It can only be said that the true ancestor of the vampire is too powerful here, enough to shake the strength of the continental plate and the huge Empire of Night to dominate the planet.

But...if Orpheus had come to this world a few hundred years earlier, maybe something similar to the Dragon Empire or the Dragon God Sect would have appeared, right?

It is the nature of all weak people to be attached to the strong.

Can you please tell me, if I didn't become a vampire, what would I become?

Xiao Shensen thought for a long time, but still didn't make a decision.

Become the same race as me. Kanzaki Yang said with a smile.

He wanted to know whether Xiao Shensen would subconsciously think that he was actually a vampire after saying this.

.々Yang... is very strong...

Ophis nodded blankly, agreeing with Kanzaki Yang's words.

It was obvious that she had tried her best, so Kanzaki Yang smiled and touched her hair.


Xiao Shensen raised his eyebrows, he was so strong.

She heard from Xiaoya City that this black-haired lolita was at least as powerful as a True Ancestor, but what about this boy? Is he at least as strong as a second-generation vampire to a true ancestor?

It can only be said that her realm limits her imagination and the nonsense in Xiaoya City. She has no clear understanding of Ophis's strength at all.

But actually this is good, lest there are always some unscrupulous people trying to take advantage of Ophis.

Xiaoya Castle, who wants his daughter to peek at Ophis, is one of the representatives.

Although he has no malicious intentions and is just out of curiosity and exploration, what about others?

Yang... is my contractor, the person who promised to attack my old enemy in the future...


Before Ophis could finish his words, Kanzaki Yoo hit him on the head with a knife.

Really, don’t just blow yourself up~


Hearing these words, Xiao Shensen squinted his eyes again. If this were the case, wouldn't it mean that this person was actually stronger than Ophis?

I advise you (Made Zhao) not to have any strange thoughts. Although you are of the same race as me, you are different from me.

Kanzaki Yang reminded Xiao Shensen.

He knew that this woman, who pretended to be silly on the surface, actually knew many things.


Xiao Shensen smiled coquettishly. Sure enough, not everyone around Ophis is as innocent as her~

Although the time we spent together was very short, she could already see it.

Ophis is simple, but not stupid, but his ideas are slightly different from ordinary people.

By the way, I have to remind you of one thing.

Kanzaki Yang thought for a while and said.

Huh? What's the price?

Even if you regain your original body, if you continue to use the power of the miko over the years, it will inevitably have a certain impact on your lifespan.'s unknown whether you go first or this little girl~

Kanzaki Yang narrowed his eyes and said with a smile.

He just wanted to recruit some members for his new race out of his own interest.

As for whether it's Akatsuki Nagisa or not, it doesn't actually matter.

Anyway, he will probably choose a certain number of believers to reincarnate them in the future. Akatsuki Sa's side is just to fulfill his promise to Ophis. .

Chapter 142

After listening to Kanzaki Yang's words, Xiao Shensen fell into a long silence.

Indeed, she knew that her daughter's physical fitness had not been very good since she was a child.

But is it really like what this man said, that her daughter’s lifespan is running out?


After half a minute, she opened her eyes.

Sure enough.........she still didn't get the result.

This result should not be reached by her.

Sorry, I can't help Nagisa make such a decision. This kind of decision...only she is qualified to make.

This is Xiao Shensen's answer.

In Kanzaki Yang's mind, he can barely get an 80% answer~

Okay, your daughter should wake up soon. If you need anything, just tell her~

Kanzaki Yang stretched out his hand in the direction of Akatsuki Nagisa.

Strands of golden threads flowed out of his hands, weaving irregular lines in the air, and finally connected to Akatsuki Sa's body.

As the golden light flowed, Akatsuki Sa's eyes moved. After a few seconds, she opened her eyes.

Huh? Am I in heaven? Why do I have such a handsome big brother?

This was the first thing Akatsuki Nagisa said after seeing Kanzaki Yang.

Of course not. Your mother has something to say to you. It's not appropriate for me to listen here, so I left first.

After saying this, Kanzaki Yang took Ophis and prepared to leave.

After Ophis glanced at Akatsuki Sa, he followed Kanzaki Yang out obediently.

She believes... Kanzaki Yang is always right.

And Xiao Shensen finally got rid of the obsession after seeing Kanzaki Yang's sacred power. After thinking for a while, he looked at Xiao Nagisa.


Kanzaki Yang's side.

Ignoring everyone, Kanzaki Yang walked out of the camp with Ophis.

As soon as I walked out of the camp, I saw the bodies of Xiaoya City lying there.

You haven't gotten up yet?

Kanzaki Yang looked at Xiaoya Castle lying on the ground admiring the moonlight, and didn't know what to say.

If zombies suddenly emerge from the ground, will he just give it away?


Xiaoya Cheng smiled awkwardly.

I mainly think the moon here seems quite round?

Then, he gave an answer that even he found embarrassing.

In fact, his whole body was sore, so painful that even if he moved a few times, he would feel like his bones were about to fall apart.

Although he is a tough guy, he has suffered more serious injuries than this.

But sure's not a dangerous situation now. Just lie down if you can~ Even if you are repenting for your mistakes~

If you think this place is not bad, then continue to stay here~

After Kanzaki Yang said this, he took Ophis's hand and prepared to leave.

He has one more thing to do.

Wait! ...Please wait a moment.

Xiao Yacheng endured the pain and sat up from the ground.

Has Nagisa's matter been settled? Or...

Xiao Yacheng saw that Kanzaki Yang and Ophis seemed to be leaving here, and asked hurriedly.

Don't worry~ It's not dead yet, it's just that they are still thinking about the plan I proposed.

Ophis and I are not leaving, we are just going to do some things nearby.

Kanzaki Yang waved his hand, and then left with Ophis.

Thinking about a plan?

Hearing this word, Xiaoya City was a little confused.

Does this sentence mean that there is something difficult to decide?

Isn't it just to save one person?

If you can do it, you can do it; if you can't do it, you can't do it.

It's impossible for you to still have the rule that you have to die alone to save someone, right?

Xiao Yacheng suddenly remembered many bloody situations.

But in the end, he still didn't figure it out.

And Kanzaki Yang...has disappeared.


Behind a rock.

A blond girl dismissed the spell in her hand and squatted on the ground again.

It seems that the black-haired loli has mysteriously disappeared again. Just like how she disappeared mysteriously before, there is a possibility that she will disappear as soon as she leaves the sight of others.

After recording Ophis' information into her notebook, the girl named Yuantang Yuan breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as this mission can be successfully completed and she can successfully return to the Forest of God, she can get married...


Ahem... I have successfully served as the Three Saints of The Lion King.

The unknown loli girl has great power. She doesn't seem to care much about anything, and she may disappear from this world at any time. a presence that must be monitored.

This is how The Lion King Agency defines Orpheus.

Yuantang Yuan is the person sent to monitor Ophis.

If the name Yuto Yuto Kanzaki was a little unfamiliar, then when he remembered Yuto Yuto's identity, he realized that it was actually someone he had known for a long time, but didn't know much about. Ji Hiiragi Yukina's master.

Yundou Yuan, who is very powerful, uses familiars and shikigami in later plot lines to communicate with Takagami no To and Yukina, who are far away from Gengami City.

She is so powerful that her appearance as a shikigami is no different from that of humans. She can reproduce the beating of the heart and body temperature. She can also see the habits and shortcomings of her disciple Yukina just based on the scars and wear and tear left on Yukisukarou. came out and also gave exact advice.

Later, the character appears to be a little moody (bdcc), and when the disciple makes a mistake, the disciple will be given a punishment game, so Yukina is very afraid of Yuan, while Sayaka has personally experienced the punishment game in the form of a maid.

But now, since there are still people above, she is still relatively calm.

What are you doing?

While Yuan Tangyuan was memorizing information, such a voice came from behind her.

Of course it's recorded information. This may be information about people who can change the world in the future. Yuantang Yuan responded subconsciously.

Oh? Who is this person? the voice behind her continued to ask.

The code name is temporarily set as [Dragon], and her birth name should be Ophis. However, there must have been no strong person named Ophis before. It has yet to be determined whether her name is her real name.

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