Work must be done well, especially in front of the Holy Son.

But he must not expose his clumsy side——Gabriel made up his mind.

On the devil's side are Sigvira Agares from the Grand Duke's family, Sairaorg from the Grand Prince's family...

Like a ruthless reading robot, Gurefia spoke the names of people on her side.

She is quite capable at work and does have a special charm. No wonder her brother is so crazy.

After she finished speaking, she glanced at Kanzaki Yang, not knowing what she was thinking.

Perhaps he was thinking of the previous live broadcast of Kanzaki Yang and Rias in front of her, or perhaps he was wondering why he did this.

Anyway...she cares a little bit.

I know, thank you all for your hard work.

Kanzaki Yang looked at the information of these people.

These people...are the members of the DXD team that I gathered together.

Not only are there members of demons, angels, and fallen angels, there are even trainee Valkyries from Northern Europe and some descendants of Fuso's aristocratic families.

As long as there are no forces that have enmity with the God of the Bible, they will choose to think about it.

After all......According to the meaning of the God of the Bible, this should be a centralized exchange place for young geniuses in the future. If as a first-class divine system, it does not represent its own power in such a place If you are a person, it will be very embarrassing to be asked.

Hello everyone, I am Kanzaki Yo, the student council president of Kuoh Academy and the current captain of the DXD team.

I believe everyone will have a pleasant time studying here. Of course... the content of the study will definitely be different from that of ordinary students.

Kanzaki Yang introduced the school and study content to these transfer students.

Of course they are students of Kuoh Academy, but they are just different from ordinary students.



“I really mean it’s not troublesome, but it’s quite troublesome to do~”

After finishing the matter of transferring students, Kanzaki Yang sighed and said.

No, the president is very handsome~ He deserves to be Yang Jun~

Rias, as the head snake here, definitely wants to come and take a look.

After the transfer student's lecture was completed, she couldn't wait to run away with Kanzaki Yang.

The sneaky cat is her attribute~

Rias, are you going to make arrangements for this year's vacation trip?

Kanzaki Yang said while stroking Rias' hair.

Yes, there are quite a lot of people going there. After all, we have accepted a lot of students from other schools.

But... we're already past the age of going on a school trip~

Rias sighed. There were so many interesting people here, but it was a pity that she couldn't go and see them~

It has indeed passed~

Kanzaki Yang sighed. Very interesting things happened when he went to Kyoto before.

As if echoing Kanzaki Yang's thoughts, after he finished saying this, his phone rang.

This number is...

Kanzaki Yang looked at this number with a nostalgic look. .

Chapter 188

Yang Jun? Whose phone number is it?

Rias asked like a shark smelling blood.

It belongs to an old friend.

Kanzaki Yang could only answer like this.

Beep~~ Without any hesitation, Kanzaki Yang answered the phone.

Brother Kanzaki!~~

As soon as the phone was connected, an extremely familiar voice came from it.

Kunou suddenly snatched the phone from his mother.

Is it Kunou? How are you~ lately?

Kanzaki Yang asked with a smile.

Nine-tailed fox Yasaka and nine-tailed fox Kunou are the nine-tailed fox mother and daughter whom Kanzaki Yang met when he went on a study trip to Kyoto in his second year of high school.

At that time, Kanzaki Yo was still studying Feng Shui formations and wanted to examine the Feng Shui principles in Kyoto in real time.

Kanzaki Yang happened to meet them when he was away from the main force for a field trip.

There were no accidents, I just helped them solve the feng shui problem in Kyoto, and they formed a good friendship.

Kyoto has been a place where dragon veins have gathered since ancient times. Sometimes the tangled dragon veins will cause some problems, and the Nine-Tailed General family is here to deal with this kind of thing.

In the original plot line, Cao Cao also used the influence of the Nine-tailed Fox clan on the Kyoto Dragon Vein to use the Nine-tailed Fox as a sacrifice to summon the Red Dragon God Emperor.

Kuzhong, don't be so rude~

A serious voice with a hint of helplessness came from the phone again.

Yasaka-sama, how are you doing?

Rias also said hello.

She and Sona were in the same class, and they knew Yasaka at that time.

After all, demons need relevant proof to enter Kyoto. If there is no proof, it would not be surprising to be attacked by monsters anytime and anywhere.

Ah~ Is this Rias-sama? It's really been a long time since we last met~ As you heard, Kunou and I are both very energetic, otherwise Kunou wouldn't have grabbed the phone from my hand.

Yasaka said with a smile.

Brother Kanzaki, I heard that you have gathered a lot of angels, fallen angels and heroes, right? Kunou went straight to the topic unsteadily, making Yasaka sigh helplessly.

Ah, that's true. I remember, Kunou, you seem to be at the age of going to junior high school, right? Are you going to fulfill your previous promise?

Kanzaki Yang remembered what happened before.

Kunou said that when she grows up, she will go to Kuoh Town to find him. It seems that Kunou has always kept this in mind.

Yes! Brother Kanzaki, mother said that I am allowed to come to school at Brother Kanzaki's place!

Kunou said excitedly.

Hmm? Rias became alert as soon as she heard Kunou and Yasaka's words.

When did Yangjun have such a good relationship with General Yasaka's daughter? How come she didn't know this before?

Yang Jun............ He wouldn't take action against such a young girl, would he?

Although she has experienced fighting with the Dragon King before, but at such a young age... it should be about...?

No, no! No matter how you think about it, it won’t work, right?

Perhaps because she has experienced a lot recently, Rias's thoughts have become more subtle.

Brother Kanzaki, I heard that you have many strong brothers and sisters there, right?

Kunou asked excitedly.

Ah, that's true. Kunou, you should be old enough to go to middle school, right? After all, Kuoh Academy doesn't have an elementary school.

Kanzaki Yang smiled and said.

Well, just like Kanzaki-sama said, Kunou should be enrolled as a representative of Kyoto. Then I will have to trouble Kanzaki-sama to take care of him.

Yasaka asked solemnly.

Almost all the gods have sent representatives to Kuoh Town, and the youkai of Kyoto naturally want to express their stance.

It just so happens that Kunou has been clamoring that she has reached the age to go to middle school, and Yasaka also believes in Kanzaki Yo's ability as the leader of the DXD team, so let's let it go for the time being~

Of course, the most important thing is to believe in Kanzaki Yang's strength, not Kunou's words.

After all, according to the growth cycle of the nine-tailed fox, although Yasaka now says that she is in middle school, she is actually over a hundred years old.

Well, just leave it to me. Kanzaki Yang said with a smile.

If you enroll in Kuju, you will be a first-year student in the middle school department. I will ask the seniors to take care of you~

Eh? Can't you be with Brother Kanzaki? A rather frustrated voice came from the phone.

Of course, Kunou, I will be promoted to the university tomorrow. Kanzaki Yang smiled helplessly.

Eh?!!~ Jiuzhong finally realized this problem.

If Kanzaki-san is promoted to university, will she and Kanzaki-san still have time to meet each other?

Seemingly understanding her worries, Kanzaki Yang added: Don't worry, Kunou, the university I went to is Kuoh University, which is next to Kuoh Academy.

· ···Asking for flowers·· ·· that so?

Jiuzhong's little heart finally relaxed.

Then, I'll leave it to Brother Kanzaki to take care of you then. Kunou said while bowing.

Although Kanzaki Yang couldn't see what was going on with her, he could guess 80% to 90% from the sound of her clothes rubbing together.


After telling Kunou some things that needed attention, Kanzaki Yang hung up the phone.

Yang-kun, when did you have such a good relationship with Kyuubi in Kyoto~

Rias asked while breathing hot breath into Kanzaki Haru's ear.

It seemed that she was a little dissatisfied.

Although she knew that with Kanzaki Yang's talent, appearance and abilities, it was impossible to lock him with her.

.... .... ...

But one code is the same, and you still have to be jealous when you should be jealous.

It was impossible to turn a blind eye to everything just because he had fought with Tiamat.

But... God doesn't seem to want Rias to do this.

Dong dong dong~

As soon as he entangled Kanzaki Yang, there was a knock on the door.


Kanzaki Yang smiled and spread his hands. This person's arrival had nothing to do with him.

Please come in.

Before Rias could reply, Kanzaki Yang said.


Rias was stunned for a moment, then reacted immediately.

Her current posture with Kanzaki Yang was not very elegant. If others saw it, she would die of embarrassment.

Unless...unless the person opening the door is Sona.

But this probability is relatively small, and Rias really doesn't want to gamble on that probability.

excuse me.

A man's voice came from the door, making Rias feel lucky that she had made the right choice.

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