
Then, leave the next work of guiding the way to me!

Lord Nangong!"

Then, Yi Lan, who bowed before standing up, looked at Nangong Yue with enthusiasm.

Seeing Yi Lan's posture, he knew exactly what Yi Lan was looking forward to, and then turned to look at 'Feng', and 'Feng' also shrugged. Shrugging, he nodded in agreement.

Then, Nangong Yue lowered his head and looked kindly at Du Wai, who was close at hand.

"Let's sleep for a while."(Nangong Yue)

"?!!!"(Cross me)

Then, Nangong Yue hit her on the head with a 'stun spell', and immediately began to give her a 'shadow' personality.

Under the unconcerned gazes of Sheibengmudiao and others, as well as the curious gazes of Tubi and Yilan, Nangong Yue poured out a ball of black energy from his left hand, and then began to form a dark humanoid three-dimensional network.

Then, Nangong Yue placed the net into Du Wo's body, and then dense black lines appeared on Du Wo's exposed skin.

At the same time, these complex lines began to move slightly. After five minutes, all the lines stopped moving and then slowly disappeared.


Nangong Yue used his own mental power to wake up the sleepy Duwo. He saw her drowsily opening her eyes. After waking up, she raised her head again and looked at him expectantly.

Nangong Yue chuckled and shook his head, signaling to Du. I'll let go first,

"Let go first and try your newfound personality."


Du Wo released his hands holding Nangong Yue's arms, stepped back to near the door, stood still, and closed his eyes.

Then, Du Wo's body turned into a black shadow, poured into his original shadow, and then suddenly disappeared, Emerging from the shadow behind the dead wood hanging!


Perceiving something strange behind him, Shibengmu Diao subconsciously activated the 'Collapse Field'.

Several people who were familiar with the fluctuations in Shibeng Mudiao's personality also hurriedly evacuated to a safe location with the help of the black mist.

But for No matter how much Toga's body is destroyed in the shadow state, it is useless!

Because Toga is still in the state of shadow, and the invisible shadow cannot be destroyed unless Toga shapes the shadow into a weapon. Then the weapon actually touches the dead wood crane. At this time, the shadow is solid and can be shattered by the dead wood crane!

In fact, the 'shadow' ability has a drawback, that is, once it turns into itself. Even if the shadow is only partially transformed, the moment the shadow is destroyed, the body will be injured!

Moreover, the selected area is still random! However, when you are still in a normal human state and control your shadow to attack others, you will not be affected.

Therefore, the previous generation of 'Yin' turned into a shadow just to move and be immune to attacks. At that time, he would never turn into a shadow!

Because of the small-scale"collapse field", the chair that Shigan Muhang sat on and the bar next to him began to collapse and shatter.

However, I was still in the shadow state. Standing behind the dead wood hanging in the form of a black shadow, laughing!

"Hee hee hee!

In this way, no one can hit me?

Really are! The survival rate has greatly increased!!!"

Immediately afterwards,

"Oh oh oh! What a great personality!!!"

The next moment, Duwo's body suddenly emerged from the shadow beside Nangong Yue, and then transformed into a human body again. His pink and slender arms hugged Nangong Yue's arm again.

"Yuejun! Thank you!!! Mua!!!"

Suddenly, I was so excited that I forgot about my body, kissed Nangong Yue on the face, and then looked at Nangong Yue.

At the same time, his face quickly turned red!


After kissing Nangong Yue, I was stunned for a few seconds. Suddenly I realized what I had done. When I realized what I had done, I quickly turned into a shadow and hid behind the door, revealing half of my head and looking at him shyly. Nangong Yue...

Although Duo is so crazy and seems to be very open-minded, this kid is actually quite conservative.

Nangong Yue, who accidentally read her memory, knew that that moment just now was the first time she kissed a boy!...

He waved his hand to indicate that he was so shy that his face was red, but due to the excessive use of personality, he was panting. After I found a place to sit down, Nangong Yue looked at Shigang Mudiao, who was frightened, frightened, and extremely unhappy.

"How about this 'yin' personality?

You know, the previous owner of this ability was originally sent to assassinate you~

Especially, there is also the fire’、‘Lei', these two people are elemental, but they are both types that are difficult for you to deal with.

What's more, they originally planned to form a group of four or even six people to defeat you as the boss~

So, what do you think? Our big devil~"

Shigan Muziao, who changed his chair and sat down, drank the wine in his glass in one gulp, with a gloomy face.

"cut! The moment it attacks me, the shadow must materialize! That would be nothing to worry about.

However, fire and thunder are really not easy to deal with....

I want to go faster! Just faster!!!

No matter it's the speed of movement or the speed of collapse!!!

Also, there is enough physical strength!......"

It seems that Shibeng Mudiao still understands his shortcomings and knows the direction of practice.

Nangong Yue was relieved when he was sure that Si Bingmu Diao was aware of this.

But yes, after all, he is a person favored by AllForOne, a sharp-eyed guy, and his qualifications are indeed excellent.

In the current world, in terms of qualifications, let’s not talk about those who have already formed their combat power.

Except for the bad-ass little lolita, the ones with the best qualifications are a little neurotic and unreliable.

��Therefore, Nangong Yue is particularly looking forward to the growth of this child.

And Tubi (lost his lantern?) also realized what he had missed!

However, he has no regrets because he believes that Stein and his group were just cooperating with this enemy alliance from beginning to end.

After the existing distorted system is destroyed, it is time for each to go his own way!

Even if the enemy's combined fighting power is strong enough to make him despair,...

He didn't know who the person Yishan was talking about, nor did he know how strong Nangong Yue was.

But he still made the final preparations to fight against these people.

As for Nangong Yue, it feels like the matter has come to an end, and the rest can be left to the apparent leader.

"Okay, newbie, I’ve met you too.

First of all, congratulations to Feng Linhuoshan for successfully adding one person.

‘The position of fire will be discussed later, but the personality is here anyway.

Dume, you should learn from your seniors. Feng, Lin, Shan, and Lei will teach you well.

To be honest, you are still far from the 'yin' of your predecessor!

Then, I'll leave first."

After saying that, Nangong Yue activated the 'Tian Shift' and returned to his home. Just in time, Ye Yinto and Badli had prepared dinner.......

In the morning, in the classroom of Class A, Xiongying’s first year.

The four people who failed the assessment, Kirishima, Sunato, Ashido, and Kaminari, all had despair on their faces, as if they had been abandoned by the world.

"Everyone...I look forward to having you come back and talk to us....Experience of shared accommodation trip...Wow!!!"

Ashido Sanna tried her best not to cry. She asked with a crying voice and trembling. After saying that, she couldn't hold back anymore and cried directly....

Seeing the four losers who continued to spread low pressure, Izuku Midoriya stepped forward to comfort him:

"No...Don't be too pessimistic! Maybe there will be some big reversal!"

"that...Don't say this kind of thing out loud...After saying that, there was basically no turning back...."

Sero Banta was complaining on the side, which made Ashido Sanna cry even harder....

"Once you fail the exam, you will not have the right to participate in the forest camp and will have to stay for tutoring in hell....However, the four of us failed..."

Suddenly, Kaminari Denki, who had obviously lost his mind, inserted two fingers of his right hand into Izuku Midoriya's eyes in a flash of lightning!

"If you still don’t understand what you are saying!

Then your deviation value is worse than that of a monkey!"

"Calm down! To be honest, I actually had no idea because I relied entirely on Mineta-san to get through.

I was in a comatose state from beginning to end. In short, before the scoring standards were announced,..."(Sero)

"If you really sympathize with us! Just give us something!!!"(Shangming)


Shota Aizawa pushed open the classroom door.

"When the preparation bell rings, please return to your seat obediently!"

Going to the podium and facing the students who were already in their seats, the head teacher Shota Aizawa announced,

"Good morning...

Regarding this final exam, unfortunately, some students failed.

Therefore, sleeping in the forest...Everyone joins!!!"

"What a reversal!!!"(Ashido, Kirishima, Kaminari, Sunato)

"Can we go together too? us?!!!"(Kirishima)

"Really?! (Crying tone)" (Ashido)

"Well~ everyone passed the written part of this exam.

But in terms of actual combat, Kirishima, Kaminari, Ashido, Sunato, and Sero were unqualified.

Wabuki, who had no performance during the battle, took the initiative to take the make-up exam afterwards and passed it later."


Why...Sure enough, I didn’t say it beforehand, as long as I pass the exam, I’m qualified....I thought frog blowing was unnecessary....As a result, one move was missing..."

Sero, shipwreck...

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