Hamura obviously felt a hint of threat from this unformed black and purple snake, and he would definitely not let Urashiki safely perform the spell. He was about to rush forward to attack, but several others had already followed.

Just when Hamura was about to rush towards Urashiki, another space door opened in front of him. At this time, Momoshiki used the 'Yomi Hirazan'.

Momoshiki rushed out first, a dark crystal condensed in her palm, and she was about to hit Hamura! This is obviously the 'frozen time and space' of the Otsutsuki clan!

As an Otsutsuki who was born on Earth, Hamura naturally didn't know what kind of technique it was, but his 'ignorance' did not hinder the operation of his intuition.

Although Hamura didn't know what kind of technique it was, he felt a fatal threat from this black crystal.

Originally, Hamura wanted to retreat in other directions, but from his full-angle view of the reincarnation eye, he saw that the other two teenagers who had activated the reincarnation eye had jointly blocked all his retreat directions.

With no other choice, Hamura had no choice but to take advantage of Momoshiki's technique before he could activate it. His green-glowing palm took the lead in hitting Momoshi's palm, absorbing all the chakra in the crystal and stopping it in time. Tao Shi's spellcasting.

Although Momoshiki's 'Freeze Time and Space' failed to activate, his goal has been achieved. Urashiki's energy body snake has been formed and can pounce on Hamura at any time.

Immediately, Momoshiki's right hand, which was opposite to Hamura's palm, twisted her wrist and hit Hamura's left palm with a fist!

'Um? ! ’

boom! ! ! ! !

The heaven-defying physical technique that Tao Shi mastered allowed him to use a distance of less than half a centimeter to burst out a shocking force that could shatter mountains!

Because of the sudden explosive power, Hamura flew backwards uncontrollably, but at the same time, Toneri and Kaito's joint attacks had already been launched. Two "Ginrin Reincarnation Explosions" that could destroy the city and the country were aimed at Hamura and The three of them, Momoshi and Urashi, were bombarded from the direction!

At the same time that the two Tenseigan boys completed their spell, Momoshi and Urashiki opened the space door of 'Yomi Hirazan' and retreated to a safe distance.

Moreover, in order to prevent Hamura from breaking through from the front, Ura Shiki's black-purple energy snake opened its mouth and also sprayed out a purple light cannon that penetrated the sky and the earth!

Facing attacks from all directions, Hamura was a little overwhelmed for a moment. He didn't know how to use space ninjutsu. If he wanted to forcefully break the space, he wouldn't have time to charge up, so he had to control the Taoist Jade burning with green flames behind him to transform into The ball enveloped his entire body.

Just as Hamura's defense structure was completed, a large-scale attack from three directions was already coming.

In the large number of space cracks bombarded by the hurricane and the huge energy, the dark sphere burning with green flames surrounding Hamura remained motionless at the center of the riot. Even if the space cracks accidentally affected and tore apart its defense, It was almost completed by Hamura at the next moment.

Taking advantage of Hamura being temporarily trapped in the center of the attack, the Otsutsuki foursome who occupied Hamura's four directions began to cast spells on their own.

When Urashiki observed that the tail of the energy snake was in a safe area, he opened the space door and moved there. He entered the inside of the energy snake and started charging the next luminous cannon again.

Tao Shi slapped her hands on the ground, and the energy in her body surged violently.

"Dogs feed for health, pheasants hunt, and monkeys rock."

The next moment, several giant snakes made of rock, phoenixes made of flames, and apes made of lava rushed towards Hamura's direction. The size of each sculpture was no less than that of Uchiha Madara's complete Susan!

The two reincarnation-gan boys began to gather the 'Golden Rinne Tensei Explosion' at the same time, intending to kill the trapped Hamura with one blow, completely ignoring their reincarnation-gan companions who were directly opposite them and more than ten kilometers away.

0 ·Ask for flowers·· ·······

Just as the power of the spells besieging Hamura was reduced and Hamura's Tao-Seeking Jade protective shield was unfolded, attacks from four directions that were enough to destroy a big country in a short time were launched at the same time!

Seeing this, Hamura couldn't help but reveal a wry smile,

‘Hey... what are these? Did I really sleep for too long? What's going on with these monsters and their descendants?

No... these four people seem to be controlled by others... Then the person behind the scenes... is in trouble...'

At that moment, seeing that he could no longer avoid these attacks, he felt furious and immediately decided to explode nearly all the chakra in his body, hoping to use the enemy's attacks to shatter the space together.

‘The golden wheel reincarnates and returns to heaven! ’

Just when Hamura wrapped himself with a large amount of compressed golden energy and began to spin wildly, attacks from all directions hit the defense framed by Hamura.

"Oh my God, I shouldn't have washed their souls clean in the first place... It would be better to forcibly sign a contract with their souls.

... .... 0

They were obviously asked to hold the old man back, but now they are clearly trying to kill him~"

As soon as Nangong Yue, who was next to the stamens of the sacred tree, saw this, he knew that he had to take action.

There was no way around it, those four machines actually collided head-on with the old man. If the attacks from both sides collided, the space in this world would not be able to withstand the destruction of the five of them.

The burst of light on the moon was so obvious that Kaguya beside Nangong Yue didn't even need to actually see the battle scene. He knew that something happened to the moon and immediately asked in his mind,

'What's wrong? What happened to the moon's surface? That's fighting, right?

Moreover, looking at the scale of this battle, it was obviously at Hagoromo's level. ’

Nangong Yue glanced at Kaguya wordlessly, and at the same time, for the first time, the energy as vast as the sea of ​​stars in his body began to stir.

"Hagoromo summoned Hamura's soul, which was sealed in the moon, but was blocked by the space wall of my clone.

As a result, Hamura was bounced back to the moon's surface.

Now, it's Momoshi, Urashiki, and two Tenseigan bodies fighting the old man.

But now it seems that those four people who don’t know how to adapt are obviously facing each other head-on, and they start to kill each other as soon as they get started..."

Seeing the five people's spells colliding head-on, Nangong Yue's body and the clone in the gravity space jointly cast spells under the control of the same soul, and hurriedly sealed and reinforced the space outside Tianzhizhong.

The effect was quite impressive. Several spatial cracks at the collision point had just appeared and were quickly repaired.

If it weren't for Nangong Yue's technique, Hamura would have probably taken the opportunity to break through the blockade and be summoned away by the old man Hagoromo simply based on the correction power of the world itself.

Nangong Yue knew very well that although his space blockade could withstand attacks from inside and outside the space, his blockade was like a net. Since it was a 'net', there must be 'holes'. Those extremely small things were still difficult to Resistant.

For example, although the Sage of Six Paths cannot summon Hamura's soul to him now, his spiritual power can still contact Hamura.


Chapter 415


Nangong Yue knew very well that although his space blockade could resist attacks from inside and outside the space, those extremely small things were still difficult to resist.

For example, although the Sage of Six Paths cannot summon Hamura's soul to him now, his spiritual power can still contact Hamura.

In other words, every move of both brothers of the Six Paths is now connected by the spiritual magic of Yuyi, and both sides are clear about it.

Therefore, when Hamura begins to attack the space blockade, the three people in Hagoromo inside Tianzhi Yuzhong are also exerting their strength at the same time.

But fortunately, Nangong Yue can still seal it now, and even has the energy to explain.

"Now... Hamura is operating his 'Golden Wheel Reincarnation Blast' in a similar way to Kaiten. He is fighting against two pairs of reincarnated eyes' 'Golden Wheel Reincarnation Blast' and Ura's purple light cannon. It should be the 'Tensen' Subami meteor life'.

Then, there are Momoshiki's flame jets and magma jets, which are also considered light cannons.

In short, Momoshi also tried his best. After all, he is better at physical skills.

If he didn't need to cooperate with the other three people, he alone would be enough to hold back the current Hamura. "

While speaking, Nangong Yue had reinforced the space more than ten times in succession, and even three or four times the two sides almost broke through the space blockade to let Hamura in or let the three people out.

Nangong Yue felt that he could not let the three people continue, so he immediately ordered the four people to stop, otherwise, the moon might be gone!

You know, the fireworks are still inside the moon!

Besides, without the moon as a 'projection screen', there is still a question whether the 'Infinite Tsukuyomi' can be maintained normally.

Following Nangong Yue's command from the air, Momoshiki and Ushiki first stopped the energy infusion, immediately opened the space door behind themselves, and quickly retreated in.

Immediately afterwards, the two opened a space door behind a pair of reincarnation eyes, and pulled the person who suddenly stopped casting the spell in.

With the withdrawal of the four people from Otsutsuki, the moon, which was shaking violently, finally gradually returned to peace.

You know, if it weren't for Nangong Yue's communication just now, the six people in the Xiao organization would have been almost destroyed by Hua Huo.

As for the magnificent Moon Palace...just wait for Nangong Yue to overhaul it himself.

Inside the Moon...

"Um... Miss, the leader has already replied. Now that Yue Yue is fine, please don't embarrass us.

Moreover, ‘not allowing Hanabi to go to the moon’ was also Nangong’s order. Um. "

Fifty meters across from Hanabi, Deidara, who had temporarily stopped holding his hand, turned the left half of his body into pale clay and connected with the huge clay dragon beside him.

At the same time, the clay dragon instantly turned into fluid and quickly poured into Deidara's body. Within a few breaths, it disappeared.

"Uh... I'm fine with everyone...

snort! It's amazing how you can fly! Wait until I can practice those moon steps, see if I..."

"Hidan shut up!!!"

At the same time, a huge black dragon in the sky, missing a leg and a claw, also exploded into a large number of dark blood vessels as the fireworks stopped fighting, and at the same time, Hidan, who started to chatter, was shot into the water.

While falling, a large number of blood vessels poured into the black dragon's chest. When the horns were revealed, they just landed on the water.

"Huh... It's really not a job for humans, and we lost two sets of hearts...

no! Must add money! "

At this time, Hanabi sensed the amplitude of the moon, and after confirming that there was no problem, she put away the green flames burning all over her body, and the six energy balls floating behind her also changed from green to black.

Although she exited the battle mode, she was still floating in the air, looking up at the battlefield on the moon, without saying a word.

'Hanabi...so strong...' (Hinata)

‘Huh… Sure enough, getting on the line with that adult was the right choice.

In this way, the Hyuga clan will have no worries in the future.

But...the price is too high...'

Not far behind Hanabi, Hinata and Hinata Hinata looked at the sister (daughter) floating in the air, like a goddess, with very complicated emotions.

On the one hand, the two of them are happy for Hanabi's growth. On the other hand, they also know that once Nangong Yue's goal is achieved, the outcome of the other ninjas...

Although because of Nangong Yue, after the establishment of the new world order, the Hyuga clan must be the top group, they cannot be happy no matter what, especially Hinata...

After all, the boy who occupies Hinata's heart is Nangong Yue's enemy. Once Nangong Yue wins, she can't judge Naruto's ending at all.

As for the remaining two people, seeing Hanabi exiting that terrifying mode, Kisame and Scorpion breathed a sigh of relief and each exited their own fighting mode.

Kisame first separated Samehada and carried it behind his back, then cut off the chakra supply to the lake at his feet, and the water level dropped rapidly until it returned to normal ground.

The Red Sand Scorpion, on the other hand, presented himself as his true self. After putting away the remaining hundreds of puppets, he put on Akatsuki's uniform again.

There was no way, his Fei Liuhu was scrapped at the beginning.

But it doesn't matter, in his current view, Fei Liuhu has fallen behind.

He has already prepared to make another Fei Liuhu and seal it in a scroll for collection, or give it to some junior puppet masters for use. Anyway, he himself is too lazy to use this embarrassing thing again.

As for Satoru, he was flying in the air in human form at this time, his eyes were lifeless, looking at the 'sky' with a lifeless expression.

Looking at the completely destroyed palace below, he knew very well that he and others were probably going to be taken care of by Nangong Yue.

I have to say that because of this guy's repeated attempts to commit suicide, Nangong Yue still cast a huge shadow in his heart.


On the moon, Hamura, who was somewhat out of breath, withdrew the golden energy surrounding himself and turned it into nine Tao-seeking jade floating around him again.

Suddenly, in his sight of the reincarnation, a space door opened in both directions to his left and right, about a hundred meters away from him.

Immediately afterwards, two people sprang out. One of them stood there, while the other rushed towards the distance.

In less than a breath, Hamura was once again surrounded by four people from Otsutsuki from four directions.

Hamura waited for half a minute, but the people surrounding him did not move at all. This was obviously stalling for time. He immediately used Hagoromo's technique to contact the other side and ask them to stop first.

'elder brother...'

'What's wrong? How's the situation over there? ’ (Hagoromo)

‘The other party stopped attacking. It was obviously ordered by the person behind the scenes who controlled them. This was obviously stalling for time. ’

'Speaking', Hamura lowered his head and looked at the surface of the moon that was already rendered with red light under his feet, and continued to reply,

'Now, mother has activated the 'Infinite Tsukuyomi' and is extracting everyone's chakra. Maybe she is condensing energy to break through the seal. ’

‘You guessed wrong, Hamura.

As far as I know, the purpose of mother's recovery of chakra is not to condense energy and break the seal from the outside, but to condense another chakra fruit.

There is someone else who really wants to break the mother's seal. Let me explain it first, lest you are not prepared when the time comes. ’ (Hagoromo)

'what happened?

Besides mother, do we have any other powerful enemies? ’

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