After confirming with his snake sense that the chakras of these people were no longer restless, Orochimaru continued,

"Also, as far as I know, the Great Toad Immortal in Miaomu Mountain, one of the three holy places, can see the future through dreams.

Therefore, the ability to "foresee the future" does exist.

However, there are two different situations in ‘foreseeing the future’.

First of all, what all of us can do is to use the large amount of information available and use our own calculations to deduce the most likely future.

If it is this kind of ability, although it is still very difficult, it is not without flaws, because it is impossible for him to collect 'all the information' in the absolute sense. As a result, the 'future' that is speculated must have errors.

But if you really and truly see the ‘future’ with your own eyes, then it is truly unsolvable.

Because, if he doesn’t remind us verbally after seeing the future, we will definitely act according to the ‘future’ he sees.

In this case, we will never be able to gain the upper hand.

Facing this kind of existence, if we want to defeat him, our only way out is to release the kind of attack that "even if he foresees it, he will never be able to dodge".

And that's not all, our attack must also be able to break his defense, but..."

"But you can't see that time~still!"

Suddenly, Nangong Yue dodged directly behind Orochimaru, and at the same time, an invisible wave of energy swept across the audience at a very fast speed!

As soon as Nangong Yue finished speaking, all the ninjas present, whether they were standing firmly on the ground or those who jumped up immediately when they saw Nangong Yue's whereabouts, were all fixed in place!

After doing all this, Nangong Yue looked around. There were almost seven thousand ninjas present, and they looked like all living beings. This scene was very strange.

They had different expressions and different movements. There were many ninjas around him who were just frozen in the air, but all of them were staring at him with ferocious expressions, either making seals or brandishing swords. , or take out the ninja tool.

If ordinary people look here from a distance, they would think that time has stopped here unless they can see the floating clouds in the sky.

Nangong Yue glanced at the clouds floating in the sky, and once again revealed the blood moon in the center of the sky. After confirming that the moonlight and moon were in good condition, Nangong Yue looked at Orochimaru beside him, with his back to him, and read out He felt surprised in his heart.

"No need to be surprised, this is not a time spell, but pure 'stillness'.

You should thank me. If I hadn't just performed the macroscopic, most basic stillness, your body would have died.

You may not know that if even the microscopic particles are all stationary, it means that you have "completely lost heat" and the temperature has dropped directly to "absolute zero". To put it bluntly, it is about minus 273.15 degrees Celsius.

In other words, you will be completely frozen.

In that case, your survival depends entirely on me~

Because once I unlock the spell, your bodies will snap like fragile ice sculptures..."

Saying that, Nangong Yue slowly walked to the front of Orochimaru, looked at his pair of snake eyes, and couldn't help but sigh,

“You are worthy of being my kind, and I have heard all your deductions.

Simple, clear, logical, and easy to understand.

It seems that you are very suitable to be a teacher~ No wonder that Indra brat can grow up so fast, you are better than Jiraiya~

At the very least, you and Kabuto are qualified to be my assistants.

Hmm... Scorpion... half of it, he only cares about puppet technology. "

After saying this, I looked at the battle situation on Kaguya's side. Naruto is still in Kaguya's first ball space, and the two have not yet met.

After confirming that he still had some time, Nangong Yue walked directly in front of several film-level actors, took out a single sofa and sat down, and habitually took out a scarlet fruit the size of a fist.

"By the way, if you want to communicate, just express it in your heart. I can hear it..."

‘Nangong, this is the Chakra fruit in your hand, so why are you staring at the sacred tree? You can gather the fruits yourself. ’

Sure enough, Orochimaru, the one with the biggest heart, completely ignored his own situation and started chatting without saying a word.

At this time, in the coalition forces, 'communication' was already a luxury. Only the ninjas of the mountain clan and a few outstanding spiritually aware ninjas could communicate briefly.

As for the new generation of Ino Shikacho, Shikamaru Ino was connected to the new generations of the same generation who were present, and they just started chatting without a word.

After all, with Shikamaru's IQ, it is not difficult to see that there is no possibility of their comeback now.

Before answering Orochimaru's question, Nangong Yue took the time to look at the Hyuga ninjas present, especially Hinata, and considered whether to simply send Hanabi's sister to the moon...

After coming back to his senses, Nangong Yue continued to look at Orochimaru.

For some reason, although Orochimaru's expression is still as 'shocked' as it was at the beginning, Nangong Yue can read a strong desire for knowledge from his eyes.

"(Hmph... I should say, he is worthy of Orochimaru...

Also, Kabuto, how many rounds of genjutsu have you played? never mind...)

As for's not that I can't do it, it's that I can't do it. "

‘? ? ? ’ (All the rest)

‘Why? ’ (Orochimaru)

“Ah… Simply put, the world itself does not allow it.

As I said, I am an outsider to this world after all. If I extract all the chakras of humans to condense the fruit, the world will judge me as a ‘plunderer’ or a ‘destroyer’.

Then, He will expel me directly according to the inherent ‘procedure’, or even directly impose judgment.

So, I can’t do this.”

‘So, you leave everything to that chakra ancestor to operate?

And your agreement, or ‘contract’, is ‘you help her break the seal, and she will give you the fruit’. ’

“That’s right, Kaguya belongs to this world. No matter how harmful she is to ‘humanity’, even if all life is wiped out at once, the world itself condones it.

I have also explored many worlds, so I know very well that in the judgment of most world wills, life is not a ‘necessity’. As long as it does not cause too much damage to the world itself, it is completely fine.”


Chapter 408


I have also explored many worlds, so I know very well that in the judgment of most world wills, life is not a ‘necessity’. As long as it does not cause too much damage to the world itself, it is completely fine.”

‘How... is this...

Then the meaning of our existence is...’ (all members)

For example, Mei Terumi and Tsunade Senju, even if there is the possibility that ‘Nangong Yue is deceiving them’, they can’t help but feel unbalanced.

‘Oh? That’s really cruel~

I didn’t expect that the truth of the ‘world’ is actually like this...

But, is it possible that all worlds are like this? It is impossible that the will of all worlds is as cold and ruthless as a machine, right? ’ (Orochimaru)

Unlike most people who heard Nangong Yue’s remarks, Orochimaru remained very calm, just like his original body, a complete ‘cold-blooded animal’.

“Of course, there are exceptions. After all, there is still a world will that has evolved into ‘intelligence’. Once the world will has ‘intelligence’ and gives birth to ‘sensitivity’, then His standard of conduct is difficult to judge.

(Well... For example, two lolis who do not want to reveal their names...)

Therefore, now I am always avoiding this kind of world.

I still know how much I am worth now.”

Speaking of this, Nangong Yue looked at the battle situation inside ‘Ame no Michu’ and found that Naruto and Sasuke had already reconciled. He decided to send Hinata away first to prevent Hanabi from going berserk.

"Well... Kaguya's combat experience is really poor..."

Speaking of this, Nangong Yue stood up directly,

"Wait a minute, I have something to do first."

Then, Nangong Yue flashed in front of Hinata, leaving several commanders with question marks on their heads.

At this time, Nangong Yue and Hinata were staring at each other, but Nangong Yue still read emotions such as "fear", "anger", and "hatred" from her thoughts.

'What does he want to do?

This man invaded Konoha that time for the Hyuga clan. Now Hanabi is gone, and my father didn't tell me the specific reason.

So, as the head of the Hyuga clan, he will never let me go...

No! Is he going to attack me? ! ! !

Sorry... Naruto... I...'

Nangong Yue was speechless about Hinata's ability to make up his mind, and immediately interrupted the child's further brainstorming.

There was no way, the scene in Hinata's mind was almost at the stage of "entering the bridal chamber"...



Nangong Yue knocked Hinata on the head with a knife, which scared the little girl, and Nangong Yue spoke up.

"Child, you can't judge a person by appearance, your mind is not as pure as your appearance~

That's right, since you were less than ten years old, you probably imagined a lot of scenes with Naruto, right? "~"

'Eh... Eh? ! ! !

He... He couldn't have... seen... what happened just now...'

Thinking of this, Hinata's face quickly became red, and tears even appeared in the corners of her eyes, making Nangong Yue even more helpless.

And now time seems to be a little tight, he is really afraid that the unreliable chakra ancestor will fall into the hands of those two reincarnations.

"Yes, it's 'mind reading'.

Shut up, I'm a principled person, I should be considered 'psychological cleanliness'.

In short, I will never allow my partner to have, or have had, other people in his heart.

Now... Simply put, you are Hanabi's biological sister, I can't let you fall into the 'Infinite Moon Reading' in the future, let alone let you be extracted by the sacred tree.

Anyway, there are so many 'people' in the world, you are not a big deal."

As he said, a portal opened beside Nangong Yue, connecting to the study room of the Moon Palace.

Nangong Yue looked inside with his head down,

"Huh... Fortunately, Hanabi is not here..."

"Hanabi!!! "(Hinata)


Suddenly, Nangong Yue felt his shoulders sink, and then his cheeks on both sides were grabbed by a pair of tender hands, and pulled hard to both sides...

"Brother Yue... who do you think is not here? Huh?!

Why don't you let your sister go quickly! ! ! "

The person currently straddling Nangong Yue's shoulders is Hinata Hanabi, wearing a snow-white kimono similar to Kaguya's. However, her eyes are no longer Byakugan, but the reincarnation eye with a blue shimmer.

"Ah (Han) Huo... You did a good job in 'Shadow Appearance'~"

"Shut up! If you want to extract chakra from other people, I don't care, but my father and sister will definitely not do it!"

Hanabi kept pulling on both sides of Nangong Yue's cheeks with a fierce (cute) look on her face. Nangong Yue's entire face was like extremely elastic rubber. Under Hanabi's repeated pulling, it kept deforming...

It can be said that the image Nangong Yue has been building has been completely destroyed... although Nangong Yue doesn't care about this.

"Oh? Don't (don't) remind me that I have forgotten that there is also my father-in-law...

However, first of all, you must take good care of other writers in the Moon Palace to prevent them from causing chaos.

Otherwise, those four big tubes (Mumu) are capable of doing things. Although they are all capable of killing, breaking arms, legs and arms is not accurate. "


Stretching Nangong Yue's cheeks to their longest length, Hanabi suddenly let go... Nangong Yue quickly rubbed his somewhat red face.

'Uh... is this still the arrogant Nangong Yue? ? ?

Also, Hanabi is... so strong now! ! !

snort! Sure enough, ever since the information about the 'Transcarnation Eye' was transmitted back to Konoha, the Hyuga clan began to look for a way out for themselves.

Now Hanabi's eyes could explain everything.

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