But she immediately suppressed her fear.

I am the descendant of a hero, how can I shrink back when encountering hardships?

She was absolutely unwilling to admit that she wanted to run away when she encountered a powerful opponent without her companions.

Well, Joan of Arc never backs down!

Girl, you can change.

Suddenly, a very familiar voice sounded in her ears.

And.........the sound seemed to come from the air!

Looking in the direction of the sound, Jeanne saw a familiar figure.

Isn't that the passerby she just talked to?

So this passerby can fly?

In other words, he is not an ordinary person?

You are no match for this dragon, so leave it to me.

The passerby, who in her eyes was just a handsome man, said.

After saying this, Kanzaki Yang stretched out his hand forward.

An extremely gorgeous array flew out of his sleeves.

[Combination Formation—Ten Directions Sealing Formation! 】

Kanzaki Yang threw out a formation that he had thrown out before to block the landing point of the Ark's red ball.

This is the most powerful formation he can use.

As the Shifang sealing formation unfolded, countless combination formations appeared in the air!

The Shifang Seal Formation is a super large combination formation. Based on the premise of being the largest combination formation that he can use, Kanzaki Yang has been constantly making judgments and improvements, and has improved the formation for half a year. Law.

It can be said that even the Achuka Demon King who is good at formations and programs to the extreme cannot do better than Kanzaki Yo.

As for Kanzaki Yang, as long as he continues to make judgments in different directions, he can continue to improve!

The Ten Directions Sealing Formation, which was a fusion of a series of formations, after sealing off Vritra's remnant soul, turned into streaks of light and disappeared.

He wouldn't do something so stupid as to fight here and be witnessed by everyone.

What exactly are you!

Seeing the evil dragon's remnant soul disappear, Jeanne finally reacted and asked this passerby.

She had some doubts about life. Was she a descendant of a hero? Why was he defeated so easily by a passerby?

I'm just a passing Kamen Rider.

Kanzaki Yang said with a smile.

As soon as he finished speaking, a transfer formation flashed under his feet.

He didn't have time to argue here. If he went to Vritra's side after a while, his formation would be broken and his money would be wasted.


Joan of Arc wanted to say something else, but before she could finish her words, Kanzaki Yang disappeared in front of her.


——The new book is about to set sail. Please give me flowers, reviews, and monthly votes——.

Chapter 17

Hey!~~What the hell is Kamen Rider?~

After Kanzaki Yang left, Joan of Arc tapped her feet dissatisfiedly.


Suddenly, she thought of a possibility.

Is it possible that Kamen Rider is also a hero from a foreign land?

The Kamen Rider was indeed a hero from a foreign land, but it was not a hero in the traditional sense as she understood it.

We need to investigate carefully. If you have the ability to teleport evil dragons instantly, you will definitely be very reliable if you become a partner of the hero faction.

Joan of Arc was thinking seriously about pulling people's heads.

Although Georg, the user of the God-destroying tool Juewu, is already a talent for formation and mobile transfer, it is natural to have more and more reliable partners.

It's decided! When I go back today, I'll ask Cao Cao and the others what the Kamen Riders are!

Jeanne d'Arc, a village girl in a foreign country, doesn't know what a Kamen Rider is.


Kanzaki Yang's side.

The place he chose to transfer to was the desolate realm of the underworld.

Here, in theory, no matter how amazing a battle occurs, it will not attract the attention of other forces.


In the Shifang sealing formation, Vritra's remnant soul kept releasing its violent aura, and the terrifying momentum kept impacting the formation.

This is the Dragon King's rampage!

Yeah, yeah, yeah~

Kanzaki Yang's figure appeared in the sky.

Stretching out his hand, he kept adjusting the formation, turning it into a mode suitable for evil creatures and dragons.

Normally, the only modes that operate are magic, holy power, and divine life forms.

Ark red ball, execute the order, 001!

After debugging the mode, Kanzaki Yang narrowed his eyes and gave the order.


[Execute command——001! 】

In Kanzaki Yang's body, the silent red ball of the Ark burst out with red-gold light!

At the same time, Kanzaki Yang's eyes turned golden, and there seemed to be endless golden stars floating in his eyes.

The Godhead of the God of the Bible truly shows his power at this time!

Of course, it is only the preliminary power.

[Holy Super Mode - Loading Successfully...]

The holy super mode is the mode when Yang Kanzaki pushes the god of the Bible to the limit.

Even if it is not fused with the red ball of the Ark, the original god of the Bible still has such a function, but the output is more unstable, and it also has shortcomings such as being easy to lose control.

After merging with the Ark Red Ball, in addition to its original functions, it also gained some new functions.


Although he could feel his power at this time, Kanzaki Yang still sighed.

Sure enough, limited by physical problems, even entering such a state is still not enough.

If Godhead is the CPU of a computer, then physique, power of faith, weapons, moves, etc. are a series of things such as the motherboard, graphics card, monitor, etc.

Without good accessories, it is difficult for a powerful CPU to work effectively.

At this time, Kanzaki Yang forcibly upgraded the CPU to a level beyond what the current accessories could bear, and gained extraordinary computing power and holy power attributes.

If the time it took Kanzaki Yang to make a judgment in the past was 0.1 seconds, the time it takes for Kanzaki Yang to make a judgment now is within 0.001 seconds!

There are so many more things I can do than before!

For example——

Here comes the sword!

Kanzaki Yang stretched out his hand upward.

In his hand, a golden sword condensed instantly!

[Simulated Holy Sword——Excalibur! 】

It's not the Excalibur of this world. Judging from the appearance, it is undoubtedly the curry stick of the Xingyue world.

Kanzaki Yang had thought before, why could a servant use so little of the master's magic power to carry out powerful attacks?

Therefore, he himself has tried to simulate and improve various Noble Phantasms by constantly simulating the running routes.

And what is in his hand now is the newly simulated holy sword that has been simulated countless times within two seconds just after entering the holy super mode!

There is only one direction for his simulation and improvement - how to use the least amount of magic power to release the most amazingly powerful light cannon!

Mana, lend me your power again.

Got it! Master!

The Dark Magician Girl also knows the current situation and continues to provide her magic power as long as the card mechanism allows it.

[Injection of holy power! 】

After raising the limit of his spiritual power, Kanzaki Yang injected his current holy power into the Shifang Seal Formation.

At this time, Kanzaki Yang's holy power was much purer than usual, and the suppression of evil spirits by high-quality holy power was undoubtedly astonishing.

The array plate that was just thrown out was a standard product that cost a lot of money to make, so it needed to be processed by Kanzaki Yang.

Ang ang ang ang!!~

Feeling the strong threat to himself, and at the same time feeling the pain from the soul level, Vritra's remnant soul looked up to the sky and roared, releasing the terrifying evil energy from the body again!

The evil dragon Vritra is a dragon king who is good at curses!

It seems you still don't give up... You are already an unconscious dragon, so just be quiet for now!

Kanzaki Yang thought, and countless simulated holy swords condensed from high-purity holy swords appeared in the air!

[Simulating the Holy Sword—Ester, the Holy Sword that slays the Demon King! 】

In a short period of time, Kanzaki Yang simulated Esther's characteristics.

With Kanzaki Yo's full use of the holy power of the God of the Bible, he can easily simulate most things with holy attributes.

Even if there is no material, it will not be much weaker than the original owner.

The most famous ability of the Holy Sword that kills the Demon King is... to lift the curse!


Countless holy swords broke through Vritra's curse wind at the same time and hit Vritra's huge body.

With his body, he can only defend, it is absolutely impossible to dodge!

And here...is Kanzaki Yang's formation! Kanzaki Yo has too many ways to concoct it.

Vritra's remaining soul has now become a turtle in a jar!


——The new book is about to set sail. Please give me flowers, reviews, and monthly votes——.

Chapter 18

Ang ang ang ang!!~~

Because the cursed power and dragon soul that represented his origin suffered huge damage, Vritra roared in pain.

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