To say such words and make such a choice at this time, I have to say that it is indeed a kind of toughness.

Lord Odin, you should also know the weight and meaning of these words. I can only wish Lord Odin that you will not be bitten to death by the god-killing wolf sent by your so-called son one day.

As for other matters, you can just discuss it with Sajax and Michael. You don't need to care too much about my opinion.

Kanzaki Yang smiled and responded.

Although Odin is a rotten old man, he has great eyesight and experience.

Hahaha, you are the strongest Red Dragon Emperor who defeated the strongest White Dragon Emperor in history~ I'm really underestimating myself if I say I don't need to care about one of your things.


Kanzaki Yang smiled.

What he said about not caring about his opinions means that his opinions and will have been decided from the beginning.

It must be implemented absolutely and nothing can be changed.

So you don't need to care,'s useless if you care.

At this time, Odin was far from understanding Kanzaki Yo's words, and simply thought that he had no pursuit or standards for it.

Then, Lord Odin, you can go shopping wherever you want, but if you do something crazy, I can't guarantee that I won't catch you.

I think you won't do this kind of behavior. After all, you don't want the Nordic gods to be embarrassed by then, right?

Kanzaki Yang said with a smile.

He could already see that most of Odin's eyes were basically useless.

It is really difficult for him to be able to maintain an LSP heart.

Haha~ Young people nowadays are really stingy~

Odin laughed, not paying much attention to this kind of thing.

In his eyes, as an extremely powerful human being with the power to defeat gods, it is normal for Kanzaki Yo to have such arrogance.

It's a good thing for young people to be arrogant, but it's not good if you act like an old person all day long.


President, has Odin left?

When Kanzaki Yang looked at Odin's leaving figure, Sona's stiffness came from behind him.

· ···Asking for flowers·· ··

Ah~ he did leave, he went to do what he should do~

Kanzaki Yang nodded. After he revealed some news to Odin, Odin showed no intention of stopping and simply said he would run away first.

What should be done? Is there anything that Lord Odin should do?

Sona asked in confusion.

She actually came here because she happened to see Yang Kanzaki during her inspection, and she didn't know what happened on Yang Kanzaki's side.

Indeed, Cangna, do you want to know what it is?

Kanzaki Yang asked with a smile.

President, if you think it's something I should know, then tell me. If you think it's something I shouldn't know, then don't tell me.

Canna's voice was very calm.

.... .. ........

Maybe this is how she gets along with Kanzaki Yang~

Although she is not as emotional as Rias, who likes to be coquettish and jealous, at least she believes in Kanzaki Yo's actions.

This... has always touched Yang Kanzaki's mind.

I definitely believe in Cang Na, but now doesn't seem to be the time.

Kanzaki Yang smiled.

Why? Cang Na frowned. Is it because he is at the school gate now?

But it should be fine, right? Odin had appeared so openly before, so at least the magic circle that interfered with people's cognition and sense of existence should have been arranged long ago?

Because a guest came who shouldn't have come.

Kanzaki Yang gestured behind Sona.


Suddenly, Cang Na had an ominous premonition.

She has actually been worried about one thing today, and that person has not appeared in front of her until now.

From what Yo Kanzaki said...could it be?

Sure enough, she immediately heard an extremely familiar voice.


A voice that sounded very lively came from far away, causing Cang Na's expression to freeze instantly...


Listening to this voice, Sona looked at Kanzaki Yang in front of him again and made a decisive decision.


When she hid behind Kanzaki Yang, she subconsciously used this title.

Maybe this is the way she wants to call Yang Kanzaki the most. Normally, she would definitely call him president.

In desperation, he revealed some of his inner thoughts. knife.

Chapter 156

I see.

Kanzaki Yang smiled and stood in front of Sona when Serafall rushed towards Sona.

Can't I remain indifferent at times like this~

Kanzaki Yang stretched out his hand and hugged Serafall's waist in the air very accurately.

Then, with a strong push of both hands, Serafall was fixed in front of him.

In this case, Sona should be safe behind him.

Ah!~~Yang-chan, what are you doing? Don't disturb the closeness between me and my Sona!~

Demon King Girl Serafall was a little angry because she failed to make out with her beloved Sona.

She is still bound by others, so what she has to do is very simple - break free from this man's shackles! Then go find Sona-chan!

However, the development of things was obviously not what she expected.

Kanzaki Yang's eyes flashed with a faint 427 gold color, and he began to wrestle with Serafall.

He has not forgotten that there is a silver treasure chest on Serafall~

Of course, it's basically impossible to forget.

The silver light on Serafall's head was too conspicuous when she ran towards him. are so powerful?

Serafall's eyes widened, her rose-colored pupils filled with an incredible look.

She knew that Kanzaki Yang was very powerful, but as a user of a divine weapon, shouldn't Kanzaki Yang be powerful only when he uses a divine weapon?

Now she has clearly used 70% of her power, but there is still no sign of breaking free!

In fact, if he had to use his pure physical strength, Kanzaki Yang might not be able to compete with Serafall at the peak of the Demon King.

But, who told him that he still has the savior dragon?

Maybe Sona gave me strength~

Kanzaki Yang responded with a smile.

I have to say that Serafall has a good figure.

It can be clearly felt that it has been tempered, but at the same time it is still soft, like a piece of nephrite.

In the world of Devil High School, kittens are a rare commodity~ Kanzaki Yo couldn't help but think.

However, it seems that whether it is Ophis or a pure lolita like Kitty, they all have the attitude of a royal sister in the later stage?

Ophis was pinched by himself, while the kitten grew naturally.

After hearing Kanzaki Yang's words, Serafall was stunned for a moment, and then showed an extremely dissatisfied look.

What do you mean, maybe Sona-chan gave you strength? It's obvious that you're overthinking it, okay?

Seraful, don't you think Sona has grown up, and it's a disservice to her that you, a sister, are still clinging to her?

Kanzaki Yang narrowed his eyes and said.

Kanzaki Yang's words made Sona, who had just breathed a sigh of relief, become nervous again.

It wasn't that she objected to Kanzaki Yang's words. After all, her sister's doting on her had indeed affected his life a little.

It's just that...she knew what such words meant to his sister.

Do you, an outsider, know what happened between me and Canna? Serafall's tone was a little colder.

It doesn't matter what she says.

But... this man offended her in a place she absolutely didn't want to be offended - inciting feelings between her and Sona-chan.

Of course, in her eyes it was provocation, in Kanzaki Yang's eyes it was just telling the truth.

I may know what it is, or I may not know what it is, but it is more important now than before, isn't it?

Kanzaki Yang shook his head.

I'm afraid only she would say this to Serafall for Sona's sake~

Although he also knew that Serafall was unreasonable regarding Sona, it was still necessary to put the truth out first.

Before we discuss these things, you have to understand that this is Kuoh Academy. Today is the teaching visit day of Kuoh Academy. I am the student council president of Kuoh Academy.

Kanzaki Yang's voice became slightly deeper.

There are some things that won't get results if you use a joking tone.

Then may I ask, Sir Serafall, what is your identity here?

The identity of the Demon King? Or the identity of Sister Serafall?

If you use the identity of Sister Serafall, I hope you can abide by the handbook issued before the teaching visit day and abide by the school's rules.

Not only will this not cause trouble to me, it will also not cause trouble to Sona.

If you assume the identity of the Demon King...

Then I can only use my identity as a hero~ After all... This way there is room for dialogue, right?

Although Kanzaki Yang was smiling, Sona couldn't feel the usual warmth at all...

She could only feel the pressure coming from Kanzaki Yang's body.

Not directed at her, but at the pressure of her sister.

Although she knew that Kanzaki Yang was very strong, she never expected that Kanzaki Yang would say such words directly in front of her sister.

It seems that Kanzaki Yang still has the intention to do such a thing in the future, which makes Sona's mood even more complicated.

So, what identity do you choose to use? Sona's sister, the Demon King, or both?

At such an extremely close distance, Kanzaki Yang asked softly in Serafall's ear.

From what you're saying, you seem to think Cana doesn't need me?

After pondering for a few seconds, Serafall spoke.

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