen angels here were definitely different from her world. They were... real mythical life forms.


Kanzaki Yang smiled and made a hissing gesture.

It seems that the Ice Queen will also be surprised sometimes~

Is this my opponent?

Sairaorg cast an interested look at Cang Yue.

Then... he said something that was extremely straight but also very in line with his character.

Even if it's a woman, I won't hold back.

As he spoke, a layer of white gas appeared on Sairaorg's body.

Even if you look at it from a distance, you can still feel the powerful breath of this layer of gas. .

Chapter 191

That is something called fighting spirit, which is the product of condensing and developing the vitality and will of a living body to the limit!

In terms of its current strength alone, it should be able to destroy the Demon King-level Sekiryuutei armor.

Oh? You actually challenged Gu just like that?

Cang Yue raised her eyebrows.

But I have to say... The vitality in this person is very powerful.

It seems that she has encountered the most powerful type.

Of course, I'll leave it to you, Cang Yue. After all, this is also the content of the contract~

The young man who was interlocking with Cang Yue said with a smile.

According to Cang Yue, there should be no problem, so he would study the extracted things first.

In his current opinion, this thing is much more important than the victory or defeat against Sairaorg.

I know~

Cang Yue narrowed her eyes, turned around, and focused her gaze on the muscular man in front of her.

Is this the person?

Let’s deal with this person first, and then talk to the contractor about the contract~

Anyway, in the opinion of the arrogant Ice Queen, it would only take a short while to deal with this person.

Black Moon Iron Cavalry, Cang Yue...

While speaking, an ice sword appeared in Cang Yue's hand.

Cang Yue, one of the top combat powers among the Star Stealing Nine Heavens.

The second of the two trump cards of the Black Moon Cavalry

On the eve of Lucifer leading the twelve fallen angels to siege Black Moon Island, Tan Lang and Po Jun were taken from Black Moon Island to the VV Academy base. After receiving the abilities and memories given to her by Dr. Amy, she became the new BOSS of VV Academy. The fusion between Dr. Amy's cells seems to lack some tacit understanding, resulting in a split personality.

After waking up, she became very cute and turned into a willful child... After being tested for her powers, it was discovered that Cang Yue had no sign of the seventh sense.

Later, due to the influence of alcohol, the cells of Dr. Amy were successfully fused, and the seventh sense was awakened. She changed from a lolita to a queen, and officially became the new BOSS of VV Academy. When Lian Zhen's life is about to be in danger, use I am the only one in the world to kill 300 fallen angels in an instant. only the tip of her strength.

According to what Kanzaki Yang just touched, she wore the Bacchanal's Kiss on her hand, Kanzaki Yang roughly knew what time period she was in Cang Yue.

What he summoned was Cang Yue who could transform between Loli Cang Yue and Queen Cang Yue.

House of King Baal, Sairaorg Baal...¨¨.

Sairaorg also responded.

This person seems to be very powerful, but... no matter what stands in front of him, he will defeat it!

This is Sairaorg's will.

In order to gain the qualification to face President Kanzaki, although it is not what I want, I can only use this method!

Answer my call!

The Lion King's battle ax! (Regulus Nemea)!

A golden light flew out of the auditorium.

This is! .........The Nemenian Lion! Someone in the audience recognized this divine annihilation device.

But that's not right! How could the Divine Destruction Gear be a human being!? This was what surprised him.

Because when I found him, his master was already dead. I subdued him and then reincarnated him into a demon.

Sairaorg grabbed the flying golden ax.

Just like the person on the stage said, this is a divine annihilation device created by sealing the Nemenian lion in ancient Greek mythology into an artifact. It has self-awareness and can transform into a lion or a battle ax at will.

It is also a special sealed artifact similar to the Sekiryuutei's Cage Hand and the White Dragon Emperor's Light Wings, but not the same.

Contrary to other sealed artifacts, it does not seal the monster into an artifact, but seals the artifact into the monster's body, so that it can still act on its own after the death of the holder.

However, the holder of the God-killing Gear is destined to be extraordinary, and his original owner should have died for being extraordinary.

The God Killer once went berserk, but was tamed by Sairaorg Baal and reincarnated into a demon.


Cang Yue looked at what Sairaorg was holding. Sure enough, this world was very different from the world she lived in~

【Bing Ji Rose! 】

Cang Yue became a little more interested and threw out the Ice Princess Roses that filled the sky.

Although very beautiful, there is no doubt that being entangled by these beautiful flowers will not end well.


Sairaorg dismissed this lowest level of temptation.

Others might need to be careful, but he is someone who has trained his body to the extreme~

When Ice Rose got close to the fighting spirit surrounding his body, the fighting spirit was easily dispersed.

Not bad~

Cang Yue said while flapping her ice wings.

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