
Cao Cao, how about I help you?

Kanzaki Yang looked at Cao Cao's wizened look and smiled helplessly.

Cao Cao would also feel bad if he couldn't use Ba Hui~

If the target is a kitten, maybe it can be used.

But in fact, let alone Kanzaki Yang, it is impossible to allow this kind of thing to happen. Cao Cao's own self-esteem will not allow him to take action against such a girl who does not have any weight in his eyes.

Help me?

Cao Cao was stunned for a moment. Can he still help with this kind of thing?

Yes, let me help you~

Kanzaki Yang nodded, and then instantly used the acceleration technique.


Cao Cao only felt a light touch in his hand. When he reacted, he found that the Holy Spear was no longer in his hand.

There is an essential difference between Cao Cao and Wall-E.

Cao Cao is a typical technical player, while Wall-E is a powerful player with a little bit of skill.

If you stab Cao Cao four, two, three, one at a time, he will be dead, but Walli still has a chance.

This may be the weakness of being a human being. Through the same level of training, humans gain much less strength than other races.

This is also the reason why Kanzaki Yo doesn't care at all about Cao Cao himself.

Directly using physical strength to crush and bully people, etc., it was even easier to explode when Cao Cao didn't activate the sub-species forbidden hand.

This is the holy spear~ I have to say that it looks pretty good just by looking at it.

Kanzaki Yang looked at the holy spear in his hand, and he could clearly feel the gentleness and closeness coming from the holy spear.

how did you do it?!

Cao Cao subconsciously took a step back.

Artifacts all have a recovery mechanism.

What surprised him was not how Kanzaki Yang snatched the Holy Spear from his hand. What surprised him was why he couldn't recover the Holy Spear in Kanzaki Yang's hands!

Maybe it's because it likes me~

Kanzaki Yang gave this response.

Although it sounds a little bit nonsense, it is really the case.

Then, in Cao Cao's eyes as if he had seen a ghost, Kanzaki Yang gently raised the Holy Spear of Dusk in his hand.


In an instant, a holy light burst out from the holy spear that was even brighter than when Cao Cao used Ba Hui before!

[Long gun! 】

[The true holy spear that penetrates God! 】

[Absorb the ideal of the emperor sleeping in my body——]

[Exploring the gap between the future and infinity——]

【You! ——】

【Expound the truth and turn it into brilliance! ——】

Very smoothly, Kanzaki Yang used the Bahui directly.

He might not be able to do this with ordinary artifacts, but if it were an artifact from the Holy Relic series, he would have no problem.

【Ding! 】

【Open the silver treasure chest! 】

[Congratulations to the host for receiving the reward—True Holy Spear! 】

[True Holy Spear: A spear that condenses all the brilliance in the world, using all living beings as firewood, it can achieve the principle that penetrates all concepts.

It is a spear that kills gods, a special attack on gods.


With the successful use of Bahui, Kanzaki Yang can be regarded as directly feeling the will of the God of the Bible and meeting the conditions for opening the silver treasure chest.

Holy Spear...Holy Cross...when can you get me a three-piece set of holy relics?

Yang Kanzaki complained.

It seems that the effects of his series of holy relics and the artifacts created by the God of the Bible in this world are different.

The Holy Cross looked like this before, and the Holy Spear looks like this now~

What a pity~ If I hadn't judged the result of forging on that side, I would have really wanted to give this holy spear the opportunity to upgrade the weapon~

Kanzaki Yang sighed and had to say that the effect of the holy spear was indeed very powerful...but...it was still a little bit weak.

At this stage, if the artifact is enough, there is no need to be so anxious for the time being.

Then...put aside the matter of the holy spear for now. At this stage, things on this side are more important.

Kanzaki Yang turned slightly sideways and focused his attention on the holy spear.

Immersing his mind in the holy spear, Kanzaki Yang saw a ball of holy light with an anthropomorphic posture.

That is...the legacy of the God of the Bible.

He seemed to have opened his eyes. Although he couldn't tell because of the ray of light, Yang Kanzaki did feel that he had opened his eyes.

You... are special...

Through the link between spirits, the golden light expressed His will to Kanzaki Yang.

Is it special? Maybe~ Kanzaki Yang smiled, and the presence in front of him also gave him a very special feeling.

After I disappeared, was another existence with the same origin as me born in this world?

Does it mean that my existence is necessary, or is this also a reincarnation of the gods?

The ethereal voice echoed in Kanzaki Yang's mind. This was his thinking.

Perhaps, this is fate~ Kanzaki Yang could only play riddles.

There seems to be nothing wrong with calling it fate. If his abilities are fully developed in the future, he should be able to know everything he wants to know about the incident.

Destiny...should be no exception.

What's your state now? Kanzaki Yang asked.

He could determine that the person in front of him must not be resurrected, but it was also difficult to determine what state he was in.

What state? A state between existence and non-existence~ A few seconds later, the answer was given by the will of the God of the Bible.

Artifacts and belief systems maintain my existence. When people in the world forget me, maybe...it's time for me to disappear, right?

He said calmly, as if he was talking about something completely unrelated to him.


Kanzaki Yang shook his head, is this the God of the Bible?

Although he had speculated on the character of the God of the Bible before out of his own interest, the will of the God of the Bible was still subtly different from the character of the God of the Bible in his judgment.


The time that Yang Kanzaki spent mentally immersed was very long in terms of his body sense, but in the outside world it was only a short time.

Even when Kanzaki Yang finished using the holy spear and threw it directly to Cao Cao, Cao Cao was still immersed in the shock...

However, Cao Cao, who had just come back to his senses, immediately fell into an even more violent state of shock. This man... actually returned the Holy Spear to him so easily?

Does he know the meaning of the holy spear? ?

Does he know that the holy spear is the most powerful god-killing tool? !

After a long time, Cao Cao came to his senses.

No...the other party should know this very well.

Is it because he tried Ba Hui's effect and found that it was not as powerful as he imagined, so he gave it back to me directly?

It sounded ridiculous, but he could only think of this possibility.


Although the recovered holy spear made him feel a sense of physical security, it was more of a sense of shame.


He, the strongest hero, holding the most powerful god-killing tool, was actually given alms like this?

Then, that's it. If you want to cause trouble, I suggest you weigh the consequences of Wall-E.

Kanzaki Yang said with a smile.


Cao Cao said nothing.

He is now no longer confident in his previous guesses. Can this person plunder dragon-type artifacts or can all artifacts be used?

If all artifacts work, isn't it a bit buggy?

Kitten, let's go~it's more important to go to school~

Kanzaki Yang pulled the kitten's hand and motioned for her to follow him and leave.

Yes, Senior Yang.

The little cat quickly took Kanzaki Yang's hand and followed him.

Yes, what's so surprising about this kind of thing?

After all, senior is a senior~ He is her favorite and most powerful senior. Isn't this kind of thing easy?

By the way, I haven't told you one thing yet.

Kanzaki Yang said by the way as he held the kitten's hand and passed by Cao Cao.

What...what happened?

Cao Cao swallowed subconsciously.

This is one of those overly tense and shocking performances.


Have the people behind you also come to this country?

Kanzaki Yang said with a smile.

how do you know!

Cao Cao's pupils shrank suddenly. Did this man even know about such a thing? !

He had just learned about the news not long ago, and he was the only one in the team who knew about it. How could the secret be leaked when no one else knew about it? !

Nothing, just telling you something~

As a hero, don't think about having gods as your backing~ Do you understand?

After saying this, Kanzaki Yang took the little cat's hand and left, leaving Cao Cao alone in a daze.

In fact, there was another piece of news that he did not tell Cao Cao, that is, the missing Ophis was on his side.

Ophis has not returned to the Disaster Regiment for a long time, but under the blockade of Cao Cao and the senior officials of the Disaster Regiment, this news has not yet spread to shake the morale of the army.

The unused snakes left by Orpheus will one day be used up. Before that... they must achieve their goals or find Orpheus.

Kanzaki Yang would not foolishly reveal that Ophis was actually with him, as that would undoubtedly cause some trouble.

So... let them find it slowly~.

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