Although the Savior Star Dragon seems to like being close to him, he is still not used to standing on the Savior Star Dragon's back and directing battles.

(bdcc) After all, Kanzaki Yang has just come into contact with the profession of Pokémon Master. If he becomes a veteran among Pokémon trainers, he might want to fight with Pokémon by himself...ahem.

Fighting by yourself and commanding your own dragon to fight are indeed quite different experiences.

But even if Kanzaki Yang is a new trainer, the results are obvious.

Under the effect of the Light of Savior, its strength is lower than that of the Savior Star Dragon and there is no ability to resist!


So, this is what I'm going to wear from now on?

Half an hour later, Tiamat, who had transformed into a human form, looked at the maid uniform on her body with black lines on her face.

She always felt.........she was being fooled?

But looking at the man's face, it seemed like this was an extremely serious matter...

Yes, you will be a maid from now on. This is the maid manual~

Kanzaki Yang solemnly took out the maid manual prepared by Liliruka.

This manual was developed by Lililuka in order to train some new logistics personnel after the Hestia Familia gradually began to grow.

Of course, some Ark Red Ball settings are also added.


Tiamat twitched her lips. When she saw the first few orders, which were obviously nonsense, she felt that if she hadn't been Kanzaki Yang's opponent, she would have given him a taste of dragon breath on the spot.

The ten centimeters under the skirt must be exposed. When showing sincerity, the groove must be visible. If the host does not say it is not necessary, the bed must be warmed before going to bed.

Why can Ddraig and the others sleep all day long while I have to work!~

At the end, Tiamat, with bulging veins, threw the manual to the ground. This kind of thing is so nonsense!

Because they have no body? Or... you actually want to warm the bed?

Kanzaki Yang raised his eyebrows, and sure enough... the maid training plan was not all smooth sailing.

But that’s okay, if everything goes smoothly, it will be a lot less fun. After all, the fun part of the development game is in the development process, isn’t it?

The warm's just warm! It's nothing compared to those warm beds before!

After saying this, Tiamat strode directly to Kanzaki Yang's room.

come! Who is afraid of whom?

She has lived so long and been afraid of you, a little brat like you! ? Tiamat was very confident that Kanzaki Yang would never follow her, and even if she did, it would only be her teasing in the end.

She didn't know... Kanzaki Yang had just defeated the transcendent-level billion-year-old virgin goddess in a tough battle not long ago, and a mere female dragon king was really nothing.

Interesting, a little interesting~

Yang Kanzaki touched his chin. After staying in Orario for a long time, maybe Orario gave him too many girls for free. Now he feels a different feeling. He thinks it is quite interesting.

So, do you want to take care of her today?

Kanzaki Yozai was thinking about this issue very deeply.

Being, no, being ridden on the head by a dragon without any reaction was really not his style.

Forget it, no matter which side you start education from, isn't it the same?

Kanzaki Yang made a decision.

Whether it's from the mind or the body, the road to a woman's heart must be opened. It's just a matter of waiting for her to open it by herself or letting him force it.

But Yang Kanzaki still remembers a saying - the body is the road to a woman's soul.

Tiamat...should be considered a woman, right? Kanzaki Yang defined it very subtly in his heart.

【Doesn’t count. 】This is the result determined by absolute dualism.

Forget it, I'm not picky~

Female dragon?

Wouldn't a female dragon be better? It is definitely much stronger and stronger than Ais who started out as a half fairy.

Although on the surface Ais and Hestia's combined time lasted for one night, in reality Ais only lasted for two hours, and the rest was all Hestia's time. This is the difference between the physical fitness of gods and mortals. The gap is gone.

Of course, Hestia wouldn't be able to last long if she didn't use her divine power.

In the end, it turned into a grudge battle between Hestia using her divine power and Kanzaki Haru using the power of Ophis.

Hmph~~ As expected...a little brat is a brat~

On Kanzaki Yang's bed, Tiamat showed a look of disdain.

At least now, in her eyes, Kanzaki Yang is the kind of person who has powerful tools but no corresponding courage.

If she had been provoked like this, she would have taught her opponent how to behave in various ways.

Click~ The door was pushed open. Upon hearing this sound, Tiamat's heartbeat accelerated to the extreme.

It seems like you're going to laugh at me if I don't come? Kanzaki Yang walked in with a smile. did you get in?

Tiamat expressed a panic that was completely inconsistent with her previous boldness and heroism. This man... what on earth did he want to do?

Hmm? Who asked me to come in just now?

Seeing Tiamat's reaction, the smile on Kanzaki Yang's face became even wider.

Sure enough, it is indeed interesting to do this... ahem...

I always feel like you have some misunderstanding about me?

Kanzaki Yang always felt that Tiamat regarded him as the kind of Pokémon master who only released Pokémon but did not fight.

Just kidding, he is a super powerful Pokémon trainer who can directly defeat Pokémon physically, okay?

Although there is no longer the power of Ophis, Kanzaki Yang can still use the power of monster cards!

Although he cannot perfectly inherit the power of the True Savior Star Dragon Tianlong, he can load the power of a lower level into himself.

At the same level of strength, Kanzaki Yang will be able to crush anyone no matter who he is against!

Um...can I say now that I was just joking?

Seeing the powerful strength bursting out from Kanzaki Yang, even Tiamat, the Dragon King, was temporarily intimidated.


Kanzaki Yang's answer was very straightforward.


——The new book is about to set sail. Please give me flowers, reviews, and monthly votes——.

Chapter 122

She was brought back to be a maid, how could she disobey her master?

In ancient times, it was quite normal to be whipped for disobedience, right?

Today, Tiamat realized a problem.

Maybe the human body is not as unbearable as she imagined?

Perhaps this kind of physique that can defeat her in a head-on battle is the legendary humanoid raptor, right?


the next day.


Kanzaki Yang stretched out his hand.

Tiamat, who was watching behind him, reluctantly handed over a cup of coffee. She had been taught by Kanzaki Yang very successfully.

Although it was not yet completely submissive, Tiamat was already able to handle small things like this quite naturally.

Thank you~

Kanzaki Yang said with a smile.

I have to say that educating the Dragon King and developing maids is indeed quite interesting.

What research are you doing?

After Kanzaki Yang studied for a long time, Tiamat still couldn't figure out what Kanzaki Yang was studying.

I'm researching something that may be related to the fate of this world~

Kanzaki Yang didn't hide anything and showed it directly to Tiamat.

Anyway...itiamat's knowledge is definitely incomprehensible.

Aren't you kidding me? After thinking for a long time, Tiamat finally suppressed her words.

Kanzaki Yang's education has been relatively successful, and Tiamat has no intention of contradicting Kanzaki Yang yet.

Is this thing...a sword...or a formation?

Tiamat could only vaguely see the shape of the sword, and there seemed to be symbols that looked like formations.

Well, you can say it's a sword~

Kanzaki Yang thought for a while and determined the nature of this thing.

When he said these words, waves of warmth appeared on the elf crest in his hand, and it was Esther who was responding to him.

You say it's a sword, it's a sword~ Tiamat complained silently in her heart.


After a while, Kanzaki Yang suddenly raised his head and looked towards Tiamat.

Tiamat, can you help me get a dragon apple from the underworld? Kanzaki Yang arranged the work of the head maid.

Well...because there is only one maid at this stage, Tiamat is honored to be promoted to head maid.

Dragon apple? Are you talking about the dragon apple in Tanning's territory? Tiamat raised an eyebrow.

What does this man want the dragon apple for? Put it in her mouth?

Perhaps it was because Kanzaki Yang's methods were a bit drastic that Tiamat's thoughts became a bit strange now.

Yes, the dragon apple in the territory of the Demonic Dragon Saint Tanning.

I need to use that thing to make experimental materials, so I asked you to go and get it.

Or...if you have a Tan Ning, you don't dare to get it?

Kanzaki Yang smiled and said.

Tch! I'll be right back!

Tiamat just followed this trick and left resolutely after saying these words.

Isn't it Tanning? Watch her beat up Tan Ning!

The reason for Tiamat's decision was simple - rather than being beaten by Kanzaki Yo and then being transformed into his shape, she thought it would be better to fight with Tan Ning, who was of similar strength.

You can still have a fight when you get the dragon apple, well... you can get more than one kill with one stone.

After thinking for a moment, Tiamat went out without hesitation.

Seeing Tiamat leaving, Kanzaki Yang just smiled and shook his head.

Of course he didn't need dragon apples or anything like that. He asked Tiamat to leave just because there were guests at home. It would be bad if Tiamat said something that she shouldn't have said in front of the guests.

As Kanzaki Yang opened up the space permissions, a magic circle printed with the Gremory family's crest flickered in his room.

Just now, such a space array wanted to be transferred to Kanzaki Yang's home.

It's a pity that Kanzaki Yang just evolved the formation at home yesterday, and now there is no permission to open or block space for individual people.

As the magic circle unfolded, a red-haired girl appeared in front of Kanzaki Yang.

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