At nine o'clock in the morning the next day, Nangong Yue will be in Class A. Everyone except Bakugo Katsuki and Todoroki Todoroki, as well as the little bad guy who has formal contact with the outside world for the first time, Through the portal, we arrived at the largest shopping mall nearby, Muye District Shopping Center.

While in place, the students first observed the distribution of stores in general and briefly thought about today's itinerary.

As an analyst, Izuku Midoriya started to mutter out of habit while looking left and right. Everyone present had black lines on their heads, but he didn't feel comfortable complaining.

"...Hey~" (Nangong Yue, Hagakure Toru, Reiri Ochako)

"The children will be frightened by you, so stop nagging."(Chang An)

"weird broccoli... besides! You grape dwarf winter melon! Get away from me! Beware of bad ethics turning you into a monkey!!!"(Bad reason)

"Alas!!!"(Minomi Mineta)

"After all, he is a member of the Nangong family, but he still dares to provoke this guy, Putao, he is really desperate~

For eight million, I have to buy a trolley suitcase that is as big as possible."(Erlang Xiangxiang)

"Alas~ let’s go shopping together~" (Eight Million Hundred)......

Later, some well-known members of A were discovered by sharp-eyed citizens. Nangong Yue and the others responded with a symbolic wave of their hands.

"Seeing as the things you want to buy are all different, let’s meet here at three o’clock in the afternoon.

If you get lost, just call me in your heart. I can still catch the obvious mental fluctuations.

So, disband!"

As the squad leader, Nangong Yue also performed the most basic work. After finalizing the gathering time and place, Nangong Yue took Ye Yinto and Badli to go shopping with peace of mind.

Fortunately, Nangong Yue had space ability, otherwise, Ye Yin and Toru are both young, but they are much more mature mentally!

Think about it, this is simply double the happiness (pain)! , only Izuku Midoriya and Ochako Uraraka (?) who reacted slowly remained.

"Everyone...Move so fast..."(Green Valley)


"Korea...Liri, what are your plans?

I plan to buy a pair of heavier weight-bearing wrist guards. After all, I can't always rely on the squad leader's gravity field...."(Green Valley)

"I want to buy some insect repellent..."(Liri)


"You, like him..."(Aoyama Elegance)】

Recollection completed


Insect repellent!!!!!!"

Then his face turned red and he ran away shouting, making Izuku Midoriya, who stayed there, widen his eyes and point his left hand at himself....


The only one left in the same place is Izuku Midoriya.

"It’s a rare opportunity for everyone to come together, but it turns out I’m alone again...

Even Nangong..."

Just when Izuku Midoriya was in a daze, a young man wearing a black coat with the hood of the coat on his head stepped forward and hugged the frozen Izuku Midoriya with one hand.

"Sign your name for me~

I remember, you should be the kid who always gets bruised and bruised at sports festivals, right?!"(Light blue-haired young man in hood)


(Xiongying is so awesome! As expected, many people pay attention to us and even remember our looks....)"

The sudden situation left Izuku Midoriya at a loss and could only continue to freeze in place.

"I remember when you were in Bosu, you met the Hero Killer, right?

Bravo!!!"(Young man with light blue hair)

"You know it in detail...

"Oops~ I really find it unbelievable~

I can actually meet you here again


(Again???)" (Midoriya)

"I thought before that something would happen if I came here....

This is what is called destiny...Or maybe it's fate."(Shingan Bokutan)

At this time, the invisible energy in the body has spread out and enveloped Izuku Midoriya. As long as he has a thought, Izuku Midoriya will be destroyed!!!

"However, for you, the last time you saw me was the attack on the hero."

Midoriya Izuku slowly raised his head stiffly. Finally, the disciple of the underground emperor and the disciple of the strongest hero of the White Way officially met!

"Hahaha...Find a place to have a drink, Izuku Midoriya, the ninth generation OneForA11!!!"(hanging)

"dead stem wood...Hang!!!"

"Be more natural~ Shouldn't you pretend to be an old friend?

Don't yell~

So, calm down and adjust your breathing. I want to have a good talk with you, that's all.

If you dare to do something strange, just try it~

Let me tell you, my 'Hengkai Domain' can extend to a radius of fifty meters!

The ending is simple and clear. As long as I open the field and issue instructions with my mind, the area of fifty meters will be completely reduced to a pile of dust in less than half a minute.

And you, the one closest to me, can't last more than three seconds!"(hanging)

"you...If you dare to take action in this crowd...Heroes will arrive soon and arrest you!!!"(Green Valley)

"Hahaha...hero? Catch me?

So may I ask, is it All Might? Or Andeva?

Andvar is nothing but a loser who relies on self-destruction! And in a place like this, he will never be able to use it, and he will only be tortured and killed by me!

Then there is All Might, hehehe, after witnessing that battle, are you still lucky?

What's more, I am no longer what I used to be!!!

Not to mention these, just look at these guys in front of you (left hand points forward).

To be honest, they are clearly in a crisis where someone may abuse their 'personality' at any time.

Why can we still gather here to laugh and have fun?

That's when they decided, 'No one can do this'.

In the final analysis, laws and rules are based on the morality of"people". When the legal framework conforms to the thinking mode of the vast majority of people, and is implemented for a long enough period of time, and is indeed effective, the vast majority of people will form Subconscious thinking patterns such as 'No one can break the law', or 'That is illegal and no one will do it'.

So the question is, even if I am eventually arrested, how many people can I crush before I am arrested?

Fifty? one hundred? one thousand? Or ten thousand?

No, including the professional heroes who came one after another, judging from the situation in this place, there should be at least ten thousand people crushed by me!

And while I'm fighting, my companions, as well as those brainless ones, will all be there!

Think of the saucus!


"...(inner struggle)...

What exactly are you...What do you want to talk to me about?"(Midoriya)

Hearing Izuku's agreement, Shibamako hugged him tightly again,

"Very good~ After all, this opportunity is rare, so let’s find a place to sit down and have a good talk!


The camera zoomed up to a hundred meters above the sky and focused on Nangong Yue and the others.

Now, in front of Nangong Yue and the others, there is a spell projection screen with a radius of two meters.

To put it simply, it is to project what Nangong Yue sees with his clairvoyance. At the same time, play the audio of the deduction

"That 'Honkai', Bad Li hates him! Just like that 'renovation'!!!"

"Oh~ Isn’t that good? Harisaki Yui, at least I will be your adoptive father for two or three years~" (Nangong Yue)

"Huh~ What kind of adoptive father is that? He's just the warden! He just uses bad principles as raw materials!!!

It will only turn the bad limbs into pieces! After randomly extracting some cells, renovate them again!!! every time...every time! When I gain the weight back, I will be renovated again!!! absolute...absolute! absolute!! absolute!!! Absolutely unforgivable!!!!!!!"(Bad Li)

Ye Yintou touched Bad Li's little head to calm down her irritable mood....

"Okay~ That 'renovation' was repaired by Yue Jiang, and he was also transformed into a tool man. He deserved it!

Who allowed him to bully our little villain like this? He deserves it!!!"(Ye Yin)...

In the screen,

"Actually, I don't like many things.

This is also due to experience. I have only recently realized that when I look at everything, I can't help but be malicious, and naturally I don't like everything.

However, what makes me most unhappy now is the hero killer, even though he is just a useless person except for his thoughts.

However, at least we need to use his chess piece and his extreme ideas to attract undocumented heroes, black knights, and inspired lone wolves, so as to recruit these elites and achieve our goal of expanding the army.

Well, here comes the problem. Almost everyone's eyes were attracted to the hero killer. Even if Bosu's riot spread to the whole city and so many people died, it would still be the same.

Whether it was the attack on the hero or the big riot caused by Bosu's release of Nao Wu, our limelight was ultimately overshadowed by his influence.

Very strange, why?

No matter how fancy and inspiring he says, in the end, he is still destroying something that he doesn't like.

Let’s talk about Ingenim, the brother of the engine in your class. I checked his information. As a hero, he is qualified~

But why did he end up like that in the end?

I have analyzed it, and it was just because of the relationship between arrest and resisting arrest, and Ingenim's skills were inferior to others, so he almost died.

So, what do you think is the difference between the ninth generation OneForA11?"

The dead mane moved closer to Izuku Midoriya's ear, with a terrifying and terrifying malice......._To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novels

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